Vaksin Covid 19 ke Langkawi
Sebuah pelayaran demi ikhtiar penyembuhan seluruh negara.
SesungguhNya Allah Maha Menyembuhkan. Kita berikhtiar sedaya akal yang dikurniakanNya. InsyaAllah.
Polis marin belayar bersama ke Langkawi
Polis Marin turut mengiringi pelayaran LAE 1 ke Langkawi bagi membawa kargo vaksin untuk penduduk di pulau Lagenda.
Semburan Nyahjangkit Di Dalam Kabin LAE.
Melihat kepada peningkatan kes jangkitan Covid-19 di Malaysia sekarang ini, pihak LAE petang tadi mengambil langkah pencegahan dengan penyemburan nyahjangkit di dalam kabin penumpang.
Walaupun begitu kami berharap agar semua pengguna LAE dapat menjaga kesihatan dengan lebih peka pada pemakaian mask dan tidak berada dalam kawasan awam dan tertutup jika anda mengalami gejala virus seperti batuk dan demam.
Sama-sama kita berdoa agar wabak Covid-19 ini akan reda dan keadaan akan kembali pulih seperti biasa.
Kuala Perlis Ferry Terminal
The aerial view of Kuala Perlis with the sight of our Langkawi Auto Express 1 was berthing 🛳⚓️
FYI, we operate the service only from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi, and not from Kuala Kedah. But with your continuous support, we might have the opportunity to expand our fleet and start to operate from Kuala Kedah, InsyaAllah. In the mean time, enjoy the sunset feel from the amazing Kuala Perlis.
-Credit to Youtuber TheFrancisNg for this amazing video shot 📽
A very interesting video on how a vessel or ship is slipped down into the water. This is only one of various ways to slip down a vessel onto the water.
Our LAE 1 and LAE 2 used high pressure air bags to act like a set of 'wheels' into the water, with the help of a heavy lift cranes and cables.
LAE1 sailed under the iconic structure of Batam, the Barelang Bridge.
1 hour and 30 minutes to Langkawi from Kuala Perlis?
With the current speed that you can see from this video footage during the seatrial, we are highly optimist, insyaAllah.
We want to share the excitement of the first ever seatrial of LAE1 with you. You can see the smooth inclining speed of the vessel went through the deep water of Batam sea. The deck will be repainting to the solid green color.
Still cannot imagine the size of the vessel? From here you can see the bow ramp which can let through 2 cars at the same time, while the width of the vehicle deck can accomodate at least 6-7 cars side by side.