🌟 与Etravel & Tour一起探索西班牙和葡萄牙的美丽!🌟
🌍 目的地亮点:巴塞罗那,瓦伦西亚,阿利坎特,格拉纳达,科尔多瓦,塞维利亚,托莱多,马德里,塞戈维亚,萨拉曼卡,法蒂玛,里斯本
📆 旅行日期:
🗓️ 2023年11月27日
🗓️ 2023年12月6日
🗓️ 2024年2月14日
🗓️ 2024年3月20日
🗓️ 2024年3月29日
🗓️ 2024年4月19日
🗓️ 2024年5月29日
💲 价格从RM14,988.00起
✈️ 与土耳其或阿联酋航空一同飞翔!
📍 巴塞罗那
● 圣家堂 - 巴塞罗那的大型罗马天主教教堂,由加泰罗尼亚建筑师安东尼·高迪(1852年-1926年)设计。高迪在教堂上的工作是联合国教科文组织世界遗产的一部分,2010年11月,教皇本笃十六世将其祝圣并宣布其为次级大教堂,与主教座堂有所不同,后者必须是主教的所在地。
● 格尔公园 - 是由花园和建筑元素组成的公共公园系统,位于卡梅洛山上。1984年,联合国教科文组织宣布该公园为世界遗产。
● 加泰罗尼亚广场 - 是巴塞罗那市中心的大广场,通常被认为是城市中心和老城区与19世纪建造的艾克萨姆普勒交汇的地方。
📍 瓦伦西亚
● 北站 - 是西班牙瓦伦西亚的主要火车站。它位于市中心,毗邻瓦伦西亚角斗场。
● 瓦伦西亚大教堂 - 是瓦伦西亚的一座罗马天主教堂。它于1238年由瓦伦西亚的第一位主教在重新征服后祝圣。
📍 格拉纳达
● 通用菲 - 名字“通用菲”意味着“建筑师的花园”。通用菲位于阿尔罕布拉宫旁的Cerro del Sol山上。最初,它可能是一位建筑师的住宅,后来传给了皇室家庭并进行了改建。通用菲由一系列大型花园组成,每个角落都有新奇和愉快的惊喜,最少的干扰性建筑。
📍 科尔多瓦
● 罗马桥 - 俯瞰大清真寺大教堂的景色,与河流、桥门和科尔多瓦的罗马桥本身是科尔多瓦最美妙的景色之一,尤其是在黄昏时分,当太阳的最后余晖在石头表面停留,使其呈现出深红色的光泽。
📍 塞维利亚
● 塞维利亚大教堂 - 是塞维利亚的一座罗马天主教大教堂。它是世界上最大的哥特式大教堂,也是世界第三大教堂。1987年,联合国教科文组织将其登记为世界遗产。
● 金塔 - 是塞维利亚的一座十二角形军事瞭望塔,由摩尔人王朝建造,以控制通过瓜达尔基维尔河进入塞维利亚的通道。
📍 托莱多
● 圣多马教堂 - 可追溯到12世纪,尽管在14世纪初由奥加斯伯爵完全重建。这座塔是托莱多特有的穆德哈尔艺术的最佳代表之一。
● 阿尔坎塔拉桥 - 是一座跨越塔古斯河的罗马石拱桥,由罗马皇帝特拉亚诺在98年下令于104年至106年之间建造。
📍 马德里
● 马德里皇宫 - 是西班牙皇室家族在马德里市的官方住所,但仅用于国家仪式。
● 西班牙广场和塞万提斯纪念碑 - 是一个大广场,也
● El Corte Inglés百货公司 - 总部位于马德里,是欧洲最大的百货公司集团,全球排名第三。El Corte Inglés是西班牙唯一剩下的百货公司连锁店。El Corte Inglés旗舰店位于马德里的79 Calle Raimundo Fernández Villaverde。该综合体包括多栋建筑,并拥有西班牙任何大型商店中最全面的设计师系列。该商店的设计师精品店包括:爱马仕、路易·威登、卡地亚、阿玛尼、古驰、洛威、杜克、拉夫·劳伦、宝格丽、迪奥、乔治·雷希、范思哲、雨果·博斯等等。
📍 萨拉曼卡
● 萨拉曼卡古城 - 这座古老的大学城位于马德里西北部,最早在公元前3世纪被卡尔塔哥的卡尔塔哥人征服。后来它成为了罗马定居点,直到11世纪被摩尔人统治。这所大学是欧洲最古老的大学之一,在萨拉曼卡的黄金时代达到了巅峰。该城市的历史中心有重要的罗马式、哥特式、摩尔式、文艺复兴和巴洛克式建筑。普拉多广场以其画廊和拱廊尤为令人印象深刻。
📍 里斯本
● 发现者纪念碑 - 为了纪念亨利航海家,他在15世纪的葡萄牙探险中功不可没而建立的。
● 基督国王像 - 是一个天主教纪念碑和神圣的耶稣基督之心,俯瞰着葡萄牙中部的里斯本市。
● 4月25日大桥 - 里斯本泰阿古斯河上最古老的桥梁。这座长达两公里多的吊桥于1966年开通,经过近四年的建设。
● 耶罗尼莫斯修道院 - 建于16世纪初期,采用葡萄牙哥特式风格的变种。它被联合国教科文组织于1983年列为世界遗产,与附近的贝伦塔一同列为世界遗产。
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#马来西亚旅游套餐 #西班牙 #葡萄牙 #巴塞罗那 #瓦伦西亚 #阿利坎特 #格拉纳达 #科尔多瓦 #塞维利亚 #托莱多 #马德里 #塞戈维亚 #萨拉曼卡 #法蒂玛 #里斯本 #联合国世界遗产 #旅游套餐2023 #旅游套餐2024 #阿联酋航空 #土耳其航空
🌟 Explore the Beauty of Spain & Portugal with Etravel & Tour! 🌟
📆 Travel Dates:
🗓️ 27 November 2023
🗓️ 6 December 2023
🗓️ 14 February 2024
🗓️ 20 March 2024
🗓️ 29 March 2024
🗓️ 19 April 2024
🗓️ 29 May 2024
💲 Price starts from RM14,988.00
✈️ Fly in style with Turkish or Emirates Airlines!
Join us on an unforgettable 13-day, 10-night journey through the picturesque landscapes, vibrant cities, and rich cultures of Spain and Portugal. 🌆🏞️
Tour Highlight :
●Basilica Sagrada Familia - Basílica Sagrada Família is a large Roman Catholic church in Barcelona, designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí (1852 – 1926). Gaudí's work on the building is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site and in November 2010 Pope Benedict XVI consecrated and proclaimed it a minor basilica, as distinct from a cathedral, which must be the seat of a bishop.
● Park Güell - Is a public park system composed of gardens and architectonic elements located on Carmelo Hill. In 1984, UNESCO declared the park a World Heritage Site.
● De Catalunya - Is a large square in central Barcelona that is generally considered to be both its city centre and the place where the old city and the 19th century-built Eixample meet.
●The Estacio Del Nord - Is the main railway station in Valencia, Spain. It is located in the city centre next to the Plaza de Toros de Valencia, the city's bullring.
● Cathedral of Valencia - Is a Roman Catholic parish church in Valencia. It was consecrated in 1238 by the first bishop of Valencia after the Reconquista.
● Generalife - The name 'Generalife' means 'garden of the architect'. The Generalife is located on the hill Cerro del Sol, adjacent to the Alhambra. Originally it was most probably an architect's house that later passed to the royal family and was remodeled. The Generalife is composed of a series of large gardens, where every corner holds a novelty and a pleasant surprise for the eyes, with a minimum of obtrusive buildings.
● Roman Bridge - The view over the Mosque-Cathedral, with the river, the Gate of the Bridge and the Roman Bridge of Cordoba itself, is one of the most wonderful sights of Cordoba, especially at dusk, when the last rays of the sun linger on and make the stone surfaces glow a deep golden red.
● Seville Cathedral - Is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Seville. It is the largest Gothic cathedral and the third-largest church in the world. It was registered in 1987 by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
● Torre del Oro - Is a dodecagonal military watchtower in Seville, built by the Almohad dynasty in order to control access to Seville via the Guadalquivir river.
● Church of Santo Tome - Dates from the 12th century, although it was completely rebuilt in the early 14th century by the Count of Orgaz. The tower is one of the best examples of the Mudéjar art characteristic of Toledo.
● Alcantara Bridge - IIs a Roman stone arch bridge built over the Tagus River at Alcantara between 104 and 106 AD by an order of the Roman Emperor Trajan in 98.
● Royal Palace of Madrid - Is the official residence of the Spanish Royal Family at thecity of Madrid, but is only used for state ceremonies.
● Plaza de Espana & Cervantes Monument - Is a large square, and popular tourist destination. It features a monument to Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, and is bordered by two of Madrid's most prominent skyscrapers.
● El Corte Inglés Department Stores - headquartered in Madrid, is the biggest department store group in Europe and ranks third worldwide. El Corte Inglés is Spain's only remaining department store chain. El Corte Inglés flagship store is located in Madrid at 79 Calle Raimundo Fernández Villaverde. The complex encompasses several buildings and carries the most comprehensive collection of designers of any large store in Spain. Designer boutiques in this store include: Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Armani, Gucci, Loewe, Dockers, Ralph Lauren, Bulgari, Dior, Georges Rech, Versace, Hugo Boss and many others.
● Old City of Salamanca – This ancient university town north-west of Madrid was first conquered by the Carthaginians in the 3rd century B.C. It then became a Roman settlement before being ruled by the Moors until the 11th century. The university, one of the oldest in Europe, reached its high point during Salamanca's golden age. The city's historic center has important Romanesque, Gothic, Moorish, Renaissance and Baroque monuments. The Plaza Mayor, with its galleries and arcades, is particularly impressive.
● Monument of Discoveries – Was built in honor of Henry the Navigator, who was instrumental in the success of the Portuguese explorations during the fifteenth century.
● Cristo-Rei Statue – A Catholic monument and shrine dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ overlooking the city of Lisbon in the central part of Portugal.
● 25th April Bridge – The oldest bridge across the Tagus River in Lisbon. The more than two km long suspension bridge opened in 1966 after almost four years of construction.
● Jeronimos Monastery – A monastery built in the early sixteenth century in a Portuguese variant of the Gothic style. It is considered one of Lisbon’s most magnificent buildings. It was classified a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with the nearby Tower of Belem, in 1983.
Join us on an incredible 13-day, 10-night journey through these captivating destinations. 🌆🏞️
Don't miss this opportunity to explore the rich culture, history, and beauty of Spain and Portugal. Secure your spot today with Etravel & Tour!
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