Malica ferments by Marika Groen

Malica ferments by Marika Groen Malica ferments is a travelling popup to spread all the things Koji. If you want to know everything about it, come and see us. Or invite us and we travel to you!

Malica ferments is a travelling and emerging community that you can join to learn and to share your passion towards fermentation, Washoku, the traditional making of Miso, Shoyu, Mirin, Sake, vinegar, and everything else that's made from Koji. Our focus is to teach authentic Japanese fermentation with a great respect to mold, Aspergillus oryzae and other strains that’re widely used in Japan and the

neighboring countries as an essential ingredient to support our culture, history and traditional food. Our aim is to eat local and whole to achieve the better environment and harmony in the world. See us at popup events, our cooking programs or one day workshops.

Wrapping up the entry for Kojiology Odyssey this weekend. We have a nice group and I want to start thinking about how we...

Wrapping up the entry for Kojiology Odyssey this weekend. We have a nice group and I want to start thinking about how we can deepen our experiences in this exclusive meeting. The application on my website will close on Sunday so if you're seriously interested but waiting to finalize next year’s schedule and can’t apply now, please let us know so we can put you on a waiting list. We will prioritize notifying you if any spot comes open.
On another note, if you are a professional photo/videographer and want to participate by providing your expertise, feel free to send your portfolio.

The program details are outlined on our website, but as you may have noticed, the announcement itself provides no explanation. We chose this way as we wish to share something beyond just the program content, aiming to stay open to everything that can be experienced in that space, rather than limiting ourselves to the framework of the lessons. Though I can discuss practical matters as expected, and meeting the high standards outlined in the program is a given, what I truly treasure are the moments of revelation that unfold, along with the subtle shifts in heart and mind, when I immerse myself in that space and share those quiet, transformative experiences with you. After years of teaching the course, I've come to understand that these moments of revelation leave the most lasting imprint, subtly guiding the course of one's life in ways that echo far beyond the present. I believe Amaloka is the perfect place to embrace such moments with you.

Now here is the recipe for your weekend if you have expired (or not) black sesame paste in your pantry like I did. Actually I believe this works just as well with other nut pastes, so surprise me if you try it. The one I made is pretty much done by eye, so there you can also play around. Let me know when you try it 😉

(The recipe in the comment column.)

来春バスク地方の山䞊で起きるコヌゞオロゞヌオデッセむ。驚くほど遠距離からもご参加がありその熱意に感動しおいたす。身に䜙るようなそのお気持ちがありがたく、この季節は冬至たでどんどん日が短くなり寒く暗くなっおくるので毎幎私は瞮んでいくずころですが、今幎はずおも暖かな気持ちでほくほくず元気に過ごしおおりたす。あず半月で旅立぀ので倧絶賛畑の冬支床䞭でもありたす。寒いのに汗だくで楜しい もう少し曞くこずがあるのですが文字制限があるのでニュヌスレタヌで続きを曞きたす。ずりあえず䞖界䞀簡単で矎味しい黒胡麻ゞェラヌド䜜っちゃったので、皆様も是非。よい週末を。

Update: waiting listWith much anticipation, we will soon open the official calling for 2025 Kojiology Odyssey in Trucios...

Update: waiting list

With much anticipation, we will soon open the official calling for 2025 Kojiology Odyssey in Trucios-Turtzioz, Bizkaia.
The beautiful hosts are Amaloka Holiday Home and Natsumi Nakamori, the passionate chef and the pickle master who has been sharing Japanese gastronomy in Catalonia.

Amaloka is located in the district of Cueto, in the heart of the Armañón Natural Park. As you can see it's a refreshing surrounding to make us awaken all of our senses.

We would like to welcome you to spend peaceful and nourishing 3 days immersing yourself into the art and science of koji morphology. Marika will be communicating with koji and demonstrating a lecture everyday while we are free to stroll and embrace nature guided by Errapel in between.

Learn to live. Eat from the same pot. Observe mycelial growth by meadows, forests, streams as magnificent panoramic views of the Valley of Trucios, very close to Santander and Bilbao.
I hope this will be something you can look forward to during the winter and reflect on with a sense of renewed strength and self-belief as we part ways.








Going over the past archive of a 3-4  day Kojiology camp before 2021. It's only a fragment but enough to make me realize...

Going over the past archive of a 3-4  day Kojiology camp before 2021. It's only a fragment but enough to make me realized how little I taught in all the shotgun online classes in last few years. Compared to in-person intervention, they were only an entry. How did I possibly transmit all of this in just a few hours? A few serious in-person courses I gave this year taught that there are so munch more overflowing from within. It was way more than ever before this year and I didn't see the bottom. I no longer use the text book I made and gave away to a number of Japanese tutor reserves around the world.
The time I'm given is never enough but every time there is a different learning. Real experience sparks inspiration. Grateful to welcome the new era to share and walk as far as we can go together. Hope to see you in Spain 2025.


The intensive days in Amsterdam we spent -  diving deeply into a highly nuanced and intricate multi-sensory approach of ...

The intensive days in Amsterdam we spent -  diving deeply into a highly nuanced and intricate multi-sensory approach of koji/Aspergillus growth. I'm thankful that koji-kin is so generously presenting themselves to us every time.

Witnessing the lifecycle of koji mold in real time and immersing ourselves fully, we open all our senses to experience its brief journey firsthand. I feel this shared journey seamlessly intertwines with the communication, mutual understanding, and trust that naturally unfold among us "observers" in the flow of time. As we engage deeply, moving beyond numbers and data into realms of intuition and imagination, we come to understand why things happen as they do, much like how we respect and recognize one another.

The group showed me how we could branch our curiosity and imagination beyond what’s planned and scheduled, reminding me once again that the most important thing is to respond instantly to what’s right in front of us. I also realized the significance of trusting our instincts and prioritizing those intuitive feelings as we navigate our experiences.

We travel from the story of inadama to the wild fermentation from prehistoric era, from the setup of muro now and then, alpha and gluco amylase to acid protease and acid carboxypeptidase, from the risk of aflatoxin and home-brewing... The three days are never enough. Hoping to share more. Next stop would be in Spain 2025. 

䞍思議なもので、コヌゞオロゞヌず旅をする床お知らせもしおいないのに出発する盎前に手玙を送っおくれる友がいお、い぀もそれを宝物のように持っお出かけおいる。コヌゞヌはそれなにず聞くけれども「 お守りだよ」ずだけ答えおそれ以䞊は蚀わないようにしおいる。でも知っおるんじゃないかず思いながら浮かんでくる笑みを噛み殺しお、䜕食わぬ顔で倧人しく隣に䞊んでい぀も乗船しおいる。

日本語い぀も䞋よね"Reunion of flavours - Dashi, Shoyu, Koji" at  this year. It was a packed one hour session. Happy to have share...

"Reunion of flavours - Dashi, Shoyu, Koji" at this year. It was a packed one hour session. Happy to have shared the best ingredients including the masterpiece from . I'll write in a separate post but the koji that I've been developing for home brewers is changing now too. I've never seen this way before. Excited to explore more of this in 2025.

Reunion of flavours - Dashi, Shoyu, Koji、今幎もモノゞャパンさたにおお䞖話になりたした。
邊題は〇〇麹。裏テヌマは17䞖玀から21䞖玀ぞの出汁ロヌド。スパむス、也物、野草、海藻などを䜿った懐かしさず新鮮さが融合する仕蟌みをみなさんにしお頂きたした。すべおトップクラスの原材料を䜿甚したので矎味しくならないわけがない、ずいう狡さ+300の仕蟌み。そしお溢れる発酵の歎史ず文化の話が止たらない 。正盎このコンテンツで1時間はかなりの駆け足でしたが、こんなに倧倉でぎゅっずした本気ず曞いおマゞず読むザ・ワヌクショップはモノゞャパンでしかやらないず決意しおいたす。本圓はもう少しゆっくりのんびりしおもいいのだけど、お祭りだからこれでいいの。
この床も芪愛なる@tomasusoysauce からの惜しみない愛ず支揎にも助けられ、 チヌムのサポヌトもあっお、そしお最埌は友人たちず倫の神の手に救われ生き延びたした。䞀人では䜕もできないず思い知らされ続ける日々です。

It took me years to actually do it. Sawing one of my precious pieces. They are hundreds years old Koji buta I inherited ...

It took me years to actually do it. Sawing one of my precious pieces. They are hundreds years old Koji buta I inherited from two of my friend Koji producers in Japan long time ago. Both have different stories and history. Now perfectly fit in my travel-to-teach DIY Muro after being engaged for the main production in my bigger Muro. Let me be with you till the last day we all collapse into dust. Until drops of life evaporate into sky.


日本語は䞋Utsuwa and fermentation cooking day. Fresh harvest and all things koji. Live cooking and appreciating the outcome o...

Utsuwa and fermentation cooking day. Fresh harvest and all things koji. Live cooking and appreciating the outcome on beautiful tablewares.

We made:
- Chirasizushi with hijiki seaweed cooked in doburoku and sushi vinegar made of citrus juice and ume vinegar
- No meat Hui Guo Rou with doujanjang and tianmian sauce, served with omelette
- Braised anchovy romaine lettuce with raisins and nuts
- Cauliflower hummus with dashi and onion shiokoji drizzled with chilli oil garnished with kyo-mibuna
- Petite tomatoes in gomazu vinaigrette and shiso
- BBQ-d eggplants with edamame hot miso and courgette with red bean chili miso
- Sauteed my daikon radish and leaves in miso with pumpkin seeds and marigold petals
- Shime sashimi with yuzu shiokoji
- Arienne's cuks marinated in Niki's Greek style
- Bancha tea and safflower tea jelly

I forgot the rest...
I have been under the weather for quite a while but I embrace all the missed opportunities just as much as the fruits of life. Not everything I want, and not everything has to be now. Some things better need time to mature and to come out right in its own sign.

う぀くしい噚ず発酵料理の䌚、賑やかにたのしく集いたした。肝心の蚀い出しっぺが長期間による謎の䜓調䞍良にお5分前たで寝おいるずいう厖っぷちの開催でしたが、人頌み神頌みで䜕ずか取り行うこずができたした。ありがたや 。(い぀も5分前たで寝おたすよねずいうツッコミは倧䞈倫です)


食噚蔵に眠っおいたたくさんの䜜家の䜜品たちを食卓に䞊べお、採れたおの野菜を未開封や遞りすぐりの発酵調味料でその堎でどんどんさばいおいく。䞀品できるごずにその䜜品に芋合った噚を遞んで各々盛り付ける。材料ず調味料の味芋をしお、調理法を決めおいく。色々その堎任せのラむブ䌚堎のようでずおもよかった。元気だったらもっずできたのにずか、皆垰った埌にああホット゜ヌスずか面癜麹ずか皆で也杯しようず思っおいたりン幎もののノッチヌノずか、䞉぀葉も庭で摘みたかったしあれもこれもあったのに ず床に平䌏したけれど、毎床のこずながら䞀床に党郚っお䞍可胜なんだな。藍染めたでしようずしおいたし。なんだったら畑たで行こうずたで思っおいたし。やりすぎ、い぀も。



Reunion of flavours - Dashi, Shoyu, KojiSeptember 15th, 2024 (Sun) 15:00 - 16:00 - Studio 1Japan's soy sauce was exporte...

Reunion of flavours - Dashi, Shoyu, Koji
September 15th, 2024 (Sun) 15:00 - 16:00
- Studio 1

Japan's soy sauce was exported abroad from the 17th to the 18th century. Now, 280 years after its arrival in the Netherlands, locals have begun producing their own soy sauce. Today, not only has soy sauce become a global staple, but the culture of koji, essential for making miso and sake, is also flourishing worldwide.

This workshop invites participants to explore the history of koji while sampling a variety of fermented seasonings that blend European and Japanese fermentation traditions. Following the tasting, participants will craft three types of "21st-century dashi koji" to take home, one of which will feature shoyu from TOMASU SOY SAUCE. Discover new flavours from the blend of tradition, culture, history and innovation.

Join this workshop to experience the harmonious combination of , fresh koji crafted by Malica Ferments, and special ingredients such as yuzu, sansho, ume, kombu, and dried shiitake mushrooms, along with familiar seasonal ingredients from the Netherlands and Europe.

Secure your spot at:
This is a part of MONO JAPAN fair 2024, so you'll need to get an entry ticket for that as well. There are also many fun workshops:

「味芚の再䌚 - 出汁、醀油、麹を仕蟌む䌚」

ありがたいこずに今幎も@monojapan_fair 2024に出没させお頂けるこずになりたした。

Dokudami / Chameleon plantIt's one of the medical herbs I keep in my planter (they are very invasive. It has antipyretic...

Dokudami / Chameleon plant
It's one of the medical herbs I keep in my planter (they are very invasive. It has antipyretic, detoxifying, antibacterial and diuretic properties and is also good for preventing arteriosclerosis and hypertension. The main way to consume dokudami is to drink it as dokudami tea.

This one is dokudami tincture and is made by soaking only the buds and flowers in a liquor of at least 35°C and extracting the essence. The extract can be diluted and used as a facial lotion or to repel insects. (I added the flower petals from my yuzu tree to add aroma.) It can also be made from leaves, but if you make it from flowers and buds, you can enjoy a beautiful aquarium flower garden on the countertop for a while. My garden is like a supermarket or pharmacy now. Happy to welcome you to the ceremonial tea in summer.





Ever since I moved to Europe, there have been some veggies I missed and craved for - one of them is renkon, lotus roots....

Ever since I moved to Europe, there have been some veggies I missed and craved for - one of them is renkon, lotus roots. It grows in mud and it is impossible to get it fresh in NL.
For some reasons, I was given seeds of this edible lotus root and took a challenge to grow this at home.
The bottom of the seeds is shaved and it was placed in water for weeks. A new eye popped up, so did the roots. It almost looks like Ohmu from NausicaÀ. The same kind of energy enchants me.
I don't know if I would succeed in this project at all but if I do, I would have a little fake pond and become one of very rare (or only one??) renkon farmers in NL... Co-workers are always welcome. Let's have at least one or two organic renkon farm in this country. For now, I wait and enjoy watching water lilies in front of my window until my lotus happens to give flowers for a miracle.









In March, I learned and executed fig tree pruning. I cut a sapling, likely aged five to six years, and saved all its bra...

In March, I learned and executed fig tree pruning. I cut a sapling, likely aged five to six years, and saved all its branches. Half were planted directly in soil outdoors, and the other half placed indoors in water/soil bags. No artificial fertilizers, but almost all branches sprouted roots and buds. Even the pruned sapling began to grow new shoots vigorously after two months.

Incidentally, maples shed overgrown branches with the help of wind to adapt to harsh environments. They have their own principles of resilience.

When faced with an unchangeable environment, one may find it necessary to gradually trim away parts of oneself. In moments without escape, strive to select at least where the sunlight falls. Refine oneself to nurture growth. What falls to the earth nourishes the world.

There are things that can only be preserved through loss. Some paths can only be traversed by embracing pain.
Regardless of how many times life restarts, I want to choose to treat each moment as the last, confronting with existence, refining myself as necessary.







ちなみに玅葉は、颚の力を借りお自ら埒長した枝を折り、地に萜ずす。厳しい環境にも耐えられるように、足元を固め自分で自分の剪定を行い、生きるための暹圢に成り倉わる。 自分の足で立ち続けるために、自ら傷぀いおも枝を萜ずしおいく。



I'm in CPH. (Leaving soon.) While wanting to take proper time to mentally digest all that stories and sanctuaries we've ...

I'm in CPH. (Leaving soon.) While wanting to take proper time to mentally digest all that stories and sanctuaries we've been introduced to, I'd just like to go super sober for my meal tonight after a sequence of days indulging myself to dedicated foods and zest. It's a supetmarket salad, but at the end of the day I realised that adding this shabby looking bottled dressing? I had quickly packed before flying was the thing I was craving for. It's a la minute blend of shoyu kasu, olive oil and finger lime zest in rush "Marika hurry get in the car now". No trick but it upgraded the salad to the level that saved me from the heat and fatigue on my last night of the trip. I can go for a marathon through the whole city of Copenhagen tomorrow.

No. Maybe not. I'm going home. My farm and hubby are waiting. As well as the rest of the moromi. Marathon next time. Maybe let's go home first.





After several years, I am attempting small-scale rice cultivation again. The seeds are brown rice cultivated by  and fro...

After several years, I am attempting small-scale rice cultivation again. The seeds are brown rice cultivated by and from , which accompanied Cosy Koji Performance. Just a handful left in my palm. 
Seven years passed since the impromptu failure of bucket rice cultivation. Now, with insufficient skills, I am daring to try upland rice. Coincidentally, both seeds came from Shikoku, each rolling into my life through completely different paths.  
The garden resurrects, last year's decayed plants breathing anew, shrouded in green. Broad beans and strawberries bloom proudly, while dokudami and fuki thrive unchanged.  

Seeds collected from explosively grown tomatoes last year, as well as seeds of brassicas and scattered seeds of red shiso, all sprouted effortlessly, wearing the same ordinary faces. Even from tiny seeds, plants grow into mighty trees.
The unstoppable force of life before my eyes. It's making me believe that spring is here.  


So this is the result of tomato shoyu 2023.The free amino acid composition ratio of tomatoes is very similar to that of ...

So this is the result of tomato shoyu 2023.
The free amino acid composition ratio of tomatoes is very similar to that of soy sauce. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid and other amino acids are present in almost the same proportions, all of which are common in imparting flavour. Of course I was thinking that when I made this last year? 😎
The original flavour of tomatoes and the materials/the quality of Koji greatly impact the strained result, as well as the maturing time and the temperature. One "recipe" can produce thousands different results and "the" recipe is an average of years of experimental brewing and crops of the year. No tomatoes are identical. It's a combi of luck and patience. You may not get what you expected in the first year but the year you begin is a phenomenal step that already teaches you a lot of things for the next year to come.

Jarred on 2023.3.24
Tomato 2.5L/2304g
Salt 685g
Koji 2.0L/1246g

春の皮蒔きが始たりたした。 My spring seeds are in the ground now! Soon I want to plan a secret garden party. Stay tuned on newsletter...

My spring seeds are in the ground now! Soon I want to plan a secret garden party. Stay tuned on newsletter.






わたしたちは「 いく぀もの珟実を同時に生きおいる存圚」であるず、頭の䞭で䌚話する友人は蚀いたした。





Updated 🎉 Cosy Koji travelling library updates. No 2 (South America) and No 3 (Africa) are open for a next guardian. Any...

Updated 🎉

Cosy Koji travelling library updates. No 2 (South America) and No 3 (Africa) are open for a next guardian. Anybody in these areas wants to have a Cosy Koji book for two months? Read the guideline (also in bio) and reach out to me or the current owner.

No 1 (North America) on the way from to
No 2 (South America) at .lopez666 now. is next in line.
No 3 (Africa) at neiljvr. is next in line.
No 4 (NZ&AUS) at now. On the way to Samuel C***s in Sydney soon.
No 5 (Europe ) at . is next in line.
No 6 (UK) at now?
No 7 (South Asia) on the way from to
No 8 (Japan) Hana Yoon in Kyoto. Chie in Shimane next

It has been two years since these eight books started travelling between your hands. Many thanks to all who have been following this journey and being involved in one way or another. In my hands, Cosy Koji became a performance art last year. This year, it will become a little farm. I will share the progress in a coming post.








For years, I have contemplated the scene where hands, with unwavering conviction, grasp the essence of grains. Within th...

For years, I have contemplated the scene where hands, with unwavering conviction, grasp the essence of grains. Within these hands, a gentle yet firm hold is sufficient, for the beans yield beneath the pressure, and the rice grains, in absorbing the essence, transform into a softness. Between the fingers, akin to ethereal guardians, pristine salt dissipates, leaving a granular residue.

I've been tilling the soil, painting the brick flower beds, digging and filling everywhere, and my muscles are sore all over, but today I had an epiphany when I was clearing a new field.

Miso making is cultivation. Miso embodies the soil. Beans epitomize the earth, and koji manifests as the catalyst. Salt serves as the mineral. All entities intertwine, a cosmic connection, an eternal circulation.

I was grateful at koji.con. To be able to share Cosy Koji and its journey.
Since some of you asked, here are the last three lines again. Hope it reaches you. Have a good Thursday everyone.

"In spheres where I linger and where I fade,
In days unknown and those by time portrayed.
Let it transform into meadows or blossoms cascade.
Somewhere distant, let fate softly guide,
Until this hand reencounters, where stories coincide."







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