ROOM 203

ROOM 203 ROOM 203
@ Publika (A3-G2-08) Weekdays 7am-6pm, Weekends / holidays 9am-6pm
@ Plaza Osk (Next to RH That's the thing about moments like these.

A moment of impact,
whose potential for change,
has ripple effects far beyond what we can predict,
sending some particles crashing together,
making them closer than before,
sending others spinning off into great ventures,
landing where you never though you'd find them. You can't,
no matter how hard you try,
control how they're gonna affect you. You just gotta let the colliding particles,
land where they may,
and wait until the next collision.

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Nine  # 21 May 2023Privileges and Power [over] Responsibilities and Relationship“If we quiet...

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Nine # 21 May 2023

Privileges and Power [over] Responsibilities and Relationship

“If we quiet down and do think it through, that could be the most conspicuous shift from previous era to current political parameter setting, of course it’s nothing wrong about it, but we do have to realise that it’s never enough and it’s never just about that, if we are ever fortunate enough to build brands or companies to interact with influences, it could be our chip for preserving all these [old schooled] elements to be carried on throughout the evolution of thought process and metamorphoses of interactions for sure, we are okay, just think about the next generation, they will be 30 year-old in ten years, they will be 40 year-old in 10 years, they will be the dominated representative social hierarchy structure by that time to define anything at all, just observe the chances of people who don’t even say [thanks] over anything anymore, be kind for altruism but not just nice for decency…”

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Eight  # 7 May 2023Customer: Actually what’s your secret to remain the price as it is for so...

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Eight # 7 May 2023

Customer: Actually what’s your secret to remain the price as it is for so many years despite the rising of cost due to inflation and market changes???

Me: I’m sorry, this is gonna be a very long conversation for all contextual relevances to be answered, but the short of it is pretty simple, just doing the right thing by doing the thing right, by not driving a Porsche until you’ve earned that Porsche through doing the right thing…

Customer: Oooooo

*The customer is driving a Porsche [f**k]

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Seven  # 1 May 2023Customer: Happy Labour Day, didn’t think that you are going to be here to...

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Seven # 1 May 2023

Customer: Happy Labour Day, didn’t think that you are going to be here today, thought you are going to take off, is this your own place???

Me: Happy Labour Day, yeah…kind of…

Customer: No wonder…

Me: Don’t, don’t go there… It’s a very wrong perception to put that into any context of drive by assuming, for sure rewards and incentives come along as byproducts of doing so, but that’s was definitely not the main reason to be anywhere, you know what I mean, I just rather to be here than anywhere else, and it’s purely a selfish thought, I want to learn, I want to experience, and I’m just a very slow learner, hence I need more time than usual people, I need more efforts than usual people, even if I’m not working for my own set up, I would still do the same for other companies just to learn, I would rather be there to be part of the learning curve than enjoying life yet, but that’s just me, just don’t stigmatise efforts to be financially incentivised or glorified hardworking as a better choice in life than enjoying life and having pleasures, there are all the same thing, that’s how I see it, some people can’t wait to get Friday and weekends to have fun and hang out with people who they care and love, some people have jobs just to save money and travel around the world, some people just want to be rich and buy stuffs for no reasons regardless what it’s going to take, and it’s all fine, the way I see it, it’s all the same, it’s the [passion] that mattered, it’s the [work ethic] for you to get to that passion and stay within mattered, I’m sorry, I just don’t want to be part of the preaches if I don’t endorse or agree within that idea, I don’t want people to get the wrong idea, everything is a process, what we see everyday is the process, at least that’s I thought so, and I just want to be in the game for the rest of my life in a creative way to approach my curiosity…

Customer: Thanks for being here, and I really mean that, I am truly appreciate what you are doing…

Me: Thanks for coming for real, there’s no other way to appreciate the fact that I get to do what I love by simply keep doing it, really, thanks for coming

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Six  # 29 April 2023COFFEE // CAFECustomer: “I really liked your place, my sister is coming ...

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Six # 29 April 2023


Customer: “I really liked your place, my sister is coming back from Melbourne, I must bring her here…”

Me: “Hmmm, I don’t think it’s a good idea, don’t get me wrong, sure I appreciate the thought, but I genuinely don’t think it’s a good idea, the thing is people love to compare foreign cities for getting compatible experiences domestically, which is not impossible, it’s just different, the reason why people feel like coffee is so much better in those cities, because it’s everywhere, because it’s part of the culture, people residential participating to be part of the cultural experience, you have to understand the difference in between [coffee] and [cafe], there’s no way you could beat an expectation towards a cup of coffee if you are making an 20 minutes or above kinda efforts to get a 5 minutes pleasure, you get what I mean, it’s already fundamentally wrong in it’s first place, I think at the back of your mind was more like introducing [cafe] experience domestically, and we are amazingly enriched with insane coffee establishments over here, for instance, there’s no reason for you guys not to experience toothless or neutral or cream by the roast thing, there’s a reason why I’ve never promoted us, cause it’s wrong, whoever came by to ask more than a cup of coffee, I would have always answered the same line, just enjoy the coffee, it wasn’t because I didn’t care or appreciate, it’s because I don’t wanna have the conversation for the wrong reason that I was building it at the first place and still doing it at this very moment of time…”

Customer: “Sh*t, I have to tell her everything…”

*Consumerism has actually spoiled huge amount of cultural cultivation in disguise of [hospitality], I have extremely deep empathy and respect for people who work in F&B, it’s not because I’m in it, it’s purely because I know how hard it is to stay within, how obnoxiously masochistic to keep going at it, if us as brand creators keep emphasising business transactional growth instead of pushing creative cultural boundaries, we are not moving to anywhere…

“Can I… Please… Thank you” is a fundamental practice to appreciate

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Five  # 27 April 2023Kid: What are you doing???Me: I am withdrawing cash...Kid: Why do you n...

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Five # 27 April 2023

Kid: What are you doing???

Me: I am withdrawing cash...

Kid: Why do you need money for???

Me: I need some cash to buy food...

Kid: Which restaurant are you going to go???

Me: I am going to food court...

*The mum was letting the kid to conduct the whole conversation with me while having me ambushed by the ATM

Me: Hey kid, it's good to be curious, you know what, let's keep it that way...

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Four  # 21 April 2-23富二代现象 // Attitude of Gratitude “我曾几何时小小时还以为这是一种【条件】, 我小时候常挂嘴边, 能够被奢侈的生命...

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Four # 21 April 2-23

富二代现象 // Attitude of Gratitude

“我曾几何时小小时还以为这是一种【条件】, 我小时候常挂嘴边, 能够被奢侈的生命就是富二代的条件, 社会早已富裕化所有人, 把话筒交到人人手里, 把金钱交到人人手里, 把贷款交到人人手里, 把所有事情都能被购买得起, 把人人都求人人买多一点便什么都愿意做的心态在买方和卖方相互换使用, 把所有机会都交易化, 把所有扶一把的手都理所当然, 这是一个没有【谢谢】的经济时代, 富二代早已成为一种基本现象, 每个人都像皇室一般存在着给别人指令, 选择便像目录表一样洒满地… 我来自于连一个【机会】都需要乞求的概念, 所以我明白没有感恩之心, 一个人是永远不会感觉满足的…“

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Three  # 20 April 2023Don’t keep your dream for the wrong conversations // “I don’t wanna bu...

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Three # 20 April 2023

Don’t keep your dream for the wrong conversations //

“I don’t wanna build a brand for people to feel better about themselves, I hope to build a brand that fundamentally inspires social economy changes.”

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Two  # 19 April 2023稍纵即逝的梦想 //“总会有人在你歇息的停顿间, 不经意被你的存在启发…”

Day Eight Hundred and Forty Two # 19 April 2023

稍纵即逝的梦想 //

“总会有人在你歇息的停顿间, 不经意被你的存在启发…”

Day Eight Hundred and Forty One  # 18 April 2023你至少有十五岁了 //“无意间走着在夜市外的一个角落, 看见挂着领养的纸牌, 笼子里有六隻七隻, 前主人在狗狗生育没有办法照顾这么多, 只好割爱...

Day Eight Hundred and Forty One # 18 April 2023

你至少有十五岁了 //

“无意间走着在夜市外的一个角落, 看见挂着领养的纸牌, 笼子里有六隻七隻, 前主人在狗狗生育没有办法照顾这么多, 只好割爱给有缘人, 好多人围绕着笼子, 你的兄弟姐妹都在逗趣争宠, 就像希望自己能被带回家一样, 唯独你, 社恐自闭地躲在笼子唯一最暗黑的角落, 我第一眼就察觉你, 这个还没断奶就厌世的小狗, 我看了你很久, 你真的很不讨喜, 也没有人喜欢你, 然后我就离开了, 走着走着到半路, 我想也许这是一个缘分, 于是又再回到那里, 你果真好不讨喜, 还真的没有人愿意收留你, 你的兄弟姐妹都七七八八有归属了, 就这样你跟我回家了, 就这样十五年了, 多得你陪着, 坤生走时你也伤心犹豫了好久, 时间只是一个数字, 剩下的时光, 我们都好好陪着互相, 一个15秒的决定, 可以改变许多事情和回忆…”

Day Eight Hundred and Forty  # 17 April 2023这无聊的坚持 // “从年轻小伙子一枚, 到现在头发都开始泛白了, 就这样十年了…我不觉得漫长, 只是希望可以有再长一点的时间, 让格格不入的自己还可以...

Day Eight Hundred and Forty # 17 April 2023

这无聊的坚持 //

“从年轻小伙子一枚, 到现在头发都开始泛白了, 就这样十年了…我不觉得漫长, 只是希望可以有再长一点的时间, 让格格不入的自己还可以再尴尬待多一会儿…相比起十年前, 现在时代已经很不一样了… 尊敬和尊重, 礼貌和礼仪, 欣赏和喜欢… 只有看见和不被看见的差别… 最后一次听见能够有人完整地说完一句有意义的话语是什么时候了, 不知不觉, 人说话都更像传短信… 为了这无聊的坚持, 这十年能丢的都丢完了, 能赌的都赌上了, 能掉的都掉完了… 这让我无法不恨自己的坚持, 无所谓的坚持, 是我这辈子最大的骄傲, 我站在鐺铺前抵押了所有, 除了【相信】…”

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Nine  # 9 April 2023坤生没教会我的【礼仪】 // decorum“最讨厌你的粗理烂气, 小时候常常晚上跟着你去【喝茶】, 你总是在一张坐满十人的桌子很安静地坐着,...

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Nine # 9 April 2023

坤生没教会我的【礼仪】 // decorum

“最讨厌你的粗理烂气, 小时候常常晚上跟着你去【喝茶】, 你总是在一张坐满十人的桌子很安静地坐着, 你的朋友们是一律粗口为基本主干, 是非为惯性副语, 金钱为必要助词; 你干坐几个小时, 通常不说几句交流, 小时候的我总觉得, 你像是一只不入流的流浪狗, 不扮清高, 即不批评, 也不鄙视; 现在明白了, 是贫而不穷, 贫富贵, 贫财富, 但不穷人格, 不穷骨气;

我很年轻时便开始在你后面跟着道歉, 替你向别人道歉; 到茶餐室档口点餐, 载你到外头办事, 家内家外人事物; 不想成为像你一样的人; 但是, 在经历这段全心否定你的过程当中, 我看见了你没有教我的, 急性子底下的耐心, 不说话里边的在乎, 固执外的坚持和远见;

记得我们在装修的时候, 你一早来到停好下货到店里, 第一件事情, 手拿几件工具和一片木板, 往店外反方向走去, 原来是昨晚我们在车里离开的时候看见其中一个做停车服务的员工, 椅子破洞了, 我说这些站一整天日晒雨淋的工作如果没有连个座椅也没有, 真的很辛苦, 你就帮他们补椅子去了, 而且是非常没有礼貌地帮, 就是为了不要让别人有机会感谢你; 你临终前最后的叮咛, 是叫我记得买一些东西给病房外面的护士们吃, 我真的是, 哭笑不得, 顶你不顺;

让你知道, 从小到大, 我从来都没有睡着, 我埋在被窝里聆听你深夜里在书房一个人醒着的宁静和寂寞, 我躲在楼梯旁的小洞口看你在客厅喝一小罐啤酒沉思, 我躲在病床病房帘布外面看着你分秒缠斗在希望与放弃之间; 我说, 要不要喝milo, 不是医院泡的, 不是粉包冲的, 一定要是我到外面的机器买的;

你从来不喝咖啡, 临走前, 你说出院了, 你最想要的就是喝一杯咖啡, 我知道你想说的是什么, 我都明白;

这张照片底下, 是你, 你把每一个鸟窝绑绳, 我把这个我们一起设计的元素完成最后一步;

所有我建立的, 所有我能够的, 都是坤生和翠兰没有教会我的, 而是我从你们身上看见的…”

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Eight  # 8 April 2023翠兰翻白眼 // Abomination“我说,人生短短几十年,我不想拥有,我想要追求,我不想比较,我想要推进;幸运的话,离开以前还能留下些...

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Eight # 8 April 2023

翠兰翻白眼 // Abomination



Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven  # 19 March 2023“Since young, I’ve always wondered, how could people already be [COOL...

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven # 19 March 2023

“Since young, I’ve always wondered, how could people already be [COOL] before they do, before the vicissitudes of coldness; How could people are so [CHILLED] before having felt their breezes after experiences of wanton disembarkments…

ROOM 203 is still earning it’s [COOL] by making insane mistakes through stages, we are still pretty much in a capricious budding growth of 10 year-old brand…

So, we are just trying to have a memorable childhood before grown…”

(Superia X-Tra 400)

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Four  # 19 February 2023信仰 // 不是一种投资;是一个相信的机会,是一种建立在卑微以上的谦虚,你能做很多事情,但你真的相信吗,你能够是任何人,但你真的相信吗...

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Four # 19 February 2023

信仰 //



Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Three  # 18 February 2023If you love coffee, don't make it into a business; if you love any...

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Three # 18 February 2023

If you love coffee, don't make it into a business; if you love anything at all, don't ever think about it...

Only if you're obsessed, only if you are making cultural and subcultural perpetual differences, only if you're about to do it for the rest of your life, only if you are going to love it more by doing so, only if you have no more deficit ground to hide but to make sense of your passion...

Otherwise, sleep through it; Enjoy it from people who are doing so; Escalate it into admirations and respects...

Don't be confused, there is craft, there is game, and there is business, there is money, there is vision, and there is organisation; And there are barely related to each other...

For people who are (still) doing so, don't keep your dream for the wrong conversations, cause I know that's the actual happening everyday, don't get sour for what supposed to bring you only bittersweetness..."

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Two  # 16 February 2023A Man With Simple Pleasure // “It’s been tough since day one, in fac...

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty Two # 16 February 2023

A Man With Simple Pleasure //

“It’s been tough since day one, in fact it’s never been not tough for one day… It’s just so masochistic, it’s immensely torturing, it’s pure craziness…

I’ve always been aloof to talk about ROOM 203, I’ve always been extremely quiet when people are talking about it…

I don’t wanna keep my dream for the wrong conversations, the job is just not done yet, not even half way through…

Thanks for (still) putting up with me and my s**ts, it’s all started with hope and I promise to only do it for hope…”

(Superia X-Tra 400)

Day Eight Hundred and THirty One  # 15 February 2023''I can honestly say that I have never worked to be liked, I've only...

Day Eight Hundred and THirty One # 15 February 2023

''I can honestly say that I have never worked to be liked, I've only worked to be respected. What has my life been? Many things. Many places. Many conquests. Many failures. And a time of fierce loves and hates and issues. I have fought in every way I know how. I've fought because I believed it was right to fight. I think no man should fear the consequences, because every man must do what he believes is right. Perhaps I will always march to the distant drum, perhaps I will never catch the beat of the tune. But, I will try.'' - Bill Russell

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty  # 11 February 2023Grieving // 时间I am grieving all the time, and I always will be... Hence,...

Day Eight Hundred and Thirty # 11 February 2023

Grieving // 时间

I am grieving all the time, and I always will be... Hence, I am sometimes (maybe it's an understatement) bitter before I get better, and it's just how it is... I mean that's how it makes sense for me at least, to keep living with part of me died, to reflect truths as a watermarked brewing temperatures over time... I don't know, I have really really serious social anxiety issue since I was a kid (I don't really see much of the improvements to-date), I couldn't understand the education system back then, I couldn't fathom the society when I was young, and now I don't understand people at all... See, all these are the bitter part, and better part is I wake up everyday to (still) try doing something about it, I'm working on it, but not to exhibit a version of how I should be perceived or to be resonated in a daily basis...

(Superia X-Tra 400)

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine  # 6 February 2023''I thought it was built on good ground, but there's nothing under i...

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine # 6 February 2023

''I thought it was built on good ground, but there's nothing under it... You're too near to hear me...

A world where everyone's feelings are reciprocated, the capacity for everyone to contribute, [Freedom] is something you can only give yourself...

The incapacity ceases with the cause that produces it...

You know there's a shop by the ocean that makes maple-glazed turkey-bacon doughnuts, people sit under palm trees and eat them while the breezes and the dolphins are playing...

I'm gonna go there...

Dream, it's eroding while it's conceived... Vision, it's a constant battle against the upended reality that's enabling interpretations but disabling communications...’’

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Eight  # 28 January 2023''Family is a cradle of misinformation, I think modern days are muc...

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Eight # 28 January 2023

''Family is a cradle of misinformation, I think modern days are much tougher than back then, cause most people don't even have to grow old or older to see who they could be or what they truly are...

It's the safest haven where you always have a clan to put up with your s**t, and we just keep producing the new ones with more supports and resources but less potentials and creativity (like another iPhone)...

[Consumerism] could be the immaculate extrapolation as a byproduct of what it is today...''


Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Seven # 25 January 2023

“Everyone says that acceptance to institution is the first step on the path to guaranteed success, and yet, what does that means.

Are we talking money? A big job? A mansion in a community of mansions?

Parents say that “Success is about becoming your true self”, but how many parents really want their kids to do that?

Parents and institutions ignore evidence about how to raise happy children and then expect them to just be happy, or force them to be just as unhappy as them.

So, why doesn’t the system adapt?

Because the system is more dedicated to itself than to future generations. The system rewards drones, rule-followers, test-takers. We graduate, make money, have kids, and continue the cycle. Most people’s dreams have been sanded down so that they could fit into the mechanism of this machine.

Friends tell you that “What kills your future is fear, it kills the pursuit of unknown.”

We have no idea where we’re going, but it’ll be someplace we couldn’t possibly discover while transiting the passageways of institution.”

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Six  # 24 January 2023Grateful Chinese New Year // 每个仅有的农历新年不一定快乐,一年比一年少一些深爱的人,珍惜的人,因而每一年都不...

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Six # 24 January 2023

Grateful Chinese New Year // 每个仅有的农历新年不一定快乐,一年比一年少一些深爱的人,珍惜的人,因而每一年都不勉强快乐,把缺席的快乐不作填补,换作另一种陪伴,不找新的快乐,而是换一个角学习重新从心解微笑,缺席的那一块永远留给缺席的人,那才有你曾经存在的印记和意义

Day Eight Hundred Twenty Five  # 15 January 2023染 // Copper Brown翠兰这么大个女,第一次染发,一年剪一次头发,一句怨言也没有,抱怨的是花钱剪头发染头发,知道为什么”穷”会是任何...

Day Eight Hundred Twenty Five # 15 January 2023

染 // Copper Brown


We are broke, but not poorly minded

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Four  # 12 January 2023Faith // i think…It’s impossible for someone else or anyone at all t...

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Four # 12 January 2023

Faith // i think…

It’s impossible for someone else or anyone at all to understand what you are truly up to, but I think it’s fair that we all get a fighting chance to try, to stand for something, even it’s a far cry from where we are trying to reach, what could’ve been better than the fact that we are still breathing, still knowing…

I think…


Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Three # 11 January 2023

Silver Lining // 要相信总是会有相信你的人

想要完成的”了不起“,那要好好坚持下去,希望大家都为自己的“不放弃”轻轻抚拍自己的心,keep dreaming,如果感觉害怕,那就对了,对的事情总是让人惧怕,去找寻相信你的人增加勇气,去寻找属于你自己的white noise,别害怕,别转身逃离.

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Two  # 9 January 2023MoonshineAnything that’s good in me, I got it all from you… I was obse...

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty Two # 9 January 2023


Anything that’s good in me, I got it all from you… I was observing the way how you treat people, deploy intended subtle kindness (but not performing gesture for decency), compromised for higher priorities (to protect) but not surrendered to broken reality, disciplined to work (harder than anyone else within your circumference), abundance of humility to afford being humiliated, to empathise but not sympathise, respect elderlies, thoughtful about the process of manufacturing results (on behalf of all other people who are also part of the process), to always give more than you take, humbled to be misunderstood and being underestimated (all the time), never complain (literally), emphasised the choice of words to manifest contextual depth underneath thoughts, passion in work, passion to work, inquisitive about everything (even apart from work), respect people as they are but not faking social decorum, speak your mind when opening mouth (or remained quiet otherwise)…

I am still your son, and I am still learning from you…

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty One  # 1 January 2023Let it out, All the things you’ve kept inside youLet it out, All the g...

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty One # 1 January 2023

Let it out, All the things you’ve kept inside you
Let it out, All the guilt you’ve held inside you
Let it out, All the pain you’ve kept inside you
Let it out, All the hate you’ve locked inside you
Let it out, All the words you’ve kept inside you
Let it out, All the love you have inside you

要到你说遗言再说 你有力量说吧?
心境老化 等死了喝下孟婆茶
以勇气再维持两秒 世界误会够吗
做做傻瓜 好好打开这夹万 讲出口不要怕

Let it out.



Let it out.

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty  # 30 December 2022The Last Party // 最后派对没能被安排的离别, 怎么会有来得及的道别, [生离死别]从来就不能被精心策划, 即使我没有宗教信仰,...

Day Eight Hundred and Twenty # 30 December 2022

The Last Party // 最后派对

没能被安排的离别, 怎么会有来得及的道别, [生离死别]从来就不能被精心策划, 即使我没有宗教信仰, 也不得不说这说事的人也太懂得幽默, 太懂得暗讽…

让人活得像个[气球], 膨胀得越大, 飞得越高越远, 你却永远不会知道何时将被一针戳破, 但你有你吹的份, 你有你飞的权, 再破也能装个水球在地上滚…

沿途上, 拼凑着先离开的人留下来的气球, 有能去的地方, 也因而有了去不了的地方, 而那就是人生, 没带着气球抵达的目的地, 去再远的去再高, 也不会明白[气球]的本意是让你体会能去与不能去的旅程…

我想我终于明白你当年留给我的礼物, 你把18岁的[初心]=[气球]留了给我, 让我在接下来的旅程里始终本着初心为轨迹, 把你的[气球]派送了给许多许多的人, 你终究有去不了的地方, 也去了更多原本到不了的地方…

“从容”是一首民谣, 淡然弹唱着人生五味杂陈, 不是一种武装 (装备), 更不是一种伪装 (防备)… 因而才会感觉矛盾, 你如何能够慢跑地不在乎名次却冲刺般往终点前进。

Day Eight Hundred and Nineteen  # 28 December 2022别勒死你心里的[小孩] // Keep Dreaming 不是, 大多数人都不是, 不是你在追逐的梦想, 是你被允许的选择, 以及你被允许为...

Day Eight Hundred and Nineteen # 28 December 2022

别勒死你心里的[小孩] // Keep Dreaming

不是, 大多数人都不是, 不是你在追逐的梦想, 是你被允许的选择, 以及你被允许为[自己]做选择, 因而, 对, 那不是你在追逐梦想, 纯粹是你在挥霍选择…

你曾想过为什么父母把[你]这个废物当梦想, 赋予你选择, 把你这个[败类]赐予’’追梦的跑道’’, 就是为了让自己当初放弃的[梦想]显得有意义…

你曾问过他们, 为了你当初放弃的梦想吗, 你现在所谓的梦想里, 又有包括他们吗…

别怀疑, 我们都是不折不扣的废物和败类, 这是你我一辈子做得最好的第一件事, 但愿不是唯一一件事。

Day Eight Hundred and Eighteen  # 25 December 2022慢烤// Permeation:熏满都是油烟, 让人窒息, 全身臭, 头发臭, 衣服臭, 回到家后还会有一股莫名其妙的腥臭味…烤越久, 熏越...

Day Eight Hundred and Eighteen # 25 December 2022

慢烤// Permeation:

熏满都是油烟, 让人窒息, 全身臭, 头发臭, 衣服臭, 回到家后还会有一股莫名其妙的腥臭味…

烤越久, 熏越久, 头也开始痛了, 心情也不耐烦, 到底需要等多久, 到底还要等多久, 有这么难吗…

无聊, 别跟我说什么熟不熟,酱汁透不透, 一堆废话, 还火候回温, 外焦内软, 这么简单转呀转的烤串, 还给我上道理…

老板, 麻烦你过过来, 这是不是还没熟啊, 我有可能会不知道吗, 你是说我连吃也不会哦, 麻烦你帮我换一换好吗, 真的是不好意思,麻烦你了, 顺便再帮我加点这个这个和这个…

还会要等很久吗, 因为刚刚已经等很久, 你们却烤砸了,不会吧, 应该要扣一点吧, 我们等很久了咧, 都没说什么的, 那现在不是用我的饥饿当晚餐吗…


每个人心中都有一个烤炉 [野心], 幸运的话, 你也许还有会烤串 [想法], 那起不起炉是个人的选择…

你的烤炉 [野心]并不特别, 人人都有;你的烤串 [想法]并不特别, 谁都能有; 你能够和别人不一样的是酱汁 [视野], 腌烤粘说的是讲究…

既臭, 又脏, 也累; 更讽刺的是还得卑微地从不懂得欣赏和不认可的人身上乞讨认可, 久而久之便只求煮熟就够了…

梦想就是这么一回事, 幸运的话, 有人会喜欢,幸运的话,有人会买单 。


Publika Shopping Gallery, A3. G2. 08, Solaris Dutamas
Kuala Lumpur

Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 18:00
Thursday 07:00 - 18:00
Friday 07:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday 09:00 - 18:00




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