panoramic views on the Langtang trek. It is very beautiful place. If anyone interested, please contact me.
email: [email protected].
whatsapp: + 977-984-3057195
instragram: devraju.
Day 01: Arrival to kathmandu.
Day02: Drive to syapru Besi.
Day03: Trek to Lama Hotel.
Day04: Trek to Langtang/ Mundu.
Day05: Trek to kyanjing Gumba.
Day06: Climb ti Kyanjing Ri/ Cherko Ri.
Day07: Back to Lama Hotel.
Day08: Trek to Thulo syarpu.
Day09: Trek to Lauri Binayak.
Day10: Trek to Gosaikunda.
Day11: Back to chandan bari( Shing Guba)
Day 12:Back to Dhunche.
Day13: Back to kathmandu.
Day14: sightseeing in kathmandu.
Day15: departure .