The suffering side of JAPA
Relocating abroad comes with a cost but...
Talking to some of my guys abroad, I smile at all the stories they share.
To Japa is good and I will honestly recommend it if you are single and below 30 - 35.
It is good to experience living and working abroad, it is good to see the beauty of the streets and skylines, it is good to earn decent wages and salaries for work done, it is good to see how government institutions work efficiently and provide services effectively, it is good to enjoy public utilities at their best or almost their best but hey! That's not all.
Living and working abroad comes with its challenges too. Many many lives have been ruined forever while trying to make it abroad, many have lost themselves in the hustle of abroad life; spending their lives working and working and working. Many times, the working never ends and you can't afford to stay too long without working.
Thirty days vacation a year is what you'll likely get and depending on your expertise, education or knowledge, you'll most likely work 2 jobs or work 12 hours on 1 nice paying job.
You'll most likely work on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays just to get it that overtime extra money. Abroad life is good but your window to really live life is small especially when you are less than 5 years there.
It is easier when you have family and friends to rally around you and give you some soft landing, it is easier when you have folks to give you best advice when you just land, it is easier when you can even get support from back home but this happens only to about 5% of people that Japa.
The rest of them will go through very interesting times for maybe 10 years before they find their feet.
I don't know about Europe but getting to stabilize in America is no mean feet my friend. Whether you're relocating with your immediate family or relocating alone, you will certainly go through the fire of baptism in the US for a couple of years.
Some of our brothers and sisters have been abroad for over 10 years and are still not able to visit home.
Some can't afford it yet even after 10 years and some who can, cannot come because, if they leave, that's the end. No "papers" to enter again.
Except for a few who can get some good skills, get some good education or get really lucky, most of us will work very hard for the rest of our lives abroad and may never retire until our bodies are tired.
In all these, I will recommend that you go still if you can. Go and get some exposure, some experience, some education if you can but there's a big price to pay.
For those who will relocate alone living loved ones behind, may God see you through the many nights of crying and the torture of being alone working and doing 2 things; paying bills and sending money home. After you cry for a while, you'll clean your eyes and go to work.
To those that will relocate with spouses and kids, may the Lord strengthen you, your travail shall be many still; you and spouse will have to work daytime or night-time because of the kids God has blessed you with.
You'll have to raise your kids or society will raise them for you. Sometimes, couples exchange house keys or even kids at the bus stop, he's coming from Night shift and she's going for morning shift.
The kids get to benefit though because they are growing up in a society that works alot better than where you grew up, so, life will eventually be less stressful for them. Some relocate just because of the kids and that's great sacrifice for them.
Different people have different experiences about this abroad life. Some have had it sweet and easy, some have had it really interesting with big lessons learned. Some got their residency permit within 5 years, some are still battling after 10 years.
Most of those who are enjoying the abroad today have probably lived here for over 15 or 20 years and they came when they were younger, probably single, energetic and productive. They have mastered the abroad life, gotten some education and through the years, things have eased out for them.
If you are above 45, just rest back home and find your groove here biko because you may not be able to work 14 hours every day for 1 week, but again, life starts at 50 for some and if at 50 you think you want to try something new, why not! The sky is the starting point for everyone.
Most of our brothers and sisters share their stories and no matter how the stories shared are, it did not look as easy as they made it sound.
Finally, Japa if you can. If they could make it, you can make it too.