Aashis Social Service Nepal

Aashis Social Service Nepal Aashish social service is a Christian non- profitable, non- government social organization. The organization was duly formed and registered in the Rupandeh

Name:- Aashis Social Service Nepal
Office Location:- Butwal Municipality-4, Tallo Phulwari, Rupendehi District, Lumbini Zone, West Nepal. Contact Person:- Bikram Bhandari
Post:- Executive Director
Contact Phone:- 009779847119830
E-mail:- [email protected]/[email protected]
Registration:- At Rupandehi District
Date:-5th September 2006
Registration No.:-1087
PAN NO.:-303782726

n at social welfare council No.:-20821
Date:-14th Nov.2006
Bank Account – Bank of Kathmandu LTD.Butwl branch
A/C No.010300000534
Working Committee membership no.:- 9 male 5 female 4
Aashish social service is a Christian non- profitable, non- government social organization. The organization was duly formed and registered in the Rupandehi administration office under the leadership of Yubraj B.K. in 2006. it has devoted itself fighting against exploitation and deprivation of the children, women, Dalit, indigenous, madeshi, racial, religious, geographical, poor, helpless, homeless, marginalized groups, disadvantage group, minorities, Vulnerable, disable, uneducated and back warded people of Nepal . Started as a grass-root level. Its working Areas are the following:-
Education for working children's, helpless, homeless, land less, disable, poor, girls, vulnerable, indigenous, Dalit, disadvantage, marginalized and minorities children and people. and economic opportunities, elimination of child labour and poverty, protection of human rights, preservation and promotion of traditional practices, empowerment of women and preventing girls trafficking, gender equality, women violence, discrimination, conservation and protection of environment, climate change, agriculture, tourism, research and study, safe drinking water and sanitation, health and MCH nutrition, conduct income generating programme, skill development programme, awareness programme, livelihood, youth and other development of human resources for equitable society . The organization aim are raising the voice, economic condition, social status and access of the target people and child and make prosperous society through their involvement in the various activities conducting by the organization. The core components of the organization are:-
(i) Social (community) mobilization. (ii) Awareness and campaign through various programmes and activities. (iii) Income generalising, skill development and poverty alleviation programmes. The main aim of Aashis social service Nepal:-
æTo uplift and changed the livelihood, social, economic, cultural condition, to increase the access of education and development essential facilities and holistic development of social development of target people in NepalÆ through building the strength Net work in all over of Nepal' whose lives are often characterized by extreme poverty and other social disorder. Rational:-
Nepal is a multi-linguistic, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, bio-diversity and geographical diversity backward agro-based mountainous undeveloped poor country. The majority of the Nepali population is still not well-awareness due to illiteracy, low economic status, social intellectual, gender discrimination and political awareness and traditional agriculture system. The bulk part of the youth population is turning unemployed day by day due to the poor family background. Because of this situation, many household members are compelled to send their children to the land lords' house, factories, hotels and garages to work and tend for their families. Due to this the urban areas are being overpopulated and most of the youths are going abroad to seek the job opportunities. This follows decrease in the number of youths in the rural areas who could contribute to their village. Any kind of supportive programmes for these youths are limited in the urban areas, whereas such opportunities including that of health and education are very much lacking in the rural areas. On the other hand the problems such as slavery system like Kamalahari (bounded labour) child labour, women trafficking are still prevailing as major problems in the rural areas. Similarly, the racial discrimination is also another problem that is adversely affecting the Nepali society. Besides this traditional and indigenous skill are disappearing in the past contributed to the conflict in the country. Hence, the empowerment of these indigenous communities including women', displaced youths and child labour and providing them opportunities to get access in employment .opportunities would enable them to contribute to their own village community development. Vision:-
Aashis social service Nepal envisions for exploited free, civilized, educated, social, economic, cultural, equality and environmentally prosperous society. Mission:-
• Economic development, social progress, environmental conservation and promotion, vocational and skill development, capacity building and poverty alleviation.
• Protect human rights and preserve the cultures through information, education and media.
• Advocacy for the social injustices, exploitation, oppression, girls trafficking, gender inequality, child education, child labour and women violence.
• Increase the agriculture production through agriculture programmes.
• Make educated to the child and women through formal and informal education programmes.
• Conserve and protected the environment and reduce climate change.
• Make available safe drinking water, sanitation & hygienic.
• Reduce infant and maternal mortality rate through MCH nutrition programme.
• Make aware to all the target groups through various awareness programmes.
• Develop resources and enhance organizational capacity.
• Make the government responsible and people oriented. Goals:-
1. To ensure backward community rights.
2. To improve the economic of the backward community.
3. To ensure æeducation for all" quality education (Non-formal and formal).
4. To conserve the traditional cultures.
5. To preserve the national environment.
6. To improve community health and reduced the infant and mother mortality rate and provide nutrition.
7. To provide safe drinking water and improve sanitation and hygienic.
8. To support in reduction of conflict.
9. To provide relief to the disaster affected victims.
10. To improve the organizational capacity for sustenance.
11. To improve agriculture system.
12. To reduced poverty.
13. To ensure on social, economic and culture condition.
14. To reduce gender discrimination, control women violence and prevention of girls trafficking. Main objectives of the organization:-
1. Social transformation
2. Empowerment of Dalit, Janjati, Madhesi, Poor, Women and Marginalized group.
3. Skill development program, community-led development, vocational training for marginalized people.
4. Formal and non formal education program
5. Community Health, Environment, Climate Change
6. Research of various sector of Community.
7. Preventive of human trafficking, gender discrimination and women violence.
8. Awareness programme into various sector of remote rural areas
9. Awareness programme to preventive of different countable and uncountable disease like HIV/AIDS
10. Child welfare programme.
11. Safe drinking water, sanitation & hygenic.
12. MCH nutrition programme.
13. Agriculture & livestock programme.
14. Disaster management programme.
15. Poverty alleviation & livelihood programmes. Executive Committee of the organization

SN Name of committee member Gender Caste /Ethnicity Educational Qualification
Executive Committee
1. Yubaraj B.K. Male Dalit I.Ed.
2. Baburam Basnet Male Chetri I.A.
3. Khadka Bahadur B.K. Male Dalit I.A.
4. Shanti basnet (B.K.) Female Dalit S.L.C
5. Laxmi Kausal Female Dalit B.A.
6. Baburam Pariyar Male Dalit S.L.C.
7. Jayerusa shrestha Female Janjati S.L.C. Executive Director
Bikram Bhandari Male Other B.A. Paste activities of ASSN:-
ASSN has conducted the following activities in the past. Interaction and dialogue against women trafficking, violence and injustice in Rupandehi district. (Supported by SARVE Nepal) - size of budget 35,000/-
Urban community survey of Butwal Municipality program (AID provide by STUEIPE-7182NEP/ADB) - size of budget -4,00,000/-
To prepare the profile of women and activities Lumbini zone (Supported by women Empowerment Centre Kathmandu) - size of budget -22,000/-
Under the Skill, vocational and income program three months advanced computer training for women, Dalit, Marginalized communities (supported by Skill development center)- size of budget -53,000/-
Under the Skill development, vocational and income generating programme 45 days Basic Computer Account Training (Provided by ministry of youth and sport and district sports Development committee)- size of budget -60,000/-
Urban utilities/services Delivery Baseline survey of Butwa Municipality (provide by PPPUE/UNDP) - size of budget -1,07,000/-
Scoping for PPP Projects of Butwal Municipality (provide by PPPUE/UNDP)- size of budget 1,43,000/-
Non formal education for adult women in Butwal Municipality. (Associated with SERVE Nepal and Butwal Municipality) - size of budget -2,90, 800/-
Under the skill development programme pickl, cheips and dalmoth preparation tranning for widow ( supported by district Development Commeetti)- size of budget -59,820/-
under the skill development programme BANGAL and POTE making training (Provided by skill development training Center) 28,950/-
under the skill development and women income generating programme one month HAND BUTICK ( Embroidering) training (Supported by Skill development training center Butwal) 80,670/-
Impact evaluation survey of the skill development programmes in lumbini Zone (supported by the skill development center Butwal) 1,13, 205/-

Different Programmes' photos conducted by Aashis Social service Nepal

Different Programmes' photos conducted by Aashis Social service Nepal


A glims of Aashis social service Nepal's activities

Boarder patrolling and counseling booth Center of Aashis Social service Nepal at Thutibari Boarder in Nawalparasi

Boarder patrolling and counseling booth Center of Aashis Social service Nepal at Thutibari Boarder in Nawalparasi

Read it and if you want to coordinate with us please contact us.

Read it and if you want to coordinate with us please contact us.


Happy 108 International Women's Day

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. In the occasion of Christmas many people o...

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. In the occasion of Christmas many people of there could donate for social work could you help us there to collect such donate for our work

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


How many commitment we will get for this proposal

Kindly request to everyone Aashis Social Service Nepal (ASSN) is one non profit, non governmental social organization. i...

Kindly request to everyone Aashis Social Service Nepal (ASSN) is one non profit, non governmental social organization. it had established on 2006 and since then has been working to stop girls trafficking and women violence in Nepal for that different awareness, self-employmentable Programme have been conducting to make equitable and prosperous community increasing the capacity, efficiency and self-dependency of Nepalese women. Its main objective is to make efficient to create self-employment to uneducated, unemployment women and having under poverty line providing education, different skill developmental commercial trainings so that they could earn for their livelihood using those learnt commercial skill as well as commercial skill development training it has also been focusing on women social security, women education and women capacity building related programmes. Nepal is also one patriarchal country so women status in Nepal is weak. Women are left back from socially, economically and politically. Due to the weak economic aspect women have become dependent on male to full fill their simple necessity from that women economic status has become very weak in the society from that reducing the women confidence they have failed on exploitation, trafficking and violence from men. To eliminate such women weak thought ASSN has been working to assure women social security, income security, food security and working security to uplift women status in the community and society. ASSN has been conducting different self employmentable skill development training to make women economically and socially efficient and self dependent focusing especially for those women unemployment, having weak economic condition and backward women and it also has been conducting different awareness and legal advocacy to eliminate criminal activities upon the women in the society like trafficking, violence etc. In this context ASSN had conducted embroidering skill development training under the women income generating at Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City ward no- 13, in the economic support of Butwal Sub- Metropolitan City office which was conducted on 11 June to 25 June 2017 in the training 30 women had participated from that they have learnt to embroider on the clothes. Those types of clothes are more expensive in the market so they can earn more making those types of clothes but the 15 days training was not sufficient to make them efficient on the skill due to the limited economic resource ASSN had conducted the training only for 15 days. But women are more interested commitment to learn the training in advance but ASSN are unable to provide those training in advance to make them entrepreneurially able due to being economically unable because for the advance this training must be conducted for 4 months for that 4000$ is need. However, women who have participated in the training were more attempted to learn more and sharp their hand on the embroidering skill, Even though, their more attempt and commitment it was not sufficient. What they have done within 15 days the Photos have been posted below and we requested to everyone to support to them as much as you can donating through ASSN from your small support those 30 women will become economically and socially able and if you are unable to support please help sharing this message to other. We do not make compel to anyone for donate but if you are interested to raise women status in any society can be support who are interested for that please give us your email on the following email we will provide you detail ban account of the organization the ASSN email is [email protected] . Thank you for who read this message and helping us sharing this message to other.


WOMAN TRAFFICKING and sexual abuse issues has NO Limitation, in any condition or prospect, Selling of one human and exploitation is unethical and immoral by any means. Selling woman for S*x Trade or any other form of labor or sexual abuse and harassment is illegal and unacceptable. ASSN is a just an attempt so that we have been conducting awareness, and other programme against Women Trafficking and sexual abuse and exploitation in Nepal.
It's basic right of any woman for education, health and good lifestyle. It cannot be taken away from her as it’s her basic right but still woman are sold here and exploited in our society which is heart breaking. They are treated as a commodity which is inhuman and morally wrong. Though government and other organizations are trying their best to curb the problem but still it has been an issue of talk,
We believe this problem can be solved only by the means of awareness,and income generating programme first we have let the women know that they are not for sale and only then they have to be empowered and Income generating programme helps them to be economically self dependent.
which is just the first step to fight against women trafficking, and we stand for CHANGE
CHANGE with a vision and strategy if any one in the world are interested to do work with us in Nepal pleases contact us and join your hands with us to stop girls trafficking in Nepal

Embroidering training opening ceremony at K.Bangai VDC in this training 30 women and girls have participated

Embroidering training opening ceremony at K.Bangai VDC in this training 30 women and girls have participated

while learning cusion and Dolls making training at training class in this training 20 women and girls have directly bene...

while learning cusion and Dolls making training at training class in this training 20 women and girls have directly benefited

School programme conducted by ASSN

School programme conducted by ASSN

Income generating programme conducted by assn with joint venture of different organization in Devdha from which 20 girls...

Income generating programme conducted by assn with joint venture of different organization in Devdha from which 20 girls and women have been benefitted

Income generating programme conducted by assn with joint venture of different organization in Devdha from which 20 girls...

Income generating programme conducted by assn with joint venture of different organization in Devdha from which 20 girls and women have been benefitted


Proposal for Anti Human TraffickingProject-2018

1. Background
Our mission is to end human trafficking with love of Jesus in Nepal. We build awareness of the evils of human trafficking in communities, provide monitoring and interdiction at risk places including hotels, bus stations, border stations; offer counseling/restorationto the rescued girls at emergency shelters (Grace Shelter Home), and finally placed in their own community as peace ambassador/social change agent. In addition we do our best to address the root causes of such social evils simply to articulate as lack of awareness, poverty and gaps on women friendly policies and appropriate practice.

We focus on public awareness campaigns that inform and educate communities about human trafficking so that they can identify victims or specifically warn migrants and other vulnerable populations. Community awareness, street drama show, gospel film show, Home visit, posters, broadcasting radio jingle and so on are the activities carried out for the prevention. We will reach up to 15 thousand people with such efforts each year to pass on the message of anti trafficking through gospel and love of Christ.

The project is the most important part of ASSN’s mission because we must change the community through holistic development. The counseling; scholarship for education/trainings, and spiritual supports are the important part of gospel education to the communities and to the rescued girls. This is essential need in the life of rescued girls to change and improve their life in Godly way. After their education, training, counseling, they will act as peace ambassador in their communities.

2. Introduction of the Project
We believe that poverty is the antithesis of God’s plan of His world. As an organization grounded in Christian faith, our work and the way we does it demonstrate Godly values? We see the root causes of poverty as broken relationships- between people, between people and environment, and between people and God. Our working modality describes how we believe God wants His people to experience abundant life.The ASSN has been carrying out all its intervention of anti trafficking mission based on the framework of Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnership shortly called 4 Ps. Prevention efforts are a key component of our entire movement to monitor and combat human trafficking.It is found that in most cases the poverty has pushed in such heinous act.

The girls victimized by trafficking are psychologically depressed, may have experienced physical torture and more specifically, they can’t adjust to their community immediately. They need safe and loving environment for an extended period of time to overcome the trauma they just experienced. They also need protection from harm by trafficker, who rear prosecution for their acts. The ASSN‘s Grace Shelter home/training center provide this safe and healing environment to the rescued girls.

By the making our priority, we reflect the priorities of God. The ASSN‘sGrace Shelter Home/training center provides various short term trainings, parlor, sewing and embroidery etc, to enable these girls to generate a sustainable income. The Grace Shelter Home supports short term vocational trainings..It is aware of this fact and focus has been given to eliminate this vulnerability. The scholarship for education of rescued needy girls and risky girls is essential to combat trafficking in the remote communities.

3. Introduction of Project Implementation Area

Rupandehi district and Butwal area are of the major trafficking affected area of the western Nepal. The city of the Butwalis developedas transit point of hill terai and mountains for traffickers of girls to India. The traffickers use the route of Boarder line ofSunauli and Krishnanagar near Butwal. After Earthquake 2072, the migration of theseaffected 14 district people in Butwal are increasing and the increase rate of pressure of land less people in that area also. So, the girls/ children of these peole are under the threats of trafficking to the india and other major cities of Nepal..

4. Missions
A society free from human trafficking and gender based violence.

5. Goals
To bring positive changes on the lives of the girls and woman who are trafficked and care at risk of trafficking and have poor economic, social and educational status in the society. As Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself.

6. Objectives
The primary objective of the project is to rehabilitate and reintegrate rescued girls in their family and society with godly way.
The secondary objectives of the project are to
1. Provide Psychological counseling / vocational training to the rescued girls.
2. Support Micro business of placement and reintegrated girls.
3. Provide Education and awareness against human trafficking and gender base violence in the community.
4. Support education scholarship for needy girls.
5. Promote leadership of rescued girls in their family and society.
6. Initiate Spiritual and moral education/ fellowship in the community.

7. Activities
The activities of the project to fulfill its objectives are under the following broader sectors –Rescue /counseling / training the victims of human trafficking, Spiritual and moral campaign in the community, Micro Business strengthening of rescued girls as we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men. Especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
1. Rescue /counseling / training the victims of human trafficking
1.1 Patrolling to the risk places
1.2 Provide information of human trafficking and counseling.
1.3 Rescue the victims of Human Trafficking
1.4 Counseling in Grace Shelter Home
1.5 Provide Short term vocational training
2. Spiritual and moral campaign in the community
2.1- Provide leadership and other life skill trainings.
2.2- Conduct awareness and moral /spiritual education to the society.
2.3- Distribute educational materials
2.4- Provide training of Street Drama and conduct show
2.5- OrganizeSensitization about human trafficking & violence in society.
2.6- Conduct daily social counseling and guidance.
2.7- Education scholarship to the rescued and needy girls.

3. Micro Business strengthening and Support the Girls
3.1 Organize the preliminary Micro BusinessTraining to the rescued girls,
3.2 Support seed money/ business foundation to the model business of the girls.
3.3Support to explore local opportunity for model business.
3-7 Promote coordination with local civil societies.

8. Required Tentative Budget
The project requires this tentative budget yearly for Rescue /counseling / training the victims of human trafficking, Spiritual and moral campaign in the community, Micro Business strengthening of rescued girls as follows.
S.N. Item Unit cost
NRs. Total
Cost NRs. Targets
No. Remarks
1. Rescue /counseling / training the victims of human trafficking,
Patrolling to the risk places and Provide information of human trafficking / counseling. 10000/- 5,20,000/- 4000 girls 4counselor
Rescue the victims of Human Trafficking 500/- 1,50,000/- 300 Girls
Counseling and Provide Short term vocational training in Grace Shelter Home 3000/- 5,76,000/- 10 Girls
2. Spiritual and moral campaign in the community
Leadership training for girls 5000/ 50,000/- 10 Girls
Awareness and education to the society 2500/- 25,000/- 10 Place
Distribute materials regarding anti human trafficking -pamphlets booklets 1000/- 10,000/- 10 Place
Sensitization about human trafficking & violence-Street Drama 15000/- 1,50,000/- 10 Place
Spiritual/moral education to community 5000/- 50,000/- 10 Place
Education scholarship to needy girls 6000/- 1,20,000/- 20 Girls
Total 4,05,000/-

3. Business strengthening and Support to Reintegrated Girls
Organize the preliminary Micro Business Training to the rescued girls, 5000/- 50,000/- 10 Girls
Support seed money/ business foundation to the model business of the girls. 10,000/- 1, 00,000/- 10 Girls
Support to explore local opportunity for model business. 2000/- 20000/- 10 Girls
Promote Coordination with local civil societies. 2000/- 20000/- 10 Places
Sub Total (1+2+3) 18,41,000/-
4. Administration cost 20% 3,68,200/-
Grand Total (1+2+3+4 ) 22,09, 200/-

9. Implementation organization
Aashish social service Nepal (ASSN) is a faith based non- profitable, non- governmental social organization. The organization is duly formed and registered in Rupandehi administration office under the leadership of Yubaraj B.K. in 2006. it has devoted itself fighting against exploitation and deprivation of the children, girls, women, and back warded people of Nepal . ASSN has long experiences on Anti human trafficking programs in Rupandehi district ofNepal.
10. Expected Outputs
After the completion of the project, the following outputs we will have.
• Provided the Counseling for 4000 girls and rescued the 300 girls and sent them in Shelter home.
• Provided vocational training for 10 girls in Grace Shelter home.
• Provided the Leadership training of 10 rescued girls.
• Encouraged the 16 rescued and reintegrated girls, their families.
• Sensitized about human trafficking & violencein more than 10 communities and withmore than15000 people of the communities.
• Supported for new life of 10 rescued girls in their society,
• Supported 10 local community and rescued and reintegrated girls.
• Supported 10 micro business of returned girls
• Provided 10 girls as business Support seed money/ foundation for their business.
• Benefited 10 Reintegrated girls with initial micro Business Training
• Explored local opportunity/ coordination meetings with local communities.

11. Conclusions
This proposed proposal aims to help 300 rescuedgirls,their family and communities.
This project covers 16 families directly and other more than 15,000 communitypeople benefitdirectlythrough for Rescue /counseling / training the victims of human trafficking, Spiritual and moral campaign in the community, Micro Business strengthening of rescued girls.

Happy marry Christmas and New year 2016 to my National and International Friends. I wish it will bring happy and prosper...

Happy marry Christmas and New year 2016 to my National and International Friends. I wish it will bring happy and prosperity to all with blessed of god

My name is Sita Nepali. I live at Siddhartha VDC of Arghakhanchi District. My mother had died when i was child and then ...

My name is Sita Nepali. I live at Siddhartha VDC of Arghakhanchi District. My mother had died when i was child and then father had married with other women. We live at squatter (slum) areas of Siddhara VDC where our small house is. My life was spent doing household work for child age, did not get chance to go to school for study. When i was 17 years old was looking for any job wherever is possible because there was extremely hard to get food for eat and clothes to wear. One man worked in India had stayed in my village. One day he said me that why you have done so hard work, if you went to india you can earn more than 20 to 30 thousand rupees I.C. would you go?, and then i said if i can get good job there i want to go there, and he said me that not to tell it to anyone in the village. Then i went with him for work in India, while going on the way he said me if police or other asked you in the border say them we had married. Then i felt extremely hard. While going to Sunauli Border from Butwal, Staffs of ASSN get on the bus for checking at Bus station, the man escaped getting off from the bus very quickly. And the sister of ASSN asked me and i said all things my terrible life and the things what the man had said me, after that i wept knowing all the fact for what purpose he is taking me in india. The staffs of ASSN counselled me. you can become self-dependent learning skills and ASSN provide me sewing and cutting training for six month they managed me all lodging and fooding while i was learning the skill and they gave me a sewing machine and some money to run Tailoring business. After that i started tailoring business at my house. Monthly 8/10 thousand earned from the business and paid back the amount in installs of ASSN taken to start business. I am very much pleased with ASSN they saved me from being trafficked and gave me skills to be self-dependent myself. Thank you very much to ASSN and the partner organization The beloved Nepali Daughter for great help to my life.

I feel the dire need to reach out to more families direclty affected by the earthquake. We have provided relief to over ...

I feel the dire need to reach out to more families direclty affected by the earthquake. We have provided relief to over 156 families mainly food, blankets and tents during the first week the earthquake struck, and early this week we are going constructing temporary transitional shelters to 50 families. This was made possible through your support and generous contributions to the ASSN Earthquake Relief Fund.
Monsoon is approaching very soon which only means more trouble for the families who do not have a shelter. And there are many. I have seen it. So I have started a second round of fundraising, Stories of Nepal Earthquake Recovery Fund, which will be used to build transitional shelters and for providing need based assistance for the families before they can figure out a long term solutions for themselves.
To learn more about the campaign and to donate, please visit the ASSN Page. Help us achieve our goal by donating. If you are unable to donate, I request you to please SHARE so that you can help us get the word out so that more people know about this. Thank you all.


We are collecting fund and materials to distribute to devastating earthquake victims of Nuwakot district and ASSN has been distributing relief in remote districts of Nepal


Hep us rebuild Nepal.
Spread the word & donate.
And we will offer hands and hearts to do the best we can.
If you do not know what we do, please check on our fb page the latest proofs of our work. We share them often here. If you have any questions regarding our work - feel free to ask. For all support: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Plepole who were affected are witing to taken relief

Plepole who were affected are witing to taken relief

being observed the damaged houses

being observed the damaged houses







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