From all our heart we are sending our support to you Vikram Chadalawada for your lost, we couldn't imagine how hard is this moment for you and your family.
Our sincerely condolences for you and all your family 🙏
Life is a sea of emotions, And like every sea it has many storms this is the most turbulent of all, Well, it even takes us to the desire to live. Today we want to join in your pain. We consider your affliction, Although this words are not so big But encouraging you is what we long for. We know and understand that tears are no longer enough To express your pain, Because your soul hurts And your spirit is saddened.Things happen suddenly when the circumstances are happiest, just wanted to tell you, don't lose FAITH, It is faith that makes human beings great We must have faith and patience to continue in love and the good teachings that remain with us from the best moments we have lived and shared. My friend, don't be discouraged, you still have memories, And to remember is that to live again !
Our deepest condolences!
Finca Del Sol Team & Miguel Medina