Topitup Consults

Topitup Consults Visa procurement
Offshore Jobs/Employment

(A subsidiary of Topitup Media and Communications Nigeria – BN 2031872)
………building a bridge across the divide ……

To be the one stop Company for off shore jobs and opportunities

Our services
• Dubai Jobs with accommodation
• Dubai travel visas (2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks)
• Canadian education visas
• Canadian Jobs with accommodation
• Holidays/Vacation to Dubai, Canada, U

K and South Africa
• Teaching Jobs in the Gambia

Office: Suite 37, Left Wing, 1st Floor, Nandu Plaza, Plot 566 Ndola Crescent, Zone 5 Wuse, Abuja

Postal: POB 4918, Garki GPO Abuja

Phone: 08086595477, 08098115050

Email: [email protected]


13. 05. 2020
Be STILL and know that I am God and I will be EXALTED among the Nations. SILENCE is God's LANGUAGE


We thank all of you who kept up with us in 2019 in our posts and messages. God bless you real good. Let's do it again this 2020


What kind of business would you engage in if you knew you would never fail?
Where would you go if you could work from anywhere?
What would a perfect day look like for you if you had no boss?
What weight would be lifted off of your shoulders instantly, if you have no money problems?
What food would you like to eat, if money was not a challenge?
What kind of house would you live in if you had a billion naira?
What kind of car would you be driving, if you had no issue with choosing?
Which Countries would you to travel to on vacation if you had free tickets?
Would you sit in the Economy Class or the Business Class if flying across the world was a hobby of yours?

I am interested to know
, 's

Chat me up

Welcome August

Welcome August


The 8th month of the year 2018 has just arrived and it has brought with it gifts that are worth working for.

Do not for any reason miss your own gift from August because like you know "all good and perfect gifts come from God"

By the reason of His Unction, I proclaim to you that in this month of August, God shall

*In blessing - bless you beyond your imagination
*In providing - provide for you that your cup would be running over
*In protection - protect you from the hands of your enemies
*In shielding - shield you from the vagaries of the weather, that they hurt you not

*He shall strengthen your right hand that whatever you do shall prosper
*He shall quicken your feetsteps that you go to where His goodness, mercy and favour shall follow you
*He shall make you a conqueror and not the conquered
*He shall make you victorious and not a victim
*He shall make you the head and not the tail
*He shall make you the lender and not the borrower

This month
Your destiny helper shall locate you and
You shall fulfill your destiny

The Almighty shall fulfill His Words
Key into them

Whatever you need that is yet to come, call it by name, be specific about it and He shall grant the requests of your hungry soul in accordance with His Holy Will and His Riches in Christ Jesus

It is well with your soul

You are blessed

Join me to welcome the Month of August 2018
Let God continue to reign supreme in our lives

The 8th month of the eyar 2018, the month of August


Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to -Episode 294

Title: Do You Always Put Yourself Last?

Right now, ask yourself: “Do I love myself enough to never lower my standards for the wrong reasons?” Find the strength to say yes!

Life is about living honorably.
It’s about doing the right thing, for you, no matter what, even when nobody else knows or understands.
At the end of the day, your reputation is what other people know about you.
Your honor is what you know about yourself.

You have to admit, you’ve spent a lot of your life subconsciously belittling yourself.
Thinking you’re not enough.
Trying to be someone else. Someone who fits in,. . . . . .
..... . . . . . . . Continue . . . . .

Here's the Podcast: - -
KINDLY visit and listen to it,
subscribe to our Channel -
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and share with your social media friends direct from the youtube platform

Here's the Blog Post: - -
KINDLY visit, and share your opinion with us as comment on the Blog

And also like us on facebook -
to follow our podcasts there

Thank you

This Program is powered by Topitup Media & Communication Nigeria.
All Rights Reserved (c) 2018

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry The First
Morning Vibes
Choose Yourself
Self Love
Self Care
Self Respect

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to -Episode 294 Title: Do You Always Put Yourself Last? Right now,...


Monday 11th June 2018

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to -Episode 270

Title: Are You Struggling Internally? Torn Between the Life You Have and The Life You Want?

He switched from taking the proven path of corporate law to the scary life of being a dedicated artist.

He was probably on track to being one of the top lawyers around because of the cases he was involved in.

He was working on Wall Street.
Huge cases.
Corporate law.
Lots of money,
lots of potential upside.

But then the market collapsed.

“Me and the big short had a good week,” he said.
“How?” It didn’t make sense.
Everyone was drowning.
People were killing themselves.

There was no work.
..... . . . . . . . Continue . . . . .

Here's the Podcast: - -
KINDLY visit and listen to it,
subscribe to our Channel -
give us a thumb up to like the podcast
and share with your social media friends direct from the youtube platform

Here's the Blog Post: - -
KINDLY visit, and share your opinion with us as comment on the Blog

And also like us on facebook -
to follow our podcasts there

Thank you

This Program is powered by Topitup Media & Communication Nigeria.
All Rights Reserved (c) 2018

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry The First
Morning Vibes
Internal Struggle
Corporate Law Practice
Wall Street

Monday 11th June 2018 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to -Episode 270 Title: Are You Struggling In...

We Sincerely Appreciate

We Sincerely Appreciate

It is that time of year again when we roll out our drums to celebrate all those who have done business with us in the passing year or who have crossed path with us one way or the other in the outgoing year.

And so as 2017 is about passing, we would like to say thank you to all
of you who
- assisted us greatly to pick one bill or the other
- made one purchase or the other from our Service Centre
- consulted us in one capacity or the other
- followed us on our Blogs and Pages and Groups on Facebook
- joined us in the Seasons 1, 2 and 3 of the 21 days Bitcoin Challenge
- joined us in our Stem Cell Therapy Movement - the Phytoscience Movement
- allowed us to Train them in "making money from Facebook" "Secrets of Making Money from Blogging"
- joined us in the Mentoring Sessions
- joined us in the Counseling Sessions
- joined us in the Prayer Sessions of the IHIM AND TEFEL
- allowed us to train them in the Art and Business of Bitcoin through the Bitcoin Training and Learning Institute
- joined us in the Bitcoin Tsunami Group on Whatsapp
- joined us in the Dream Achievers Team of USI-TECH
- helped us to be always informed of happenings around the world of Medicine through the Doctors Whatsapp Group
- helped us to be involved in the activities of the NMA FCT through the Telegram Group
- gave us the Platform to deliver Lectures and give talks in the course of the year
- invested in us through visits and gifts that cannot be paid back

To all of you, those we passed through and those who passed through us, we would like you to know that you were the reason our year was full and complete without any iota or atom of regret or sadness

Let's do it again in 2018

God bless you real good

Sir, Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP
Chief Operating Officer/Lead Trainer/Coach/Transformational Speaker/Author

Thank you for doing business with us in 2017. Let's do it again in 2018

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 87/Tomorrow Is Not Promised

Thursday 30th November 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to -Episode 87

Title: Tomorrow Is Not Promised, Live In The Now!!

I have taken a look at how people postpone for tomorrow what they can do today and it really bothers me. It bothers me, not because I am not a believer in planning for tomorrow or even next tomorrow but because the thought process behind the action is that of saying that we have all the time in the world and so there's no reason to hurry. It is this thought process that has left many a man unable to fulfill their destinies and a whole number of others unable to finish the projects that they have started. The story is told of the man who was the head of the family and was expected to pass information about the family to the younger ones, but he kept pushing it forward. Each time the young ones asked for information about their family, the man kept postponing it. According to him, he wanted to live to a certain age before giving out the information that was necessary for the stability of the family; but unfortunately, he fell off the Palm Tree and did not survive it. He died with the information buried with him; up till today, none of the family members have the correct history of that family. Now, if that man had not postponed for tomorrow what he could have done today, he would not have gone home with the history of his family. None of us is promised a tomorrow, anything can happen at any time; so all we have is today and that today is even this instant, this second, this minute, this hour; the next hour could spell doom; so while making plans for tomorrow, don't fail to live today, don't fail to pass on all information that need to be passed on, don't fail to cross all the ts and dot all the is. No one knows when!!!

Until I come your way again, this is

Keep it coming!!!

We would appreciate your comments on this post, kindly click on the link below to add your opinion, we are also keen to learn from you. You can also ask us questions or seek clarification

This Program is powered by Topitup Media & Communication Nigeria.
Any and all rights are hereby reserved (c) 2017

Thursday 30th November 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to ...

My Morning Routine With Dr. Jerry - the First

My Morning Routine With Dr. Jerry - the First

Tuesday 21st November 2017

My Morning Routine With Dr. Jerry - the First - 12th Edition

Hello and welcome to the Twelfth Edition of our Social Media Enlightenment Program

Our Guest: Mr. Abdullahi Umar Alti

In this Twelfth Edition of the program a Social Media Enlightenment program anchored by Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie, we met up with Mr. Abdullahi Umar Alti and interacted with him on the subject matter - his morning routine and if it has any bearing on how the rest of his day goes

Here's the detailed discusion

Anchor Person: Hello, my names are Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie and I am the Anchor Person for the Topitup Media & Communication Social Media program termed "My Morning Routine With Dr. Jerry - the First". We try to find out from persons how they spend their early morning hours that is from waking up until leaving the house for the day's business or work and then to see if there's a correlation between how the day is started and how it pans out and eventually ends.
Our readers will like to meet you and then hear from you how you spend your morning hours especially between wake up time and leaving for work or other pursuits which necessarily is designated as Your Morning Routine

Mr. Alti: "Thank you very much Sir. I am happy to be on this program - My Morning Routine with Dr. Jerry - the First. My names are Abdullahi Umar Alti, I am based in Abuja and I work with a Private Company. I wake up around 5 am, and then go for 1st prayer. back to the house, I listen to BBC Hausa Service 1st and 2nd versions; I also listen to VOA Hausa service to get myself armed with information and happenings around the world. I do not eat breakfast before leaving the house for the office.

Anchor Person: Thank you very much for that narrative. Does the way you start your morning impact on the way you manage the day eventually?

Mr. Alti: Yes, surely it does. The morning prayer helps to stabilize and equip me for the day and also knowing what is going on in the world through listening to the news also has a stabilizing effect on my day as I would not ordinarily be stressed when I know what is happening.

Anchor Person: That is quite interesting. So what word of advice do you have for Nigerians?

Mr. Alti: I would advise Nigerians especially the Young Men to be prayerful and to be helpful in the house to their Parents and Guardians

Anchor Person: Thank you for your time

Mr. Alti: You are welcome Sir


Mr. Abdullahi Umar Alti is an Abuja based Nigerian who works in a Private Firm

He enjoys Praying, Listening to news and Working

Be on the look - out for the 13th Edition tomorrow, it will be quite interesting!!!

If this has resonated with you in any way, don't forget to share your opinion with us on the Blog Post

Thank You

This Program is Powered by Topitup Media & Communication Nigeria
Every and all rights are hereby reserved (c) 2017


If you have heard about and but lack knowledge of what they are - this short video is for you

If you have not heard of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency and just hearing them now - then you even need to watch this short video NOW

If you know about bitcoin and cryptocurrency and wish to know more in depth - you are welcome to watch this short video

Here's the video:

After Networking Marketing Business that revolutionized and decentralized traditional business and made it possible for the man on the street to have a busin...

Topitup Consults

Appreciation is rife here
Thanks to all of you who have liked our page and helped us to reach a milestone

Please invite your friends to like us too and build our brand

Thanks once again and God bless

Visa procurement
Offshore Jobs/Employment

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 65/Does Time Really Heal All Wounds

Wednesday 8th November 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to -Episode 65

Title: Does Time Really Heal All Wounds?

She has made every effort to forgive and forget, but as the years passed by, the pain of remembrance became even more severe and she could not bring herself to forget the past even though she seemed to have forgiven. What really happened? She had met him School, she was young and impressionable, he was urbane and seemed to know the world better than anyone around him, he could speak in eloquent tones with high sounding words, he could make anyone believe him even when they don't really want to; he had met her just as she arrived the campus unaccompanied and he had pledged to be her companion; she was taken in by his charms, he could sweet mouth anyone into selling themselves for one cent. Even as he was talking to her (TT) the words of her Mother were reverberating in her ears - the only business you have in School is to bend down and study your books and pass your examinations in flying colours, men will come later; but those words were far receding into empty space as she was allowing herself to be sucked in by this "talkative of a man" who was making nonsense of all that had made sense to her before she came to this School. He was so full of life and promises that she literally hung on every word that came out of his mouth and before soon can become sooner, she wanted to be in his company "all the time". She was 18, he was 22; she was a Jambito, he was a Landlord; she believed him, she confided in him, she let her world revolve around him and so when he made moves to uncover her natural veil, she was not able to resist him even though her Mother's warnings always came as a shadow but she ignored them all. Around her, he was all lovey dovey, but at her back, he was a "devil incarnate" dealing with satan himself in the form of a cult where he even held a high post; he never let her know, she never knew. One day, her world came tumbling down and with it her life. He had written his last paper and was standing on the threshold of becoming a Graduate, he wanted to celebrate with her in a special way and so they arranged to meet up at their "secret place" - a space under a big tree close to the River; where they escape to whenever they needed to be away from friends and their prying eyes, they had never gone there in the night; but this day of his last paper was special and so he wanted them to spend some good time out there in the NIGHT. Her spirit was saying no but her body and her man were nudging her on to say yes, eventually she agreed to meet up. They had such a wonderful time, he behaved towards her like he would never meet her again, her other thought wondered why he was all so passionate, but the present thought didn't really bother. They went back to their Hostels around 11 pm and the following morning the guy left the School without as much as a good bye to his "bae". That was the last she heard from him, even when the result was released after 4 weeks, she hoped he would come down but he did not; 6 weeks later she found out that she was pregnant, she panicked, not knowing how to contact or even where to locate the guy, not willing to tell her parents or at least confide in her Mother, a friend of hers took her to a Chemist shop where they mixed drugs for her. The drugs not only made her bleed, but she bled so much for more than one week that she became very pale and while in the Class one of those days, she fainted and was rushed to the School's Medical Centre where emergency blood transfusion was done to resuscitate her. Two weeks later a pregnancy test revealed that she was still pregnant, this time she had no choice but to let her Mother know about everything. She had to withdraw from the School to have her baby who turned out to be a boy and an exact replica of her boyfriend of old. Fast Forward to this year - 10 years afterwards, she's married now but not happy. In all these years, she had heard nothing from or about her school boyfriend, she never knew where he came from, never knew any of his relatives, only friends at school who also knew nothing about him. Each time she sees her Son which is almost all the time, the pain and agony of abandonment take hold of her and when she's in that mood, even her husband cannot help her. After much was said about seeking counseling, she decided to meet up with a "Man of God" and after telling him her story, she told him, it is apparent that time does not really heal all wounds, it only heals the ones we want it to heal. Are you carrying any wound anywhere, is it a mortal wound? Can time heal it for you?

Until I come your way again, this is

Keep it coming!!!

We would appreciate your comments on this post, kindly click on the link below to add your opinion, we are also keen to learn from you. You can also ask us questions or seek clarification

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to -Episode 65 Tit...

Daily Fountain 2017 - A Man Of Integrity

Daily Fountain 2017 - A Man Of Integrity

Thursday August 24
(St. Bartholomew's Day)

Bible Reading: John 1: 43 - 49
Topic: A Man Of Integrity

Today has been set aside by the Church to commemorate Bartholomew, one of the twelve Apostles (Matt. 10: 3); Mark 3: 18)

He is also known as Nathaniel as in our text today.

Jesus testified about him that he was a man of integrity.

Continue Reading

Integrity is that virtue which helps you to do in public that which you also do in secret. Seek it and pursue it


This is a very important announcement!!!

Have you participated in our ?

If not, then this is to let you know that we are still training people in the following areas:

Package 1: Facebook Money Making Secrets

Package 2: How To Start Blogging

Package 3: How to Start Online Business

package 4: How To Make Money Through Network Marketing Business

If you are interested in being trained,
choose your package
and send it as a whatsapp message to 0705-994-9508
to receive full details of the expectations and involvements

Expecting to read from you soonest


Daily Fountain 2017 - Unfolding Divine Judgements

Daily Fountain 2017 - Unfolding Divine Judgements

Friday August 4

Bible Reading: Rev. 8: 6 - 13
Topic: Unfolding Divine Judgements

Today we read about the effects of the four trumpets sounded.

The judgement was really catastrophic and disastrous: a third of trees, vegetation and earth's consumables are destroyed with fire; a third of the earth's seas turn into blood and its aquatic life die; a third of rivers and fountains become bitter, and poisonous.

Continue Reading

It is a terrible thing to fall into the Hands of the living God. Though God is love, but He is also a "Consuming Fire"

As The 7th Month Of 2017 Ends

As The 7th Month Of 2017 Ends


The last day of July 2017 is finally here, though it did not take long to come but I am quite happy that it has come.

On the 30th of June, we prayed that the Good Lord should grant us His grace to enter the new month in peace and happiness and also see us through it, not only did He grant our first wish but He has also brought us to the last day of the month.

And He is not going to rest until He takes us to the next new month which is the month of August because He is not noted to leave any job half completed or unfinished.

Whatever He starts, He will not only finish but also make it perfect.

It's Monday and it is the last day of July 2017, are there any programs you had planned to execute but which did not see the light of the day in the outgoing month, don't worry, pray to God for grace because tomorrow will not only be a new day, it will also be the commencement of a new month and as you know nothing is fixed, anything can happen.

Welcome to this new day and may you experience the peace and joy that the world ordinarily cannot give.


My birth month July is on its way out for the year 2017, I look forward to welcoming it again in 2018. Good bye July, what sweet memories you are leaving behind

The Journey To Wealth And Riches Is Not A Day's Journey

The Journey To Wealth And Riches Is Not A Day's Journey

NOTE: This write up is STRICTLY for a set of people as mentioned below.

if you are not part of that set, kindly ignore it and just move ahead.

This write up is for if

>>> You are a , but your take home pay cannot take you to the door steps of your home and you are desperately in need of a secure and guaranteed way to earn more money

>>> You are currently and you are at a loss on what to do to keep body and soul together

>>> You have just and wondering how to survive the recession

>>> You are a Mum or Dad, looking after the growing kids but not finding sufficient funds to meet up their expectations

>>> You have just been and neither gratuity nor pension has been paid to you and the future looks very bleak

>>> You are about to and you currently do not know how to sustain yourself and your family after you leave your job

>>> You are currently serving your fatherland in the program and you shudder to think of what will happen when you are disengaged and you find yourself in the labour market with the high level of unemployment prevalent in the Country right now

>>> You just want to establish another stream of income knowing fully well that "multiple streams of income is the route to wealth and riches"

If this is you, and you want to know more about this and how to start it, then send an SMS to 08098115050 containing Your Name/Location/Active Email Address/Whatsapp Number/Phone Number

Do it NOW

Looking forward to hearing from you


The journey to riches is not a days journey

Opposition Leader In The Making

Opposition Leader Of The Future
Just imagine the boy struggling and kicking as his Mother wants to clean him up

Is he not a good candidate for the opposition leader of the future??

See the signs and symptoms

Just imagine the boy struggling and kicking as his Mother wants to clean him up Is he not a good candidate for the oppos...

Start Your Own Blog This July!!!!

Start Your Own Blog This July!!!!

It's July 2017 and the 7th month of the year is already on the run, with it also the 2nd half of the year.

Do you know that BLOGGING has become a BIG THING?
Do you know that a number of persons are living off the internet through their blogging activities?
Do you know that blogging is not ROCKET SCIENCE and that anyone who is able to read and write can actually own a blog and make money from it?

If you did not know the above, then now you have known. Blogging is no longer just a way to express oneself casually online or just to keep an online diary, blogging has exploded into a veritable means of income

If you have thought of starting a BLOG but have failed to do so because you just don't know how to start, then here is an opportunity for you.

This July, we intend to Coach 15 persons to start their own blogs and establish another stream of income.

The program is called

For 5 days of every week starting from Monday the 10th of July 2017, the interested persons shall be taken through an intensive 5 day program at the end of which they shall have their own blogs live and running online.

If this program appeals to you; send the word BLOGGING as a whatsapp message to 07059949508 and then we shall get back to you with the details of participation.

Expecting to hear from you

Dr. Jerry - the First

Do you know that BLOGGING has become a BIG THING? Do you know that a number of persons are living off the internet through their blogging activities? Do you know that blogging is not ROCKET SCIENCE and that anyone who is able to read and write can actually own a blog and make money from it?

Daily Fountain 2017 - A Time Of Rejoicing

Daily Fountain 2017 - A Time Of Rejoicing

Saturday June 24

Bible Reading: Luke 1: 57 - 66
Topic: A Time Of Rejoicing

That which was impossible with me was made possible with God

Elizabeth, who was adjudged barren was blessed with a child at her old age. Men and women gathered to rejoice over what the Lord had done for the family (v. 58).

Continue Reading

No one can alter or stop God's plan for you. It may be delayed but as you trust God whole-heartedly, know that God will bring joy to every situation in your life.

Daily Fountain 2017 - Peter And John Arraigned Before The Sanhedrin

Daily Fountain 2017 - Peter And John Arraigned Before The Sanhedrin

Saturday June 10

Bible Reading: Acts 4: 1 - 14
Topic: Peter And John Arraigned Before The Sanhedrin

Peter and John were arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin for engaging in teaching that had "greatly disturbed" some Jewish leaders especially the Sadducees, the teachers of the law, the Priests and others.

Peter and John spent a night in jail and were arraigned before the Jewish High Council - the Sanhedrin.

Remember that about 5000 men had believed in Peter's and John's teaching.

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It is ironical that two men who did good by the Power of the Holy Spirit were arrested and kept in jail while those who are evil perpetrators roam the city free. But at the appointed time, God gave Peter boldness and utterance and him being unlearned spoke words that even the learned ought not to ut...

Threat To Ndi Igbo In The North - South East Governors Forum Reacts

Threat To Ndi Igbo In The North - South East Governors Forum Reacts


1. The attention of the South East Governors Forum has been drawn to the widely publicised ultimatum, credited to a coalition of 16 northern youth associations or groups, demanding that Nd’Igbo resident in Northern Nigeria should vacate the region within 90 days or before the 1st day of October, 2017; and equally urging northerners resident in Igboland to return to the North within the same time spectrum.

2. Typical of our preferred modus operandi, we have carefully considered the contents of the highly provocative statement and reflected on its implications for Nd’Igbo specifically, and for the status of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a viable and sovereign nation generally.

Read More

Following the recent threat issued to Ndi Igbo living in Northern Nigeria to leave that part of the Country by a collection of Northern Youths Associations and Groups, the South East Governors Forum has reacted


Suite 37, Left Wing, 1st Floor, Nandu Plaza, Plot 566 Ndola Crescent, Zone 5, Wuse

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday 08:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 16:00





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