Double Impact Productions

Double Impact Productions Double Impact Productions is a full service studio facility ran by WD Glashouwer & Pieter Tjeerdsma.

The studio is located in the northern parts of The Netherlands. Double Impact has everything you need for music production, recording, mixing and mastering. The beautiful designed and acoustically great sounding studio gives a comfortable and pleasant work atmosphere. Through the use of high-end equipment and the strive for perfection, Double Impact Productions ensures a professional and killer e

nd product. Contact [email protected] for info & pricing

We work with fixed project rates. Experience taught us that working with an hour or day rate deprives the end product.

English version belowπŸ‡§πŸ‡ΆBeste Mensen,Zoals sommigen van jullie weten hebben we helaas de Double Impact Productions studio...

English version below

Beste Mensen,

Zoals sommigen van jullie weten hebben we helaas de Double Impact Productions studio deuren gesloten op 1 Januari 2019
Na 10 jaar met veel plezier dikke platen te hebben gemaakt moesten we er jammer genoeg een punt achter zetten.
Nu zijn we 1.5 jaar verder en het bloed kruipt waar het niet gaan kan. Begin dit jaar ben ik dan ook weer begonnen met studiowerk en muziek productie.

Ondertussen heb ik een professionele β€˜home’ studio van waaruit ik muziek produceer en mix en master sessies verzorg. Daarnaast werk ik samen met een opnamestudio voor eventuele opname sessies zoals drums e.d. Ook beschik ik over de middelen om op locatie op te nemen, denk daarbij aan zang, gitaar, bas en noem maar op.
Double Impact Productions is dus niet gestopt maar overgegaan in DoubleyouD Music Production, Mixing & Mastering :-)

Mocht je op zoek zijn naar vette opnames, een complete productie of een dikke mix en/of master van je eigen opnames? Wil je niet de hoofdprijs betalen? Check dan mijn website of neem even contact met me op om te zien wat ik voor je kan betekenen.


Dear People,

As some of you might know we had to close down the Double Impact Productions studio doors on January 1st 2019.
Unfortunately we had to pull the plug after 10 years of making killer records.
Since then 1.5 years has passed and I started to get the itch and really missed making records and being creative.
So beginning of this year I got back into studiowork and music production. I’ve built a professional β€˜home’ studio where I can do music production, mixing and mastering. For the stuff that can’t be done in my studio such as drum recordings I’ve teamed up with a recording studio. Next to that I’ve got a mobile rig to do recordings on location such as vocals, guitars, bass etc.
Basically Double Impact Productions never stopped but turned into DoubleyouD Music Production, Mixing & Mastering :-)

If you are looking for some killer recordings, a complete production or a sick mix and or master of some of your own recordings? And you don’t want to pay the jackpot? Check out my website or just get in touch and find out what I can do for you.


Need I Say more? 😎

Need I Say more? 😎

Hello fellow producers, guitar players and song builders. Since everyone likes to try new stuff especially when its free...

Hello fellow producers, guitar players and song builders. Since everyone likes to try new stuff especially when its free. Give our free bundle a spin. Next to Guitar and Bass profiles there are some cool drumsamples in there as wel! Check out 🀘

For Blood And Vengeance EP 'I Am Your Enemy' Dropped Yesterday! Recorded mixed and mastered right here. Congrats boys on...

For Blood And Vengeance EP 'I Am Your Enemy' Dropped Yesterday! Recorded mixed and mastered right here. Congrats boys on a killer record!

Our new 6-track EP "I Am Your Enemy" comes out on April 9th, 2018 on all major streaming services and as digipack on our official webstore http://fbav.bigcar...


Here is one we did not to longe ago and released today. 'Stronger' by Ravenna, recorded, mixed and mastered right here!

For all the lonely musicians out there, 25% off our entire webshop. Use coupon code: Valentinesday2018 when checking out...

For all the lonely musicians out there, 25% off our entire webshop. Use coupon code: Valentinesday2018 when checking out!

Great shot of Frank SkillPercussion recording drums for the upcomming Dictated record!

Great shot of Frank SkillPercussion recording drums for the upcomming Dictated record!

Frank recording drums for the new album. Pics by Sonja Schuringa of

Recording some epic blastbeats and killer drumsounds for the upcomming Dictated record!

Recording some epic blastbeats and killer drumsounds for the upcomming Dictated record!

If you missed Black Friday no worries, Cybermonday is on till tomorrow 23.59u! 😎

If you missed Black Friday no worries, Cybermonday is on till tomorrow 23.59u! 😎


Rengersweg 10


Wees de eerste die het weet en laat ons u een e-mail sturen wanneer Double Impact Productions nieuws en promoties plaatst. Uw e-mailadres wordt niet voor andere doeleinden gebruikt en u kunt zich op elk gewenst moment afmelden.


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