Milky time! #farmlife #nicaragua
Good morning from a Happy cow! #quarantine #farmlife #slowlife #behappy #Nicaragua
Too cute not to be shared! Milky time... #cutestthingonearth #breastfeeding #cow #veal #babycow #nature #3days #Rapida #life #love #happy #mynewbabygirl #quarantine #animals #farm #farmlife #collado #nicaragua
During rainy season you need to be prepared to cross two little rivers to come to visit us... well I think this is lovely! #natureretreat #nature #river #collado #nicaragua
Our doggy just loves windy rides! #mypuppy #thor #puppy #mybaby #doggie #rottweiler #rottweilers_of_instagram #rottweilerpuppy #love #windy #dogincar #doglovescarrides #nicaragua
Other piglets where born tonight at Finca Esperanza. #piglet #pig 🐷 #breastfeeding #tiredmommy #farmlife #farm #pigfamily #collado #nicaragua
Trabajo del soldador! #workinprogress #gate #casa #home #collado #nicaragua
Windows are coming soon in the rectangular house! #wood #woodworking #furnitureforlife #homemade #local #collado #community #nicaragua
Monkeys are always welcoming us at Finca Esperanza. #wildlife #monkeys #collado #nicaragua
The girls work hard and together hatching each other eggs! 🐔 🦃 🐣 #hens #turkeys #farm #eggs #farmeggs #loveeggs #huevosdeamor #hatchingeggs #natural #nature #community #collado #nicaragua
Digging the Well with ancestral method, what a job! #well #handmade #work #ancestralknowledge #community #local #water #pump #waterforlife #doityourself #digger #centralamerica #nicaragua #rivas #sjds #collado #farm
Peggy is enjoying her time at Finca Esperanza Collado! #pig #happy #farm #piglife #happypig #mascota #collado #sjds #nicaragua
Visiting our provider and fabric of red clay bricks in Rivas! Now the building of the second house can start... #artisanal #original #traditional #local #buildyourhouse #bricks #rivas #sjds #nicaragua
Cooking class with Raquel, learning how to make the traditional chicken soup 🐓 🍲 singing is the secret! ;-) #naturalfood #local #traditional #nicastyle #organic #nochemicals #fromthefarm #totheplate #homemade #cookingclass #activity #community #meetlocals #sharesecrets #collado #sjds #nicaragua
Domingo in San Juan del Sur... #domingo #videooftheday #sanjuandelsur #nicaragua