Hello Holidays 万豪旅游

Hello Holidays 万豪旅游 Hello Holidays offer the customers the best travel packages, price or deals when it comes to tour pa

At Hello Holidays, our conviction is to provide tour services and packages that eliminate hassles and worries so that you can truly enjoy holidays and travels that will showcase your treasured memories.

🎉 MATTA Fair Sept 2024 promotions continue until Friday 13Sept 2024! Your Next Dream Vacation Awaits! 🌏✈️The Sept MATTA ...

🎉 MATTA Fair Sept 2024 promotions continue until Friday 13Sept 2024! Your Next Dream Vacation Awaits! 🌏✈️

The Sept MATTA Fair !
From 6th to 8th September 2024 (Friday to Sunday), join us at the Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC), KL, for exclusive travel deals and exciting offers!

📅 Date: 6 – 8 September 2024
⏰ Time: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
📍 Location: MITEC, Kuala Lumpur
💜 Our Booth: Level 2, Booth No. 2P05
🔗 Website: www.helloholidays.com.my

🛍️ Why Visit Us?
✨ Exclusive Deals: Special packages for Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Europe, and European Cruises!

🚢 Year-End & Winter Retreats: Book your next autumn and winter holiday with unbeatable offers.

🎁 Limited-Time Offers: Great savings and value-added deals that you won't want to miss!

🗺️ Explore Our Amazing Packages:
• Japan: From vibrant cityscapes to serene landscapes 🗻
• China & Taiwan: A perfect blend of tradition and modernity 🏮
• Korea: Discover dynamic cities, rich culture, and beautiful autumn foliage 🍁
• Vietnam and Thailand – Savor the rich flavors of local cuisine and discover vibrant cultures 🍜
• Europe & Cruises: Experience stunning architecture, iconic landmarks, and unforgettable journeys 🚢

📍 Location: Come find us at Level 2, Booth 2P05 at MITEC!
📲 Contact Us for More Info or visit www.helloholidays.com.my to explore all the exciting travel packages we have in store.

🗓️ Don’t miss out on the best travel deals of the year! Treat yourself to a well-deserved getaway and make your dream holiday a reality.

We can’t wait to meet you at the MATTA Fair 2024! 🎊🌟


E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL. Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888

🎉 准备好迎接 2024 年 MATTA 旅游展吧!您的下一场梦幻假期正等着您!🌏✈️

📅 日期:2024 年 9 月 6 日 - 8 日
⏰ 时间:上午 10:00 - 晚上 9:00
📍 地点:吉隆坡 MITEC
💜 我们的展位:2 楼,展位号 2P05
🔗 官网:www.helloholidays.com.my

✨ 独家优惠:特别推出日本、中国、韩国、台湾、欧洲及欧洲邮轮的特价套餐!
🚢 年末 & 冬季度假:预订您的秋冬假期,享受无与伦比的优惠。
🎁 限时优惠:超值折扣及增值优惠,千万别错过!


E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL. Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888



Matta Fair 6-8Sept 2024  好康一楼康等你来🍁 日本秋天赏枫专辑 🍁亲爱的朋友们,秋意渐浓,最美的枫叶季即将到来!我们诚挚邀请您加入我们的賞枫列車,开启一段难忘的枫叶之旅。✨ 深度文化体验:沉浸在日本独特的文化氛围中...

Matta Fair 6-8Sept 2024

🍁 日本秋天赏枫专辑 🍁


✨ 深度文化体验:沉浸在日本独特的文化氛围中,不仅仅是观光,更是一场传统與现代文化的深度对话。

🍣 饕餮美食盛宴:从烤肉、传统怀石料理到拉面,享受最地道的日本美味。特别安排的美食之旅,让您的味蕾在秋日里也能尽情探索日本的美食文化。

🏞️ 壮丽自然风光:在红叶覆盖的山间小径漫步,感受大自然的鬼斧神工。东北地区的枫叶美景堪称秋天的瑰宝,摄影爱好者们千万不能错过!

🍂 枫叶绚烂之旅:置身于色彩斑斓的枫叶海洋,感受秋天的无限魅力。不论是静谧的湖畔,还是雄伟的山峦,都将为您的旅途增添一抹秋日色彩。

📅 7天 日本 北海道 秋季赏枫10月19日 出发
📅 8天 日本 东北赏枫 採萍果10月26日 出发
📅 8天 日本 大阪 / 京都 / 高山 / 合掌村 / 富士山赏枫 11月20日 & 22日 出发
📅 7天 日本 九州 温泉 赏枫11月23日 出发




E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL. Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888

🍁 Japan Autumn Maple Viewing Special Tour Packages 🍁
Dear friends, as the autumn chill sets in, the most beautiful maple season is just around the corner! We sincerely invite you to join our Maple Viewing Train and embark on an unforgettable journey through the vibrant autumn foliage.

✨ Deep Cultural Experience: Immerse yourself in Japan's unique cultural atmosphere, where it's not just sightseeing but a profound dialogue between traditional and modern culture.

🍣 Gourmet Food Feast: From grilled meat and traditional kaiseki cuisine to ramen, savor the most authentic Japanese flavors. Our specially arranged food tour will let your taste buds explore the rich culinary culture of Japan during the autumn season.

🏞️ Magnificent Natural Scenery: Stroll along mountain paths blanketed in red leaves and marvel at the natural wonders. The maple scenery in the Tohoku region is a treasure of autumn and a must-see for photography enthusiasts!

🍂 Dazzling Maple Leaf Journey: Immerse yourself in the vibrant sea of maple leaves and experience the endless charm of autumn. Whether it’s the serene lakesides or the majestic mountains, every landscape adds a touch of autumnal color to your journey.

📅 7 Days Japan Hokkaido Autumn Maple Viewing - Departure: October 19
📅 8 Days Japan Tohoku Maple Viewing & Apple Picking - Departure: October 26
📅 8 Days Japan Osaka / Kyoto / Takayama / Shirakawa-go / Mt. Fuji Maple Viewing - Departure: November 20 & 22
📅 7 Days Japan Kyushu Hot Springs & Maple Viewing - Departure: November 23

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity! Sign up now and join us on this beautiful autumn journey. Feel free to message us or call our hotline for more details.

We look forward to sharing this unforgettable autumn season with you! 🍁🌟



E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL. Malaysia
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888

🌸 探索台湾,感受宝岛的无限魅力! 🌸不论是文化、美食还是风景,台湾总能带给你惊喜与感动。✨ 文化之旅:• 台北的时尚与传统交融,从摩天大楼到历史寺庙,每一步都是文化的碰撞。• 台南古城的悠久历史,让你仿佛穿越时光,见证岁月的积淀。🌄 自然...

🌸 探索台湾,感受宝岛的无限魅力! 🌸

✨ 文化之旅:

• 台北的时尚与传统交融,从摩天大楼到历史寺庙,每一步都是文化的碰撞。
• 台南古城的悠久历史,让你仿佛穿越时光,见证岁月的积淀。

🌄 自然美景与温泉疗愈:
• 清境农场的云海日出,仿佛置身仙境,身心放松。
• 野柳地质公园的奇石景观,堪称大自然的艺术品。
• 旗津岛的美丽海岸线,享受阳光与海风的拥抱。
• 体验台湾的温泉文化,在自然天籁中放松自我。

🍢 舌尖上的台湾:
• 夜市小吃,琳琅满目,每一口都是对味蕾的冒险。
• 从蚵仔煎到珍珠奶茶,每种风味都让人流连忘返。

🤝 人情味与热情相遇:
• 台湾人真诚友善,热情好客,总是微笑面对每一位访客。无论走到哪里,你都能感受到家的温暖。

💸 轻松旅行,物超所值:
• 台湾的消费友好,不论是吃、住、行,都能享受高品质体验。给你一个舒心、无忧的假期!

✨ 台湾,等你来发现! ✨



E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL.
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888

#台湾 #探索台湾 #文化之旅 #美丽风景 #街头美食 #热情好客 #物超所值 #旅游 #万豪旅游 #不可错过

10天8晚 - 马耳他、西西里岛 和 意大利南部之旅10 Days, 8 Nights - Malta, Sicily & Southern Italy Adventure 🇲🇹 🇮🇹🌍✨ Embark on a journey throu...

10天8晚 - 马耳他、西西里岛 和 意大利南部之旅
10 Days, 8 Nights - Malta, Sicily & Southern Italy Adventure 🇲🇹 🇮🇹

🌍✨ Embark on a journey through a region rich in history, traditions, and culture dating back to ancient times!

🇲🇹 MALTA - Discover this captivating jewel of the Mediterranean!
🏰 Explore Valletta, the charming capital, and the historic "Three Cities"
🏛️ Wander through the fortified old capital, Mdina
🌊 Visit the unique Popeye Village and the stunning Blue Grotto
🚤 Uncover the highlights of Gozo Island

🇮🇹 SICILY - Experience the real, authentic Italy!
🏝️ Discover Ortygia, the historical center of Syracuse
🌺 Stroll through the picturesque town of Taormina
🚡 Take an exhilarating cable car ride on Mount Etna
🖼️ Marvel at the mosaics of Villa Romano del Casale
🏙️ Explore the vibrant capital, Palermo, and Monreale

🇮🇹 SOUTHERN ITALY - A blend of cultural masterpieces and stunning landscapes!
🏡 See the iconic Trulli houses of Alberobello
🕳️ Explore the ancient cave town of Sassi di Matera
🏖️ Soak in the beauty of Positano and the breathtaking Amalfi Coast

🏃‍♂️💨 26 OCTOBER 2024 ( Limited Seats!! )
🎉 25 JANUARY 2025 ( Chinese New Year Period )

Hello Holidays Sdn Bhd 万豪旅游 - KPL2832
E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL.
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929


10天8晚 - 马耳他、西西里岛和意大利南部之旅 🇲🇹🇮🇹
🌍✨ 踏上这段充满悠久历史、传统和文化的旅程,追溯到古代时光!

🇲🇹 马耳他 - 探索这颗迷人的地中海明珠!
🏰 探访迷人的首都瓦莱塔及历史悠久的“三姐妹城”
🏛️ 漫步于古老的首都姆迪纳
🌊 游览独特的“大力水手村”和壮丽的蓝洞
🚤 探索戈佐岛的精华景点

🇮🇹 西西里岛 - 感受真正的意大利风情!
🏝️ 发现锡拉库萨的历史中心奥提伽岛
🌺 漫步于风景如画的陶尔米纳
🚡 乘坐缆车游览埃特纳火山
🖼️ 欣赏卡萨尔别墅的马赛克艺术
🏙️ 探索充满活力的首府巴勒莫和蒙雷阿莱

🇮🇹 意大利南部 - 文化杰作与壮丽风景的融合!
🏡 观赏阿尔贝罗贝洛的标志性特鲁利圆顶屋
🕳️ 探索古老的洞穴城市马泰拉石窟区
🏖️ 沉醉于波西塔诺的美景和令人叹为观止的阿马尔菲海岸

🏃‍♂️💨 2024年10月26日(最后几席!)
🎉 2025年1月25日(农历新年假期)

#马耳他岛 #戈佐岛马耳他 #瓦莱塔 #姆迪纳马耳他 #大力水手村 #奥提伽岛 #陶尔米纳西西里岛 #埃特纳火山 #卡萨尔别墅 #巴勒莫西西里岛 #蒙雷阿莱 #阿尔贝罗贝洛特鲁利屋 #马泰拉石窟区 #阿马尔菲海岸意大利 #波西塔诺意大利

Hello Holidays Sdn Bhd 万豪旅游 - KPL2832
E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL.
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929


13 Days, 11 Nights - Balkans European Indulgence 13天11晚 - 巴尔干半岛欧洲之旅 Explore the captivating Balkans with a journey throu...

13 Days, 11 Nights - Balkans European Indulgence

13天11晚 - 巴尔干半岛欧洲之旅

Explore the captivating Balkans with a journey through its rich history, vibrant cultures, and stunning landscapes. 🌍✨

BULGARIA: Discover Sofia 🏛️ and the breathtaking Rila Monastery ⛪.

NORTH MACEDONIA: Explore Skopje 🏙️ and the picturesque Lake Ohrid 🏞️.

ALBANIA: Visit Tirana 🇦🇱 and the charming hilltop town of Krujë 🏰.

MONTENEGRO: Marvel at the beauty of Kotor 🌅 and Kotor Bay, the southernmost fjord in Europe 🌊.

CROATIA: Experience the Adriatic gems of Dubrovnik 🏰, Split 🌟, Plitvice National Park 🌲, and the vibrant capital, Zagreb 🏙️.

SLOVENIA: Enjoy Lake Bled 🏞️, the capital Ljubljana 🏛️, and the impressive Postojna Caves 🕳️.

🎯Confirmed Departure: 20 SEP 2024 - Limited Seats Available

• Next Departure: 22 NOV 2024 - Selling Fast! 🚀

Hello Holidays Sdn Bhd - KPL2832
E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL.
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929


13天11晚 - 巴尔干半岛欧洲之旅


保加利亚:发现首都索非亚 🏛️ 和令人叹为观止的瑞拉修道院 ⛪。

北马其顿:游览斯科普里 🏙️ 和风景如画的奥赫里德湖 🏞️。

阿尔巴尼亚:造访首都地拉那 🇦🇱 和迷人的克鲁耶山顶小镇 🏰。

黑山:欣赏科托尔 🌅 和科托尔湾的美景,欧洲最南端的峡湾 🌊。

克罗地亚:体验亚得里亚海的珍宝,包括杜布罗夫尼克 🏰、斯普利特 🌟、普利特维采湖国家公园 🌲 和充满活力的首都萨格勒布 🏙️。

斯洛文尼亚:享受布莱德湖 🏞️、首都卢布尔雅那 🏛️ 和令人印象深刻的博斯托伊纳溶洞 🕳️。

•🎯确认出发:2024年9月20日 - 座位有限

•✈️下个出发日:2024年11月22日 - 热卖中

Hello Holidays Sdn Bhd - KPL2832
E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL.
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929


#索非亚保加利亚 #瑞拉修道院 #斯科普里 #奥赫里德 #地拉那阿尔巴尼亚 #科托尔黑山 #杜布罗夫尼克克罗地亚 #斯普利特克罗地亚 #普利特维采国家公园 #萨格勒布 #布莱德湖 #卢布尔雅那 #博斯托伊纳

10D8N Charms of Germany𝟭𝟬天𝟴夜 魅力德国之旅Journey through Germany from the scenic beauty of Bavaria's mountains and castles in ...

10D8N Charms of Germany
𝟭𝟬天𝟴夜 魅力德国之旅

Journey through Germany from the scenic beauty of Bavaria's mountains and castles in the south to the historic Hanseatic cities of the north. Immerse yourself in a diverse blend of regional cultures, exploring medieval, Baroque, and classical architecture along the way.

✨ Highlights Include:
• Iconic Cities: Discover vibrant Berlin, Munich's Bavarian gateway, the Baroque charm of Dresden, and the captivating harbor of Hamburg.

• Charming Medieval Towns: Experience the alpine allure of Berchtesgaden, the unique "Luftmalerei" of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the romantic beauty of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, and the irresistible charm of Bamberg.

• Majestic Castles & Palaces: Visit the fairytale Neuschwanstein Castle, the stunning Würzburg Residence, and the grand Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam.

• Breathtaking Landscapes: Marvel at the Bavarian Alps, the stunning Lake Königssee, and the natural beauty of Saxon Switzerland National Park.

🍻 Culinary Delights: Savor world-renowned German beers, sausages, pork dishes, and indulge in the unique Franconian wine.

Don’t miss out on this incredible journey through Germany, a land of rich heritage and stunning landscapes!

🚨 Confirmed Departure: November 4, 2024 (Seats are filling up fast!)
Act fast and secure your spot now!


Hello Holidays Sdn Bhd 万豪旅游 - KPL2832
E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL.
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888


10天8夜 魅力德国之旅


✨ 行程亮点:

• 地标城市: 探索充满活力的柏林,巴伐利亚之门慕尼黑,巴洛克魅力德累斯顿,以及迷人的汉堡港口。

• 古色古香的中世纪小镇: 体验阿尔卑斯山区的贝希特斯加登,加米施-帕滕基兴的“空气画”,浪漫之路上的罗滕堡,以及难以抵挡的班贝格。

• 宏伟的城堡和宫殿: 参观童话般的新天鹅堡,华丽的维尔茨堡官邸,和波茨坦的无忧宫。

• 风景如画的景观: 欣赏巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山,迷人的国王湖,以及萨克森小瑞士国家公园的自然美景。

🍻 美食体验: 尽享德国著名的啤酒、香肠、猪肉美食,并品尝独特的法兰克葡萄酒。


🚨 确定出发日期: 2024年11月4日(名额有限,速速报名!)

联系我们: https://wa.me/60192832929

Hello Holidays Sdn Bhd 万豪旅游 - KPL2832
E09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur. WPKL.
Tel: +60 3 6201-6888


吉隆坡MITM KL 2024 国际旅游展,今天是最后一天了,还没有搶到好糠的,赶快行动哦!Www.HelloHolidays.com.my

吉隆坡MITM KL 2024 国际旅游展,今天是最后一天了,还没有搶到好糠的,赶快行动哦!


“吉隆坡MITM 2024 国际旅游”來了!地点:Midvalley 展览馆 A001-A004日期:2-4Aug 2024時间:(10.00pm - 9.00pm)欢迎大家莅临“万豪旅游”展台,坐一坐、聊一聊今年的旅游计划,保证您收获满满...

“吉隆坡MITM 2024 国际旅游”來了!
地点:Midvalley 展览馆 A001-A004
日期:2-4Aug 2024
時间:(10.00pm - 9.00pm)


📞 联系我们: https://wa.me/60192832929

📱 电话: 03-6201-6888


🌍✨ Explore Paris & Europe After the 2024 Olympics! ✨🌍Get ready for an unforgettable adventure! Experience the magic of P...

🌍✨ Explore Paris & Europe After the 2024 Olympics! ✨🌍

Get ready for an unforgettable adventure! Experience the magic of Paris and the charm of Europe right after the excitement of the 2024 Olympics. 🥇🎉

Why Visit Europe After the 2024 Olympics?

🌟 Lower Crowds: Avoid the Olympic rush and enjoy popular attractions with fewer tourists and shorter queues.

💸 Better Deals: Take advantage of post-event discounts on accommodations, flights, and attractions.

🌿 Relaxed Atmosphere: Experience a more relaxed and authentic vibe as the cities return to their normal pace after the Olympic excitement.

📸 Perfect Photo Ops: Capture stunning photos without the interference of large crowds, making your memories even more special.

Why Choose Our Post-Olympics Paris & Europe Tour Package?

✨ Iconic Landmarks: Visit the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and other world-renowned sites in Paris.

✨ Gourmet Delights: Savor the finest French cuisine, from croissants and pastries to exquisite wines and cheeses.

✨ Cultural Immersion: Explore the rich history and vibrant culture of Paris and other European cities.

✨ Convenient Travel: Hassle-free travel arrangements, including flights, accommodation, and guided tours.

Exclusive Tour Highlights:
🏰 Historic Europe
🚄 European Excursions
🌸 Seasonal Beauty Enjoy the summer bloom and picturesque landscapes of Europe.

Book Your Dream Vacation During “MITM KL 2-4Aug 2024” Travel Fair !

Don't miss this amazing opportunity to explore Paris and Europe right after the 2024 Olympics.

Act fast and secure your spot now!

📞 WhatsApp:https://wa.me/60192832929

📱 Phone: 03-6201-6888


🌍✨ 探索巴黎和欧洲:2024奥运会后的完美之旅! ✨🌍



🌟 避开拥挤: 热门景点人潮减少,享受少游客和更短排队时间。

💸 更好的优惠: 赛事后的折扣,让你享受住宿、机票和景点的优惠价格。

🌿 轻松的氛围: 在奥运会的兴奋过后,体验更加放松和真实的城市氛围。

📸 完美的拍照机会: 捕捉精彩照片,不会被大量游客干扰。

✨ 标志性景点 ✨美食之旅 ✨文化体验 ✨便捷旅行: 包括航班、住宿和导游服务。



快行动,就在MITM KL 2-4Aug 2024 旅展期间,立即预订!

📞 联系我们: https://wa.me/60192832929
📱 电话: 03-6201-6888


📍您知道为什么那么多人喜欢到台湾去旅游吗?📍探索台湾:一次满足你所有旅行渴望的绝佳之旅!✨丰富的文化: 从台北的现代摩天大楼到台南的历史古迹,台湾的文化多样性和深度会让你流连忘返。🌄溫泉美景及海岸线:在清境农场追逐雲海日出, 感受清新空气和...



✨丰富的文化: 从台北的现代摩天大楼到台南的历史古迹,台湾的文化多样性和深度会让你流连忘返。

🌄溫泉美景及海岸线:在清境农场追逐雲海日出, 感受清新空气和辽阔的草原;在野柳地质公园探索奇特的岩石地貌,在旗津岛的海岸公园享受海风拂面的惬意时光。沉浸在天籟中享受溫泉放鬆身心 , 在離島馬祖踏浪, 欣賞藍眼淚 …


🤝台湾人的热情和人情味:台湾最美的風景是[人] , 台湾人热情好客,让你有宾至如归的感觉。无论是询问方向还是了解当地风俗,他们都会热心帮助, 處處充滿人情味。

💸物超所值:无论是住宿、交通还是美食,台湾的消费水平让你物超所值 , 轻松享受美好的旅行体验。


TEL: 03-6201 6888

#台湾 #探索台湾 #文化之旅 #美丽风景 #街头美食 #热情好客 #物超所值 #旅游 #万豪旅游 #不可错过的美景

📍 Do you know why so many people love traveling to Taiwan?

📍Explore Taiwan: The Perfect Destination to Fulfill All Your Travel Desires!

✨Rich Culture: From the modern skyscrapers of Taipei to the historical sites of Tainan, Taiwan's cultural diversity and depth will captivate you.

🌄Hot Springs, Scenic Views, and Coastlines: Chase the sea of clouds at sunrise at Cingjing Farm, enjoy the fresh air and vast grasslands; explore the unique rock formations at Yehliu Geopark, and relish the gentle sea breeze at Cijin Island's coastal park. Immerse yourself in nature with relaxing hot springs, walk the shores of Matsu, and marvel at the mesmerizing blue tears…

🍢Street Food and Local Delicacies: From oyster omelets, stinky tofu, and beef noodles to bubble tea in night markets, every delicacy will awaken your taste buds
🤝Warm and Friendly People: The most beautiful scenery in Taiwan is its people. The Taiwanese are warm and hospitable, making you feel at home. Whether asking for directions or learning about local customs, they are always eager to help, filling every corner with friendliness.

💸Great Value: Whether it's accommodation, transportation, or food, Taiwan offers excellent value for money, allowing you to enjoy a wonderful travel experience effortlessly.

And The most beautiful scenery is the local culture and people.🌸

Contact our hotline now to customize your exclusive Taiwan travel package!

TEL: 03-6201 6888


🌟 九天丝绸之路奇幻之旅,探索古老文明的奥秘!🌟🗓 出发时间:9月4日✈️ 搭乘:中国南方航空📍 行程亮点:1. 黄河石林 - 雄伟壮丽的自然奇观,感受大自然的鬼斧神工。2. 彩虹山 - 仿佛置身梦幻世界的多彩山脉,美得令人窒息。3. 鸣沙...

🌟 九天丝绸之路奇幻之旅,探索古老文明的奥秘!🌟
🗓 出发时间:9月4日
✈️ 搭乘:中国南方航空
📍 行程亮点:
1. 黄河石林 - 雄伟壮丽的自然奇观,感受大自然的鬼斧神工。
2. 彩虹山 - 仿佛置身梦幻世界的多彩山脉,美得令人窒息。
3. 鸣沙山 - 声如雷鸣的沙丘,骑骆驼漫步沙海,仿佛穿越时空。
4. 莫高窟 - 欣赏千年敦煌壁画和影片,感受佛教艺术的辉煌。
5. 火焰山 - 古丝绸之路上的神秘地标,历史与自然的完美结合。
6. 天山天池 - 高山湖泊的绝美风光,宁静与壮丽兼备。

🎉 行程特色:
• 乘坐羊皮筏子:体验传统黄河漂流,感受大河之美。
• 骑骆驼:沙漠中悠闲骑行,仿佛成为丝路上的古代商旅。
• 骑毛驴:穿越乡间小道,享受宁静时光。
• 莫高窟影片欣赏:全方位了解敦煌的千年历史与文化。
• 全程入住当地五星酒店:舒适与豪华的完美结合,尊享极致服务。
• 欢送晚宴及表演:在最后一晚与新朋友欢聚一堂,共享美食与精彩表演,为旅程画上完美句号。

💬 心动了吗?快来加入我们,一起踏上这段难忘的丝绸之路吧!

🌟 Nine-Day Enchanting Silk Road Journey: Unveil the Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations! 🌟

🗓 Departure Date: 4th September 2024
✈️ Airline: China Southern Airlines

📍 Trip Highlights:

Yellow River Stone Forest - A majestic natural wonder, showcasing nature's craftsmanship.

Rainbow Mountains - A breathtakingly beautiful, colorful mountain range that feels like a dreamscape.

Mingsha Mountain - Thunderous sand dunes where you can ride camels through the desert, feeling as if you’ve traveled through time.

Mogao Caves - Marvel at the thousand-year-old Dunhuang murals and films, experiencing the splendor of Buddhist art.
Flaming Mountains - A mysterious landmark of the ancient Silk Road, perfectly blending history and nature.
Heavenly Lake of Tianshan - A stunning high mountain lake, combining tranquility and grandeur.

🎉 Special Features:
• Sheepskin Raft Ride: Experience traditional Yellow River rafting and appreciate the beauty of the great river.
• Camel Riding: Leisurely ride through the desert, feeling like an ancient merchant on the Silk Road.
• Donkey Riding: Traverse country paths, enjoying peaceful moments.
• Mogao Caves Film Viewing: Gain a comprehensive understanding of Dunhuang’s thousand-year history and culture.
• Stay at Local Five-Star Hotels: The perfect blend of comfort and luxury, enjoying the ultimate service.
• Farewell Dinner and Show: On the final evening, gather with new friends to share a delightful meal and spectacular performances, ending the journey on a perfect note.

💬 Hurry Up! Join us and embark on this unforgettable Silk Road adventure!

🔍 Ready to Embark on Your Mystery Silk Road Adventure? Book Now: https://helloholidays.com.my/china-group-tour/

For more information, reach out to us:
📱 WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929
📱 WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929
📱 WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929
📞 Phone: 03-6201-6888

Don't let this opportunity slip away! Embrace China's magic with Hello Holidays.

🍁🍁 探索日本东北的枫叶之美 🍁🍁亲爱的朋友们,秋天的脚步已经悄悄临近,最美的枫叶季即将到来!我们公司的特别旅行团将在10月26号出发,带您飞往日本东北,搭乘舒适的Japan Airline,开启一段难忘的枫叶之旅。✨ 文化体验:沉浸在日本...

🍁🍁 探索日本东北的枫叶之美 🍁🍁
亲爱的朋友们,秋天的脚步已经悄悄临近,最美的枫叶季即将到来!我们公司的特别旅行团将在10月26号出发,带您飞往日本东北,搭乘舒适的Japan Airline,开启一段难忘的枫叶之旅。
✨ 文化体验:沉浸在日本独特的文化氛围中,让您的旅行不仅仅是观光,更是一次深度的文化之旅。
🍣 美味的食物:享受正宗的日本料理,从烤肉,传统怀石料理到拉面,每一口都充满了日本的味道。特别安排的美食之旅,让您的味蕾在秋日的季节里也能尽情享受。
🏞️ 美丽的风景:漫步在红叶覆盖的山间小路,欣赏大自然的鬼斧神工。东北地区的枫叶美景堪称日本秋天的一大亮点,摄影爱好者们更是不能错过!
🍂 枫叶之旅:置身于红黄相间的枫叶海洋,感受秋天的魅力。无论是静谧的湖边,还是壮丽的山峦,都将为您的旅途增添一抹色彩。
📅 出发日期:10月26号
✈️ 航空公司:Japan Airline
🍁🍁 Discover the Beauty of Autumn Leaves in Tohoku, Japan 🍁🍁
Dear friends, the footsteps of autumn are quietly approaching, and the most beautiful season for autumn leaves is about to begin! Hello Holidays special group tour will depart on October 26th, taking you to Tohoku, Japan, aboard the comfortable Japan Airlines, to embark on an unforgettable autumn leaves journey.
✨ Cultural Experience: Immerse yourself in the unique cultural atmosphere of Japan. This trip is not just about sightseeing but also a deep cultural journey.
🍣 Delicious Food: Enjoy authentic Japanese cuisine, from yakiniku and traditional kaiseki to ramen, each bite full of Japanese flavor. Our specially arranged gourmet tour will allow your taste buds to fully indulge in the delights of autumn.
🏞️ Beautiful Scenery: Stroll along mountain paths covered in red leaves and marvel at the wonders of nature. The autumn foliage in the Tohoku region is one of Japan's highlights during this season, especially for photography enthusiasts.
🍂 Autumn Leaves Tour: Be surrounded by a sea of red and yellow leaves, and feel the charm of autumn. Whether it's the serene lakeside or the magnificent mountains, these sceneries will add vibrant colors to your journey.
📅 Departure Date: 26th October 2024
✈️ Airline: Japan Airlines
Don't miss this fantastic opportunity! Sign up now to join us on this unforgettable journey. Feel free to message us or contact our Hotline for more details.
We look forward to sharing this beautiful autumn time with you! 🍁🌟

🔍 Ready to Embark on Your Tohoku Adventure? Book Now: https://helloholidays.com.my/japan-group-tour/
For more information, reach out to us:
📱 WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929
📱 WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929
📱 WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929
📞 Phone: 03-6201-6888
Don't let this opportunity slip away! Embrace Tohoku's magic with Hello Holidays.

发现2024年日本和中国的独特魅力!🌏✈️不要错过前往这些令人惊叹的目的地,独家旅游配套就在这里。🎉今年,日本和中国引领潮流,提供:✨ 免签证✨ 优惠汇率✨ 美味佳肴✨ 独特而壮丽的景色这些优惠非常抢手哦!马上行动吧!现在就预订您的梦想假期...



✨ 免签证
✨ 优惠汇率
✨ 美味佳肴
✨ 独特而壮丽的景色



✨ 立即预订您的冒险之旅:https://wa.me/60192832929
✨ 立即预订您的冒险之旅:https://wa.me/60192832929
✨ 立即预订您的冒险之旅:https://wa.me/60192832929

#2024假期 #日本旅行 #中国之旅 #旅行优惠 #冒险等待 #日本之旅

Discover the Unique Charm of Japan and China in 2024! 🌏✈️

Don't miss out on our exclusive tour packages to these breathtaking destinations. 🎉

This year, Japan and China are topping the charts with:
✨ Free Visas
✨ Favorable Exchange Rates
✨ Delectable Cuisine
✨ Unique and Stunning Landscapes

Why wait? These travel deals are in high demand!

Book your dream vacation now and see why Japan and China are the must-visit destinations of 2024.

✨ Secure Your Adventure Today: https://wa.me/60192832929
✨ Secure Your Adventure Today: https://wa.me/60192832929
✨ Secure Your Adventure Today: https://wa.me/60192832929

Taiwan … Wave of Wonder 台湾奇迹浪潮开始了

Taiwan … Wave of Wonder

交通部觀光署於113年5月6日正式啟動台灣觀光品牌3.0版「TAIWAN–Waves of Wonder」(台灣魅力‧驚喜無限),以驚喜一波又一波的WAVE線條,勾勒出台灣四季旅遊亮點,配合新品牌的創新設計,同時發表新品牌動畫短片。台灣觀光品牌3.0....

🌟 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐤𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐨'𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝: 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐞! 🌬️Embark on a journey like no other with Hello Holidays a...

🌟 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐤𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐨'𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝: 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐞! 🌬️

Embark on a journey like no other with Hello Holidays as we whisk you away to Japan's northern jewel, Hokkaido! Picture this: rolling fields of lavender, majestic volcanic wonders, and a gastronomic feast fit for royalty await you.

🌸 Blossom Amidst Lavender Fields: Lose yourself in the sea of purple at Himawari no Sato during the enchanting Furano Flower Festival. Let the gentle breeze of Hokkaido weave through your senses as you wander through fields bursting with vibrant blooms.

🌋 Witness Nature's Fury: Brace yourself for a rendezvous with Shōwa-shinzan, where you'll witness the raw power of volcanic might. Marvel at the surreal landscapes sculpted by nature's handiwork, a sight that will leave you in awe.

🏞️ Explore Biei's Painterly Landscapes: Step into a canvas of perfection as you traverse the picturesque Biei Hills. Each vista is a masterpiece waiting to be discovered, a symphony of colors and contours that will leave you breathless.

🦀 Savor Hokkaido's Treasures: Indulge in a culinary journey like no other with our sumptuous 3 Type Crab Meal. From succulent snow crab to delectable king crab, every bite is a symphony of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds.

🍻 Unlimited Beer and Sake: Quench your thirst and elevate your experience with our All You Can Drink offer. Raise a glass to unforgettable moments and newfound friendships as you toast to the beauty of Hokkaido.

📅 Departure Dates: 07 JUL, 26 AUG 2024

🔍 Ready to Embark on Your Hokkaido Adventure? Book Now: https://helloholidays.com.my/japan-group-tour/

For more information, reach out to us:
📱 WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929
📱 WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929
📱 WhatsApp: https://wa.me/60192832929

📞 Phone: 03-6201-6888

Don't let this opportunity slip away! Embrace Hokkaido's magic with Hello Holidays.

🌍✈️ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒! ✈️🌍Dreaming of an unforgettable European adventure? Now's the time to make...

🌍✈️ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒! ✈️🌍

Dreaming of an unforgettable European adventure? Now's the time to make it a reality! Experience the magic of Europe from the following dates:

𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒:
Swiss: May 23, Sept 12, Oct 10, Oct 17, Nov 16, Dec 20
Italy: Sept 12, Nov 07
Spain: Oct 24, Nov 6, Dec 18
Balkan Europe: Sept 20, Nov 8, Dec 17
Eastern Europe: Dec 9
France: Oct 9, Nov 13
Germany: Oct 23, Nov 6

🍂 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 & 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬: Wander through picturesque streets adorned with vibrant autumn leaves. Immerse yourself in local traditions at harvest festivals and cultural celebrations.

🏰 𝐈𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬: Discover world-famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Colosseum, and Big Ben. Capture breathtaking moments and create memories to last a lifetime.

🍷 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬: Indulge in the diverse flavors of European cuisine, from mouthwatering pastries in Paris to authentic pasta in Rome. Savor every bite and treat your taste buds to a culinary journey.

🛍️ 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 & 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐫𝐬: Shop for unique gifts and souvenirs in charming boutiques and bustling markets. Find the perfect memento to cherish your European adventure forever.

🎉 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐬: Take advantage of exclusive deals and discounts on flights, accommodations, and activities. Don't miss out on the opportunity to save on your dream getaway!

📅 𝐋𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫: Book your trip to Europe with us and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. Hurry, spaces are filling up fast!

📸 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞: Join the conversation and share your European adventures with us using . Connect with fellow travelers and inspire others to embark on their own journey.

Don't let this opportunity slip away! Start planning your European adventure today.

👉 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩 us for more details and book your trip now!

Whatsapp us on: https://wa.me/019-283 2929
Whatsapp us on: https://wa.me/019-283 2929
Whatsapp us on: https://wa.me/019-283 2929

-283 2929019-283 2929019-283 2929

各位亲爱的朋友,你知道吗,日本和中国正在期待您的光临!🌏✈️ 赶快联系我们 以便安排2024 年,前往这些令人难以置信的目的地的“独家旅游套餐” 🎉今年,日本和中国…以免费签证、优惠汇率、美味佳肴和令人叹为观止的风景名列前茅。🍣🏯 不要错过...

🌏✈️ 赶快联系我们 以便安排2024 年,前往这些令人难以置信的目的地的“独家旅游套餐” 🎉

今年,日本和中国…以免费签证、优惠汇率、美味佳肴和令人叹为观止的风景名列前茅。🍣🏯 不要错过这些抢手的旅行优惠!

赶紧与我们联系,了解为什么日本和中国是 2024 年必去的目的地。

Japan and China are calling! 🌏✈️ Enjoy our exclusive tour packages to these incredible destinations for 2024. 🎉

This year, Japan and China top the charts with free visas, favorable exchange rates, delectable cuisine, and breathtaking landscapes. 🍣🏯 Don't miss out on these sought-after travel deals!

Get in touch with us and discover why Japan and China are the must-visit destinations of 2024.

✨ Book your dream vacation today: https://wa.me/60192832929
✨ Book your dream vacation today: https://wa.me/60192832929
✨ Book your dream vacation today: https://wa.me/60192832929


E-09-07, Plaza Mont Kiara, 2, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara
Kuala Lumpur

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 18:30
Thursday 09:30 - 18:30
Friday 09:30 - 18:30




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