
CheckandPack What is CheckandPack? CheckandPack helps users prepare for their holidays. Once our user is happy, then so are we.

We offer our users a packing list that is tailored to their specific itinerary and needs. This list is generated by means of a complex algorithm, which is based on previously made packing lists which someone would need for their travels. Due to the amount of data we collected, CheckandPack is able to perceive trends in the behaviour of passengers. The aim of CheckandPack is to fully understand the

users data, in order to predict what they will need during future vacations and even suggest destinations at an early stage of the preparation. History
CheckandPack started in 2013 and derives from the Dutch website has had great success and currently has more than 600.000 users on its database. With more and more users from different countries visiting, in 2015 we have again decided to be active abroad. We are currently active in six different countries (Netherlands / Belgium / France / Spain / Germany and the United Kingdom). In addition, the following countries will soon be launched: Poland / Denmark / Italy / USA and Australia. Our goal is to have a minimum of 5 million active users at the end of 2017.


SpinMore B.V. Ardan Bouché Jacobijnenstraat 2
3512 TH


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