Sami Rauha released his big 102 cm Gaula salmon today at Gaula Flyfishing Lodge beat 4 - Stasjonshölen - Congratulations #gaula #norge🇳🇴 #gaulaflyfishinglodge #gaulaflyfishing #flyfishing #salmonflyfishing #salmon #rotationflyfishing #namproducts #visionflyfishing #perhokalastus #fluefiske #stasjonshølen #gaula2024 @ssamiiii @imogeniel @jounirauha
Jouni Rauha caught and released this massive 109 cm salmon last June at Evjen. Big salmon are the most valuable Gaula salmon, that’s why we have decided to protect and release all salmon over 95 cm @gaulaflyfishinglodge @gaula_flyfishing_friends @norwegianflyfishersclub @winsnesflyfishinglodge1882
Jukka Sertamo caught and released this 98 cm/ 9,3 kg Gaula salmon at Stasjonshölen #norge #norway🇳🇴 #gaulaflyfishinglodge #flyfishing #gaulaflyfishing #salmonflyfishing #gaulasalmon #rotationflyfishing #stasjonshölen #salmon #catchandrelease
#gaula #gaulariver #norge #norway🇳🇴 #salmon #gaulaflyfishinglodge #gaulaflyfishing #fluefiske #rotationflyfishing #salmonflyfishing #released #catchandrelease
Philippe released his salmon yesterday at Stasjonshölen #gaula #norway🇳🇴 #norge #fluefiske #gaulaflyfishinglodge #gaulaflyfishing #flyfishing #salmonflyfishing #salmon #rotationflyfishing #catchandrelease #stasjonshölen
Jean Bernard Barneix released yesterday his 105 cm salmon at Bruahölen
Release of Simon Kitchers 114 cm/14,7 kg Gaula salmon today at Bruahölen #norway #norge🇳🇴 #gaulaflyfishinglodge #gaulaflyfishing #salmon #gaulasalmon #gaula2023 #gaula #fluefiske #rotationflyfishing #gaulariver #catchandrelease
#gaulaflyfishinglodge #gaulaflyfishing #salmon #norge🇳🇴 #flyfishing #flyfishingjunkie #release
Looking forward to new Gaula season 2023 starting in the beginning of June #norway🇳🇴 #norge #gaulaflyfishinglodge #gaulaflyfishing #gaulariver #salmonflyfishing #salmon #fluefiske #gaulasalmon #catchandrelease #rotationflyfishing #visionflyfishing #namproducts #fishmaster
Fresh Gaula salmon last season safely in the landing net #gaula #gaulariver #norway🇳🇴 #norge #gaulaflyfishinglodge #gaulaflyfishing #salmonflyfishing #rotationflyfishing #namproducts #flyfishing #fluefiske #catchandrelease
Pekka Karkkolainen with a fine Gaula salmon on last season at the Gaula Flyfishing Lodge beat 5 - Evjenöra pool #gaula #gaulaflyfishing #gaulaflyfishinglodge #norway🇳🇴 #fishmasterflyfishing #gaulasalmon #salmon #salmonflyfishing #chasingchrome #fishon #bentrod #flyfishing #rotationflyfishing #doublehandedflyfishing #evjenöra #throwback
Not happy ending for Reijo with this big Gaula salmon last August at the Gaula Flyfishing Lodge famous beat 2 - Bruahölen pool #gaula #gaulariver #norway🇳🇴 #gaulasalmon #salmon #atlanticsalmon #gaulaflyfishing #gaulaflyfishinglodge #longlinerelease #flyfishing #flugfiske #fluefiske #perhokalastus #rotationflyfishing #salmonflyfishing
Asko fighting with a big Gaula salmon in last August at the Gaula Flyfishing Lodge beat RS - Röskaft Söndre #gaulasalmon #salmonflyfishing #gaula #rivergaula #norway🇳🇴 #chasingsalmon #gaulaflyfishing #gaulaflyfishinglodge #salmon #atlanticsalmon #flyfishingonly #flyfishing #fluefiske #flugfiske #perhokalastus #bentrod #doublehanded #flyrod
Gaula Flyfishing Lodge
Harry Schulman released this fine Gaula salmon at the Gaula Flyfishing Lodge beat 3 - Vollan