As 'The Tower of Babel' remained incomplete awing to lack of uniformity of language, so, as an attempt to globalize ourselves with entire world, Build Ourselves Club was established in 2064-Chaitra-16 as fruit of the co-work of a few minds but during the short span of time it has been able to achieve a remarkable progress and reputation. Hence we call it "Build Ourselves Club." OBJECTIVE
With English is a widely used and spoken language all over the world, in mind and making it our objective say the wording in the name of club we have singled out our motto to fine tune our English to reach up to the mark of any other country. Being driven by the principle of "Read to Lead" the club has identified its course of creating an intellectual forum for the student and to develop a reading culture. Success experience and knowledge must not to be confined, rather it should spread further share our success stories with the students of government school, to learn English conquer fear and speak English that hears sweet and natural. ACTIVITIES:
Since the beginning, in order to fine tune our English, we are continuously conducting exchange of language items, proverbs and several vocabularies every week. Books are the mine of hidden treasures i.e. knowledge so, book reviews and discussion is another regular activity of our club. As our club is a nursery forum so, it has started "Zero Hour" discourse, talk show program in which many relevant and burning issues and topics are discussed through various angles, dimensions and perspectives. The club has extended a wing of Build Ourselves Club in Surke Ma. Dolakha, in 23rd Shravna 2064 which is also conducting similar activities there.