Lhmr Local Safari SB

Lhmr Local Safari SB Lhmr Local Safari SB is a Student business. We offer guided tours and fun adventures in Lillehammer. Visit Lillehammer and meet the locals!

Lhmr Local Safari SB offers three different packages for your stay here in Lillehammer. Each package is customized for the group.

- Youth package

The youth package is for youth between the age 18 and 35.

- Family package

The family package is for families in all ages. The tour fits perfectly for both children and adults.

- Adult package

The adult package is for peo

ple aged over 35 years. All the packages start with a guided activity tour in the city center. The activities and the places we visit are all adapted the particular package. After the guided tour we go to the local food market to purchase some commodities for the dinner. When we have bought all the ingredients we walk to our local host. The host is a local citizen in Lillehammer. The host will show you the house and tell you about the food we are going to cook. The host and the guides will together with you make the dinner. This is a top opportunity for you to learn to make Norwegian food. We will give you the recipe. In that way you are able to serve your friends and family this special Norwegian dish. We focus on a good atmosphere and our goal is to give you a pleasant evening/day in Lillehammer. We offer tours in English, Norwegian and German. So to to summarize what you get:

- Guided activity tour in the city center

- Cooking class in a local Lillehammer home




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