Stop the Australian (Anti)Vaccination Network

Stop the Australian (Anti)Vaccination Network “Stop the Australian (Anti-) Vaccination Network” (SAVN) campaigns against anti-vaccine cranks. (The ATO rejected their application.)

Prominent science journalist Peter Bowditch has been campaigning against the AVN since 1996 but it was not until 2009, when Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) supporters harassed a grieving family and AVN President Ms Meryl Dorey demanded the baby’s medical records from the Health Service that “Stop the Australian Vaccination Network” or SAVN, was founded. SAVN was founded as “Stop the Australia

n Vaccination Network” in May 2009 by concerned members of the public, when that harassment of grieving parents was revealed. We were also deeply concerned by the misinformation given out by AVN President Ms Meryl Dorey on TV and on the internet. SAVN’s campaign began with the first complaint to the HCCC in July 2009, the first complaint to the NSW Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing soon after, and a protest to the Australian Taxation Office about the AVN’s application for Tax-Deductible Gift Recipient status. SAVN morphed into “Stop the Australian (Anti-) Vaccination Network” (still “SAVN”), as a grass - roots lobby group formed around a page which is administered by 30 people with varied experience including scientists, GPs, medical specialists, epidemiologists, lawyers, nurses, allied health professionals, teachers and retirees. Over time, as the influence of the AVN waned, SAVN broadened its activities to campaign against other anti-vaccine cranks, such as those found within the ranks of chiropractors, midwives, homeopaths, and naturopaths. Indeed we were surprised to discover the extent of anti-vaccine activities in the chiropractic industry and the extent of chiropractic membership and influence in the AVN. In 2014, after lobbying of the NSW Government by SAVN, the Australian Vaccination Network was forced to change its name, to the ‘Australian Vaccination-Skeptics Network.’

SAVN now has over 17,000 followers all over the world, and has offshoots in NZ and Indonesia. A large portion of SAVN contributors comprises doctors, nurses, and scientists with qualifications relevant to vaccination and science literacy and of course concerned parents and grandparents. SAVN's strategy from the beginning is to show that the AVN and other cranks are unqualified to provide medical advice, to challenge them in the media where they were previously unchallenged, and draw the attention of the media, politicians and regulators to their activities. Some of the major achievements flowing from our activities are:

- The Australian Tax Office refused the AVN’s application for Deductible Gift Recipient status.

- The NSW Government cancelled the AVN’s Charitable Fundraising Authority.

- The NSW Parliament passed an amendment to the Association Incorporation Regulations that allows the Minister to disallow a deceptive name of an Association. The NSW Minister for Fair Trading then instructed the AVN to change its name or face deregistration. The AVN appealed to the NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal and lost. ( They changed their name to ‘Australian Vaccination - Skeptics Network’ in February 2014, under protest.

- An investigation by the Australian Communications and Media Authority into the broadcast by WIN TV of Meryl Dorey’s untrue claims against vaccines found against Meryl Dorey and the TV network concerned. (

- A Media Watch broadcast criticised WIN TV News for using Meryl Dorey as above, and blasted the entire concept of ‘False Balance.’ (

- The Minister for Fair Trading instigated an investigation into the AVN, which led to the regulatory actions mentioned here.

- The AVN and Meryl Dorey have lost in a string of investigations and court cases . (

- The NSW Govt amended the Health Care Complaints Act to overcome a loophole in the legislation and allow the HCCC to investigate unregistered health care practitioners without a specific complaint from a patient.

- An ABC Catalyst program exposed anti-vaccine chiropractors, see it at

- At the Woodford Folk Festival in New Year 2012, SAVN hired an aeroplane to tow an advertising banner displaying “Vaccinations Save Lives” over the festival on two occasions when Ms Dorey was due to speak at seminars. It gave us wonderful publicity and the Festival did not invite Ms Dorey again.

- Withdrawal of links to the AVN in an Australian Midwifery textbook, credit should to Friends of Science in Medicine.

- Withdrawal of promotion of AVN seminars issued by the Australian College of Midwives

- Release of correspondence between the AVN and the Office of Fair Trading, and the loss of the AVN’s appeal to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal.

- Cancellation of two AVN seminars, Adelaide and Perth, due to SAVN alerting property managers to the nature of the AVN.

- Withdrawal of the anti-vaccine film 'Vaxxed' from the Castlemaine Local and International Film Festival programme.

- Discovery that many AVN publications breached copyright. They were withdrawn from sale after copyright owners were alerted and adverse articles appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald. (

- The media have taken to referring to the AVN, Ms Dorey and other cranks as ‘anti-vaccine’ ‘nutjobs.’

- The Health Care Complaints Commission issued a Public Warning about the AVSN. (

- Following a string of complaints from SAVN to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission and NSW Government Ministers, the NSW Parliament began a Parliamentary Inquiry into misleading health advice. Thanks to Ms Dorey and the AVN, all cranks and charlatans such as homeopaths and naturopaths have been subjected to parliamentary scrutiny and the outcome is likely to be more stringent legislation against them. (

- Following an announcement by anti-vaccination campaigner Stephanie Messenger that she, or rather her ‘organisations’ the ‘Get Rid of SIDS Project Inc’ and the ‘GanKinMan Foundation’ were about to host an Australian tour of American anti-vaccination campaigner Dr Sheri Tenpenny, SAVN began a national campaign to prevent that. After alerting venue operators to the Messenger’s deceit in how she presented the seminars, all bookings were cancelled, and her tour was then cancelled.

- Following years of lobbying against so-called ‘conscientious and religious exemptions’ from vaccination requirements for social security payments, the Federal Govt announced in April 2015 that these exemptions would cease in 2016.

- As part of the above, the Federal government introduced a ‘No Vax = No Pay’ regime into Family Tax Benefits. Most of the credit here must go to several News Corp journalists.

- In March 2013 the Chiropractic Board of Australia issued a public statement supporting vaccination and saying that they expected chiropractors to support evidence-based medicine.

- In August 2013 The Chiropractic Board of Australia announced in a media release that it ‘is cracking down on chiropractors who step outside their primary role as healthcare practitioners and provide treatment that puts the public at risk’ and “has ordered practitioners to remove all anti-vaccination material from their websites and clinics, removed several courses from the list of approved CPD programs, and introduced random audits of practitioner compliance with the Board’s registration standards.” (Ms Dorey had presented anti-vaccination lectures which were accredited by the Board as suitable for obtaining CPD points.)

- On 12 October 2016 the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Board issued their "Position Statement on Vaccination' strongly supporting the science and stating that 'The NMBA expects all registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives to use the best available evidence in making practice decisions.'

- In December 2016 the NSW Minister for Fair Trading announced a new Ministerial Inquiry into certain fund-raising activities on the AVN.

- In February 2017 the Chiropractors Association of Australia issued a public statement disassociating themselves from the AVN.

- An analysis of our achievements was presented as a poster at the 2014 National Immunisation Conference. See .

- In August 2017 the Council of Australian Government Health Ministers, (Commonwealth, State and Territory), came out strongly against the travelling anti-vax film 'Vaxxed', with Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt condemning the movie and its anti-vaccination message as being based on unscientific conspiracy theories. The movie's producer was intercepted by the Australian Border Force while leaving Australia and was informed that she was prohibited from entering Australia for the next three years.

- US- based anti-vaccine activists Polly Tommey, Suzanne Humphries, and Kent Heckenlively have been told that they will be denied entry to Australia.

- In 2022 the Australian Vaccination-risks Network (AVN) applied to the Federal Court of Australia for orders requiring the Secretary of the Department of Health to cancel or suspend the provisional registration of three COVID-19 vaccines. On 8 August 2022 the Federal Court of Australia ruled* that AVN did not have standing to bring the proceeding under the Judiciary Act and

1. The application for leave to appeal was refused.

2. The appeal was dismissed as incompetent.

3. The AVN was ordered to pay the respondent’s costs.


For proof that the former President and former Public Officer of the AVN, Ms Meryl Dorey, lies and defrauds shamelessly, go to and and and

For evidence that some chiropractors, nurses and midwives are deeply involved in anti-vaccine activities, and that anti-vaccine cranks are unethical, see

SAVN is not an Incorporated Association, is not formally affiliated with any other organisation, and has never received any financial support from any source. See also:

 .  Australian Associated Press fact-checked another of Ms Dorey's claims and found it to be complete mendacity.(KMcL)

. Australian Associated Press fact-checked another of Ms Dorey's claims and found it to be complete mendacity.


A video falsely claims doctors spend just one morning learning about vaccination during their training and that

Suffice it to say, facts are anathema to CHD and Tommey. Which brings us to the quality of Vaxxed III: Authorised to Kil...

Suffice it to say, facts are anathema to CHD and Tommey. Which brings us to the quality of Vaxxed III: Authorised to Kill. As with the prior two films the main content is of people interviewed about so-called “vaccine injuries”, deaths and negative health system experiences, filmed in a Vaxxed bus driving across the USA.

On 23 August this year, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his independent US presidential campaign in ten battleground states, choosing to endorse Donald Trump. He cited the same causes, “that …

 .  The Australian Charities and Non-profits Commission has revoked the charity status and tax concessions of an antivax...

. The Australian Charities and Non-profits Commission has revoked the charity status and tax concessions of an antivax organisation, "What Would Love Do Now', which used the business name of "Parents With Questions.' This followed a formal complaint from us.


 .  If you're in Newcastle on Friday the 12th.....

. If you're in Newcastle on Friday the 12th.....


. AVN in court again...

We have become aware of the appearance for mention of the anti-vax AVN in the Parramatta Criminal Court on 6 May in the case of R vs Australian Vaccination-risks Network, case 2024/0010494.

Trying to determine what the case is about is difficult as the Court Register does not include a copy of the indictment, so unless the AVN announces it before the full hearing, we remain in the dark.

The AVN lost its Charitable Fundraising Licence following an investigation by the NSW Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing in 2010, with further investigations in later years.

The AVN does not have a good track record of initiating cases in Court. In 2022 the AVN was found to lack legal standing in a federal court challenge to TGA approval of COVID-19 vaccines, and in 2023 the AVN was one of six plaintiffs in a failed High Court case seeking to “fix the law on standing” and thus, open the way to relaunch the original case."

We await more details of the current case.


Great read on Disease X scams ripping money from gullible conspiracy devotees.

Great read on Disease X scams ripping money from gullible conspiracy devotees.

The fast-spreading misinformation, which experts say illustrates the perils of reduced content moderation on social media sites, threatens to fuel vaccine hesitancy and jeopardise preparation for public health emergencies four years after the outbreak of COVID-19.


In an unsurprising judgement, the Federal Court case brought by sole applicant Dr. Julian Fidge, against Pfizer and Moderna has been unsuccessful (1 March 2024). Utilising the legal arguments of Maat's Method and others linked to earlier antivax court cases involving the AVN, Fidge contended he was an aggrieved person, and thus had legal standing to bring proceedings against the two Pharma giants.

Specifically, with the help of legal precedent, Fidge submitted that it was a “necessary incident” of his role as a doctor to challenge breaches of the Gene Technology Act 2000, and thus standing could be established.

Broadly, the legal argument was that mRNA vaccines are GMOs and thus, the TGA were legally obliged to have written to the office of the Gene Technology Regulator. Not doing so rendered both COVID-19 vaccine approvals invalid.
Justice Rolfe disagreed.

Full Judgement:

1. Pursuant to s 31A(2) of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) and r 26.01(1)(a), (c) and (d) of the Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth), the proceedings against the first respondent and second respondent be dismissed on the grounds that the applicant has no reasonable prospect of successfully prosecuting the proceedings against the respondents because the applicant is not an “aggrieved person” within the meaning of s 147(1) of the Gene Technology Act 2001 (Cth), and otherwise has no standing to bring the proceeding.

2. The applicant pay the first respondent’s and second respondent’s costs of, and incidental to, the proceeding. […]


104 The scope of GTA is confined and intended to operate in a broader regulatory landscape with other statutes, including the Therapeutic Goods Act. The GTA regulates specific dealings with GMOs that pose a biosafety risk to people or the environment. The Act does not regulate the quality, efficacy and safety of GMO vaccines for administration to humans; that is the role of the Therapeutic Goods Act.

The applicant’s construction of the Act as a “one stop shop” for GMOs that provides a recourse for individuals to raise concerns about any risks associated with GMOs is simply not supported by the text or context of the Act. I consider that standing for the purposes of s 147(1) is confined to persons aggrieved by the specific conduct regulated by the GTA which could constitute an offence against that legislation. This includes “deal[ing] with” a GMO (as defined in s 10) without a licence.

105 In any event, even if I were to accept the applicant’s construction of the Act, namely that the Act seeks to capture the ultimate intended end use of GMOs, I do not consider that the applicant is an aggrieved person for the purposes of s 147(1).

A breakdown of OpenDAEN - the Aussie version of OpenVAERS - using decontextualised data tacked onto bogus claims to crea...

A breakdown of OpenDAEN - the Aussie version of OpenVAERS - using decontextualised data tacked onto bogus claims to create the illusion that COVID-19 vaccine adverse events are serious and widespread.
Bear in mind, no children have died as OpenDAEN alleges: the figures are merely unverified reports - not data.

All 14 fatalities known to be linked to Australian COVID-19 vaccines are in the 21-80 age group.
No deaths confirmed since 2022.
Hoax death reports are real, as uncovered by OpenDAEN organiser Sharon Cousins herself, so one can only imagine what other hoax reports anti-vaxxers have lodged.

Don't miss the OpenDAEN quack miranda.
OpenDAEN is an easy to use, fun-for-everyone game. Terrify your family. Amaze your friends! Scream at horrific batch numbers. BECOME an Anti-vaxxer.

Paul G.

On Monday 22 January 2024 the unique home for all things COVID conspiracy, Café Locked Out, hosted a video titled The Launch of OpenDAEN, A free database of Adverse Events. Cutting to the chase, Op…

 .  AAP Factcheck debunks antivax crank Barbara O'Neill.(KMcL)

. AAP Factcheck debunks antivax crank Barbara O'Neill.


A claim that mercury in flu vaccines causes Alzheimer's disease from a woman banned from providing health services overlooks some pretty important facts.


Whatever ye may get up to on the approaching day, may it be one of safety, good fare, family and a decent dash of joy.

….and Our Meryl and the other assorted fruitloops cookers and cranks at the AVN. (KMcL)

….and Our Meryl and the other assorted fruitloops cookers and cranks at the AVN.


Measles cases are surging in Europe and Central Asia, according to the World Health Organization. Who's responsible? The anti-vaccination movement and its leaders, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

 .  Here we expose a fruitloop crazy delusional antivaxxer at

. Here we expose a fruitloop crazy delusional antivaxxer at

Guest post by Ken McLeod Readers will recall that Barbara O’Neill is an Australian health crank, completely unqualified in anything, who is subject of a Permanent Prohibition Order issued by the New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission, (HCCC),[1] preventing her from engaging in any healt...

 :  Trouble in Cooker Paradise; antivaxxers vs cranks vs cookers vs other assorted nutters.

: Trouble in Cooker Paradise; antivaxxers vs cranks vs cookers vs other assorted nutters.

Skeptical musings on the denial of evidence

As source material from COVID-19 begins to recede, Meryl Dorey has returned to that old chestnut of "vaccines never save...

As source material from COVID-19 begins to recede, Meryl Dorey has returned to that old chestnut of "vaccines never saved us" in her role co-launching Children's Health Defense, Australian chapter.
Data trickster Greg Beattie was given free rein to present his 23 year old doctored graphs of mortality reduction prior to vaccine/s being introduced. Conspiracist Malcolm Roberts lends his wisdom, suggesting "We've nothing to fear then, if we stop vaccinating".
The video, "Senator Malcolm Roberts, Meryl Dorey & Greg Beattie: Australian Childhood Vaccines: A Question of Need vs Risk" is on Rumble.
But is recovery from infection, control of viral spread and immunity all there is to conquering disease? What of the physical ailments? Blindness, deafness, deformed features, shortened lifespans?
Beattie, and his ilk, have been debunked (see comments). But aside from the standard use of mortality figures to misrepresent the truth, the inherent claims fail to explain the success of the Hib vaccine (1993) which eliminated associated fatalities in 7 years. The HPV vaccine is 97% effective in preventing cervical cancer. Or the success of vaccine programmes in developing countries which do not enjoy the improved living standards of countries Beattie selects to target.

This vaccine myth is old, the material they use is old, the accompanying video debunking the scheme is even old as are articles that reveal the distortion of data. As Greg Beattie himself said recently: "[My] graphs don't exist in any government handbooks".

Video: "Vaccination and improved living standards".

Behold the legal arguments of the Australian Babies Case targetting COVID-19 vaccine approval. Gasp at the the sordid an...

Behold the legal arguments of the Australian Babies Case targetting COVID-19 vaccine approval. Gasp at the the sordid antivax connections between all plaintiffs and the AMPS.
Be fascinated at William Bay getting the boot, or the conspiracy beliefs of Gillespie, Fam and Ashby-Koppens.
Cringe to learn of the other lead plaintiff role of er... lead plaintiff & AMPS shill Peter Parry. And Senator Gerard Rennick. Why does he pop up?

As Peter Fam, instructing solicitor observed of the copious costs 18 months of legal jaunting demanded: “Too much money has been used on facetious exploits and actions… things that haven’t been thought out in terms of strategy… people aren’t working together… doing things that are contradictory to each other".

If only he'd asked Stop The AVN.

From the Conclusion:

"The Australian Babies Case sought to convince the High Court to accept that medically qualified applicants had “special interest” preventing “death, illness or injury”, in babies and small children. Success would lead to a new category of standing, and this would permit the AVN to return to the Federal Court to pursue this case and its original 2022 Federal Court case, AVN v Secretary, Dept. Health.

Case evidence involved a revamping of prior legal tactics. The Therapeutic Goods Act was exploited by the plaintiffs to demonstrate regulatory failures on the part of the Secretary of the Department of Health. These failures, they again argue, justify overturning the registration or approval of COVID-19 vaccines. Driving this action was a suite of fallacious claims and misrepresented statistics.

The plaintiffs are members of and/or closely associated with the AMPS, a well organised union of medical and allied health professionals, working actively to undermine confidence in COVID-19 vaccines. Members of the legal team in this case are strident anti-vaccine activists, closely associated with AMPS, and outspoken anti-vaccine politicians.

Despite the label of “Babies Case”, this was all about giving the AVN a second chance for legal standing to have their case demanding an end to all COVID vaccines, heard in the Federal Court. Had standing been granted via a special interest as described above, it could be used to target all vaccines and help Meryl Dorey advance her life-long claim that “no vaccine is safe”.

According to the instructing solicitor of the AVN, further action should be expected soon."

The Babies Case Legal Arguments Genetically Modified Organism Case Remitted to Federal Court Discontinuing The Australian Babies Case Dr. William Bay Conclusion In a previous post we looked at the …





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Our Story

Prominent science journalist Peter Bowditch has been campaigning against the AVN since 1996 but it was not until 2009, when Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) supporters harassed a grieving family and AVN President Ms Meryl Dorey demanded the baby’s medical records from the Health Service that “Stop the Australian Vaccination Network” or SAVN, was founded. SAVN was founded as “Stop the Australian Vaccination Network” in May 2009 by concerned members of the public, when that harassment of grieving parents was revealed. We were also deeply concerned by the misinformation given out by AVN President Ms Meryl Dorey on TV and on the internet. SAVN’s campaign began with the first complaint to the HCCC in July 2009, the first complaint to the NSW Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing soon after, and a protest to the Australian Taxation Office about the AVN’s application for Tax-Deductible Gift Recipient status. (The ATO rejected their application.) SAVN morphed into “Stop the Australian (Anti-) Vaccination Network” (still “SAVN”), as a grass - roots lobby group formed around a page which is administered by 30 people with varied experience including scientists, GPs, medical specialists, epidemiologists, lawyers, nurses, allied health professionals, teachers and retirees. Over time, as the influence of the AVN waned, SAVN broadened its activities to campaign against other anti-vaccine cranks, such as those found within the ranks of chiropractors, midwives, homeopaths, and naturopaths. Indeed we were surprised to discover the extent of anti-vaccine activities in the chiropractic industry and the extent of chiropractic membership and influence in the AVN. In 2014, after lobbying of the NSW Government by SAVN, the Australian Vaccination Network was forced to change its name, to the ‘Australian Vaccination-Skeptics Network.’ SAVN now has over 17,000 followers all over the world, and has offshoots in NZ and Indonesia. A large portion of SAVN contributors comprises doctors, nurses, and scientists with qualifications relevant to vaccination and science literacy and of course concerned parents and grandparents. SAVN's strategy from the beginning is to show that the AVN and other cranks are unqualified to provide medical advice, to challenge them in the media where they were previously unchallenged, and draw the attention of the media, politicians and regulators to their activities. Some of the major achievements flowing from our activities are: - The Australian Tax Office refused the AVN’s application for Deductible Gift Recipient status. - The NSW Government cancelled the AVN’s Charitable Fundraising Authority. - The NSW Parliament passed an amendment to the Association Incorporation Regulations that allows the Minister to disallow a deceptive name of an Association. The NSW Minister for Fair Trading then instructed the AVN to change its name or face deregistration. The AVN appealed to the NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal and lost. ( They changed their name to ‘Australian Vaccination - Skeptics Network’ in February 2014, under protest. - An investigation by the Australian Communications and Media Authority into the broadcast by WIN TV of Meryl Dorey’s untrue claims against vaccines found against Meryl Dorey and the TV network concerned. ( - A Media Watch broadcast criticised WIN TV News for using Meryl Dorey as above, and blasted the entire concept of ‘False Balance.’ ( - The Minister for Fair Trading instigated an investigation into the AVN, which led to the regulatory actions mentioned here. - The AVN and Meryl Dorey have lost in a string of investigations and court cases . ( - The NSW Govt amended the Health Care Complaints Act to overcome a loophole in the legislation and allow the HCCC to investigate unregistered health care practitioners without a specific complaint from a patient. By agreement among the Coalition of Australian Government Health Ministers, all State and Territory governments are amending their legislation to the same effect. - An ABC Catalyst program exposed anti-vaccine chiropractors, see it at - At the Woodford Folk Festival in New Year 2012, SAVN hired an aeroplane to tow an advertising banner displaying “Vaccinations Save Lives” over the festival on two occasions when Ms Dorey was due to speak at seminars. It gave us wonderful publicity and the Festival did not invite Ms Dorey again. - Withdrawal of links to the AVN in an Australian Midwifery textbook, credit should to Friends of Science in Medicine. - Withdrawal of promotion of AVN seminars issued by the Australian College of Midwives - Release of correspondence between the AVN and the Office of Fair Trading, and the loss of the AVN’s appeal to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal. - Cancellation of two AVN seminars, Adelaide and Perth, due to SAVN alerting property managers to the nature of the AVN. - Withdrawal of the anti-vaccine film 'Vaxxed' from the Castlemaine Local and International Film Festival programme. - Discovery that many AVN publications breached copyright. They were withdrawn from sale after copyright owners were alerted and adverse articles appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald. ( - The media have taken to referring to the AVN, Ms Dorey and other cranks as ‘anti-vaccine’ ‘nutjobs.’ - The Health Care Complaints Commission issued a Public Warning about the AVSN. ( - Following a string of complaints from SAVN to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission and NSW Government Ministers, the NSW Parliament began a Parliamentary Inquiry into misleading health advice. Thanks to Ms Dorey and the AVN, all cranks and charlatans such as homeopaths and naturopaths have been subjected to parliamentary scrutiny and the outcome is likely to be more stringent legislation against them. ( - Following an announcement by anti-vaccination campaigner Stephanie Messenger that she, or rather her ‘organisations’ the ‘Get Rid of SIDS Project Inc’ and the ‘GanKinMan Foundation’ were about to host an Australian tour of American anti-vaccination campaigner Dr Sheri Tenpenny, SAVN began a national campaign to prevent that. After alerting venue operators to the Messenger’s deceit in how she presented the seminars, all bookings were cancelled, and her tour was then cancelled. - Following years of lobbying against so-called ‘conscientious and religious exemptions’ from vaccination requirements for social security payments, the Federal Govt announced in April 2015 that these exemptions ceased in 2016. By agreement among the Coalition of Australian Government Health Ministers, all State and Territory governments are amending their legislation concerning schools and child-minding centres to the same effect. - As part of the above, the Federal government introduced a ‘No Vax = No Pay’ regime into Family Tax Benefits. Most of the credit here must go to several News Corp journalists. - By agreement among the Coalition of Australian Government Health Ministers, all State and Territory governments are amending their legislation concerning child-minding centres and schools to introduce ‘No Jab = No Play’ rules.

- In March 2013 the Chiropractic Board of Australia issued a public statement supporting vaccination and saying that they expected chiropractors to support evidence-based medicine. - In August 2013 The Chiropractic Board of Australia announced in a media release that it ‘is cracking down on chiropractors who step outside their primary role as healthcare practitioners and provide treatment that puts the public at risk’ and “has ordered practitioners to remove all anti-vaccination material from their websites and clinics, removed several courses from the list of approved CPD programs, and introduced random audits of practitioner compliance with the Board’s registration standards.” (Ms Dorey had presented anti-vaccination lectures which were accredited by the Board as suitable for obtaining CPD points.) - On 12 October 2016 the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Board issued their "Position Statement on Vaccination' strongly supporting the science and stating that 'The NMBA expects all registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives to use the best available evidence in making practice decisions.' - In December 2016 the NSW Minister for Fair Trading announced a new Ministerial Inquiry into certain fund-raising activities on the AVN. - In February 2017 the Chiropractors Association of Australia issued a public statement disassociating themselves from the AVN. - An analysis of our achievements was presented as a poster at the 2014 National Immunisation Conference. See . - In August 2017 the Council of Australian Government Health Ministers, (Commonwealth, State and Territory), came out strongly against the travelling anti-vax film 'Vaxxed', with Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt condemning the movie and its anti-vaccination message as being based on unscientific conspiracy theories. The movie's producer was intercepted by the Australian Border Force while leaving Australia and was informed that she was prohibited from entering Australia for the next three years. - US- based anti-vaccine activists Polly Tommey, Suzanne Humphries, and Kent Heckenlively have been told that they will be denied entry to Australia.

- Commonwealth Health Minister Greg Hunt MP is approaching Australian leaders of social media outlets to ask them to take all steps to ensure that dangerous messages about immunisation are not published. For proof that the former President and former Public Officer of the AVN, Ms Meryl Dorey, lies and defrauds shamelessly, go to For evidence that some chiropractors, nurses and midwives are deeply involved in anti-vaccine activities, and that anti-vaccine cranks are unethical, see SAVN is not an Incorporated Association, is not formally affiliated with any other organisation, and has never received any financial support from any source. See also: