Travels Around the world

Travels Around the world This is the official page for the most amazing around the world trip blog that is presently exsisting.

There will be continuous updates from around th1 world and lots of advise about the best places to go and see in the different regions - Caribbean islands, South America, Australia, and South east Asia. 15 months of travelling and experiencing the world all in one place.


Today was a really pleasant day on my nice little island. The water here is a perfect turqouise colour,like straight out of a postcard, and the sand is white like snow. I met a nice couple who did these cool drone shots today!
I make an appearance as random person nr.2 in the sea :)
The last shot is the hostel resort we are staying at

Happy easter from Cali, Colombia. The worlds salsa capital, EVERYTHING is about dancing here. I had an amzing few weeks,...

Happy easter from Cali, Colombia. The worlds salsa capital, EVERYTHING is about dancing here. I had an amzing few weeks, but will be moving on to a beautiful island in the caribbean tonight.

After one month of hanging out at the aribbean beaches of northern colombia I am getting ready to head inland. Going now...

After one month of hanging out at the aribbean beaches of northern colombia I am getting ready to head inland. Going now to Medellin and Cali to have private lessons in salsa to get even better.

Currently at the Carneval in Barranquilla. I was here once before,but only one day, this time I was going full-out party...

Currently at the Carneval in Barranquilla. I was here once before,but only one day, this time I was going full-out party-mode staying for 6 days of crazyness. It is so much fun to see everybody dancing,laughing and having so much fun. There were some crazy costumes, and parades that would go on for 6-7 hours straight. This is the second biggest carneval in the world.
In the evening the streets have been filled with LITERALLY a million people dancing, drinking and tossing flour in eachothers faces. By the end of the night everybody will be white, like it or not.
Now I need to locate some beach with some hammock, and hopefully coconut drinks to recover from the grand fiesta.


Flintstones coming!

Now the Scubavideo from my recent Egypt journey is ready! The reef is still beautiful, and there is still some life ther...

Now the Scubavideo from my recent Egypt journey is ready!
The reef is still beautiful, and there is still some life there. Unfortunately Ras Mohammed is only a fraction of what it used to be...the reef is dying very quickly these days. So gotta enjoy it while there is time. Also right now diving in Egypt is cheaper than any place in the world,by far (10€ pr dive)
Remember to see video in HD!

This is from diving outside of Sharm el Sheik in Egypt in April 2017. Dived on Ras Mohammed and Triton island

Så er for tiden i Egypt, for andre gang på et halvår. Et tips; Mange tror det er farlig å dra til Egypt, så derfor er pr...

Så er for tiden i Egypt, for andre gang på et halvår. Et tips; Mange tror det er farlig å dra til Egypt, så derfor er prisene ekstremt lave. Man kan får 5 stjerners hotell med all inclusive for 3000 kroner !
Og siden det er så få turister er aktiviteter også billig; 200 kroner for dagstur med båt inkludert 2 dykk og mat!
Sikkerhet er ikke noe problem, Sharm el Sheik åpnet opp for fly igjen nå for 3 måneder siden, mens Hurghada har vært åpent hele tiden.
Her er en liten artikkel om sikkerhet i Egypt :

English: Egypt is nice, and safe, please go there.

Etter revolusjonen i 2012 har Egypt aldri tatt seg helt opp igjen med turismen. Det har vært, og er fremdeles mye uro i deler av Egypt. Men de aller fleste egyptere er rolige og vennlige folk, som ønsker turister velkommen. Nesten 900 000 britter besøkte Egypt i 2015, alle uten noen større ...

Currently enjoying some sh**ha and falafel in a coffeshop in Hurghada. The days are spent doing dirt cheap scubadiving i...

Currently enjoying some sh**ha and falafel in a coffeshop in Hurghada. The days are spent doing dirt cheap scubadiving in the beautiful red Sea. I can report that the reef still looks healthy!
There are no other tourists here though, aa people fear it's not safe. I can truly say that me and my buddy feel really safe and happy here, so no worries about going to Egypt people!

Last few days we`ve been roadtrippin Northern IReland, Dublin to Belfast to Giants causeway in the north. In Belfast a l...

Last few days we`ve been roadtrippin Northern IReland, Dublin to Belfast to Giants causeway in the north. In Belfast a local guy taught me to make irish bread, and gave us an insight to the ongoing conflict, then we drove up north visiting pretty small coastal villages, and seeing the amazing cliffs and scenery of the region.
In Dublin we were pub crawling each night, and enjoying the ambience of the temple bar district!
Also got to see the guinnies factory, and I had an all irish tattoo!

Travelling through ICeland the last few days has been an amazing adventure. Geysirs,hot springs for bathing, amazing wat...

Travelling through ICeland the last few days has been an amazing adventure. Geysirs,hot springs for bathing, amazing waterfalls, volcanic scenery, glaciers,Icelandic horses and traditional icelandic sausages and local icecream was all part of the experience. But my favorite was scuba diving in Silfra - the massive waterfilled crack between the american and European continent !

Meg og bruttern klatret opp på Alicante fortet. Det er en varm og tøff tur i middagsolen, men utsikten er veldig bra. Vi...

Meg og bruttern klatret opp på Alicante fortet. Det er en varm og tøff tur i middagsolen, men utsikten er veldig bra. Vi fikk oss velfortjent Sangria og tapas når vi kom ned.

Today I climbed the city mountain of Alicante 😀.

Dette er en artikkel fra når jeg klatret en aktiv vulkan i Guatemala- fantastisk fint !

Dette er en artikkel fra når jeg klatret en aktiv vulkan i Guatemala- fantastisk fint !

This was one of the coolest volcanoes I ever climbed !

Jeg har klatret et tjuetalls vulkaner i mitt liv, alle med sin egen sjarm, og forskjellige vanskelighetsnivå. Acatenango er ikke den høyeste vulkanen jeg har klatret, men det er definitivt den mest minneverdige. Hvis du er i Guatemala,og har tid(2 dager), så kan du ikke gå glipp av denne ...

Her er en liten oppdatering fra Honduras! advice about the small cent...

Her er en liten oppdatering fra Honduras!

Some advice about the small central American country called Honduras;

Honduras er et land i sentral Amerika som kan tilby utrolig mye variasjon og aktiviteter for dem som drister seg her. Rafting, dykking, øy-liv og festing, slappe av på en strand, gå seg vill i jungelen, lete etter ville dyr og fugler i uberørt regnskog, besøke kaffeplantasjer, Maya ruiner ...

Her`s another article about me being mistaken for Jason Statham, which is all in all pretty funny :) http://latincorresp...

Her`s another article about me being mistaken for Jason Statham, which is all in all pretty funny :)

Every year, thousands of tourists visit El Salvador’s El Tunco beach to enjoy the laid back beach lifestyle and take surf lessons. Salvadoran media recently speculated that one of the surfers enjoying the Central American country’s enviable waves may be British actor Jason Statham based on a YouTube…

This is an article about good things to see in El Salvador;

This is an article about good things to see in El Salvador;

Hvordan komme seg til El Salvador? Hvis du har tid til å reise rundt litt i mellom Amerika så vil jeg anbefale å fly inn til et sted hvor det er mer «normalt» for turister å dra. Det blir billigere enn å finne direktefly til El Salvador,og det er en mulighet for å få besøkt litt flere ...

Here is the second part of the journey through El Salvador, including a spectacular surf video(a complete failure)  http...

Here is the second part of the journey through El Salvador, including a spectacular surf video(a complete failure)

Sammen med min nye Salvadorske venn Julio og de amerikanske jentene hadde jeg laget masse planer om å kjøre rundt i resten av El Salvador og se diverse vakre steder, men det falt litt sammen når Julio ikke fikk låne bilen. Vi ble sittende halve dagen på hostellet i San Salvador før Julio ...

Beautiful Cancun Today, Weather was absolutely perfect. Beach,beer,tequila,and tacos....impossible not to love this plac...

Beautiful Cancun Today, Weather was absolutely perfect. Beach,beer,tequila,and tacos....impossible not to love this place.

Last few days have been fun :)  First chillin with a coconut on a caribben beach in Honduras, then seeing some amazing M...

Last few days have been fun :) First chillin with a coconut on a caribben beach in Honduras, then seeing some amazing Mayan ruins where there was also lots of nice parrots and agoutis!
Yesterday I climbed the highest volcano in Guatemala(4000 m), and the volcano next to us exploded in a massive eruption. Lava squirted 50 meters in the air and the whole mountain was covered in lava streams.Coolest thing I`ve seen. Tonight I am going to my first Guatemalan Pool party BBQ.

The last few days I was staying in the jungle close to central Honduras. There`s a beautiful lake,480 different types of...

The last few days I was staying in the jungle close to central Honduras. There`s a beautiful lake,480 different types of birds, many animals, and of course loads of coffee and banana grows everywhere. I did get a tropical disease transmitted by mosquitoes called chikungunya disease.It knocked me out a bit, but I`m currently recovering by the caribbean coast.

The annual trip to London Hammersmith is becoming a tradition,always going to the same pub(b), and same Indian 🍴.  I cha...

The annual trip to London Hammersmith is becoming a tradition,always going to the same pub(b), and same Indian 🍴. I change hotel every year,but there are 100 hotels here that are more or less identically sub-mediocre.
Even though I lived in the Uk for 4 years I am genuinely disgusted to see how much nasty fast food and sugary treats are found in the normal grocery store!

Etter mange reiser rundt om har jeg lært mye om pruting i utviklingsland, men hva med pruting i Norge,går det an??  http...

Etter mange reiser rundt om har jeg lært mye om pruting i utviklingsland, men hva med pruting i Norge,går det an??

Haggling in the western world, some tips and advice;

Jeg har reist mye rundt om i verden, og som turist er det alltid horder av lokale selgere som prøver å prakke på deg alt mellom himmel og jord. Veldig mange av reisene jeg har vært på har vært langtidsreiser, hvor det ikke har vært aktuelt å drasse på souvenirer, men i mange land ...

This is a photo-blog article in response to a competition from Thomas cook travels. Exciting to see if I can capture one...

This is a photo-blog article in response to a competition from Thomas cook travels. Exciting to see if I can capture one of the prizes :)
There are pictures from my travels representing fire,water,earth and air.

Exploring the elements; en konkurranse for fotobloggere fra Thomas Cook. De ønsker bilder som representerer de fire elementene Flamme,vann,jord og luft. Jeg har rotet gjennom bildesamlingen fra reisene og funnet bilder som passer til beskrivelsene, so here it goes; Flamme/Fire - ...

Her er noen gode råd for alle som tenker seg en tur til Helsinki ;

Her er noen gode råd for alle som tenker seg en tur til Helsinki ;

10 places worth visiting in Helsinki:

1. Suomenlinna fortet og fergeturen dertil - Dette er nok det mest besøkte stedet blant turister til Helsinki. Det er en veldig fint,og billig, fergetur. Jeg synes det er en spesielt fin tur på vinteren når isen ligger over fjorden og frostrøyken ligger over vannet. På vinteren er det ...

Her er en liten artikkel om vår nyttårsfeiring i Karibien i 2012;

Her er en liten artikkel om vår nyttårsfeiring i Karibien i 2012;

New years eve spent in the Caribbean;

Tilfeldighetene ville ha det til at vi endte opp i en av verdens farligste byer på nyttårsaften det året vi reiste rundt jorden. Vi var veldig forsiktige med å holde oss informert om hvor det faktisk var noenlunde trygt å bevege seg. Dagen gikk med til å vandre rundt i sentrum av Port of ...




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