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Happy Chinese New Year 新年快乐
It is time to start another year and another set of opportunities. May this new year be filled with happiness, prosperity, and many precious moments with your loved ones. Wish you all a happy spring festival and a good year ahead ! Gong Xi Fa Cai !
岁末甫至,福气东来,鸿运通天。伴随着新年的到来增添了更美丽的色彩,愿大家的每一天都像梦想那般绚丽多彩 ! 祝您春节快乐,合家欢乐,幸福安康,万事如意 !
#96Travel #ChineseNewYear2022 #GongXiFaCai #HappyChineseNewYear
Couple travel 3 Places
Some of our best memories are from trips together with our better half. What is your favorite couple travel memory?
Traveling as a couple will give you some of the most intense and unforgettable experiences of your life. Two people do not have to mean twice the cost, traveling as a couple will double the fun, the ease, and the experiences while helping to halve your budget, and your relationship will thank you for it!
Here are some best places to travel as a couple in Asia. Malaysia Tunamaya Beach is romantic and relaxing, with your romantic holiday chilling by the crystal-clear beach, enjoy touch massage and evenings having candlelight beach dinners.
Travel to Indonesia Bali is full of adventure and beautiful landscapes. Spending your days with your loved one out mountain, rock, snorkeling, or diving deep into local wildlife and national parks.
Honeymoon in Thailand Krabi, the food, culture, greenish-blue beaches, jungles, history, architecture, it really has it all. And to top it all off, if you like adventure travel, then Thailand has it in spades, filled with some epic activities for couples who love adventure.
So tag her/him whom you would go couple travel with!
有另一半的你,有和他 / 她一起去旅行过吗?
这里盘了一些甜蜜圣地供情侣们参考,情侣单独去旅行,不但能够让感情升温,更是能互相磨合 !
内蒙古?没玩过?好玩吗? 原来内蒙古可以这样晚!! 话不多说,让我们赶快点击播放吧! 任何详情请联系我们 03-80600326 #让我们一起装逼 #一起旅行 #Cometravelwithus #Holidays
任何详情请联系我们 03-80600326
#让我们一起装逼 #一起旅行 #Cometravelwithus #Holidays
The amazing of Vietnam !!
The amazing of Vietnam !!
任何详情请联系我们 03-80600326
#让我们一起装逼 #一起旅行 #Cometravelwithus #Holidays
#ComeTravel 带你去旅行 ! 越南私藏的法国,体验沙漠中越野吉普车!
#ComeTravel 带你去旅行 ! 越南私藏的法国,体验沙漠中越野吉普车!美奈在数年前还是一个默默无闻的小渔村,至今是越南最出名的海边度假胜地。越南私藏的法国及这个高山之上的浪漫花城“大叻” ,仿佛把一座法国小镇搬到了越南。
那就一起前往菲律宾的“马尼拉”吧,价格只从RM 2588 起!
任何详情请联系我们 03-80600326
#让我们一起装逼 #一起旅行 #Cometravelwithus #Holidays
✈️🇻🇳Vietnamese lifestyle
Let's cheers😍 #lifestyle #dalat #vietnam #cometravel #96_travel