Nordic Innovation

Nordic Innovation We connect people, businesses and organisations for a sustainable future.

Nordic Innovation is an institution under the Nordic Council of Ministers facilitating sustainable growth in the Nordic economies. Our mission is to stimulate innovation, remove barriers and build relations through Nordic cooperation. We encourage innovation in all sectors, build transnational relationships, and contribute to a borderless Nordic business region. We work with private and public sta

keholders to create and coordinate initiatives which help Nordic businesses become more innovative and competitive. Nordic Innovation Centre is located in Oslo, Norway but has projects and partners in all the Nordic countries.

Are you planning to apply for our Call for Proposals on Ocean Testing? Then you should join us for this webinar and lear...

Are you planning to apply for our Call for Proposals on Ocean Testing?

Then you should join us for this webinar and learn more about what we are looking for, and how you should submit your proposal. You will also get the opportunity to ask questions about the call.

Read more and register:

The webinar is relevant to anyone engaged in an ocean-based sector in the Nordic region.

Today, our comms team has left the office to start planning the activities for 2025. It will be an interesting year for ...

Today, our comms team has left the office to start planning the activities for 2025.

It will be an interesting year for Nordic Innovation!

We will close our current programs and start working on new initiatives, with news calls, projects and partnerships! A lot of big events is taking place - the democracy festivals, Expo, COP30 etc - and not to mention, we will have a new Managing Director from February.

Interesting times ahead, that’s for sure. Follow us to keep yourself updated with the latest news!

Startups are a necessity for having scaleups and Scaleups are a necessity for value creation​! The message was clear tod...

Startups are a necessity for having scaleups and Scaleups are a necessity for value creation​!

The message was clear today when our Managing Director Svein Berg spoke about the importance of scale-ups for the Nordic countries at Open Innovation Lab of Norway's December meet up.

Svein Berg also busted a few scale-up myths and highlighted that:

- scaleups are important for Nordic countries value creation
- scaleups create a significant amount of jobs
- scaleups mainly grow due to organic growth​
- scaleups are mainly domestically owned
- sweden accounts for over 50% of total VC funding into Nordic scaleups
- health, semiconductors and transportation sectors are the most highly valued among the Top1000 Nordic Scaleups, however fintech leads by employment
- just 17% of founding teams in the Top1000 scalups have at least one female founder

Learn more about Nordic Innovation's work with scaleups:

How can Nordic companies align their products with EU legislation? Nordic Innovation supports the Nordic Circular Design...

How can Nordic companies align their products with EU legislation?

Nordic Innovation supports the Nordic Circular Design Programme which aims to equip Nordic companies for the transition to circular business models and align them with the forthcoming Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR).

The first live event took place yesterday with more than 30 companies from across the Nordics learning about EU legislation within circular economy and worked on circular design strategies.

It was great to see such engagement from the companies who generally expressed that the program is a useful and very needed contribution to their circular transition.

Thanks a lot to our partners Ethica Finland, DDC – Danish Design Center, Cradlenet and Norwegian Centre of Circular Economy (NCCE) for a well-organized and insightful workshop!

With just six years left to meet EU’s green public procurement standards, there is a need for effective tools and best practices now! This program is a great example of that! 🙏

Read more about the program:

Photoshoot time! Jens Oldgard is the newest member of the Nordic Innovation-family. And as a big welcome, we had a photo...

Photoshoot time!

Jens Oldgard is the newest member of the Nordic Innovation-family. And as a big welcome, we had a photoshoot with him today and will later this Autumn publish a portrait article.

If you want to learn more about Jens, check out our website in the weeks to come! 😊


Did you know that your smartphone can include up to 60 different metals that require mining?

How can you make sure that these materials are ethically produced and environmentally responsible? 🌍

👉 Geoscientists are developing methods to analyze a metals DNA! 👈

Learn more about this process and why it is important in this short film. The film is produced as a part of Nordic Innovation's Sustainable Minerals program that aims to make the Nordics a leading region in sustainable mineral production.

Read more:

The Nordics - a Silicon Valley for Minerals?Last week was a good week for the Nordic mining industry!The first Nordic Fo...

The Nordics - a Silicon Valley for Minerals?

Last week was a good week for the Nordic mining industry!

The first Nordic Forum on Raw Materials took place in Stockholm and gathered experts from the mineral and raw material industries to discuss, share knowledge and most importantly – to network!

The Nordic region holds a huge potential for many of the critical raw materials identified by EU!

The aim of the Nordic Forum on Raw Materials is to strengthen cooperation across the mining and minerals sector to positioning the region as a role model in global, sustainable mineral production in line with vision2030 – the Nordics as the most sustainable region in the world.

As Svein Berg said in his opening remarks: “Without the mining industry there will be no green transition.”

The Forum is supported by Nordic Innovation and organized by Svemin, FinnMin - Kaivosteollisuus ry and Norsk Bergindustri.

While the Forum took place, the Swedish Presidency hosted a meeting between the Nordic business ministers to discuss how to best include metals and minerals in Nordic co-operation. The meeting stressed that access to critical metals and minerals is key to the Nordic and EU 2030 climate and digital goals.

Read more about that here:

Thanks to all our partners, speakers, the Nordic business ministers and everyone contributing to putting critical raw materials on the agenda!

Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! 👏 We are happy to share that registration for this year's  Circular Summit is now open - Join ...


We are happy to share that registration for this year's
Circular Summit is now open - Join us for this year's summit focusing on the enterprise of circular economy!

Can entrepreneurs and startups close the Nordic circular economy gaps? We are looking into the enlightened entrepreneurship for evolving the new circular market in the Nordics and beyond.

Read more and register:

We look forward to seing you in Helsinki!

Nordic Circular Hotspot

What does the first autism-certified destination in the world look like? How can the     industry to a larger extent emb...

What does the first autism-certified destination in the world look like? How can the industry to a larger extent embrace neurodiversity and develop more inclusive tourism solutions?

Today, X-Nordic Travel Contest - a project funded under Nordic Innovation's tourism initiative - hosted a session at TechBBQ on how technology can be used as a tool to create more neuro-inclusive tourism.

The purpose of X-Nordic Travel Contest is to create a more sustainable and competitive Nordic tourism industry and exploring neuroinclusivity as a way to develop more accessible tourism products is an important step.

Read more about the project:

Thanks to our project partners GROUP NAO, Happy42 and Design Nation for turning the spotlight on a very important topic.

How can we develop more sustainable mineral industries in the Nordics? The traceability of minerals across the global va...

How can we develop more sustainable mineral industries in the Nordics?

The traceability of minerals across the global value chain, reducing mining waste as well as recycling secondary raw materials are identified as essential elements in this matter!

Join us when we launch the latest research results within traceability and circularity of critical raw materials in the Nordics!

Where: Helsinki/Online
When: 20 September, 09.00-13.00

We will also discuss the important role of traceability to sustainable mineral production and look at the potential of secondary raw materials in the Nordics!

Read more and register:

We look forward to welcoming you for an interesting session!

The event is organized in collaboration with Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) The Geological Survey of Norway The Geological Survey of Sweden and The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd

How can we use open mobility data to allow planning, booking, payment and navigation of multimodal journeys across the N...

How can we use open mobility data to allow planning, booking, payment and navigation of multimodal journeys across the Nordic region? 🤔

Today we kicked off a new Nordic Green Mobility and Connectivity project!

The aim of the Nordic Mobility Ecosystem unlimited project (NEMU) is to leverage the power of open mobility data to enable seamless, sustainable, and borderless travel across Nordic countries using one app and pay once.

By integrating planning, booking, payment, and navigation into a user-friendly service, the project addresses the pressing need for more efficient and environmentally friendly transportation options.

Read more here:

The project partners are: Entur AS, Matkahuolto, SFMCON ITS Norway ITS Danmark ITS Finland ITS Sweden

Thanks for a great project start and welcome to the Nordic family - we look forward to the collaboration!

Team Norden er velankommet til Arendalsuka, og på tværs af nordiske institutioner ser vi frem til at tage i mod jer til ...

Team Norden er velankommet til Arendalsuka, og på tværs af nordiske institutioner ser vi frem til at tage i mod jer til spændende samtaler og diskussioner.

Er du i Arendal? Kom forbi Nordens Telt! 😊

Arendalsuka: Den norske regjeringen legger opp til at helseteknologi skal bli en av Norges viktigste eksportnæringer. Hv...

Arendalsuka: Den norske regjeringen legger opp til at helseteknologi skal bli en av Norges viktigste eksportnæringer.

Hvis det skal lykkes, må vi få fart på deling av helsedata! Bedrifter må kunne dele data både i Norge og på tvers av de nordiske grensene. Deling av helsedata sees også som en av nøklene til å løse de store utfordringene som de nordiske helsesystemene står overfor.

Kom forbi Nordens Telt til en spennende diskusjon om deling av helsedata.

Hvordan kan vi akselerere utviklingen? Og hva gjør politikerne for å sette fart på?

👉 Helga M. Brogger, MD, Seniorforsker, DNV
👉 Richard Bergstromöm, Nestleder, IQVIA
👉 Stig Arild Slørdahl, Central Norway Regional Health Authority
👉 Karl Kristian Bekeng, Statssekretær, HELSE- OG OMSORGSDEPARTEMENTET, Arbeiderpartiet
👉 Svein Berg, Daglig Leder, Nordic Innovation
👉 Rasmus Malmborg, Senior Advsor, Nordic Innovation

Les mer her:

Arendalsuka: Kunstig intelligens er kommet for å bli, og utviklingen går raskt! Spørsmålet er, hvordan vi skal håndtere ...

Arendalsuka: Kunstig intelligens er kommet for å bli, og utviklingen går raskt! Spørsmålet er, hvordan vi skal håndtere den nye teknologien?

Nordic Innovation har nedsatt en ekspertgruppe, som har utviklet 5 anbefalinger til hvordan kan bli en ledende region innen kunstig intelligens.

Skal vi opprette et nordisk AI-senter? Bør vi utvikle egne språkmodeller? Hva må til for at vi kan konkurrere med bedrifter i USA og Kina?

👉 Mali Hole Skogen, Teknologi- og bærekraftsdirektør, IKT-Norge
👉 Helga M. Brogger, MD, Principal Researcher AI & Healthcare researcher, DNV
👉 Morten Irgens, Vice Dean Impact & Innovation, Copenhagen Business School
👉 Erlend Willand-Evensen, SVP, Gjensidige

Les mer her:

Vi har allerede hatt spennende diskusjoner i Danmark, Sverige og Finland, og nå gleder vi oss til å ta praten med et norsk publikum.

Vi sees neste uke!

Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd

Hei Norge - ses vi på Arendalsuka?😊 Vi håper at alle har hatt en fin sommer, og er klare til å møte oss i Arendal den 12...

Hei Norge - ses vi på Arendalsuka?😊

Vi håper at alle har hatt en fin sommer, og er klare til å møte oss i Arendal den 12-16 august!

Også i år er Nordic Innovation en del av Nordens Telt, hvor vi avholder til sammen fem arrangementer.

Datadeling spiller en stadig viktigere rolle innen innovasjon.

Onsdag den 14. august inviterer vi sammen med ITS Norway til en spennende debatt om mulighetene for å bruke data og datadeling til å utvikle mer bærekraftige mobilitetsløsninger i Norden.

Vi skal høre fra to prosjekter som i disse dager tar fatt på hver sin oppgave. Det handler om å løse sentrale problemer innen person- og godstransport, utvikle mer bærekraftig mobilitet og bygge samarbeid og økosystemer som driver fram raskere endring.

👉 Torun Degnes, MNU (Mosseregionens Næringsutvikling AS)
👉 Kristian Gravdal, Entur AS
👉 Øystein Høsteland Sundby, Moss Havn
👉 Jenny Simonsen, ITS Norway
👉 Nina Egeli, Nordic Innovation

Les mer:

Vi gleder oss til å se dere til en spennende diskusjon om fremtidens mobilitet!

Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd

Vi ser fram emot att träffa er i   nästa vecka!Nordic Innovation är väl representerat med flera spännande evenemang – et...

Vi ser fram emot att träffa er i nästa vecka!

Nordic Innovation är väl representerat med flera spännande evenemang – ett av dem handlar om elflygplan. El-flyget presenterar inte bara ett fossilfritt alternativ till dagens luftfart, det handlar också om att bygga en ny industri och ny transportform.

I samarbete med våra partners från the Nordic Network for Electric Aviation sätter vi fokus på Nordens position inom området. Just nu går det bra – men vad krävs för att vi ska kunna behålla positionen? När kommer vi att flyga med elflyg?

Kom förbi för en spännande diskussion med några av de viktigaste aktörerna inom flygbranschen.

Maria Fiskerud, NEA – Nordic Network for Electric Aviation
Lars Resare, BRA
Ann-Sofie Hörlin, SAS - Scandinavian Airlines
Simon Reinberth, Heart Aerospace
Meit Fohlin, Region Gotland
Lena Henriksson, Nordic Innovation

Läs mer: Almedalsveckan: Kommer elflyget få Sverige upp i luften igen? | Nordic Innovation

Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd

The longest day of the year is also the day where we celebrate the National Day of Greenland! 😊 The day was introduced f...

The longest day of the year is also the day where we celebrate the National Day of Greenland! 😊

The day was introduced for the first time in 1985, and it was on 21 June 2009 that Greenland gained self-government. The day is celebrated with speeches, songs, national costumes and flag raising.

We wish you a Happy National day, Greenland!

Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd

Hej Sverige - ses vi i Almedalen?Vi fortsätter  , där nästa stopp är Gotland och Almedalsveckan. Här ser vi fram emot at...

Hej Sverige - ses vi i Almedalen?

Vi fortsätter , där nästa stopp är Gotland och Almedalsveckan.

Här ser vi fram emot att diskutera de fem nordiska AI-rekommendationerna tillsammans med en svensk publik. Vi har samlat en panel av AI-experter från både näringslivet och den akademiska världen, som kommer att granska hur Norden ska förhålla sig till utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens - ska vi skapa ett nordiskt AI-center? Hur stöttar vi nordiska företag i att utveckla AI-teknologi? Ska vi utveckla gemensamma nordiska språkmodeller?

Det är några av de frågor vi fokuserar på!

Fredrik Heintz, Linköping University
Mikael Ljungblom, AI Sweden
Giovanni Leoni, Credo AI
Louise Barnekow, Mynewsdesk
Paulina Modlitba (moderator)
Olivia Rekman

Läs mer här:

Folkemødet i Danmark bjöd på bra diskussioner - vi ser fram emot att fortsätta den goda dialogen i Sverige!

Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd


Stensberggata 27


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