INTERVAC HomeExchange Norway

INTERVAC HomeExchange Norway Boligbytte - spennende ferie i hele verden! For en flott måte å reise på! Innenfor vår organisasjon arbeider nasjonale representanter sammen.

(English text below)

Intervac er ikke bare et selskap - men en livsstil som våre grunnleggere oppdaget. Siden 1953 har vi vært ledende på tilrettelegging for boligbytte mellom familier, enslige og pensjonister. Vi jobber utover landets grenser for å sørge for at du finner den perfekte byttepartner, og vi jobber for at ferien skal bli stressfri, spennende og morsom. INTERVAC ble startet i Europa p

å begynnelsen av 1950-tallet av en gruppe lærere med lange ferier på jakt etter rimelige måter å reise internasjonalt. Etter noen utvekslinger, erfarte de at å bo i hverandres hjem var flott for å dyrke internasjonalt vennskap. Vårt konsept har vokst siden den gang - primært fordi fornøyde boligbytter anbefaler dette for andre. INTERVAC tilbyr sine tjenester over hele verden og muliggjør boligbytte for mer enn 30.000 familier fra alle samfunnslag. Les mer om Intervac her:

English text:
What a way to travel! Intervac isn't just a company - but a way of life that our founders discovered and pioneered. Since 1953 we have been leading the way facilitating home exchange between families, singles and retired people. Within the organization our national representatives work together and beyond country borders to make sure that you find the perfect exchange partner and that your holidays are stress-free and fun. The name INTERVAC is made from words international and vacations and is registered as a trademark in most countries where INTERVAC operates. In countries where we are represented we simply call ourselves INTERVAC followed by the country name. For example: we are INTERVAC Austria in Austria and INTERVAC Canada in Canada. Our umbrella organisation - INTERVAC International - is a registered non-profit organisation in Sweden. We keep a low profile, taking care of our 30,000 members. Our growth is fueled by referrals from satisfied members. We have agents in 40 countries, we speak your language and live in your culture. We are here to guide and advise you how to get the most out of your home exchange experiences. If you have questions, we'd love to hear from you. Even our online service is environmentally friendly. In 2007 were again the first, and as far as we know we are still in 2011, the only home exchange organisation to host our servers in a high security server farm powered entirely by renewable hydro-electric power. Intervac International is committed to keeping our planet healthy, without missing out on all the fun! What is Home Exchange?..home exchange is an act of international trust and cooperation at the individual level that one has to experience to really understand. It is important for me to move the exchange beyond a free hotel/car arrangement by careful preparation for receiving our exchange guests in our community ...including meeting friends, family or professionals with a common bond. Home exchange simply means that you and your family agree with a family from a different area to live in each other's homes during your holiday. The length of the holiday exchange is entirely up to you. Only have a free weekend? Arrange a weekend exchange. No money changes hands between the exchangers so you can have free accommodation anywhere in the world. An Intervac membership offers you the freedom to explore neighborhoods and lifestyles not available through travel guides. When specifying your preferred exchange destinations be sure to choose Open to All Offers. You may find youself vacationing in a Danish fishing port on the Baltic Sea, or a ranch in western Canada, a village in rural France or a barge moored in central Amsterdam. If you are flexible you can let serendipity take you to places you never dreamt of!




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