Good Travel Guide

Good Travel Guide Together we discover truly green holidays! We only promote places that follow our sustainability principles and have been checked by independent experts.

We support small tourism businesses with our Good Travel Seal and the Virus-Aware Seal


Rapenburg 8


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Good Travel Guide

We promote only destinations that follow our G.R.E.E.N values and checked by experts. Furthermore, we want also to support the tourism industry through our ongoing pilot projects: the Good Travel Seal and the Virus-Aware Seal. Together we will create a strong assurance that tourism businesses are paying great attention to travellers’ health and safety. Find

Better days are coming, when we can cheerfully plan our trip, pack our bags, and go on that exciting trip again. Destinations have been waiting patiently yet eagerly, ready to welcome you. So get inspired by this Good Travel Guide and plan your next green holidays!