I had the privilege to be on the beach and be able to film our first fly-in Safari in 9 months doing a fly by for us. My heart almost jumped out of my chest with excitement!
Windhoke Namibia- Hosea Kutako Covid 19 protocols
Our Namibian International Airport is getting ready to receive visitors to Namibia! Thanks Gondwana for making the video.
Arrival at the Beautiful Island Resort "Kaya Mawa" .... on Likoma Island, ... Lake Malawi in Malawi for a few days relaxation after over 2 weeks of Game Drives in some of the Greatest Locations in Southern Africa.
Large Ostrich Family
Large ostrich family spotted in the Etosha National Park by a group of our guests. Want to visit Namibia? Plan your next trip with us at African Profile Safaris http://www.profilenamibia.com/
Leopard Feast
Leopard killing a Crested Porcupine. The Leopard did not have an easy fight as one of the Porcupines quills broke off inside the Leopards back leg. Credits: Unknown.
Well as they say Wednesday is halfway to Saturday, so some humor to start the weekend to be.....:)