ALA 2014: Language Awareness: Achievements and challenges.

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  • Hamar
  • ALA 2014: Language Awareness: Achievements and challenges.

ALA 2014: Language Awareness: Achievements and challenges. The 12th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness, takes place July 1-4, 2014 in Hamar, Norway.

The international conference "Language Awareness: Achievements and Challenges" will bring together scholars from across the globe interested in language awareness. It will cover a wide range of topics including explicit knowledge about language, conscious perception and sensitivity in language learning, language teaching and teacher education and the relation of language awareness to language poli

cy, intra- and inter-language variation and modern technology and digital communication. It aims to generate new insights on a range of issues currently challenging this field, such as discussions of theoretical frameworks, methodological decisions and practical implications. Plenary speakers
• Agneta Svalberg, University of Leicester
• Ofelia García, City University of New York
• Kenneth Hyltenstam, Stockholm University
• Arne Torp, University of Oslo
• Kari Fraurud and Ellen Bijvoet, Stockholm University

In addition to the plenary sessions, the programme will consist of parallel paper sessions and poster sessions. For further details, please visit our website at

Extended deadline for special conference issue submissions

Extended deadline for special conference issue submissions

At the ALA conference at Hamar this summer, we invited you to submit papers to the special conference issue. Papers are now coming in, but at this stage we would like to announce that the deadline for submissions is extended to January 2, 2015. This special issue will contain outstanding papers presented at the 12th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness. [ 10 more words. ]

The Special Conference Issue of the journal Language Awareness

The Special Conference Issue of the journal Language Awareness

The conference committee plans a special conference issue of the journal Language Awareness containing a selection of refereed articles based on conference presentations. Presenters are invited to submit their papers no later than December 1, 2014. The expected year of publication is 2015. Please confer the Special Issue page for further information. [ 1 more word. ]

ALA 2014 participants (approx. 100 of the 170 participants)

ALA 2014 participants (approx. 100 of the 170 participants)

Enjoying the day trip to Gudbrandsdalen valley. First stop

Enjoying the day trip to Gudbrandsdalen valley. First stop

Last conference day and the sun is shining!

Last conference day and the sun is shining!

Video (5 min) from the conference with interviews, covered by one of the local newspapers.

Video (5 min) from the conference with interviews, covered by one of the local newspapers.

Forskere fra hele verden besøker Hedmark 1. – 4.juli arrangerer Avdeling for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap ved Høgskolen i Hedmark en stor internasjonal språkkonferanse. På deltakerlisten står blant annet forskere fra Malaysia, Canada, Storbritannia og Sverige. Totalt er rundt 160 forskere fra ru…


The conference opened yesterday with keynote speech by Prof. Arne Torp, followed by a reception at Hamar Town Hall with 140 participants. Today there are more interesting keynotes and parallel sessions to attend.

Lars Anders Kulbrandstad, the conference chair, interviewed about ALA2014 in the local radio channel.

Lars Anders Kulbrandstad, the conference chair, interviewed about ALA2014 in the local radio channel.

170 forskere til Hamar

Conference Handbook now available

Conference Handbook now available

Conference Handbook with detailed practical information, updated program and abstracts is now available at the ALA 2014 website.


The Library is now preparing an exhibition of books and articles for the conference in Hamar. / Karianne

Professor Robert DeKeyser new keynote speaker

Professor Robert DeKeyser new keynote speaker

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ofelia García has withdrawn from ALA 2014. We are happy to announce that Professor Robert DeKeyser from the University of Maryland has been willing to take over as keynote speaker on very short notice. DeKeyser is a… [ 13 more words. ]

Detailed conference programme soon available

Detailed conference programme soon available

The detailed conference programme for parallel sessions will be made available soon at this webpage, no later than 9 May 2014.


Holsetgata 31


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