
Týrsday TÝRSDAY HELPS CLIENTS TELL THEIR STORY. We help brands, people and businesses turn interest into business. Týrsday is the best of both worlds coming together.

By using diverse forms of content and smart technology for consistent online communications, we help our clients to generate daily traffic to your owned platform in a non-intrusive natural way. Dramatically increasing visibility and opening the funnels for conversion. Our services
- Feasibility and digital market scan
- Strategy and concept
- Publishing, distribution and aggregation technology
- C

ontent and Community

With over 20 years of experience working for numerous clients. Knowing content and publishing inside out.�Marketing strategy and branding expertise.�Developing new media technology with global impact.


Singel 542


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Our Story

Týrsday is a content and technology startup focusing on helping brands, people and businesses turn interest into business. By telling their stories in an innovative and efficient way.

By using digital native content and smart technology for consistent online communications, we help our clients to generate daily traffic to your owned platform in a non-intrusive natural way. Dramatically increasing visibility and opening the funnels for conversion. Our services - Digital market scan - Strategy and concept - Publishing, distribution and aggregation technology - Content production - Content seeding With over 20 years of experience working for numerous clients. Knowing content and publishing inside out.