
Exoleap A location based virtual reality experience with an unprecedented level of immersion.

Since the attack on researchers from Exoleap there have been several confrontations with drones whose origin has not yet...

Since the attack on researchers from Exoleap there have been several confrontations with drones whose origin has not yet been established. Because this mainly concerned aggressive confrontations, Exoleap set up a security division. This division aims to secure the mission on Freyja and to trace the origin of the drones. The fate of the researchers at Freyja and perhaps also the future of the earth is at stake.

After a search, the remains of a missing mining vehicle are found. The vehicle appears to be destroyed. The search for t...

After a search, the remains of a missing mining vehicle are found. The vehicle appears to be destroyed. The search for the crew and investigation into the cause of this incident has top priority at Exoleap.

An enormous cave has been discovered in a mountain near the base camp of Exoleap. This cave [the crystal cave] contains ...

An enormous cave has been discovered in a mountain near the base camp of Exoleap. This cave [the crystal cave] contains giant crystals that may provide important resources. Exoleap's primary goal is to research these raw materials from the base camp. In addition, it is being investigated how these raw materials can be extracted.

One of the vehicles of the ground material. This all-terrain transport vehicle is used by EXOLEAP for research and minin...

One of the vehicles of the ground material. This all-terrain transport vehicle is used by EXOLEAP for research and mining activities on the exoplanet.


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We've reached 1.000 Likes!

Under the motto “explore and protect”, Exoleap has equipped the XO vessels of the security division with plasma guns.

Under the motto “explore and protect”, Exoleap has equipped the XO vessels of the security division with plasma guns.

Would you like to know about the story behind Exoleap? Check it out on LinkedIn!

Would you like to know about the story behind Exoleap? Check it out on LinkedIn!

Cor Jansen is the CEO & Owner of the Nijmegen based company Mechamania. Mechamania is developing a cutting edge full motion VR experience, set to be open to the public late 2019.

You can check out our epic trailer on our website!

You can check out our epic trailer on our website!

A location based virtual reality experience with an unprecedented level of immersion.

A new component for the XSpherion is checked at Stracon metalworks. Stracon specializes in the production of metal const...

A new component for the XSpherion is checked at Stracon metalworks. Stracon specializes in the production of metal constructions and certified welding. They will produce a large part of the construction for the upcoming XSpherions.

This is the current design of the steering wheel for the cockpit of the XSpherion. Using 3D prints, we test the differen...

This is the current design of the steering wheel for the cockpit of the XSpherion. Using 3D prints, we test the different designs for the handlebars, looking for the ideal grip and functionality. The steering wheel is equipped with a speed controller and laser gun-trigger to get the full EXOLEAP experience.

Looks like 2043, right!? This is the optical heart of our custom made VR helmet. At this moment the resolution is 1700 x...

Looks like 2043, right!? This is the optical heart of our custom made VR helmet. At this moment the resolution is 1700 x 1440 px. However, the system is ready for much greater resolutions 🤩💪.


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Several Unidentified Flying Objects were observed on the exoplanet Gliesse 273b. Where do they come from? What are they doing there? Are they hostile? Exoleap pilots receive a new mission to investigate the nature of these UFO's sightings.


Always be prepared for anything.


Waalbandijk 12


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Founded in 2043 to revolutionise wormhole technology, with the ultimate goal of finding another potential Earth to live on. #exoleap is coming soon.. 🚀