Jim Business Group

Jim Business Group Jim business Group is a foremost indigenous conglomerate.

It is a diversified group with business interests in key sectors of the Nigerian economy, including Travel Agency, Business School, Facilitation of Medical Treatment Abroad, Oversea Student Ad To run a business as varied and unique as ours, you need outstanding people and we hold on tenaciously to the belief that our employees are our greatest assets! Therefore, we seek to recruit a crop of talent

ed people who are SKILLED, CREATIVE, MOTIVATED, FLEXIBLE and COMMITTED to our corporate philosophy-customer service


RIP to those who were murdered last night in mangu, Plateau state. Your lives mattered and you didn;t deserve that. Yet, "Blessed are you when men persecute you for righteousness' sake for yours is the Kingdom of God."


Our just arrived Canadian student enjoying what we promised. You can be one of them with JIM BUSINESS SCHOOL, your dream is settled


JOIN other students to commence studies at the wichita state university.
Admission is currently on.
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Jim Business Group

Jim Business Group

Texila American University offers Medicine [BS MD & MBBS] program with the annual scholarship of $3000 per year

Medicine fees: 16,000 US$/per year – Now@ 13,000 US$/per year

Complementary Benefits Includes:

Hostel fee (Air conditioned)
Health Insurance
Registration fee
Library & Lab Fee
Text Books (1 to 3 per year) and Practical Log Books
Visa charges [not for Indian Students]


Better Clinical Preparation
Diverse Clinical Rotations in the United States
Meticulously chosen advanced medical technology , facilities and expert faculty
US Curriculum as US medicine is respected worldwide
The qualifications gained are widely accepted around the Globe
Extensive training for USMLE exam which allows you to practice medicine in the USA

If you would like to join the Medicine Program with us, you can do your Post Graduation program in USA at free of cost with assured stipend.

Contact JIM BUSINESS SCHOOL,5 Warri-Effurun road,Enerhen junction,Warri
Email : [email protected]/ 08033772673


Texila American University offers Medicine [BS MD & MBBS] program with the annual scholarship of $3000 per year

Medicine fees: 16,000 US$/per year – Now@ 13,000 US$/per year

Complementary Benefits Includes:

Hostel fee (Air conditioned)
Health Insurance
Registration fee
Library & Lab Fee
Text Books (1 to 3 per year) and Practical Log Books
Visa charges [not for Indian Students]


Better Clinical Preparation
Diverse Clinical Rotations in the United States
Meticulously chosen advanced medical technology , facilities and expert faculty
US Curriculum as US medicine is respected worldwide
The qualifications gained are widely accepted around the Globe
Extensive training for USMLE exam which allows you to practice medicine in the USA

If you would like to join the Medicine Program with us, you can do your Post Graduation program in USA at free of cost with assured stipend.

Contact JIM BUSINESS SCHOOL,5 Warri-Effurun road,Enerhen junction,Warri
Email : [email protected]/ 08033772673

Arik Air

Arik Air

Don't miss out on our fantastic Web offers from London Heathrow to Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt from £526 in economy and £1581 in business, return fares all inclusive. Make sure you are quick as these amazing sale fares end on Sunday 21st June 2015! Book NOW at www.arikair.com


Le succès n'est pas final, l'échec n'est pas fatal: c'est le courage de continuer qui compte.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Se réunir est un début; rester ensemble est un progrès; travailler ensemble est la réussite.
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Soyez toujours vous-même, exprimez-vous, ayez foi en vous-même, ne recherchez pas une personnalité qui a réussi pour la copier.
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.

La patience, la persévérance et la perspiration forment une combinaison imbattable pour le succès.
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Tout ce dont nous avons besoin pour réussir dans la vie est l'ignorance et la confiance.
To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.

Ne courez pas après le succès, contentez-vous de faire ce que vous aimez et ce en quoi vous croyez, et le succès viendra tout seul.
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.

J’ai échoué encore et encore et encore dans ma vie. Et c’est pourquoi je réussis.
I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.

Je ne mesure pas le succès d'un Homme à la hauteur à laquelle il grimpe, mais à celle à laquelle il rebondit après avoir touché le fond.
I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.

Le succès semble plus doux / À qui ne réussit jamais.
Success is counted sweetest / By those who ne'er succeed.
Bonne journée!


Today is a good day to reflect on the kind of legacy we want to leave for our children.And a quality education is a good way to start. As Nelson Mandela said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Reach for that today.We are open Mondays - saturdays, 8am - 6pm. Email: [email protected]


How to ensure your children have a productive year.
by Slovie Jungreis-Wolff

We begin the school year with blank notebooks, pages fresh and clean. Backpacks are free of crumbs and leaked box drinks. Children wake up early in anticipation. We try to get to school a bit before the morning bell and start the year off on the right track.

But slowly the familiar patterns start to appear. The kids are going to sleep way past bedtime, waking up with just a few moments to spare. A child leaves his notebook in school and must scramble to find a friend whose fax machine is working. Nights spent struggling over homework for hours, studying for tests left for the last minute, assignments forgotten, cliques and social politics – it feels as if we are going backwards instead of forward.

How can we make this year different from all the others? How can we take our hopes and wishes for positive change and turn them into a reality?

Transition between vacation and school can be difficult for children – and for parents. Any change in life can bring nervousness, worry, and irritability. Children often have a hard time adjusting to new situations, unfamiliar teachers, and the more rigid schedule needed during the school year. When feeling overwhelmed, our kids may express their emotions through becoming argumentative, fighting more often with siblings, or withdrawing into themselves. And parents can find it difficult to keep calm and not lose themselves in anger when things don't go right.

Instead of just accepting that this is the way our home is meant to be, let us think about reachable goals that we can work on. When we create a plan, we can do away with unnecessary failures and strive to help our children feel and be more successful.

My 5 Parenting Goals

1. Keep My Eyes Open

Sometimes we notice that something does not feel right with a child but we get distracted. We are all very busy, it’s true. We have great pressures and responsibilities pulling us in too many directions. The child who seems a little ‘off’, not himself, snappy or more quiet than usual is trying to tell us something. But it is easy to tuck this information away in a back pocket and only realize that something is wrong when a crisis occurs. We then think back and recognize that the signs were there, we were just too preoccupied to pay attention.

Don’t allow problems with your child to fester and grow. Open your eyes and observe if a child seems sad, withdrawn, distant, more moody than usual, or angry. Recognize if there seems to be greater confrontation between this child and siblings, if friends stop calling or coming over, or if the child can’t seem to find his place in school. Because before you know it, half the year can go by and what could have been a small problem has now become a ‘situation’ that requires major time and investment and causes terrible aggravation.

2. Develop a Working Relationship with Teachers

Reach out to your child’s teachers before your child reaches ‘zero hour.’ Many parents feel as if teachers are their opponents and don't realize that we are are all here to try and help our children grow in the best way possible. If you think that there may be an issue, it is a good idea to set up a meeting with the teacher and ask how you can work in harmony. Too many parents call teachers to demand and accuse instead of saying that we would like to solve this problem together. Before going to the principal with a complaint, see if you can first diffuse the situation.

If there are any special concerns going on in your home, do not wait for the teacher to find out through your child’s acting up in class or failure to keep up with schoolwork and poor grades.

When a grandparent falls ill, if there is a health issue, financial stress, marital upheaval, problems with siblings, or any other factor that may affect your child’s academic or social success, it would be wise to enlist your child’s teacher as your confidential ally and gain her/his understanding. You can believe that most teachers would go the extra mile and extend to your child an open heart.

3. Work on Social Skills

Help your child be successful this year by preparing him not just academically, but also socially. School is not simply about getting straight A’s, it is also about learning how to get on with others and knowing how to develop friendships. A child who is happy in school is a child who can focus on studying and doing well. He wants to be there and be a part of things. One who believes that school is all about academics and no social life unfortunately makes a big mistake.

How can we better teach our children social skills?

Set rules and follow through with consequences when needed.
Set routines for meals and bedtimes that establish stability.
Develop your child’s ability to put himself in the shoes of others and grow more sensitive.
Help your child learn how to express frustration, disappointment and anger without hurting others or retreating into sullenness.
Establish basic rules of conduct: no hitting, kicking, biting, spitting, (no hands allowed), and no hurting others through our words.

4. Help Children Become Independent

When children feel as if they are gaining skills and becoming self-sufficient, they grow more confident in their abilities. You will watch their self-esteem take off. Each year, every child should be able to point with pride to a newfound skill or added responsibility that comes with age.

We can help our children grow independent and flourish by:

Teaching our children to pick out their clothing, dress themselves as they grow older, tie their own shoes, pack school snacks, make lunches the night before, set their own alarm clocks instead of waking them up, and having children put away their books and organizing themselves.
Allow a young child to complete puzzles and feed himself on his own and as he grows, to do his homework and projects by himself. It is much healthier to tell a child that you will check his work when he is done instead of sitting beside him and correcting the answers as he goes along. Book reports and science projects should not be parent’s homework.
Have your child help around the house and gain responsibilities instead of waiting to be served. Some skills children can help with are putting away laundry, setting and clearing the table, helping to serve guests, baking, cooking and keeping their room in order.

5. Communicate with Each Child

Our children should never be afraid to speak with us. No matter how tough the topic, even if they messed up badly, they should not fear that we will hate them or want to close the door on them. Our love must be unconditional. True, there may be consequences or emotions of disappointment, but they must know that we are here for them. After all, we are their parents and if they cannot believe in our love for them, whose love can they believe in?

Work on communicating with your child this year. I am not just speaking about when you must call him in with a problem like failing grades or after you received a call from his teacher. I am talking about daily interactions where you share a smile, a good word, a laugh, a story, or a meal together. The main thing is that you put the time and energy in so that he knows that he matters in your life.

Talk to your child every day-even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Put down your iPhone , turn off your laptop when your child (or you) return home, at mealtimes and story times, and when you pick your child up from school. Look at him and make eye contact while having a conversation.
Speak to your child in the tone and with the words that you wish he would use with others. Express your love every day, no matter how tough the day.

I know that some days will bring unforeseen difficulties and that some children seem more challenging than others. But at least we will know in our hearts that we have tried our best to help our children navigate the road of life successfully


Jim Business Group

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Are you interested in writing International Exams like GMAT,GRE,TOEFL, or IELTS?
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Happy Mothers' day to all women,everywhere!
May your children surround your table.
May your children call you blessed.


Happy Birthday Sir


Jim Business Group

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Jim Business Group


Jim Business Group

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studying Abroad gives you advantage getting a good and better jobs.what do you think? drop you opinion here

become a member of SAC | Jim Business Group


Are you a WAEC or NECO Certificate holder or a First degree graduate?

Do you have any intention of studying abroad for your Undergraduate or Post graduate degree programme?

Are you uninterested in studying abroad because of limited finances?

In any of the above we invite you to join the Study Abroad Center (SAC) under the Jim Business School located in Warri, Benin, Lagos & Abuja. SAC is a centre that brings students of diverse background together for the common purpose of studying abroad and be exposed to a lot of opportunities;some which the Universities overseas provides Click here to read more. As a member of SAC you will enjoy a lot of benefits ranging from:-

Speedy placement in any University of your choice subject to your qualification and financial ability.
Zero processing fee to get the University placement.
Visa support to the country of study
Arrange accommodation at the University of study
Pre- Departure counseling / Airport clearance
AirPort pickup on arrival at destination country
Support from an On-site programme coordinator
Study with work arrangement at Overseas University.
Access to discount on Airticket to travel overseas for resumption of studies.

Submission of Birth Certificate
Submission of Current Qualification
One Passport Photo
Completion of the Service Form of Jim Business School in any of our offices: Warri, Benin, Lagos & Abuja or click http://jimgroup.com.ng/become-a-member-of-sac/ to complete the form online.

Payment of membership fee of N3000 (Three Thousand Naira Only).
Payment can be made in any of our offices or to any of the Banks below.

United Bank for Africa (UBA)
*Account Name:Jim Business School
*Account Number:1000679227


*Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)
*Account Name:Jim Business School
*Account Number:0051767218

Payment confirmation from any of the Banks above along with the completed service form should be sent to our email: [email protected].

We shall be glad to have your membership as quickly as possible. Be one of the students for placement overseas for the February 2015 intake. Hurry now

Jim Business School
For: Study Abroad Center
Tel: +2348165443197, +2349097843654, +2347014313175, +2348033772673


In any of the above we invite you to join the Study Abroad Center (SAC) under the Jim Business School located in Warri, Benin, Lagos &Abuja. SAC is a centre that brings students of diverse background together for the common purpose of studying abroad and be exposed to a lot of opportunities;some whi…


Photos from Jim Business Group's post


Jim Business Group

Do you wish to study abroad and don’t know how to go about it, then you are at the right place
JIM BUSINESS SCHOOL(JBS) has been dedicated to providing students with exceptional cultural and experiences in overseas while offering courses for study in a wide variety of disciplines from MEDICINE, PHARMACY, NURSING, COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ACCOUNTANCY, ECONOMIC, HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT ETC to any country of your choice.
We strive to inspire creativity within each student and help each individual achieve his/her personal, professional and academic goals by carefully selecting appropriate study institution overseas.
For more info you can reach us at:
Phone No.: 08033772673, 07038200109 Hot Lines:08165443197, 09097843654 Email: [email protected]


Jim Business Group

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5, Effurun/Sapele Road


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