Licere Study Association

Licere Study Association Study association for students of MSc Leisure, Tourism and Environment and other Environmental Science courses

The Master programme Leisure, Tourism and Environment (MLE), is becoming a popular master at the University of Wageningen. The programme started in 1999, just a couple of years later Licere was established as a study association for the programme. Licere’s purpose is to strengthen the bond between the students and the master programme at Wageningen University. Every year all the first year student

s of MLE become a member of Licere. Members are able to enjoy study related activities such as study groups and field trips, but also relaxing activities and excursions like 'borrels', dinner parties and weekend trips.


6700 AA

Algemene informatie

Let us know about any questions you have regarding MSc Leisure, Tourism and Environment, study and work opportunities, fun activities or if you'd like to get involved! We hold weekly meetings to keep up to date with any study matters and will be happy to help anyone get the most out of their study or listen to any ideas you might have. Chair: Karin Boelens Secretary: Barbara Waltmans Treasurer: Tessa Geertsema Commissioner of Activities: Maja Tisma Commissioner of Education: Romy Beemsterboer Commissioner of Communication: Jonas Skutka



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