欧洲自由行 Europe Private Tour

欧洲自由行 Europe Private Tour Our services -
1) Complete ground tour in Europe,
2) Customize, flexible itinerary,
3) Depart any date,
4) Free info on transportation & budget airlines


Xinjiang (South & North) 16D Rm16,900. 11/10
No Hassle, No Touch & Go, & No Back-track
This is a “Relaxing, In-depth Tour”. (No visa)
6-pax private tailor-made can depart any time.
南, 北疆 16天 Rm 16,900, 11/10. 免签证, “深度旅游, 轻松之旅”
不早起, 不走马见花 , 不走回头路. 6 人 “量身定制” 小包团. 随时可出发. Whatsapp 013-292 0345 Billy

Our services -
1) Complete ground tour in Europe,
2) Customize, flexible itinerary,
3) Depart any

Xinjiang (South & North) 16D Rm16,900. 11/10 No Hassle, No Touch & Go, & No Back-trackThis is a “Relaxing, In-depth Tour...

Xinjiang (South & North) 16D Rm16,900. 11/10
No Hassle, No Touch & Go, & No Back-track
This is a “Relaxing, In-depth Tour”. (No visa)
6-pax private tailor-made can depart any time.
南, 北疆 16天 Rm 16,900, 11/10. 免签证, “深度旅游, 轻松之旅”
不早起, 不走马见花 , 不走回头路. 6 人 “量身定制” 小包团. 随时可出发. Whatsapp 013-292 0345 Billy

No Hassle, No Touch & Go, & No Back-track, This is a “Relaxing In-depth Tour”.  Include "Panlong Ancient Road"  (No visa...

No Hassle, No Touch & Go, & No Back-track, This is a “Relaxing In-depth Tour”. Include "Panlong Ancient Road" (No visa required). (包括 盘龙古道) 这3团皆为 “轻松之旅” 不早起, 不走马见花 , 不走回头路, 是深度旅游
North Xinjiang 10D/8N Rm9,900 Depart 2/10
South Xinjiang. 9D/7N Rm9,500 Depart 2/10 1955
South & North 15D Rm16,900 Depart 2/10 1955 (included return air tickets). 6-pax private tailor-made can depart any time.
九皇爷 休假 游 新疆 免签证. 南, 北疆 15天 Rm 13,900.
北疆 10天 / 8晚 Rm 9,900, 2/10, 0550. (Included return air tickets).
南疆. 9天 / 7晚 Rm 9,500, 2/10, 1955. (Included return air tickets).
6 人 “量身定制” 小包团. 随时可出发. Whatsapp 013-292 0345 Billy


North Xinjiang 10D/8N Rm9,900 Depart 2/10
South Xinjiang. 9D/7N Rm9,500 Depart 2/10 1955
South & North 15D Rm16,900 Depart 2/10 1955 (included return air tickets). No Hassle, No Touch & Go, & No Back-track, This is a “Relaxing, In-depth Tour”. (No visa). 6-pax private tailor-made can depart any time.
九皇爷 休假 游 新疆 免签证. 南, 北疆 15天 Rm 13,900.
北疆 10天 / 8晚 Rm 9,900, 2/10, 0550. (Included return air tickets).
南疆. 9天 / 7晚 Rm 9,500, 2/10, 1955. (Included return air tickets).
这3团皆为 “轻松之旅” 不早起, 不走马见花 , 不走回头路, 是深度旅游. 6 人 “量身定制” 小包团. 随时可出发. Whatsapp 013-292 0345 Billy
South-Xinjiang 9-Days Rm 9,500
D1, Depart KLIA to Kashgar
D2, Kashgar sightseeing
D3, Kashgar to Tashkurgan (295km), visit Aoyi Take Red Hill Valley, Mustaga Glacier (Close distance)
D4, (230km), Pamir Highland, China-Pakistan Friendship Highway / Khunjerab Pass (Red Qilafu). Afghansitan Border / Wakhan Corridor, Tashkurgan Stone City
D5, Tashkurgan to Kashgar (295km) – stop at Karakul Lake & Bulunkou Baishahu
By train to Aksu
D6, Aksu sightseeing, to Kuqa
D7, Kuqa sightseeing, night train to Turpan
D8, Turpan full day tour, by high-speed train to Urumqi
D9, Depart home. Thank you

Our services -
1) Complete ground tour in Europe,
2) Customize, flexible itinerary,
3) Depart any


北疆 10天 / 8晚 Rm 9,900, 2/10, 0550
南疆. 9天 / 7晚 Rm 9,500, 2/10, 1955
南,北疆 15天 Rm 16,900, 2/10, 1955
免签证, 这3团皆为 “轻松之旅” 不早起
不走马见花 , 不走回头路, 是深度旅游
6 人 “量身定制” 小包团. 随时可出发
North Xinjiang 10D/8N Rm 9,900. 2/10 0550
South Xinjiang. 9D/7N Rm 9,500. 2/10 1955
South & North 15D Rm 16,900. 2/10 1955
No Hassle, No Touch & Go, & No Back-track
This is a “Relaxing, In-depth Tour”. (No visa)
6-pax private tailor-made can depart any time.
kindly WhatsApp 013-292 0345 Billy

Our services -
1) Complete ground tour in Europe,
2) Customize, flexible itinerary,
3) Depart any


九皇爷 斋食休假, 去游 “新疆”, 不仅看沙漠,还有看雪山. 旅游景点 : 北疆 -- 吐鲁番 1日游, 天山天池, 可可托海国家地质公园 5AAAAA,
海上魔鬼城, 五彩滩, 禾木吉克普林滑雪场/云霄峰, 乘坐缆车上高达2,800m, 喀纳斯湖 乘坐观光 游船游湖, 喀纳斯 观鱼台1068级台阶, 3湾..... 南疆 -- 喀什老镇, 塔什库尔干老城区, 塔吉克传统 帕米尔舞蹈, 布伦口白沙湖, 卡拉库勒湖, 帕米尔高原和雪山, 奥伊塔克红山峡谷, 穆斯塔加冰川 (近距离) 红其拉甫口岸, 瓦罕走廊, 中巴友谊公路, 阿克苏天山托木尔风景区, 温宿大峡谷, 库车神秘的天山大峡谷在G217路上(5AAAAA), 克孜尔石窟…
The 9 Emperor vegetarian 9 days holiday, best place to visit is "Xinjiang", not only to see the desert, but also to see the snow-capped mountains. South Xinjiang attractions -- Kashgar Old Town, Tashikurgan Old Ruins, Tajik traditional Pamir dance, Bulunkou Baishahu / White Sand Lake, Karakul Lake, Pamir Plateau and snow-capped mountains, Aoyi Take Red Hill Canyon, Mustaga Glacier (close range), Khunjerab Port, Wakhan Corridor, China-Pakistan Friendship Highway, Aksu Tou Mu’er Scenic Area, Wensu Grand Canyon, Kuqa’s mysterious Tianshan Grand Canyon on G217, Kizil Grottoes…
North Xinjiang Attractions – Turpan ‘1’ day tour, Tianchi Lake, Fuyun Koktokay National Geopark 5AAAAA, Beitun Ulungur Lake / Haishang Moguicheng, Burqin Rainbow Beach, Hemu Jikepurin Ski Resort / Yunxiao Peak (By cable car to 2,800m), Kanas Lake & boat-cruise Guanyutai Pavilion & ‘3’-Bays… Kindly WhatsApp 013-292 0345 Billy

Our services -
1) Complete ground tour in Europe,
2) Customize, flexible itinerary,
3) Depart any


See Snow Mountain in South Xinjiang (Not only Desert). Along G314 China-Pakistan Friendship Highway, Pamir Highland -- 5,700m above sea level, 80km long, whole year covered with snow, it’s the best place to take photo with snow.
Visit : Kashgar, Tashkurgen, White Sand Lake, Karakul Lake, Aoyi Take Red Hill Valley, Mustaga Glacier, Afghansitan Wakhan Corridor,
Pakistan Khunjerab Pass (Red Qilafu). Aksu & Kuqa Grand Canyon etc… Whatsapp 013-292 0345 Billy
去南疆看雪山(不仅是沙漠)。 (G314中巴友谊公路沿线), 帕米尔高原 -- 长度80公里,高度5,700,终年白雪皑皑,是玩雪的最佳去处。游览:喀什、塔什库尔根、白沙湖、卡拉库里湖、奥伊塔克红山谷、穆斯塔格冰川、阿富汗瓦罕走廊、巴基斯坦 红其拉甫 口岸, 阿克苏、库车大峡谷等...

Our services -
1) Complete ground tour in Europe,
2) Customize, flexible itinerary,
3) Depart any


1)- Jikepurin Ski Resort, a snow-mountain in Hemu was added. Thanks to ‘2’ internal flights that cuts down the traveling time on the road. 2)- with the excess time, we can visit Kazangi Blue Village in Yining, 3)- 48hrs entrance ticket was provided in Nalati to see more activities, events and attractions. For more info kindly WhatsApp Billy 013-2920345. Thanks

Our services -
1) Complete ground tour in Europe,
2) Customize, flexible itinerary,
3) Depart any


No Hassle, No Touch & Go. This is a “Relaxing Tour”, because internal flight was added. There is no charge for requesting any tailor-made itinerary. For more details, kindly Whatsapp 013-292 0345 Billy
不匆忙, 不走马看花, 确对是 “轻松之旅”, 因为包含 “1” 趟国内航班
量身定做 新行程, 询问索取是不收费的. 欲了解更多详情,请联系 013-292 0345 Billy

Our services -
1) Complete ground tour in Europe,
2) Customize, flexible itinerary,
3) Depart any


By High-speed train tour Silk-road (丝绸之路) can cut down by 15-hours of bus journey, (actual distance is 2,100km), save the hotel & bus expenses and replace it at QINGHAI (青海), pay a bit more n tour Qinghai. Silk-road +Qinghai 14 Days Rm 12,500. (6-pax mini group, can depart any date.
乘坐高铁游览 ’丝绸之路’,可减少15小时的巴士路程,(总距离是 2,100km), 省酒店和巴士租金支出,来加码于 '青海'。丝绸之路 +青海 14天 Rm12,500. (6人迷你团, 随时可出发). Ps contact Billy 013-292 0345 Billy
D1, Depart KLIA to Urumqi
D2, Urumqi sightseeing, to Turpan
D3, Turpan full day tour
D4, to Dunhuang, sightseeing
D5, Dunhuang full day tour
D6, to Zhangye sightseeing
D7, Zhangye half day tour, to Lanzhou
D8, Lanzhou sightseeing, to Liujiaxia Dam
D9, to Bingling Temple & Grottoes (Unesco)
D10, to Labrang Monastery, to Hunagnan
D11, Huangnan full day tour
D12, to Kanbula National Forest Park, to Xining
D13, to Ta’er kumbum Monastery
D14, Depart Home. Thank you

Our services -
1) Complete ground tour in Europe,
2) Customize, flexible itinerary,
3) Depart any

PART-1.  Biggest “Cherry Blossom” is in Guizhou   +Tulip, Azalea, Rapeseed & Peach Blossom,   “2 in 1” -- Yunnan, Guizho...

PART-1. Biggest “Cherry Blossom” is in Guizhou +Tulip, Azalea, Rapeseed & Peach Blossom, “2 in 1” -- Yunnan, Guizhou ‘3’ Unesco : 1)Shilin Stone Peaks, 2)Wanfenlin, 3)Fanjingshan +5A Xijiang Miao Village +4A : Jiuxiang Caves & Malinghe Canyon. 9 Days Rm3,999 (Exclude Air-ticket +-Rm2,000, Entrances +-450) 6-pax mini group can depart any date. 最大的樱花盛开 在贵州, 再+'4'花场 : 郁金香、杜鹃花、桃花 和 油菜花. (2合1) -- 云南, 贵州 ‘3’个文化遗产 : 1)士林石峰, 2)万峰林, 3)梵净山, +5A 西江苗寨, +4A (2’个) : 九乡溶洞群 & 马岭河峡谷. 9天 Rm 3,999. (不包机票+- Rm2,000. 不包门票+-Rm 450) 6人迷你团, 随时可出发. Ps contact Billy 013-292 0345 Billy
D1, Depart KLIA to Kunming
D2, to Shilin Stone Forest (Unesco)
D3, to Wanfenglin (Unesco) +Rapeseed fields
D4, to Malinghe Canyon +Peach blossom, to Anshun
D5, to Biggest Cherry Garden, to Tulip fields, to Xijiang Miao village (5A)
D6, to Langde upper Miao Village, to Tongren
D7, Day trip to Fanjingshan (Unesco)
D8, to Guiyang, Day-trip to Azalea fields
D9, Depart home

See the “Biggest Cherry Blossom” in Guizhou  +'4'-Fields  :  Tulip, Azalea, Rapeseed & Peach Blossom.   (This is Part-2,...

See the “Biggest Cherry Blossom” in Guizhou +'4'-Fields : Tulip, Azalea, Rapeseed & Peach Blossom. (This is Part-2, before that, please go to PART-1) -- Yunnan & Guizhou ‘3’ Unesco : 1) Shilin Stone Peaks, 2) Xingyi Wanfenglin, 3) Fanjingshan +5AAAAA -- Xijiang Miao Village. +4AAAA (2): Shilin Jiuxiang Caves & Malinghe Canyon. 9 Days Rm 3,999 (Exclude air ticket +-Rm2,000, entrance fee +-Rm450) (6-pax Depart Any-date) (6-nights Hotel and 6-meals were up-graded). In Kunming, out from Guiyang (No Back-track) 看 “最大的樱花 盛开” 在贵州, 再+'4'-场 : 郁金香、杜鹃花、桃花 和 油菜花 (这是第2部分,在此之前,请先阅读第1部分) -- 云南、贵州. “3” 个文化遗产 :1)石林石峰, 2)兴义万峰林, 3)梵净山 +5AAAAA-- 西江苗寨 +4AAAA (2) :石林九香洞 & 马岭河峡谷. 9天 Rm3,999 (不包括机票+-Rm2,000,入场费+-Rm450). (升级 6晚酒店 和 6餐)入进昆明, 出从贵阳 (不走回头路). ps Whatsapp 013-292 0345 Billy
D1, Depart KLIA to Kunming
D2, to Shilin Stone Forest (Unesco)
D3, to Wanfenglin (Unesco) +Rapeseed fields
D4, to Malinghe Canyon +Peach blossom, to Anshun
D5, to Biggest Cherry Garden, to Tulip fields, to Xijiang Miao village (5A)
D6, to Langde upper Miao Village, to Tongren
D7, Day trip to Fanjingshan (Unesco)
D8, to Guiyang, Day-trip to Azalea fields
D9, Depart home

Part-1, D1 to D6,  Germany, France, Austria  +Italy.  In Frankfurt, out from Venice (No back-track).   12D/9N Rm9,999 (E...

Part-1, D1 to D6, Germany, France, Austria +Italy. In Frankfurt, out from Venice (No back-track). 12D/9N Rm9,999 (Exclude air ticket). 6-pax mini group, can depart any date
D1, Depart KLIA to Frankfurt
D2, Frankfurt to Wurzburg, to Rothenburg
D3, to Heidelberg, to Strasbourg
D4, to Colmar, to Black Forest, to Rhinefalls
D5, to Konstanz, to Neuschwanstein Castle
D6, to Berchtesgaden, to Salzburg

Before this, please make sure you go to PART-1 first.   This is Part-2, D7 to D11  (ps Whatsapp 013-292 0345 Billy)D7, S...

Before this, please make sure you go to PART-1 first. This is Part-2, D7 to D11 (ps Whatsapp 013-292 0345 Billy)
D7, Salzburg to St Wolfgang, to Hallstatt
D8, Kitzsteinhorn Day Trip, to Alpine-road & Pasterze Glacier
D9, to Tre Cime de Lavaredo, to Dolomites
D10, to Venice
D11, Depart Home
In Frankfurt, out from Venice (No back-track). 12D/9N Rm9,999 (Exclude air ticket). 6-pax mini group, can depart any date

Depart any date.  Extra 4-places -- +Giethoorn,  Bruges,  Colmar (2-Unesco),   Interlaken & Mt Titlis.   Western Europe ...

Depart any date. Extra 4-places -- +Giethoorn, Bruges, Colmar (2-Unesco), Interlaken & Mt Titlis. Western Europe (4-countries). 10D/7N. Rm9,999 (Exclude air ticket) +羊角村, 布鲁日、科尔马 ('2'个文化遗产)、瑞士 因特拉肯 和 铁力士山. 西欧4国 10天/7晚 Rm9,999 (不包括机票 ) (不走回头路) ps WhatsApp 013-292 0345 Billy.
D1, Depart KLIA to Zurich
D2, to Lucerne, Mt Titlis
D3, to Interlaken full day tour
D4, to Colmar / France (Unesco)
D5, to Paris full day tour
D6, to Bruges (Unesco), to Brussels
D7, to Amsterdam
D8, to Giethoorn canal cruise
D9, Depart Home
D10, Arrive KLIA. Thank You, see you next time.

江西望仙谷 懸崖民宿 Wangxiangu Cliff Homestay hotel  4* open Jan31 2022.  The hotel rooms are suspended high above the ground and...

江西望仙谷 懸崖民宿 Wangxiangu Cliff Homestay hotel 4* open Jan31 2022. The hotel rooms are suspended high above the ground and are connected to each other by narrow, winding staircases and walkways


云南, 贵州  ‘3’个文化遗产 : 1)士林石峰, 2)万峰林, 3)梵净山,  +5A 西江苗寨,  +4A (3’个): 1)九乡溶洞群, 2)马岭河峡谷  3)凤凰古城.   8天 Rm 4,199.  (不包机票+- Rm2,00...

云南, 贵州 ‘3’个文化遗产 : 1)士林石峰, 2)万峰林, 3)梵净山, +5A 西江苗寨, +4A (3’个): 1)九乡溶洞群, 2)马岭河峡谷 3)凤凰古城. 8天 Rm 4,199. (不包机票+- Rm2,000. 不包门票+-Rm 450) 出发日期: 14/2, 5/4. 住五星级酒店 4-晚 (含西式晚餐 或自助餐) Yunnan, Guizhou ‘3’ Unesco : 1)Shilin Stone Peaks, 2)Wanfenlin, 3)Fanjingshan. +5A Xijiang Miao Village.
+4A: 1)Jiuxiang Caves 2)Malinghe Canyon 3)Fenhuang Ancient City. 8 Days Rm4,199 (Exclude Air-ticket +-Rm2,000, Entrnces +-450) Depart: 14/2, 5/4. or 6-pax mini group (surcharge Rm500), can depart any date. (5-star Hotel 4-nights include 4 western 3-course beef or lamb or buffet dinner. ps contact Billy 013-292 0345 Billy
D1, Depart KLIA to Kunming
D2, to Shilin Stone Peaks (Unesco)
D3, to Jiuxiang Caves (4A), to Xingyi Wanfenglin (Unesco)
D4, to Malinghe Canyon (4A), to Guiyang
D5, to Xijiang Miao Village (5A)
D6, to Tongren
D7, Fanjingshan DayTrip (Unesco)
D8, to Fenghuang ancient city (4A), Depart Home, TQ

乘坐高铁游中国, 快又舒适, 又不受限制,   想去哪就去哪,  想走就走,  完全不受控制。有了高铁, 可以游览多几个景点,  無需趕着回家. '2'个文化遺產  :  武夷山,  黄山  +千岛湖  +'5'个古村落   8 天 Rm ...

乘坐高铁游中国, 快又舒适, 又不受限制, 想去哪就去哪, 想走就走, 完全不受控制。有了高铁, 可以游览多几个景点, 無需趕着回家. '2'个文化遺產 : 武夷山, 黄山 +千岛湖 +'5'个古村落 8 天 Rm 2,999 (不包括机票及门票). ‘4’趟高铁, 全坐一等艙, 剩下的巴士路程, 仅400公里。
By high-speed train, is fast, comfortable and unrestricted. You can go wherever you like, and travel whenever you want, completely free & easy. So now, we can visit more attractions, go to see more places. 2-Unesco : Wuyi Mountain, Huangshan +Qiandao Lake +'5' ancient villages. 8 days Rm 2,999 (excluding air tickets, entrance fee & facilities). 4-high-speed trains, all in first class, and the remaining bus journey is only 400 km. ps Whatsapp 013-292 0345 Billy
D1, Depart KLIA to Fuzhou
D2: Fuzhou to Wuyishan 武夷山 full day tour
D3: Wuyishan full day tour, to Wuyuan
D4, to Likengcun 婺源李坑村, Huanglingcun篁岭梯田, Jiangling 江岭梯田
D5, to Huangshan 黄山 full day tour
D6, to Hongcun 宏村, to Qiandao Lake 千岛湖
D7, Xin’anjiang Reservoir, Lake tour, to Hangzhou
D8, Depart KLIA. Arrive home safety. Thank you. see you next time.

South Italy ’3-Unesco’: Alberobello, Amalfi Coast / Positano, Matera, +Cinque Terre (Unesco). +Capri Island. (In Rome, o...

South Italy ’3-Unesco’: Alberobello, Amalfi Coast / Positano, Matera, +Cinque Terre (Unesco). +Capri Island. (In Rome, out from Milan, *Include 1-internal flight, No back-track). 10D/7N Rm6,999 (Exclude air ticket). Depart : 8/2, 4/4, (or 6-pax mini-group, depart any date, surcharge rm500 p.p)
意大利南部的 ‘3’个文化遗产 :阿尔贝罗贝洛、阿马尔菲海岸/波西塔诺、马泰拉、+五渔村 (文化遗产). +卡普里岛。 (入进罗马, 出从米兰),包含 ‘1’ 趟内部航班, (不走回头路)。10天/7晚 Rm6,999 不包括机票,). 出发 : 8/2, 4/4, (或 6人迷你团, 附加 Rm500, 随时可出发). ps Whatsapp 013-292 0345 billy
D1, Depart to Milan
D2, Milan to Cinque Terra (Unesco)
D3, Cinque Terre Boat tour, to Pisa
D4, Optional tour to Florence & Venice
D5, By Flight to Bari, to Alberobello, to Matera (2-Unesco)
D6, to Amalfi Coast, to Positano (Unesco)
D7, Day trip to Capri Island
D8, to Rome full day tour
D9, Rome, Depart home
D10, Arrive KLIA. Thank you, see you next time.




1)-Private Tailor-made Family tours to China & Europe.   2)-Your vacation belongs only to your family。3)-Don’t like to j...

1)-Private Tailor-made Family tours to China & Europe. 2)-Your vacation belongs only to your family。3)-Don’t like to join group-tour! But wanted to give your family a happy trip. (It’s Private Tailor-made Tour) 4)-We design your tour itinerary according to the family’s wishes, everything is flexible before departure. 5)- You can stay longer at attractions they like, and cancel those don’t like 6)-No charge for the itinerary, OPEN COSTING (no hidden prices), just a small fee for our team. 7)-MY-WISH’ Holidays! Exclusive service 1 v 1, fulfilling your needs. 8)-We can design your itinerary with an extra of 2 to 3 hours per day
1)-量身定做 旅游, 私人精品小包团, 出游中国、欧洲, 2)-您私密旅行, 只属于家人。3)-不想跟团 ! 想给家人1次 快乐之旅, (那就是 ‘量身定制’ 旅游) 4)-按照家人的心意, 全程灵活, 奢简可调. 5)-多留喜欢看的景点, 取消那些不喜欢看的地方. 6)-‘随我意 假期’! 专属服务 1对1, 提交您的需求. 7)-我们的团队将为您 写一份新行程, 行程设计不收费, 价钱公开, 无隐藏价格, 完成后只需支付少量费用. 8)-我们可以为您的行程 设计 每天额外多出 2至3小时
ps WhatsApp 013-292 03450345 Billy

1)-Private Tailor-made Family tours to China & Europe.   2)-Your vacation belongs only to your family。3)-Don’t like to j...

1)-Private Tailor-made Family tours to China & Europe. 2)-Your vacation belongs only to your family。3)-Don’t like to join group-tour! But wanted to give your family a happy trip. (It’s Private Tailor-made Tour) 4)-We design your tour itinerary according to the family’s wishes, stay longer at attractions they like, cancel those don’t like 5)-We can design your itinerary with an extra of 2 to 3 hours per day 6)-No charge for preliminary itinerary drafting. 7)-MY-WISH’ Holidays! Exclusive service 1 v 1, fulfilling your needs. 8)-Everything is flexible and 9)-OPEN COSTING (no hidden prices)
1)-量身定做 旅游, 私人精品小包团, 出游中国、欧洲, 2)-您私密旅行, 只属于家人。3)-不想跟团 ! 想给家人1次 快乐之旅, (那就是 ‘量身定制’ 旅游) 4)-按照家人的心意, 多留喜欢看的景点, 取消那些不喜欢看的地方, 5)-我们的团队将为您 写一份新行程, 行程设计不收费。6)-我们可以为您的行程 设计每天额外多出 2至3小时 7)-‘随我意 假期’! 专属服务 1对1, 提交您的需求, 8)-全程灵活, 奢简可调, 9)-价钱公开, 无隐藏价格. ps WhatsApp 013-292 0345 Billy

Advantages for Tailor-made Private Tour:1)- Does not waste money (cancel places you don’t like)2)- Stay as long as you l...

Advantages for Tailor-made Private Tour:
1)- Does not waste money (cancel places you don’t like)
2)- Stay as long as you like at attractions you favor
3)- Flexible itinerary & duration, according to your family liking
4)- Does not waste time (no need to wait for you & me)
5)- Meals arranged as per your family requested
(like Halal, vegetarian, or more beef or lamb)
6)- Our team will help to look for more local delicacies
7)- Itinerary design to your ‘Budget’
8)- No charge for requesting brief itinerary.
9)- Open costing (no hidden price)
10)- We can design your itinerary with an extra of 2 to 3 hours per day
行程 量身定制 的优点
1)- 不浪费金钱 (不去看不喜欢的景点)
2)- 注重家人喜欢的景点
3)- 看景点的时间 随您意, 行程灵活
4)- 不浪费时间 (不必等我,等你)
5)- 注重 家人喜欢的餐食 (每天更换)
6)- 更勤奋寻找一些当地的美食
7)- 按您的“预算” 而设计行程
8)- 设计行程不收费
9)- 所有价钱公开
10)- 我们可以为您的行程 设计每天额外多出 2至3小时
ps WhatsApp 013-292 0345 Billy

云南, 贵州  ‘3’个文化遗产 : 1)士林石峰, 2)万峰林, 3)梵净山,  +5A 西江苗寨,  +4A (3’个): 1)九乡溶洞群, 2)马岭河峡谷  3)凤凰古城.   8天 Rm 4,199.  (不包机票+- Rm2,00...

云南, 贵州 ‘3’个文化遗产 : 1)士林石峰, 2)万峰林, 3)梵净山, +5A 西江苗寨, +4A (3’个): 1)九乡溶洞群, 2)马岭河峡谷 3)凤凰古城. 8天 Rm 4,199. (不包机票+- Rm2,000. 不包门票+-Rm 450) 出发日期: 14/2, 5/4. (或 6 人迷你团, 附加 Rm500, 随时可出发). 住五星级酒店 4-晚 (含西式晚餐) Yunnan, Guizhou ‘3’ Unesco : 1)Shilin Stone Peaks, 2)Wanfenlin, 3)Fanjingshan. +5A Xijiang Miao Village.
+4A: 1)Jiuxiang Caves 2)Malinghe Canyon 3)Fenhuang Ancient City. 8 Days Rm4,199 (Exclude Air-ticket +-Rm2,000, Entrnces +-450) Depart: 14/2, 5/4. or 6-pax mini group (surcharge Rm500), can depart any date. (5-star Hotel 4-nights include 4 western dinner 3-course beef or lamb. ps contact Billy 013-292 0345
D1, Depart KLIA to Kunming
D2, to Shilin Stone Peaks (Unesco)
D3, to Jiuxiang Caves (4A), to Xingyi Wanfenglin (Unesco)
D4, to Malinghe Canyon (4A), to Guiyang
D5, to Xijiang Miao Village (5A)
D6, to Tongren
D7, Fanjingshan DayTrip (Unesco)
D8, to Fenghuang ancient city (4A), Depart Home, TQ


23, Jaln Besi Off Green Lane



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