Agape Transformasjon

Agape Transformasjon Are you yearning for something more in your life? A direction, purpose or change? Do you want to be seen in a way you never knew was possible?

I believe life is a journey where our soul is allowed to have this wonderful and sometimes challenging experience of living as a human being

What if you could discover your life purpose and get to know who you really are by reconnecting to your own timeless soul? What if you could find a way to take away the layers of Emotional and Spiritual pain, suffering and uncertainty thath holds you back a

nd clouding your everyday life? Information about Marina Kofiloto, owner of Agape Transformation:

As long as I can remember, I have been searching for my Truth as well as my Souls Purpose and Essence. I am a traveller still exploring my own origin, enjoying this moment here and now, as well as taking my next step in my own Soul Journey. I stopped believing in coincidences a long time ago, and are so grateful for all experiences, people and places my search has led me to. It has all given me opportunity to grow and evolve. Now is the time to step up to my purpose and offer you one of my brilliances’– to be your guide while you find your own Truth, Purpose and Essence. Contact Agape Transformasjon today by phone or email:
+47 930 99 159
[email protected]



Nedre Storgate 16


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