DDA Classic Airlines

DDA Classic Airlines Welcome aboard our Fanpage! Here we share stories, pictures, facts and fun. For bookings; www.dutchd Relive the olden days and discover Holland!

Discover Holland from the sky

Holland seen from the sky is different than any other country. And what better way than to view the Dutch landmarks while flying aboard a legendary DC-3 Dakota in mint condition? DDA Classic Airlines is dedicated to the preservation of this type of aircraft, the model of American pioneering technology of the late thirties. DDA Classic Airlines offers a myriad of spl

endid 30 to 60-minute roundtrips and enjoyable day trips. En route you will see colourful bulb fields and windmills, typically Dutch polders and centuries-old cities! DDA Classic Airlines is founded in 1982. The DDA is a dynamic museum that has become a full airline company. The goal of the DDA is to make the historical aviation accessible to the wide public. The organization uniquely preserves cultural heritage by operating her Royal DC-3 Dakota on the highest professional standards (EU-OPS).

Meanwhile, at her new home at the Aviodrome - Lelystad, our Princess had her engines preserved for the winter period. Sh...

Meanwhile, at her new home at the Aviodrome - Lelystad, our Princess had her engines preserved for the winter period.
She is in good company for sure. 😊

Gisteren vloog onze Prinses vanaf Schiphol naar haar nieuwe eigenaar op Lelystad, het luchtvaartmuseum Aviodrome. Onderw...

Gisteren vloog onze Prinses vanaf Schiphol naar haar nieuwe eigenaar op Lelystad, het luchtvaartmuseum Aviodrome. Onderweg brachten twee KLu F-35’s een afscheidsgroet aan de PH-PBA met een korte es**rte aan de wing tips.
De groet was extra speciaal omdat één van de vliegers van de DC-3 de vader is van de F-35 vlieger die gisteren de leiding had in de formatie. De jachtvliegtuigen waren afkomstig van Volkel en dit historische es**rte werd gecombineerd met een reguliere trainingsmissie.
Na de landing op Lelystad werd onze Dakota officieel overgedragen aan het museum voor een symbolische 1 Euro en werd ze behoedzaam in de T2 hangar gezet in afwachting van een nieuwe toekomst.

Yesterday our Princess was ferried from Schiphol to her new owner at Lelystad, the aviation museum Aviodrome. On the way, two RNLAF F-35s paid a farewell salute to the PH-PBA with a short es**rt at her wing tips. The salute was extra special because one of the DC-3 pilots is the father of the F-35 pilot who was yesterday’s formation leader. The fighter planes came from Volkel AFB and this historic es**rt was combined with a regular training mission.
After landing at Lelystad, our Dakota was officially handed over to the museum for a symbolic 1 Euro and was carefully towed into the T2 hangar, awaiting a new future.

This morning, Friday 13th 2024, we test-runned our Dakota-Princess for the very last time at Schiphol. In front of KLM h...

This morning, Friday 13th 2024, we test-runned our Dakota-Princess for the very last time at Schiphol. In front of KLM hangar 11, the C-check was concluded.
Ferry flight to Lelystad is imminent, but not confirmed yet.

Today, we topped off our DC-3 for the last time at Schiphol with our 'own' DDA Avgas 100LL fuel truck, it's licence expi...

Today, we topped off our DC-3 for the last time at Schiphol with our 'own' DDA Avgas 100LL fuel truck, it's licence expiring Nov.1.
For the last four years the 3000 liter-truck was stationed for DDA-use at Schiphol, courtesy De Ruiter-company.
DDA-volunteer Wim was our regular fuel guy, but tomorrow his licences will expire, so he will retire together with the truck!
From now on, no 100LL will be available anymore at Schiphol Airport. 😔

MIS HET NIET!  Via de website van de DDA https://dutchdakota.nl/winkel/boek/dutch-dakota-association-een-geschiedenis-va...

MIS HET NIET! Via de website van de DDA https://dutchdakota.nl/winkel/boek/dutch-dakota-association-een-geschiedenis-van-ddas-vliegtuigen-en-vrijwilligers-vriend-van-dda/ kunt u het nieuwe boek over de 42-jarige geschiedenis van de DDA bestellen.
224 pagina's over een uniek stukje Nederlandse luchtvaarthistorie.
DON'T MISS OUT! You can order this new book about DDA's 42 year long history through DDA's webshop: https://dutchdakota.nl/winkel/boek/dutch-dakota-association-een-geschiedenis-van-ddas-vliegtuigen-en-vrijwilligers-vriend-van-dda/
224 pages about a unique piece of Dutch aviation history.
(Dutch language, but plenty of great pictures ! )

Yesterday, October 16, 2024 we flew the last ever passenger flight under DDA-flag. An all-volunteer flight to Maastricht...

Yesterday, October 16, 2024 we flew the last ever passenger flight under DDA-flag. An all-volunteer flight to Maastricht and back.

For four decades, DDA carried passengers with DC-3 Dakota's on a regular basis and wrote a large chunk of Dutch aviation history along the way.

After a requested Schiphol tower fly-by and the traditional 'shower of affection' by the fire brigade, our PH-PBA and occupants were welcomed by DDA ground- and cabin staff in uniform.

Needless to say, yesterday's flight was a memorable one for all involved, with a laugh and for some a small tear...🥲

Just a few flights... Last one scheduled on Oct. 16.

Just a few flights... Last one scheduled on Oct. 16.

These days in September 1944, 80 years ago today, our PH-PBA flew her paratrooper- and glider towing missions for operat...

These days in September 1944, 80 years ago today, our PH-PBA flew her paratrooper- and glider towing missions for operation 'Market Garden'.
As USAAF '42-100971' and with chalk number #3, she flew paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division to dropzone (DZ) 'N' at Klein Amerika near Groesbeek on Sept .17th.
She was named 'The Squirrel', which was painted on her nose.
Two more glider tow-missions to LZ 'O' (Oboe)' at Overasselt and a legendary supply-evac landing on airstrip Keent would follow.
The rest is (living) history...

Yesterday, we visited Rotterdam airport for scenic flights for the very last time as DDA Classic Airlines.  Blessed with...

Yesterday, we visited Rotterdam airport for scenic flights for the very last time as DDA Classic Airlines. Blessed with glorious weather during the weekend, we provided 144 enthousiastic passengers a life-long remembered scenic flight on board our 'Royal' DC-3.

Past weekend we flew our last ever passenger flights from Lelystad Airport and again we operated from the Aviodrome-prem...

Past weekend we flew our last ever passenger flights from Lelystad Airport and again we operated from the Aviodrome-premises, which has been always a pleasure for crew and museum visitors alike.
The six flights took 108 enthousiastic passengers over the Formula 1- circuit and circus at Zandvoort.
The last flight at Sunday August 25th ended with this tribute by the local fire brigade, and after the engines were stopped, a loud applause was heard.
A moving moment...
In the coming weeks there are still a few more flights scheduled from Schiphol and Rotterdam.

Last weekend, DDA was again ‘on tour’, this time to Weeze, Germany. Six scenic flights including one commemorative ‘bomb...

Last weekend, DDA was again ‘on tour’, this time to Weeze, Germany.
Six scenic flights including one commemorative ‘bomb run’ over Doetinchem were made.

Return flight took us over our C-47s’ Market Garden drop & landing zones at Groesbeek and Overasselt. 💪🏼 🇺🇸 🪂
Also Utrecht with the recently renovated Dom church tower.

This was also the last ever international DDA commercial passenger flight under the current AOC. 😞

📷Paul van den Berg

This whole weekend! ☺️

This whole weekend! ☺️

...en we vonden nog wat in het magazijn wat weg mag.  Allemaal DC-3 en allemaal te koop. Interesse? Laat maar weer weten...

...en we vonden nog wat in het magazijn wat weg mag.
Allemaal DC-3 en allemaal te koop.
Interesse? Laat maar weer weten via 'messenger'.
(en het gaat weer volgens de 'first come, first serve'-methode. 😉 )
Note: we sturen geen dingen op; alles zelf ophalen.

(📷Paul van den Berg)

(📷Paul van den Berg)

!! Laatste kans !!  .. om nog wat geinige en originele Dakota-onderdelen te bemachtigen. Rechtstreeks uit het DDA-onderd...

!! Laatste kans !! .. om nog wat geinige en originele Dakota-onderdelen te bemachtigen. Rechtstreeks uit het DDA-onderdelen magazijn wat we nu aan het opruimen zijn.

Iets voor de 'DC-3-aficionado' met wat extra ruimte in de kamer of man-cave ? 😉 ‘Woman-cave’ kan natuurlijk ook…

Interesse? Laat maar weer weten via 'messenger'.
(en het gaat weer volgens de 'first come, first serve'-methode. 😉 )

Note: we sturen geen dingen op; alles zelf ophalen.


Thermiekstraat 156


Maandag 09:30 - 16:00
Dinsdag 09:30 - 16:00
Woensdag 09:30 - 16:00
Donderdag 09:30 - 16:00


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