Ho var gift med «Affi» (Olav) som var født på garden og derav kjem utnamnet hennar. Edel og Affi vart gift i 1933. Då var ho 24 og han 36 år gamal og dei budde i huset heile livet. Som kvinnen i huset har ho utan tvil sett sitt preg på det. Dersom du for eksempel lurer på kvifor spegelen på toalettet heng så lågt, er det fordi dette var den perfekte høgda for spedbygde Edel som var knappe 140 cm p
å strømpelesten. Affi var ikkje mykje høgare han heller. Bileta av båtar i skipsfart rundt omkring i huset er etterlevningar frå hennar tid som huseigar. Edelhuset er det eldste huset i Goksøyra, bygd i 1816. I så måte er huset å rekne som ei gamal ærverdig dame, men som alle tilårskomne har ho sine nykker og særheiter som vi håper du som gjest vil sjå på med milde auge og eit ferievennlig sinn. Edel House has its name from the last owner: Edel. She was married to “Affi” (Olav), who was born on this farm and as was the custom here on Runde, the wife was identified by her husband’s name, so she was called “Affi-Edel” She was born in Røyset in the neighbouring district of Sande in 1909. She and Affi were married in 1933, when she was 24 and Affi was 36 and they lived in the house all their lives. Edel, as the woman of the house, has left her mark on the house itself. In those days men didn’t have much to do or say in regards to the home. That was the woman’s territory. If you wonder why the mirror on the wall in the toilet is so low, it’s because Edel was no taller then 140cm. Affi wasn’t much taller either. The photos of boats and ships you see on the walls around the house are the ones she had on the walls in her time here. Edel House is the oldest house in Goksøyr, built in 1816, so we can describe the house as a grand old lady, who like all elderly personages, has her quirks and personality, and we hope that you our guests will look upon these with mild friendly eyes and a holiday spirit.