The world's leading travel wholesaler exclusive for University's, Students and youth Travelers.
We are a new company where we put together over 30 years of international travel/Hotel experience, where. to understand and reach a niche forgotten and treated as a customer or another passenger more.
Stupax is an innovative company created to meet the needs of our University, college students and young travelers, than..when...where...are the parties, clubs, concerts, major events, Xtreme Sports,weekend getaways, scholarships, innovative work opportunities.
With the best technology available for apps/cell phone/internet Our company has no employees have associates, partners and friends. We are a young and energetic company.
The students and people in the rate of the 23 to 45 years are looking to travel the world, we delivery to our youth Travelers a real special rates on regular flights and our Special Charters flights, hotels and tours, allowing students to travel more and spend less. Our unique pricing and terms are negotiated specifically for this demographic through contracts with partners and more than 70 airlines using our reservation air system in the Web, We are on a mission to make International experiences possible.
We believe that travel is essential to a modern education and that students return enlightened and inspired. Millions of students will use in the next future our service every year. Stupax Travel launched in 2015. Our headquarters in Nederlands and we have offices in Cancun, Mexico and Malaga, Spain ( next for fall)
We believe that travel can have a profound affect on those choices. our logo represents freedom and choices, movement and travel. It signifies possibilities, beginning journeys and learning. It is the allure that the world holds more for you than you thought possible – and a way to get there.
For next summer 2016, there has been a flurry of flight bargains that students and educators can take advantage of. One of the main the factors contributing to these flight bargains is the substantial drop in the price of oil.
Particularly with some of the exchange rates, there are places around the world where you will spend a lot less when you get there. So between that and airfare prices, it’s a great time to travel. If you’re a student, there are even bigger discounts. Based on our data, we saw a 4% increase in the number of summer trips being taken YoY in 2015 versus 2014.