MyCity Consultancy

MyCity Consultancy myCity Consultancy concerned with improving communicative processes within municipalities - new media - creating virtual neighborhoods

myCity Consultancy originated from the minds of four creative communication and media students on September 1st, 2009. Being entrepreneurial individuals we saw an opportunity in stimulating communication between governmental bodies and their citizens to create a dialogue. Using new media to engage citizens with the government is something we are all passionate about; after all we too are Dutch cit

izens. The combination of our passion, creativity and academic skill-set guided the development of the myCity platform and is present throughout the organization. Being a young company with a team straight out of University provides us with the unique ability to implement new theories into existing frameworks. We fully understand the concept of using new media technologies to foster a “virtual community” and are able to communicate this to the citizens, customizing the platform to fit each municipality’s wants and needs. For updates regularly visit this page & follow us on Twitter () !! For more information about myCity Consultany & the product it offers - have a look at our new website:

The myCity Consultancy team


Burgemeester Oudlaan 50


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