Lost in Norway

Lost in Norway Lost In Norway is a destination management company (DMC) and an authorized tour operator based in No

Lost In Norway is a destination management company (DMC) and an authorized tour operator based in Norway. The highly creative team of Lost in Norway is a part of a Nordic team that has been organizing incentives, events and high-end leisure travel for the biggest brands in the industry. Based in the city of Bergen, we are on the doorstep of the most famous fjords and natural wonders that will make

the perfect frame to exceed your client’s wildest dreams. We offer full ground arrangement and as our name says; your clients will get the authentic lost feeling. We operate in all seasons and your clients budget will speak for how out of this world you want their experience to be.


Anneli Øyre (22) fra Sogndal jobber i bedriften Lost In Norway. Lost in Norway er en DMC (Destination Management Company) som skreddersyr turer for utenlandske turister. Målgruppen deres er hovedsaklig utenlandske bedriftsgrupper som trenger alt fra transport til hotell, aktiviteter og mat når de skal på sin reise til Norge. Det siste året har Lost In Norway også begynt å jobbe mer mot det norske markedet og norske bedrifter.

Anneli Øyre deltar på NTW for første gang i år.

– Det er kjempemoro! Showet og musikken på åpningsseremonien i går var utrolig bra. Jeg likte svært godt jazzbaren, sier hun.

I dag står 17 én-til-én-møter oppført i kalenderen, og også morgendagen er fullbooket.

– I dag har jeg møter med turoperatører fra Canada, USA, Frankrike, Nederland og mange andre land. Jeg synes spesielt det er kjekt å jobbe mot markedene i Nord-Amerika, sier hun fornøyd.

From China to Gulating - memories for life for this amazing sweet girl.

From China to Gulating - memories for life for this amazing sweet girl.

Great experience by local guides in Milestone Park. Everybody happy. Kvernsteinsparken

Great experience by local guides in Milestone Park. Everybody happy. Kvernsteinsparken



Firma gruppe fra Tyskland som har en fantastisk dag i Oslo fjorden.

Firma gruppe fra Tyskland som har en fantastisk dag i Oslo fjorden.

Lost In Norway grupper ruller på veiene fra Bergen til Gulen, Hyllestad, Fjaler, Førde, Nordfjord, Høyanger, Balestrand ...

Lost In Norway grupper ruller på veiene fra Bergen til Gulen, Hyllestad, Fjaler, Førde, Nordfjord, Høyanger, Balestrand , Vik og Voss - magiske opplevelser.

First trip of Kingdom of The Fjords today! We are looking forward to show travellers from all over the world Skjerjehamn...

First trip of Kingdom of The Fjords today! We are looking forward to show travellers from all over the world Skjerjehamn, the fjords and Gulating! Go Fjords, Norled, Skjerjehamn visitBergen


Join us this summer from the 3rd to the 23rd of July. Daily from Bergen at 10.00! For more information - send us a message!


Norway is also amazing underwater 🙌


Sound On,)


Why do people just accept that this will be dismantled and forgotten? Share it or tag some one.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4UoBk-BPEcGet inspired on what you can experience in Norway.

Get inspired on what you can experience in Norway.

Lost in Norway is a DMC (destination management company) and tour operator with headquarters in Bergen, Norway. This video is one of our showreels where we p...

The sun showed it's face today as well :)

The sun showed it's face today as well :)

Today we ended up with a small group! But we still love showing the city, so we will always walk everyday at 11.00 😁

Our new film of the ultimate sea adventure is ready, stay tuned.

Our new film of the ultimate sea adventure is ready, stay tuned.

Group of happy people after a great SUV of the Sea excursion in Gulen and Solund.

Group of happy people after a great SUV of the Sea excursion in Gulen and Solund.

Presentation of Fjordkysten and Bergen for 40 travel agents in Denmark with a global marked - great response - 10 of the...

Presentation of Fjordkysten and Bergen for 40 travel agents in Denmark with a global marked - great response - 10 of them just had a 24-hour study tour. They were very positively surprised of "the Lost In Norway" way of creating new products for their clients. Strange that no one had ever heard about Gulating.

Lost In Norway with Broadstone, producing a fantastic new promotional film of Statsraad Lemkuhl - ready this week.

Lost In Norway with Broadstone, producing a fantastic new promotional film of Statsraad Lemkuhl - ready this week.

Det finnes mange typer reisende, noen av dem vil betale ekstra for den nye comfort som de nå vil bli tilbudt. Ekstremt g...

Det finnes mange typer reisende, noen av dem vil betale ekstra for den nye comfort som de nå vil bli tilbudt. Ekstremt gode seter, 220 volt, og ikke minst USB til Ipad og Smart telefonen.


Vetrlidsallmenningen 5


Mandag 09:00 - 17:00
Tirsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Onsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Torsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Fredag 09:00 - 17:00




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