Oslo Yoga Guide

Oslo Yoga Guide Oslo Yoga Guide hjelper deg finne det riktige yogasenteret for akkurat deg! Vi vil gjerne høre fra deg!

Vi vil hjelpe Oslos yogis med å finne et senter som passer best mulig for den enkelte, og vi vil hjelpe yogasentrene med å spre ordet om hva de tilbyr. Oslo Yoga Guide tilbyr noe vi selv har lett etter uten å finne: En samling av omtaler som beskriver de mangfoldige yogamulighetene Oslo har å by på. Det finnes mange yogasentre i Oslo, og de tilbyr et mangfold av yogatimer og workshops. Oslo Yoga G

uide hjelper deg med å navigere i vrimmelen, og finne den riktige timen og senteret for akkurat deg. Vi oppfordrer deg til å utforske byens yogatilbud – utfordre deg selv og utvid din yogahorisont! Gjennom våre omtaler av byens sentre håper vi at du kan få hjelp til å finne noe som passer for akkurat deg, og kanskje inspirasjon til å prøve noe nytt? Teamet bak Oslo Yoga Guide kom sammen gjennom en felles entusiasme og forkjærlighet for yoga. Vi er amatøryogis på forskjellige nivåer, og vi har mange års praksis bak oss fra forskjellige yogatradisjoner og -sentre. Vi vil legge vekt på at vi ikke er eksperter, men prøver å gi et nyansert bilde av vår yogaopplevels på de ulike sentrene og timene. Vårt ønske er med dette å skape og vedlikeholde en dynamisk og brukervennlig guide til Oslos yogamiljø. Formålet med Oslo Yoga Guide er å bidra til byens yogamiljø, så ikke nøl med å kontakte oss. Oslo Yoga Guide skal bidra til å holde deg oppdatert, men også inspirert!


Eight Treasures Yoga will Resume Classes on Monday, July 15th.
Please go to our schedule page for more details:

We are Back on Monday July 15 to the 31st we will follow the schedule below. Please note that these classes are only open to people who were in the Spring courses that were interrupted for public...

Here is a Asana practice without music. Hope that you enjoy it.

Here is a Asana practice without music. Hope that you enjoy it.

This is a beginner yoga class

200h Teacher Training in Yogic Flow Arts Kula system by Sensei Duncan Wong this summer!https://www.hiyoga.no/events/flow...

200h Teacher Training in Yogic Flow Arts Kula system by Sensei Duncan Wong this summer!


FLOW ARTS™ RYT200 Teacher Training Course with Duncan Wong FLOW ARTS™ RYT200 Teacher Training Course with Duncan Wong. Location: HiYoga, Schultz gate7 Dates: June 26 - July 3 2018 Level 1 (100hrs) Fee 14000nok July 4 -11 2018 Level 2 (100hrs) Fee 14000nok Level 1 & 2 (200h...

Open week (8th till 14th) at Eight Treasure Yoga studio at new location! :)Welcome to Basic Yoga, Flow Yoga, Vinyasa, As...

Open week (8th till 14th) at Eight Treasure Yoga studio at new location! :)
Welcome to Basic Yoga, Flow Yoga, Vinyasa, Asthanga, Flow Arts, Prenatal Yoga, Yin Yoga, Movement Exploration and Dragon Dance, Flow Arts workshops on weekend.


All the classes on our weekly schedule are open for drop-in, unless otherwise noted. These classes do not require any registration in advance. Just show up and practice! ​ ​ Classes that do not...


All the classes on our weekly schedule are open for drop-in, unless otherwise noted. These classes do not require any registration in advance. Just show up and practice! ​ ​ Classes that do not...



This Saturday the 23rd at 14.30 is the first Workshop in the series Hot Yoga 101😄🙌🏽 In the first workshop we are going to cover very cool basics as:⠀

- WELCOME to the hot room: these are the instructions you never got!⠀
- ASANA practice: why warm and humid is best.⠀
- PRANAYAMA: breath as a key to quiet the mind⠀
- FOCUS: the real purpose of the mirror⠀
- ANATOMY: we have more joints than we use. How to become fluid and flexible with hot yoga.⠀
- TIPS: Forward fold like a pro!⠀

You can book as single Workshop: 350,- or all 4 workshops as a package: 1200,-, [email protected], VIPPS to 118061 (mark with email) or in the studio. ⠀

⠀(Photo📷: Dag Knudsen 🙌🏽)



Yogeriet er yogasenteret i ditt nærmiljø. Vi har små grupper og personlig oppfølging. Velkommen!

Welcome to John's Summer Intensive July 1-8 at Eight Treasures Yoga!

Welcome to John's Summer Intensive July 1-8 at Eight Treasures Yoga!



John Bentham is having summer intensive at Eight Treasure Yoga!! :)

If You want to deepen Your practice or You are new to Yoga, either way check this training out. Amazing teacher, amazing program.


This training will focus on four foundational Areas of Study; Yoga Asana, Yoga Philosophy, Meditation and Psychological Shadow Work. Yoga Asana area of study will focus on exploring the physical...



Chamonix yoga festival est un rassemblement de professeurs de yoga et de musiciens du monde entier rempli d'une belle énergie et de belles recontres dans un ...

Pranayama workshop at Leela studio this Sunday!“Prana” means “breath” or “life force”. “Yama” means “control”. Therefore...

Pranayama workshop at Leela studio this Sunday!

“Prana” means “breath” or “life force”. “Yama” means “control”. Therefore pranayama means “controlling the breath or life force”. Over 20+ exercises will be given to help you strengthen your practice and build up your meditation and self-realization toolbox.


This will be a 2.5 hour workshop exploring the world of yoga through the lens of pranayama – ancient yogic breathing techniques handed down over the ages. “Prana” means “breath” or “life force”. “Yama” means “control”. Therefore pranayama means “controlling the breath or life force”. Over 20+ exerci...




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