Chandeshwori Jatra (Chasu Punhi) is unique in that it takes place on both the day before Baisakh Shukla Purnima and the day of Purnima at Chasukhel Bhaktapur. Goddness Chandeshwori is known in Newari as Chasu Dyo, and Chasu Punhi is the day when Chasu Dyo Jatra is held.
Goddness Chandeshwori is known in Newari as Chasu Dyo, and Chasu Punhi is the day when Chasu Dyo Jatra is held.Chandeshwori Jatra is unique in that it takes place on both the day before Baisakh Shukla Purnima and the day of Purnima at Chasukhel Bhaktapur.