The international conference "Language Awareness: Achievements and Challenges" will bring together scholars from across the globe interested in language awareness. It will cover a wide range of topics including explicit knowledge about language, conscious perception and sensitivity in language learning, language teaching and teacher education and the relation of language awareness to language poli
cy, intra- and inter-language variation and modern technology and digital communication. It aims to generate new insights on a range of issues currently challenging this field, such as discussions of theoretical frameworks, methodological decisions and practical implications. Plenary speakers
• Agneta Svalberg, University of Leicester
• Ofelia García, City University of New York
• Kenneth Hyltenstam, Stockholm University
• Arne Torp, University of Oslo
• Kari Fraurud and Ellen Bijvoet, Stockholm University
In addition to the plenary sessions, the programme will consist of parallel paper sessions and poster sessions. For further details, please visit our website at