Aroga Wholesale Club Africa

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Aroga Wholesale Club Africa Introducing Real Time Quantum Infused Holograms which assist your body with pain relief, mental focu Securities & Exchange Commission.

Aroga Worldwide, an Aroga group of companies, is currently shipping to over 120 countries. With the support and infrastructure of Aroga Holding Corp., a publicly listed company listed on the U.S. Our disposable, real-time, quantum-infused holograms are a cutting-edge wearable technology. Simple to use and discreet, the hologram discs are a safe and effective do-it-yourself way of providing energy,

relief, balance and overall wellness through holographic accupressure. Simply wear them daily or as needed, and experience what others have. Click the button below to learn more about this technology and our 3 unique products: Real-Time Relief™, Real-Time Energy™ and Real-Time Sleep™. The Aroga Club also provides Travel membership at discount prices.

The Aroga's Club Freedom Challenge Is Live!

The Aroga's Club Freedom Challenge is LIVE! Aroga's Club has exploded in 2017 with a new mission and new direction. Aroga's Club wants to be able to help families attack their primary concern and that is paying their bills. The Freedom Club Challenge is all about helping people pay their bills. By Take The Freedom Club Challenge you can choose to pay your cell bill, Electricity bill, Cable Bill, or Internet bill with your bonus. Take a free tour


Have you always wanted to have a company that provides you a incredible value that no other company can? Aroga's Club has done just that! Aroga's Club provides its members a incredible discount travel booking engine that allows our members to take advantage of members only wholesale travel to over 350,000 hotels and resorts, rental car discounts, DEEP Cruise Ship Discounts, Condominium Rentals and this is just getting started! We also are proud to offer the best health and wellness products as we feature our Acu-Point Holograms that have taken the world by storm!

Aroga Visa Card

Aroga Wholesale Club offers you your own VISA Card to use anywhere in the world where Visa is accepted. Order one NOW!

Aroga Wholesale Club

Have you always wanted to have a company that provides you a incredible value that no other company can? Aroga's Club has done just that! Aroga's Club provides its members a incredible discount travel booking engine that allows our members to take advantage of members only wholesale travel to over 350,000 hotels and resorts, rental car discounts, DEEP Cruise Ship Discounts, Condominium Rentals and this is just getting started! We also are proud to offer the best health and wellness products as we feature our Acu-Point Holograms that have taken the world by storm!

Are you part of the Wholesale Club? Want To Learn More? Drop us a message! Take a free tour:


Aroga Wholesale Club Africa's cover photo

Aroga Worldwide

We believe our greatest assets are the people who share and promote our products, and we are putting our money where our mouth is. You deserve the lion’s share of the profits for helping us share our innovative wellness products. So that’s what we give you. No questions asked. Enough said.

Aroga Worldwide – Transforming Lives


Aroga Worldwide, an Aroga group of companies, is currently shipping to over 120 countries. With the support and infrastructure of Aroga Holding Corp., a publicly listed company listed on the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, Aroga Worldwide is on track to become one of the fastest-growing network marketing companies ever.

Aroga Worldwide

Wear it
Our disposable, acu-point, quantum-infused holograms are a cutting-edge wearable technology.

Simple to use and discreet, the hologram discs are a safe and effective do-it-yourself way of providing energy, relief, balance and overall wellness through holographic acupressure.

Simply wear them daily or as needed, and experience what others have. Click the button below to learn more about this technology and our 6 unique products: Acu-Point Relief™, Acu-Point Energy™ , Acu-Point Sleep™ , Acu-Point Fit™ , Acu-Point Pleasure™ , Acu-Point Intelligence™

Aroga Worldwide

Live it
Aroga Worldwide is no ordinary company. We are not seeking to be defined by our products, as amazing as they are, or by the business opportunity, as equally powerful as it is.

Our true passion, and what gets us up in the morning, is the drive to create a community of people around the world, that not only want to live their own lives to the fullest, but to invite other into that same reality.

We are inviting YOU to be an integral part of it. Learn more about our thriving company, culture, and community and then take the next step and choose to join us. Are you ready to live life to it’s fullest?


Instant all-day energy.
Zero stimulants.
No crash.
Stick it on and feel the difference. Stronger workouts. Increased focus. Optimum energy levels. Elevated mood. Sound good?


Our Acu-Point Energy™ holographic discs are an all-natural, clean alternative to the many harmful energy-stimulating product on the market. Simple to use and disposable, simply stick the Acu-Point Energy™ disc on key areas of your body to immediately feel their powerful benefits.

Proprietary quantum hologram technology
Real natural energy that lasts ALL DAY
Stronger workouts, mental focus & elevated mood
Supports healthy blood flow & oxygen levels
Non-transdermal accupressure
Simple, effective & easy to use

Aroga Worldwide

Share it
We have created a unique and lucrative Pay Plan to incentivize you when you share Aroga Worldwide with others. When you experience the benefits of the products for yourself, it becomes easy to want to share them with those you care about.

We believe the culture of sharing starts with the company, and as such we have dedicated 65% of total revenue to our promoters. It is this unparalleled rewards plan, matched with a global reach in over 100 countries, that provides you with a powerful platform to financially empower your dreams. We call it “Lifestyle by Design”.
Learn more about the benefits of becoming a promoter:


Return To Balance
Stick it on and feel the difference.
Support Healthy Weight Controls .


Our Acu-Point Fit™ holographic discs are an all-natural, clean alternative to the many harmful Weight Control product on the market. Simple to use and disposable, simply stick theAcu-Point Fit™ disc on key areas of your body to immediately feel their powerful benefits.

Proprietary quantum hologram technology
Realtime natural weight control
Supports healthy blood flow & oxygen levels
Non-transdermal accupressure
Simple, effective & easy to use


Stop pain
in its tracks.
All-natural relief and recovery powered by quantum-infused holographic technology.


For thousands of years, Acupuncture (& Acupressure) have been recommended for the treatment of pain and to speed up recovery. Acu-Point Relief™ is an easy-to-use, “do-it-yourself” way of getting similar benefits. The disposable holograms communicate through the body’s meridians resulting in a harmonic and balanced body, assisting its ability to cleanse, balance and build.

Real natural energy that lasts ALL DAY
Stronger workouts, mental focus & elevated mood
Supports healthy blood flow & oxygen levels
Non-transdermal accupressure
Simple, effective & easy to use


A company that gets it.

We believe our greatest assets are the people who share and promote our products, and we are putting our money where our mouth is. You deserve the lion’s share of the profits that come in. No questions asked. Enough said.

$50-$100 fast start on enrollment packs, paid up two levels
up to 20% weekly commissions on the binary
Up to $50,000/week in binary pay
Up to 100% check-match down to 7 levels
Up to $600 per month Car Bonus
No earning cap on check-match pay
Get paid weekly into a global ewallet
Unqualified pay goes into the check-match
Shipping to over 120 countries and growing
State-of-the art replicated marketing site
Cutting-edge back office to track commissions


Instant all-day focus.
Zero stimulants.
No crash.
Stick it on and feel the difference. Increased focus. Clarity of Mind. Sound good?


Our Acu-Point Intelligence™ holographic discs are an all-natural and clean. Simple to use and disposable, simply stick the Acu-Point Energy™ disc on key areas of your body to immediately feel their powerful benefits.

Proprietary quantum hologram technology
Intelligence enhanced
Non-transdermal accupressure
Simple, effective & easy to use

Aroga Worldwide

Word of mouth is just a better way.

Instead of paying millions of dollars to traditional advertisers, and a large percentage of revenue to retailers to showcase and sell our products, we wanted to reward everyday people, just like you, to spread the word about Aroga worldwide.

We believe word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM), otherwise known as “network marketing”, “relationship marketing”, or “direct sales”, is just simply a better way to get more product into more people’s hands. We also feel you should be rewarded when you share a good thing with people. You may not see a dime for recommending the latest great movie to a friend, but here at Aroga WordWide, you’ll earn money every time you recommend our products to ANYONE!

Not only that but with our powerful pay plan, you can earn ongoing income from the recurring orders of your referrals, their referrals, and so on, indefinitely! Do we have your attention now?


Wake up
feeling your
absolute BEST.
Say goodbye to restless sleep & hello to the best sleep of your life. Your bed is about to become your new best friend.


You’ve heard the phrase “sleep like a baby”. Well the truth is, you most likely have never had a better sleep than when you were an infant. Over time stress, worry, discomfort and other reasons keep us from having a restful sleep. Our Acu-Point Sleep™ holographic discs are an all-natural solution, designed to bring your body back to that serene state. Simple to use and disposable, simply stick the Acu-Point Sleep™ disc on before you go to bed and wake up feeling refreshed, revitalized and renewed.

Proprietary quantum hologram technology
Supports deep restful sleep & longevity
Supports healthy blood flow & oxygen levels
Non-transdermal accupressure
Simple, effective & easy to use

New Home Business Launch

As far as timing is concerned, it doesn’t get any better than this! Aroga Worldwide is at the very beginning of its global growth phase, giving you the opportunity to participate in the next Billion-Dollar success story.

Home business launch

Aroga Worldwide – Transforming Lives

Creating a revolution in self-care.

Our proprietary hologram discs are a do-it-yourself way to support your body’s functions and promote optimal well-being. Discreet and disposable, simply stick them on your skin and peel them off when you’re done. You won’t feel them on, but you’ll certainly feel the benefits!

Our quantum-infused holograms combine acupressure placements with what is called Holographic Communication. Acupressure (and Acupuncture) have been recommended and used for thousands of years to support the body’s natural functions.

Our technology is non-transdermal and works from the outside in, providing a range of benefits from increased energy, relief & recovery, natural restful sleep, and much more.



Experience the benefits of healthy s*x life.Zero stimulants.
No crash.
Stick it on and feel the difference.
Experience the benefits of a Healthy S*x life.


Our Acu-Point Pleasure™ holographic discs are an all-natural, clean alternative to the many harmful s*xual enhancement products on the market. Simple to use and disposable, simply stick the Acu-Point Pleasure™ disc on key areas of your body to immediately feel their powerful benefits.

Proprietary quantum hologram technology
Natural s*xual enhancement
Supports healthy blood flow & oxygen levels
Non-transdermal accupressure
Simple, effective & easy to use

Aroga Business Opportunity

Instead of paying millions of dollars to traditional advertisers or giving a large percentage of revenues to retailers to showcase and sell our products, we choose to reward everyday people, just like you, to share the incredible Aroga opportunity with the world


Wearable technology that optimizes how you feel.
Now that’s cool.

Aroga Worldwide

The Aroga Worldwide Income System Does The Work

Our disposable, real-time, quantum-infused holograms are a cutting-edge wearable technology.Simple to use and discreet, the hologram discs are a safe and effective do-it-yourself way of providing energy, relief, balance and overall wellness through holographic acupressure.

We believe the culture of sharing starts with the company, and as such we have dedicated 55% of total revenue to our promoters. It is this unparalleled rewards plan, matched with a global reach in over 100 countries, that provides you with a powerful platform to financially empower your dreams.

Join today, lock in the next top position in our generous compensation plan, and begin testing some of the most exciting wellness technologies in the world. Then watch, as this system begins helping you achieve the financial freedom you deserve.

New Home Business Launch

The wellness revolution is on the rise. A great opportunity for you to get in on the Billion dollar industry from home. Work at your own pace and enjoy your own freedom.

Home business launch

Live With Aroga Worldwide Online Radio | BlogTalkRadio

Hello Aroga Worldwide! Welcome to our new year, 2017!
Make sure you tune into our show today, Hologram Talk with The Accu Man and Bob Daves as they welcome to the New Year 2017! Excitement is through the roof especially for those of you on the leadership training call on Sunday with Brandon Ivey with our CEO Grove Bennett as a special guest!
Tune in starting in just under 15 minutes LIVE at 10:00am Pacific USA Time, 1:00pm Eastern USA time, 20:00 South African Time... You dont want to miss it!

Our shows will feature information about energy healing, Accu-Point Holograms, testimonials and fun information from the CEO and field leaders!

Aroga Worldwide – Transforming Lives

Aroga Worldwide provides a business opportunity and delivers world class, innovative 21st century products. New technologies are available to revolutionize the wellness industry. The focus is to change people's lives by living a healthy lifestyle and rewarding them at the same time. Part of a healthy lifestyle is freedom to spend time with the people who matter most in your life and at Aroga we make this possible by providing a cutting edge Home Business Opportunity. Join us and share our vision.

Power Team Marketing Presents

Power Team Marketing, an affiliate to Aroga Worldwide, is ready for 2017. We invite you to join us on this adventure. Better Health, lifestyle, travel, finances, and overall quality of life. Are you willing to work for it? Don't let anyone out there fool you. It is simple but will take work! Founded by Brandon Ivey Power Team Marketing is a group of people who have come together with one goal in mind. To create a bet...

Live With Aroga Worldwide Online Radio by Live With Aroga Worldwide


The Christmas season is here! Aroga Worldwide is very excited to have you as one of our family members. We know you are preparing for your family time this weekend and next week! We are excited to bring you 2 special promotional offers for you all valid until Sunday, January 8th, 2017!

Special Promotion Offers:

1.) Buy 1, Get 1 Free for all Aroga Worldwide Members!
Use Special Promo Code: Doubleup2016

2.) The New Years Resolution Pack
- 2 Packs of FIT Holograms
- 2 Packs of Energy Hologram

The FIT Hologram
The Very Best In Body Fitness

The Intelligence Hologram
The Very Best In Mental Clarity And Focus

The Relief Hologram
Get The Immediate Relief You Need Now!

The Sleep Hologram
Enjoy A Restful Nights Sleep!

Happy Holidays From
The Bennett Family!
From our family to all of our Aroga Worldwide Family! We wish you the very happiest of times for you and your family from our family to You and Yours! Have A Wonderful Holiday Season Filled With Love And Joy!

- The Bennett Family


Seasons’ Greetings.

The Holiday season is here; we wish you a wonderful time filled with, love, joy, friendship and most of all family. The entire team at Aroga Worldwide loves the people, friends and family that we are creating through all of you, thank you.

2016 has been nothing short of spectacular. We have meet many new people and have joined forces with some of the brightest minds in the world. We have witnessed and been associated with many events that have helped to shape an amazing course of our company and you for many years to come. We have established a great foundation and are committed to spreading our products around the glob. Aroga Worldwide is committed to continuously improving and expanding our product lines; our systems and most importantly remain dedicated to being number one. We believe it is this commitment and daily persistence that will help you and us achieve this goal.

Start 2017 off with great enthusiasm, commitment and a dedication to be the best that you can be. The time, effort and positive energy that you place in your own health & wellness and into your business will set you apart from those around you. Surround yourself with successful people, lead, educate and learn from each other as you all grow and establish a fantastic future. There is no better time than now to share the products of Aroga Worldwide with your friends and families. Share what you do, be proud and comfortable knowing that our products and our company assist people in living a better quality of life, through improved health, wellness and increased wealth.

“As the Chairman and CEO, I Grove Bennett am committed to our total success, I will be available for as many 3 ways calls and conference calls as possible during the year, I believe that you need to invest in your team and I am 100% committed to you and your teams, by investing in you I know that together we will succeed. I love Grove’s Avenue radio show, it’s growing in numbers every week, I look forward to introducing new products, opportunities, sharing our growth and expectations for the year but most of all I look forward to speaking with many of you directly and through Grove’s Avenue. The Acu-Man and my co-anchor on Groves Avenue is a treasure to work with each week. His passion and commitment to sharing so many of the testimonials that come in every week is truly fantastic and inspiring to so many of us.

Thank you for being a member at Aroga Worldwide, let’s make this year a great one”.

Let’s end 2016 strong and set the tone for a great 2017. As many entrepreneurs slow down, there are just as many that have their very best months in December and January, the time an effort you put in now while others are sleeping will position you for greater success in the New Year. I know that our Master Distributors Minh and Julie Ho are working on Christmas Eve with myself to make sure that your opportunity to grow in 2017 is nothing short of amazing. I love the leadership; dedication and belief that Minh and Julie bring to our team and look forward to watching them grow. Our Goal for Aroga Worldwide is to be the best network marketing company in the world; you can be apart of this success.


Make sure you tune into out Hologram Talk shows every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 10:00am Pacific USA Time, 1:00pm Eastern USA time! Stories of the holograms are shares and our Aroga Worldwide business opportunity is also shared.

Let our team leaders, The Accu Man, Bob Daves, and Brandon Ivey and other special guests do the heavy lifting for you. Invite your prospects and customers to listen into the show!

Every Wednesday at 12:00 noon Pacific time, 3:00pm Eastern USA Time, our Chairman has a show, “Grove’s Avenue” which is his show to share recent updates and to talk to people who are working the Aroga Worldwide business.

Tune into all of these shows and invite guests and prospects. We have many showsthat are recorded for you all to listen to at:

From The Desk Of Minh And Julie Ho – Aroga Master Distributors

Merry Christmas And Happy Hanukkah to everyone.

Julie and I are blessed and grateful that all of you reading this have chosen to partner with us at Aroga Worldwide. As we ramp up for a life changing 2017, we remember that many people are looking for an opportunity now to get a head start on their new year coming up. Now is the time to be proud and share who and what we are as Aroga Worldwide. We are a home where can be confident and happy to become a part of our global family of entrepreneurs.

We have been meeting many new leaders who are excited about the opportunity to work with a company that has the history of Aroga. Don’t forget that Aroga is a 29 year old, (Almost 30 Year Old) company with a long history of serving people with disabilities for a very long time. This is one of the elements that sets our company apart from everyone else in the network marketing industry. When people learn about this, they fall in love with Aroga.

Aroga is destined to be the best and most respected network marketing company in history. Julie and I are proud and humbled that we have a like CEO Grove Bennett who is constantly working to make Aroga Worldwide the very best that it can be. Let’s all team up together and work as hard as our CEO does and let’s make Aroga Worldwide the household name that it deserves to be.


Hello Aroga Worldwide family!

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I live for the opportunity to help and serve people from anywhere they may come from. My goal in life is to serve others and provide a value in people’s lives that they can’t find anywhere else in the world. As soon as I partnered with Aroga Worldwide, I knew I had something very special in my hands.

A product line that had the ability to help people almost immediately.

A company that was focused on helping people lead a better life.

A CEO that has a compassion for people and cultures unlike any other I have met.

A structure that is framed with history and experience and built to last.

A company that pays on time, every week, and is able to pay globally.

There simply is nothing better in the world. I have people bring me companies and business opportunities almost every day. I applaud them for trying. They say home is where the heart is… My heart is steadfast with Aroga and the mission that it serves.

Who is taking me up on my challenge to you all to record a video testimonial of a Person who is enjoying our Acu-Point Holograms? I issued my challenge a few weeks ago. I am still waiting for people to take advantage of what we have. Who is ready?

Post your videos onto YouTube and share them to our page for all of us to see.

Let’s end 2016 with a bang. Let’s all strive to help as many people as we can right now and not weeks from now. Making a difference in the lives of others is a calling. People in pain can’t wait and should not have to wait till after January 1st to show them the love of what our Relief Holograms can do for them. Or Grandma slaving to make her house wonderful for Christmas might need a sleep hologram and an energy hologram.

Happy Holidays to Everyone.

Let’s Be there to serve - The Accu Man
To read our latest Happy Holidays newsletter, go to

Our shows will feature information about energy healing, Accu-Point Holograms, testimonials and fun information from the CEO and field leaders!


Here is our CEO of Aroga World Wide Grove Bennett with the President of South Africa Jacob Zuma yesterday. Aroga taking leaps in South Africa.



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