🧬 Real functional training 🧬
As you guys know, my training approach is becoming more into integration as opposed to isolation.
✔️ Isolation still makes sense to me when a muscle is very weak and needs to be stimulated to be able to participate in the whole muscular chain, to ensure proper activation of the muscular chain as a whole.
✔️ In the last years I have been observing greater benefits in all training areas, from injury recovery to sports performance, specially since I started studying the material developed @functionalpatterns
Like it or not, these guys are ahead of the game. Their focus is on improving biomechanics for humans, not merely aesthetics that lead to disfunctional patterns later on.
✔️ On today’s video, I bring a dumbbell swing variation, with the use of the cable.
The simultaneous row with the stepping swing allows a connection of the posterior oblique sling, from the lat to the contralateral gluteus.
✔️ Exercise recommended for everyone who needs proper gluteal activation, in dynamic actions as walking or running.
✔️ Great for athletes who need to regain symmetries and increase dynamic gluteal recruitment.
Get in touch if you have any questions or for a healthy discussion about physical training 👍
Smart Kinetics
Move wisely, live stronger
Upperbody Press Dynamics
Today’s video shows two techniques for upperbody press dynamics.
⚙️ My training approach goes towards integration, therefore the exercises shown are focused on different body dynamics.
⚙️ The first exercise works around the shoulder joint, with the integration of swing and press movements. Important to ensure proper core activity for spine stability and neutrality.
⚙️ The second exercise is a cable press with staggered feet. This exercise trains more the spine stability and core activation while pressing. The feet position increases the oblique activation.
For athletes looking to improve their stability in a dynamic ways, and for everyonw who is interested in building a strong and resilient body 💪🧬
Smart Kinetics
Move wisely, live stronger
A message for 2022:
🧍♂️Choose Health
🏆 Choose Wealth
🚀 Choose Growth
❤️ Choose Love
We can create a better world for ourselves and those around us, it is in our hands!
Smart Kinetics
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
Functional Strength Training ⚙️
In the latest months I have been putting a greater focus on training my body using an integrated approach, which in practical terms means that I am training my body as a whole, as opposed to isolation.
I consider isolation to be important to recover from an injury, or to strengthen a specific weak muscle in a determined chain. Neverthless, integration shall be stimulated sooner than later.
Our body it is not a sum of different parts together, but it works as a sinergy system. When it comes to strength training, we should put more focus on training fascial lines and less on isolating muscles.
The results are very clear for me and my trainees 💪
Smart Kinetics
Move wisely, Live stronger
💈 Training the Lateral Lines 💈
⚙️ The anatomical lateral lines are important to balance both sides of the body. They aid in movements of lateral dislocations, hip abductions and spinal lateral flexion.
⚙️ This exercise is a crossover lunge variation. Besides the lateral line pre-stretch before jumping, the upperbody rotation adds extra lenghtening tension, allowing for a greater integration of the oblique slings.
⚙️ All the exercises should have a purpose. On this one, and specifically on this day, the focus was on the coil-recoil capacities of the lateral line, specifically of the tensor fascia lata, gluteus medius, obliques and latissimus dorsi.
Great inspiration from Functional Patterns and Anatomy Trains which I am integrating more and more in myself and my clients, with great beneficts 🔥
Smart Kinetics
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
Performance Optimization for Athletes 🚀
❓Are you an athlete who wants to move forward to the next stage of performance?
❓Do you feel that your current training approach doesn’t give you the desired results?
🏆 The goal of Smart Kinetics is to help you optimize your training process, in order to achieve the results that you want.
Our training approach is based on three fundamentals:
🥇Structural Training
🥈Optimization of the physical performance
🥉Results-Driven Mindset
If you want to know more about our training methods, check our website at www.smartkineticsperformance.com
We provide in-person and online training and follow-up.
If you feel that our methodology can help you achieve the performance and results you want, get in touch with up and step up to the next level 😉🚀
Smart Kinetics
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
⚙️ Swing Lunge Variation
On this lunge variation, we train explosive strength of the lower chain.
🧬 Special focus on the propulsion, which starts on the foot and it is propelled up until the gluteus maximus.
🧬 By adding dumbbell swings, the core is challenged to stabilize. Important role for the transversus abdominis and the oblique slings here.
Strongly recommended exercise for:
➿ Explosive training
➿ Gaining symmetries
➿ Core integration
➿ Hole body functionality
This exercise is integrated on the Functional Training System, designed by Functional Patterns
A great tool to make athletic gains in a functional way, without destroying our biomechanics 👌
Get in touch for questions or healthy training discussions 🙂
Smatt Kinetics
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
⚙️ Core and Direction Change in Sports ⚙️
To improve the capacity to change the direction in a fast and effective way, we have to look at our biomechanics.
The main propulsive muscle chains in direction change are our oblique slings, anterior and posterior.
It is essential to build a correct sling activation when rotating, enable the spine to move as an upward spiral.
🌀 An upward spiral in the spine will not only make the movement faster, but also will decompress the spine, avoid the risk of disk bulging and nerve impingement 👍
Feel free to contact for more information and content.
Smart Kinetics
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
⚙️ Functional Hinge Mechanisms
⚙️ Training the superficial back line for spinal health and functionality
On my training practice, very often I observe faulty body alignment, poor joint stacking and disfunctional muscle activation during the execution of the hip hinge.
One of the most common mistakes is an anterior pelvic tilt throughout the movement, which is a result of the lack of body awareness and muscular unbalances.
When executing an proper hip hinge, the focus must be on:
💎 abdominal bracing by the activation of the transversus abdominis
💎 tensioning the hamstrings before the movement starts and progressive upward activation of the posterior chain (hamstrings, gluteus, lumbar fascia, thoracic fascia) throughout the movement
💎 spine stacking on top of the sacrum, as the extension phase occurs
💎 expansion of the ribcage
The cable bar variation shown on the video can be well applied:
⚒ in beginners, to created better awareness with less load, allowing a greater focus on the technique.
⚒ in anyone with disfunctional back line activation.
At Smart Kinetics, our goal is to bring you the best training approach possible, respecting human anatomy and function.
Questions/healthy discussions?
Leave a comment 🙂
Anatomy Trains
Functional Patterns
MT Performance
Smart Kinetics
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
Coil-Recoil Dynamics 🧬
Here’s some considerations:
♾ The fascial system covers the whole body;
♾ The fascia adapts to the training methodology;
♾ To have elasticity to function pain free and to perform better, our fascial system needs to be stimulated to absorb energy and to release energy, the «coil-recoil dynamics».
Movement is vibration, our body vibrates at every single second.
Be more «Wave» and less «Matter» 🌊
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
Kettlebell Swing Variations
Swing variations are one of my favorites to enhance the elastic recoil of our fascia.
On this example, I show an alternative for single hand swings. Here are the specific benefits of this one:
♾ The contralateral movement of arms and feet resets the body to our primal functions as movers, which are walking and running;
♾ Anatomically, we are able to equally stimulate the oblique slings that connect upper and lower body, the posterior one as an agonist (hamstring-glute-latissimus dorsi) and the anterior one as an antagonist (hip flexors-obliques-chest);
♾ With this exercise, we can increase strength and respiratory conditioning, by sinchronizing movement and breathing.
This is a great tool for athletes who play sports where running and throwing are a major part of their actions.
For people who have postural unbalances and stiff bodies, this can be a good exercise, but probably need some technical training before getting into it.
Give this one a try and leave a comment 😉
If you feel that your current training is not giving you the desired results and you ressonate with this training approach, check the #smartkinetics website (link in bio) and get in touch. Our mission is to help your optimize your training process in order to get the results that you want 🚀
Smart Kinetics
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
♾ Real Functional Training
The term “functional training” is often used to describe an exercise that envolves instability/multiple planes of motion/free weight lifting and so on…
My definition for functional training starts with knowing human biology, biomechanics and fascial connections.
Real functional training develops human bodies according to their anatomy trains. From there, we can go everywhere!
And it is curious how we sometimes forget the basics. Been studying @functionalpatterns and @anatomytrainsofficial for some years, but never occurred to me to train the anterior oblique sling in such a simple matter as I show on the video. Thanks @_pablo_martin__ for the inspiration 👍
This exercise trains the contralateral connection from one shoulder to the opposite hip, involving the superficial front arm line and functional front line.
Going back to the basics is always a good option for resetting and regenerating.
Any questions about functional training, please get in touch 👍
Share if this was usefull for you or for someone you know 🙌
Smart Kinetics
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
🔗 Structural Strength Training
The base of my work, with every client, lies on the structural foundations.
Just like any other structure, a body with weak foundations will break when pushed to its limits.
Having these foundations solid and flexible, the body is ready to perform with a much lower risk of injury and a much higher probability of success 🚀
Single leg step ups are one of my favourite exercises to build this strong and resilient foundations 💪
Any questions, please get in touch. Send message or write me a comment 👍
Smart Kinetics
Move wisely, live stronger
Explosive Strength Training
⚙️Explosive strength training for sports performance plays a huge role, since most modalities require a great level of power and reactive capacity in order to perform at the highest levels.
⚙️When periodizing the training cycle, explosive strength comes usually after a period of muscle building and structural training. As the season/matches/competition comes closer, more emphasis should be given to this physical capacity.
⚙️The example given is a jumping squat combined with a single arm pull. Trains the power of the lower limbs, specially the posterior kinetic chain.
The posterior oblique sling is stimulated by the pulling movement and the gluteal contraction while jumping.
⚙️Great for anyone who needs/wants to increase his athletic performance.
If you find this video to be usefull, save it for watching later.
Share it with a friend who needs this type of training.
Feel free to ask me anything on the comment section 🙂
Smart Kinetics
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
Improving Running Mechanics 🏃🏽♂️
As humans, we walk and run by doing contralateral movements. This is how our biology has evolved and how our biomechanic is design to move efficiently.
This exercise specifically trains the anterior oblique sling, which connects the arm to the opposite leg.
The fascial line activated here includes mainly the chest muscle, the external oblique and the hip flexors of the opposite leg.
If you want to be good at running or at any sport that requires running, I strongly suggest training the oblique slings, rather than spending great amounts of time doing linear exercises such as sit-ups or bilateral presses 🙂
Move Wisely, Live Stronger
Modified Deadlift with Medball 🎱
This deadlift alternative has it’s focus on gradual joint stacking, as opposite as traditional deadlift, where the spine should be neutral through the execution.
Things to consider:
- The weight is reduced (here I am using a 30kg medball) comparing to traditional deadlift;
- The joint stacking starts with a posterior pelvic tilt through the lift. The spine is gradually stacked over the sacrum until the body reaches an upright position;
- The ball starts between the feet, not in front of the feet as a traditional deadlift;
- The weight is lifted to a shoulder height, which gives more stimulation to the core as it stabilizes the ball in a chest rack.
Personally, I see more functional benefits in this technique then in a traditional deadlift. It creates more awareness of how to come into a standing neutral position by articulating the spine and tilting the pelvis.
It is closer to an «everyday lift» and gives more functionality to the body 🤓