European Hanmudo Association

European Hanmudo  Association We are committed to helping our students reach their full potential in life. Our aim is to promote the balance and co-ordination of body, mind and spirit.

Congratulations to: Frans van Boxtel 7th black-belt.Rick en Jaffet 1th black-belt

Congratulations to:
Frans van Boxtel 7th black-belt.
Rick en Jaffet 1th black-belt

Last weekend we had a very nice seminar! Congratulations to Chief Master Nicholas Emerson, he has past his 6th Degree bl...

Last weekend we had a very nice seminar! Congratulations to Chief Master Nicholas Emerson, he has past his 6th Degree black-belt.

Thanks to Dr. He-Young Kimm for hosting the seminar.
Thanks to the family Fields for the organisation!

Blackbelt-test Cromer 2019.

Blackbelt-test Cromer 2019.


Happy New Year from Dojunim Dr. He-Young Kimm, Mrs. Kimm and the World Han Mu Do Association!



Hopefully we See you!!!

Hopefully we See you!!!




Sadly, we received the news that our good friend and longtime Hanmudo black belt Eugene van Tilborg passed away on Monday at the early age of 47.

Eugene was a student (and cousin) of CM Ad van Workum. He was known as a colorful character and popular training partner during the Hanmudo seminars across Europe.

He is survived by his wife Jill and their two children.

On behalf of all members of the World Hanmudo Association we wish his wife, his children and other family and friends all the strength during this time of grief.

Eugene will be deeply missed and cherished in our memories forever!

Thank you Italy for hosting a great seminar! It was very nice to see all our Hanmudo - friends! Thank you Dojunim He You...

Thank you Italy for hosting a great seminar! It was very nice to see all our Hanmudo - friends!
Thank you Dojunim He Young Kimm for all your lessons!

Congratulations to the persons who testing this seminar. You did a great job!

We hope to see you at the seminar at 12-13-14 of October in Ude


Childerenclass, Hanmudo-seminar Nola 2018.

This Semiar Dojunim learned from the Italian singer. The Italian Learns from Dojunim!

This Semiar Dojunim learned from the Italian singer.
The Italian Learns from Dojunim!

Day 1 Hanmudo-seminar Nola 2018.

Day 1 Hanmudo-seminar Nola 2018.


Video-compilation techniques.
Black-Belttest Italy 2018.


Video-compilation Forms.
Black-belttest 2018

Dojunim Said: “ You all did a wonderful job.” Black-belttest in Italy.

Dojunim Said: “ You all did a wonderful job.”
Black-belttest in Italy.


Dr He-Young Kimm and the World Han Mu Do community is saddened by the passing of Mr. Olin Thrash Jr. For over 30 years, Mr Thrash was a fixture at testings, tournaments and seminars in his role as the official photographer for the World Han Mu Do Association. And you will find his photos in all of Dr. Kimm's books and most recent magazine articles. Mr. Thrash was named an honorary Black Belt in Han Mu Do by Dr. Kimm, one of only four people to receive that honor. Our hearts are with his sons, Todd and Brandon and the Thrash Family.

Afther the seminar we eat at the Greek restaurant

Afther the seminar we eat at the Greek restaurant

First day of the black-belt seminar. Archery session

First day of the black-belt seminar.
Archery session

Black-belt seminar. Grouppicture.

Black-belt seminar. Grouppicture.


Under black-belt seminar in Delft at sunday 25 February 2018!!

Dear Han mu do practitioners,

Our under black belt seminar will be held on the 25th of February 2018, during this day you will be trained in the latest forms and techniques which are required for the year 2018. Classes will be thought by the masters Rob Plasman, Hamza Keskin, Harm Verkuijlen and Ad van Workum.

Classes wil run from 10:00 until 16:00.

Because of a special class teached by master Plasmans you are asked to bring your own Jangbhong (long pole)

The seminar will be free of charge for every EHA member. For non-members a small fee of €10 will be charged.

The seminar will be in the dojang of master van Workum and master de Ronde. Mina Krusemanstraat 42, Delft.

Parking space is available.

Teachers and dojang owners, please inform your students.

We hope to see you all on the 25th.

Master Rob Plasmans
Master Harm Verkuijlen
Master Hamza Keskin
Master Ad van Workum

This weekend we’ve had a fantastic International Hanmudo Seminar at the Netherlands.  The seminar was hosted bij Dr. He-...

This weekend we’ve had a fantastic International Hanmudo Seminar at the Netherlands. The seminar was hosted bij Dr. He-Young Kimm.
Many thanks to our friends from Italy, Engeland, Switserland and the Netherlands, for come over and join the seminar.

International Hanmudo Seminar in Uden!

International Hanmudo Seminar in Uden!


Het is weer bijna zover! Op zondag 9 juli vindt de eerstvolgende kwartaaltraining van Hanmudo Bladel plaats! Tijdens de kwartaaltraining wordt er extra aandacht besteed aan één of meerdere aspecten van Hanmudo. Deelname voor Hanmudo Bladel leden is gratis. De bijdrage voor niet-leden bedraagt €5,- p...


Hockeyweg 10


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