Mobile Water Treatment

Mobile Water Treatment Logisticon Water Treatment bv (LWT) is a company which is specialised in process design, engineering

Containerized and Mobile Watertreatment Systems:

Logisticon Water Treatment bv (LWT) is a company which is specialised in process design, engineering and manufacturing of water treatment systems - capacity from 100 liter per hour up to 2.000 m3 per hour or more. One of the specialties developed in the past 25 years of LWT is the manufacturing of containerized / mobile watertreatment systems for t

reatment of groundwater, wastewater, production of demineralized water, drinking water and many more processes. The containerized / mobile watertreatment installations build by Logisicon are not 'just standard containers'. The integration of a watertreatment system in a container requires extensive knowledge and experience to be able to realize the highest quality - the quality Logisticon stands for!

Logisticon largest containerized mobile RO system ever built almost complete and ready for transport to customer.Logisti...

Logisticon largest containerized mobile RO system ever built almost complete and ready for transport to customer.

Logisticon Rental, sister company of Logisticon Water Treatment B.V. is Europe’s largest company for rental of mobile water treatment installations. The existing large fleet of water treatment and water purification systems are recently extended with large mobile reverse osmosis units which will be used for a long-term rental solution at a client.

Due to the modular way of designing the installation is easy to expend. The installations are able to purify pre-treated surface water to produce two different qualities of demin water : < 3 µS/cm and < 10 µS/cm.

The displayed installation has a capacity of approximately 550 m3/hour and consists of eight 40ft containers and two 20ft containers with broadly the following treatment steps:
- Pre-filtration, booster and pH correction;
- Reverse osmosis in several containers for both single pass and double pass RO permeate quality - each with a capacity of 160-180 m3/h and one complete extra redundant RO unit;
- Chemical storage and dosing;
- Pump installations for distribution of two qualities of demin water, each at a pressure of 5 barg;
- Combined CIP container and operator room.

The system has an MCC unit with main PLC and remote control constructed in one of the 20ft container. The complete installation is 100 % pre-tested in our factory before it goes to the client.

For more information about these, similar of other installations, you are free to contact us.




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