Pangkor Island Festival 邦咯海島節

Pangkor Island Festival 邦咯海島節 Pangkor Island Festival (PIF) is a pioneering island-based festival where community, culture and arts come to play. 邦咯海島節是馬來西亞第一個結合海島風光與社區文化的藝術節。

Pangkor Island Festival (PIF), a pioneering island-based festival where community, culture and arts come to play. We aspire to integrate community culture, history and folklore with local tourism, highlight the best of Pangkor’s unique local delicacies as well as its touristic and scenic attractions. By inviting artists into the island, It not only encourages interaction amongst Pangkorians, but a

lso fosters new interaction between locals and artists, thus adding a new dimension to the livelihood of Pangkor communities.



海島節把社區文化、 歷史、神話傳說等概念導入,並融合旅遊概念,把島上最道地的美食、景點納入導覽,成為島民與遊客都熱烈參與的藝術節!除了引入島外的藝術家,同時也促進與島民的互動,讓整個邦咯島的社區活絡起來。







🧧The Lunar New Year is just around the corner, a time for joyful reunions with family and friends. These moments of togetherness are filled with warmth and happiness, making the joy even more precious.

📽This video about Keng Luan Coffee Shop marks the debut of Memory of Pangkor. Memory of Pangkor, brought to you by the Pangkor Island Festival, captures the unique charm and rich cultural heritage of Pangkor Island through stories. Stay tuned for more captivating tales, and join us in discovering and preserving the treasured memories of Pangkor Island!

☕Every town or village has a coffee shop that holds a special place in the hearts of its residents. This New Year, as you return home, why not revisit those familiar places and relive the beautiful moments that linger there? Coffee shops are more than gathering spots for family and friends—they are spaces filled with countless precious memories.

In Sungai Pinang Kecil (SPK) on Pangkor Island, Keng Luan Coffee Shop carries a unique story and a rich history. Every visitor who steps inside not only enjoys the rich aroma of Hainanese coffee but also connects with the tales behind the shop, feeling the warmth of its culture and tradition.

🏝If you visit to Pangkor Island, don’t forget to stop by SPK and savor the authentic Hainanese coffee, along with the heartfelt hospitality that this special place offers.

❤️Wishing everyone a joyous and prosperous Lunar New Year in advance! ❤️
🚙To those traveling home, drive safely on the journey.

#邦咯记忆 #邦咯海岛节 #邦咯岛 #琼銮茶室 #海南咖啡 #海南人 #回家过年 #团聚

🔗Full video link in bio







🧧The Lunar New Year is just around the corner, a time for joyful reunions with family and friends. These moments of togetherness are filled with warmth and happiness, making the joy even more precious.

📽This video about Keng Luan Coffee Shop marks the debut of Memory of Pangkor. Memory of Pangkor, brought to you by the Pangkor Island Festival, captures the unique charm and rich cultural heritage of Pangkor Island through stories. Stay tuned for more captivating tales, and join us in discovering and preserving the treasured memories of Pangkor Island!

☕Every town or village has a coffee shop that holds a special place in the hearts of its residents. This New Year, as you return home, why not revisit those familiar places and relive the beautiful moments that linger there? Coffee shops are more than gathering spots for family and friends—they are spaces filled with countless precious memories.

In Sungai Pinang Kecil (SPK) on Pangkor Island, Keng Luan Coffee Shop carries a unique story and a rich history. Every visitor who steps inside not only enjoys the rich aroma of Hainanese coffee but also connects with the tales behind the shop, feeling the warmth of its culture and tradition.

🏝If you visit to Pangkor Island, don’t forget to stop by SPK and savor the authentic Hainanese coffee, along with the heartfelt hospitality that this special place offers.

❤️Wishing everyone a joyous and prosperous Lunar New Year in advance! ❤️
🚙To those traveling home, drive safely on the journey.

#邦咯记忆 #邦咯海岛节 #邦咯岛 #琼銮茶室 #海南咖啡 #海南人 #回家过年 #团聚

琼銮茶室就在邦咯岛吉灵丸码头对面,以前岛民都叫它“吉灵丸码头茶室”。2012年大马旅游局发布的《100间最具传统风味咖啡馆》的名单,琼銮茶室是吉灵丸上榜的三间咖啡店之一。 老板陈文仁,今年是69岁,海南人。为了纪.....

与艺术相遇,走进慢活海岛  🌊Embracing the Slow Island Life through Art 非常荣幸!今年 TEDxPetaling Street 年会的第一支视频,是我们 —— 邦咯岛与海岛节的故事!🎉  那天邦咯...

与艺术相遇,走进慢活海岛 🌊
Embracing the Slow Island Life through Art

非常荣幸!今年 TEDxPetaling Street 年会的第一支视频,是我们 —— 邦咯岛与海岛节的故事!🎉

那天邦咯海岛节联合创办人兼总监庄立康在台上侃侃而谈。从2013年至2023年,邦咯海岛节通过艺术 🎨🎭🎶融入小岛日常,挖掘社区故事、开展社区导览、艺术演出及《岛民剧场》等活动,唤醒岛民对家园的热爱,关注环境问题,珍视历史文化。这不仅吸引游客,也让游子回乡与家人团聚。



#邦咯海岛节 #艺术与慢活 #庄立康

✩ 请点击 comment 里的 link 观赏精彩视频✩


TEDxPetalingStreet 2024: FORWARD《躍》
演说嘉宾:莊立康 Eric Ch’ng
Embracing the Slow Island Life through Art

✩ 精彩视频请点击 comment 里的 link ✩

#躍2024 #莊立康 #邦咯岛 #文化艺术 #海岛节 #旅游胜地 #风情小岛 #邦咯之光

TEDx Petaling Street 18分钟之外【再造地方:艺术与经济驱动的未来创生】   | 邦咯海岛节共同创办人“邦咯岛就像一间教室,岛上的每一位岛民都是一本书,每一本书都有着自己的故事和智慧,值得我们去守护与传承。”自2013年...

TEDx Petaling Street 18分钟之外

| 邦咯海岛节共同创办人






| 涟漪人基金会共同创办人


在这场分享中,陈郁敏分享了她对创业精神的独特见解。她鼓励创业者专注于“做相信的、喜欢的、能做的事”,创业不仅是为了追求商业成功,强调真正的企业精神是“Be the Change”,通过行动成为改变世界的力量。



感謝 TEDxPetaling Street的舞台,讓我們有機會跟大家分享邦咯島的故事🫶🫶PIF2025 約定你!

感謝 TEDxPetaling Street的舞台,讓我們有機會跟大家分享邦咯島的故事🫶🫶

PIF2025 約定你!


📣 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟻年邦咯海島節,一年倒數開始!


🥮 恰逢中秋節前夕,我們迫不及待想要在這象徵團圓與喜悅的日子,與大家再次相聚,共創更多難忘的回憶。


#邦咯海島節2025 #邦咯海島節 #藝術與文化 #倒數一年 #團圓與喜悅

📣 𝑷𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒓 𝑰𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒍 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓: 𝑶𝒏𝒆-𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝑩𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒔!

We are excited to announce that PIF2025 will take place from October 3 to 5!🎉

🥮 Falling just before the Mid-Autumn Festival, a time of reunion and joy, we can't wait to reunite on this special occasion to create more unforgettable memories.

As we officially begin the one-year countdown today, let’s take a moment to look back at the beautiful moments of the past ten years. Together, let’s look forward to PIF2025, where even more touching stories will unfold.🫶🫶

還記得去年華聯一校的鼓聲響徹邦咯海島節,驚艷了台下的觀眾。恭喜邦咯華聯一校 連獲三獎 🥇🥇🥇 載譽而歸!


連獲三獎 🥇🥇🥇 載譽而歸!




【2024 臺北風格在檳城 TAIPEI corners in PENANG】來臨的週六,如果你在檳城參與George Town Festival,可以來聽分享,還有逛逛12家各具風格的臺灣文創品牌的快閃店•⁠日期:27.07.2024 星...

【2024 臺北風格在檳城 TAIPEI corners in PENANG】

來臨的週六,如果你在檳城參與George Town Festival,可以來聽分享,還有逛逛12家各具風格的臺灣文創品牌的快閃店

•⁠日期:27.07.2024 星期六
•⁠地點:Mano Plus Select Store, Penang

  Fill your Sunday morning with wonder and cheer, as gigantic puppets traverse George Town’s streets! 🤯👁️🙌 Witness a par...

Fill your Sunday morning with wonder and cheer, as gigantic puppets traverse George Town’s streets! 🤯👁️

🙌 Witness a parade showcasing the voices, stories and living histories of Taman Sri Janggus, Bukit Mertajam and Ban Liau, Bukit Tambun!

These awe-inspiring creations are the culmination of a 4-month Giant Puppet Community Project involving Malaysian artists, United States puppet theatre troupe Boxcutter Collective and members of both communities across all ages 🌟

📅 21 July, 10am
📍 Gather Point: Penang Youth Centre
🏁 Ending Point: Sia Boey Urban Archaeological Park

👉For more information on the Giant Puppet Community Project:

Community Parade Perarakan Boneka Janggus Perarakan Boneka Ban Liau

What a great occasion “when festival meet festivals”好特別的一個場合「當藝術節遇上藝術節」Georgetown Festival Penang Island Jazz Festival K...

What a great occasion “when festival meet festivals”

Georgetown Festival
Penang Island Jazz Festival
Klang River Festival

Thank you for having us to share on How We Fest — Pangkor Island Festival.

今天,邦咯海島節總監受邀在2024 亞太社會創新高峰會 (Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit) 分享《從小島藝術節創造地域振興的契機》,他從參與歐洲的夏日藝術節得到的啟發到邦咯海島節創立的初衷,希望透...

今天,邦咯海島節總監受邀在2024 亞太社會創新高峰會 (Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit) 分享《從小島藝術節創造地域振興的契機》,他從參與歐洲的夏日藝術節得到的啟發到邦咯海島節創立的初衷,希望透過藝術節,讓島民重新認識並愛上自己島嶼,喚醒島民正視環境問題,珍惜及守護島上的歷史文化古跡,也讓離鄉游子回島相聚。最重要的是,透過藝術節想傳達社區的美好,小島的溫馨。


感謝許主冠老師及新故鄉文教基金會的邀請及所有的安排,有這樣的機會做分享,同時結識多位學者老師,與各領域默默耕耘推動社會轉變的change maker學習。




(曼绒16日讯)“邦咯海岛节”扬威国际,获得2024 年度亚洲本土传统艺术节国际奖项!邦咯海岛节主办单位东方人文艺术馆发文告指出,&...

Together, WE made it!We are excited to announce that Pangkor Island Festival (PIF) has been awarded with “Asia Local and...

Together, WE made it!

We are excited to announce that Pangkor Island Festival (PIF) has been awarded with “Asia Local and Traditional Art Festival of 2024” by the International Festivals & Events Association (IFEA) Asia, on 28 February 2024 at the Zign Hotel, Pattaya, Thailand.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude for the support you have given to PIF2023. The festival would not have been a huge success without your participation. Let us all share the honour of this amazing accomplishment!

THANK YOU once again from the bottom of our hearts. See you in PIF2025!



邦咯海岛节於2024年2月28日在泰國芭堤雅The Zign Hotel,榮獲由亚洲国际节庆活动协会 (International Festivals & Events Association - IFEA Asia) 颁发的“2024 年亚洲本土传统艺术节”(Asia Local and Traditional Art Festival of 2024)奖项。





Wishing you a Happy New Year 2024🎉

Thank you everyone for making Pangkor Island Festival 2023 a success and a memorable one! ❤❤❤

Here’s a throwback to PIF2023. We look forward to seeing you again in PIF2025!👋











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Our Story

Pangkor Island Festival (PIF), a pioneering island-based festival where community, culture and arts come to play. We aspire to integrate community culture, history and folklore with local tourism, highlight the best of Pangkor’s unique local delicacies as well as its touristic and scenic attractions. By inviting artists into the island, It not only encourages interaction amongst Pangkorians, but also fosters new interaction between locals and artists, thus adding a new dimension to the livelihood of Pangkor communities. *** 邦咯海島節是馬來西亞第一個結合海島風光與社區文化的藝術節。 海島節把社區文化、 歷史、神話傳說等概念導入,並融合旅遊概念,把島上最道地的美食、景點納入導覽,成為島民與遊客都熱烈參與的藝術節!除了引入島外的藝術家,同時也促進與島民的互動,讓整個邦咯島的社區活絡起來。