Full Sofa or Semi Sofa bus to Bhairawa
Phone and Whats app : 9808433085 or 9851005685
-Bus time(Sofa From Kathmandu): 2 by 1 or 2 by 2 Bus
-from Bhairawa to Delhi 7 Pm
-Delhi Accessed 12 to 2 Pm next day
-Phone number: 9808433085..................................................
Kathmandu Bhairawa Sunuli to Delhi Bus ticket. Sofa Bus booking then you will be Bhairawa at 6 pm. From Bhairahwa 7 Am to Delhi . Kathmandu Sunuli Delhi Bus ticket Cost Rs. 4700 NPR. how to booking the bus ticket, contact our phone number. Kathamndu to Bhairawa Sunuli Bus ticket .Sofa bus from kathmandu and Air Suspension bus from Bhairawa.