Michael Chu as
share holders. In the past few years, the company has developed into a touristi c group with
head offi ce in Arnhem, two branch offi ces in Den Haag, Rott erdam and fi ve
agents in the major citi es, including Eindhoven, Nijmegen, Amsterdam,
Hengelo and Zoetermeer. In 2007, the company was accredited as Internati onal Air Transportati on
Associati on (IATA) agent (IATA number 572116
30), which enables us to act as
ti cket consolidator. The turnover of the company has doubled from 2007 to
2008 and increased again from 2008 to 2009. Personnel wise, the management team is composed of experts from diff erent
fi elds. Anna Chow, the director, has more than 10 years airline working
experice. Michael Chu, the chief executi ve offi cer, has worked as
consultant for various industries. Jing Chen, the manager, has worked
under multi -cultural environment in the company for the past fi ve years. With her eff orts, the company has established a dynamic network with major
airlines in the Netherlands and various tour operators in the Netherlands and
China. Besides ti cket sales, tour organizati on also grew increasingly important in the
company profi le. In May, 2010, the company was accredited as SGR
(Sti chti ng Garanti esfonds Reisgelden) agent (SGR number 3407). In August,
2010, the touristi c part was further strengthened with the accreditati on from
ANVR (Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging van Reisondernemingen) (ANVR
number 04538). Internati onally, our Hong Kong offi ce (Fortunate Travel
Group) was also accredited as TIC (Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong)
member (TIC number: 22475-O) in August, 2010, which facilitated us to
further develop our internati onal tour arrangements. Our touristi c acti viti es include three major aspects: tours in Europe, tours to
Asia and golf-related tours. Specifi cally, we have developed tours from Europe,
via Beijing, Shanghai or Hong Kong to Southeast Asia, especially Japan. Our advantages lie on the fl exible and low-price contracts with major Chinese
airlines, which off er our clients with the possibility to visit both China and
Japan at a lower price. The other focus of our tour arrangements lay on the golf-related acti viti es. For this niche market, we have China Southern Airline as our market
partners, which guarantee high quality fl ights and low prices. Besides, we
are also listed as company member of Mission Hill Golf Resort, the largest
and most complete golf center of the world. The contracts with various golf
courts in China enable us to provide the customers with the most dynamic
and entertaining tours in China. For the future development, we will further expand on two perspecti ves. On the ti cketi ng perspecti ve, we will expand from the existi ng market, which
is focused on Asian-oriented customer, who live in the Netherlands, to more
dynamic groups. One group would be the expanding Chinese student market
and the other group is the second-generati on Chinese migrants, who possess
suffi cient skills to purchase their ti ckets online. We are already cooperati ng
with the fi rst Chinese language online booking engine in Europe to explore on
this market. When the ti me is ready, we will develop our own search engine
as well. On the touristi c perspecti ve, we will further expand our tour arrangements
into various fi elds, including golf, leisure and business tours. The related
acti viti es would also vary from basic hotel plus transportati on package to
all-in tour packages for diff erent customers. With our knowledge of Asian
culture, we are capable of arranging tailor-made cultural tours to Asia, such
as Kong Fu groups and Chinese language studying groups. Our network with
various Chinese enterprises also facilitate us with organizing internship and
exchange arrangements between Chinese and European students. In general, our target is to develop ourselves into a touristi c group with
internati onal standard. We have met this target on ti cketi ng operati ons with
the accreditati on from IATA three year ago. Our touristi c operati ons have
met the Dutch touristi c standard with our accreditati on from SGR in May. Our next target would be to achieve the internati onal standard as a touristi c
group with our accreditati on from ISO 9001 in three years ti me. FORTUNATE TRAVEL VOF