Nepal Hiking Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd

Nepal Hiking Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd Treks and expeditions service provider from Nepal of of best and cheapest price here any one can apply for best result to treks to Himalayas and hiking.


३ वर्षपछि नेपालबाट कैलाश मानसरोवर यात्रा खुला

कोभिड–१९ महामारीपछि पहिलो पटक मानसरोवर यात्रा खुला भएको छ। पर्यटन व्यवसायीहरुका अनुसार चीनले यात्रामा लगाएको प्रतिबन्धका कारण पछिल्लो तीन वर्ष मानसरोवर यात्रा बन्द थियो। जसलाई चीनले खुला गरेको छ। अब नेपालबाट नेपाली नागरिक तथा तेस्रो मुलुकका पर्यटकले मानसरोवर यात्रा गर्न सक्ने अनलाइन खबरले लेखेको छ।
चीनले यस पटक आफ्नो भिसा नीतिमा केही परिवर्तन गरेको छ। विगतमा सामूहिक भिसा दिने गरेकोमा यस पटकदेखि एक पटकमा कम्तीमा ४ जनासम्मले वायोमेट्रिक समेत दिनुपर्ने गरी भिसा नीति चीनले लिएको छ। सोहीकारण पूर्वी वा पश्चिम नेपालबाट मानसरोवर जान चाहने नेपाली भिसा प्रक्रिया पूरा नभएसम्म काठमाडौंमै रहनु पर्ने भएको छ।
भारतीय पर्यटकका लागि भने नेपालको बाटो हुँदै मानसरोवर यात्रा अझै खुला नभएको ट्रेकिङ एजेन्सीज एसोसिएसन अफ नेपाल (टान) का महासचिव विनोद सापकोटाले जानकारी दिनुभएको छ। विगतमा नेपालबाट भारतीय नागरिकले चीन प्रवेशको अनुमति पाउने गर्थे। अहिले भने गैरआवासीय भारतीय बाहेक भारतीय पासपोर्ट हुनेहरुले कैलाश मानसरोवर यात्रामा जान अनुमति पाउँदैनन्। पछिल्लो तीन वर्षदेखि यात्राको योजना बनाएर पनि जान नपाएका नेपाली तीर्थालुले भने अब मानसरोवर यात्रामा जान सक्ने सापकोटाले जानकारी दिनुभयो। कैलाश यात्राको उपयुक्त मौसम मे महिनादेखि सेप्टेम्बरसम्म हो।
अहिले हुम्लाको हिल्सा र रसुवागढी नाकाबाट मानसरोवर यात्रा खुला भएको छ। गत वैशाखदेखि हुम्लाको हिल्सा नाका दुईतर्फी खुला गरिएको छ। अब यो नाकाबाट मानिस र कार्गो दुवैका लागि खुला भएको हो। चीनको अर्को नाका रसुवागढी समेत दुईतर्फी खुला भएसँगै मानसरोवर यात्रामा जानेहरुलाई सहज भएको हो।
कैलाशमा जाने अर्को रुट काठमाडौं–ल्हासा हवाई मार्ग समेत हो। यो रुटबाट जानेहरुले भने काठमाडौंबाट ल्हासा सम्म जहाजमा पुगेर त्यहाँबाट १५ सय किलोमिटर सडक यात्रा गरी कैलाश पुग्नु पर्छ। कैलाश मानसरोवर यात्रालाई तीर्थालुहरु तीर्थहरुको पनि तीर्थ अर्थातः ‘महातीर्थ’ मान्छन्। चीनको भूमिमा मानसरोवर ताल समुन्द्री सतहबाट ४ हजार ५९० मिटरको उचाईमा अवस्थित छ।
नेपालबाट कैलाश मानसरोवर यात्राका लागि अहिले न्यूनतम १ लाख ६५ हजारदेखि अधिकतम तीन लाख रुपैयाँसम्मका प्याकेज बिक्री भइरहेको टानका महासचिव सापकोटाले जानकारी दिनुभएको छ। सामान्यतया १० दिनभन्दा माथिको यात्रापछि मात्र मानसरोवर यात्रा सम्पन्न हुन्छ। मूल्य समय र प्याकेज सुविधा अनुसार फरक फरक पर्ने समेत उनले जानकारी दिनुभयो।
सडक मार्गबाट जाँदा काठमाडौं–केरुङ–सागा–मानसरोवर ताल–माउण्ट कैलाश रुट हुँदै यात्रा गर्ने गरिन्छ। हेलिकप्टर वा काठमाडौं–ल्हासा जहाजमा यात्रा गर्दा यस्तो प्याकेज सडक मार्गको तुलनामा महँगो पर्छ।

🚎🚕🚗🚲🛵🏍🦯Nagarkot is a popular hill station located in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal.🤭🤭🫶💖It is known for its beautiful sun...

Nagarkot is a popular hill station located in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal.🤭🤭🫶💖
It is known for its beautiful sunrise views over the Himalayan mountain range, which includes peaks like Mount Everest, Annapurna, Manaslu, and Ganesh Himal.🏔🏔🗻🗻⛰
To experience the sunrise at Nagarkot, you can do a short hike up to the Nagarkot View Tower, which offers panoramic views of the mountains and the surrounding landscape.🏜⛺️🏞🏞
The hike is relatively easy and suitable for all age groups. It usually takes around 45 minutes to an hour to reach the view tower from the town.🦯🦯💞💞
To get the best view of the sunrise, it is recommended to start the hike early in the morning, around 4-5 am, and reach the view tower at least half an hour before sunrise.🌅🌅🌄🌄🌄
Dhulikhel Day Hikes:

Dhulikhel is a small town located about 30 km east of Kathmandu. It is known for its stunning mountain views, picturesque villages, and ancient temples.🕍🕍🕉🕉☸️🕉
The town is surrounded by several hills and offers plenty of options for day hikes.🦯🦯🛴
Some popular day hikes in Dhulikhel include the Namobuddha Trail, the Panauti Trail, and the Balthali Village Trail.
These hikes range from easy to moderate difficulty level and take around 4-6 hours to complete.
Along the way, you can enjoy beautiful views of the mountains, lush forests, terraced fields, and traditional villages.🏠💖💖
The hikes also offer opportunities to interact with the locals and learn about their culture and way of life.💞💞💓💓
It is recommended to carry enough water, snacks, and sunscreen while going for a day hike in Dhulikhel. It is also advisable to wear comfortable walking shoes and appropriate clothing.💃👗💫
Messenger Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd

🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚕🚌🚎🏍🦯Nagarkot is a popular hill station located in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal.💞💞It is known for its beautiful...

Nagarkot is a popular hill station located in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal.💞💞
It is known for its beautiful sunrise views over the Himalayan mountain range, which includes peaks like Mount Everest, Annapurna, Manaslu, and Ganesh Himal.🏜🌄🏔⛰🗻
To experience the sunrise at Nagarkot, you can do a short hike up to the Nagarkot View Tower, which offers panoramic views of the mountains and the surrounding landscape.🛴💞💞
The hike is relatively easy and suitable for all age groups. It usually takes around 45 minutes to an hour to reach the view tower from the town.⛰🏞
To get the best view of the sunrise, it is recommended to start the hike early in the morning, around 4-5 am, and reach the view tower at least half an hour before sunrise.🌄🌄
Dhulikhel Day Hikes:

Dhulikhel is a small town located about 30 km east of Kathmandu. It is known for its stunning mountain views, picturesque villages, and ancient temples.🕍🕍🕉☸️🕉
The town is surrounded by several hills and offers plenty of options for day hikes.🦯🦯🚲
Some popular day hikes in Dhulikhel include the Namobuddha Trail, the Panauti Trail, and the Balthali Village Trail.🦯🏔⛺️
These hikes range from easy to moderate difficulty level and take around 4-6 hours to complete.
Along the way, you can enjoy beautiful views of the mountains, lush forests, terraced fields, and traditional villages.❤️❤️
The hikes also offer opportunities to interact with the locals and learn about their culture and way of life.
It is recommended to carry enough water, snacks, and sunscreen while going for a day hike in Dhulikhel. It is also advisable to wear comfortable walking shoes and appropriate clothing.💃🫶🫶

Messenger Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd

🏍🛵🚌🚕🚙🚗Patan Durbar Square is situated at the centre of the city of Lalitpur in Nepal. It is one of the three Durbar Squa...

Patan Durbar Square is situated at the centre of the city of Lalitpur in Nepal. It is one of the three Durbar Squares in the Kathmandu Valley, all of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. One of its attractions is the ancient royal palace where the Malla Kings of Lalitpur resided.👑👑💫🇳🇵

The Durbar Square is a marvel of Newar architecture. The square floor is tiled with red bricks.[1] There are many temples and statues in the area. The main temples are aligned opposite of the western face of the palace.🕍🕍
[2] The entrance of the temples faces east, towards the palace. There is also a bell situated in the alignment beside the main temples🫶⛩🥰
[3] The Square also holds old Newari residential houses. There are other temples and structures in and around Patan Durbar Square built by the Newa People. A center of both Hinduism and Buddhism, Patan Durbar Square has 136 "bahals" (courtyards) and 55 major temples.❤️🕉🇳🇵🇳🇵
Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd

🚗🚕🚙🚌🚲🛵🏍The Buddhist Stupa, also known as a pagoda, is a significant religious monument and a popular tourist destination...

The Buddhist Stupa, also known as a pagoda, is a significant religious monument and a popular tourist destination in many countries, especially in Asia. It is a structure that is built to house sacred relics of the Buddha, and it is a symbol of Buddhist faith and culture.🤞🙏

Many tourists visit Buddhist stupas to learn about Buddhism and its history, to admire the impressive architecture and intricate designs, and to experience the peaceful and spiritual atmosphere that surrounds these structures.🧘

Some of the most famous Buddhist stupas include the Sanchi Stupa in India, Borobudur Temple in Indonesia, Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar, and the Boudhanath Stupa in Nepal. Boudhanath Stupa, located in Kathmandu, Nepal, is considered one of the largest and most significant stupas in the world and attracts a large number of visitors each year.🫶

Tourists visiting Buddhist stupas are advised to dress modestly, remove their shoes before entering the structure, and show respect for the religious significance of the site
The Buddhist Stupa, also known as a pagoda, is a significant religious monument and a popular tourist destination in many countries, especially in Asia. It is a structure that is built to house sacred relics of the Buddha, and it is a symbol of Buddhist faith and culture.❤️❤️

Many tourists visit Buddhist stupas to learn about Buddhism and its history, to admire the impressive architecture and intricate designs, and to experience the peaceful and spiritual atmosphere that surrounds these structures.🕉☸️🕉

Some of the most famous Buddhist stupas include the Sanchi Stupa in India, Borobudur Temple in Indonesia, Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar, and the Boudhanath Stupa in Nepal. Boudhanath Stupa, located in Kathmandu, Nepal, is considered one of the largest and most significant stupas in the world and attracts a large number of visitors each year❤️🤞.

Tourists visiting Buddhist stupas are advised to dress modestly, remove their shoes before entering the structure, and show respect for the religious significance of the site🕉❤️🙏🤞
Messenger Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd # Google photos


Kalinchok is a popular tourist destination in Nepal that offers a range of outdoor activities and adventure sports. Some of the tourist sports that you can enjoy in Kalinchok include:🚕🚙🚖

Trekking: Kalinchok is surrounded by scenic trekking trails that offer breathtaking views of the mountains and forests. Some popular treks in the area include the Kalinchok Trek, the Dolakha-Kalinchok Trek, and the Gaurishankar Conservation Area Trek.🦯🦯🦯

Mountaineering: For more experienced climbers, Kalinchok offers challenging peaks to climb. Some of the popular mountains in the area include the Gaurishankar Himal, Melungtse, and Numbur Himal.🗻🗻🗻🗻🏔

Skiing: During the winter months, Kalinchok is a popular skiing destination. The area has several ski resorts that offer skiing and snowboarding opportunities for all levels.🛴🛴🦯

Hiking: For those who want to enjoy the scenery without too much physical exertion, there are several hiking trails in Kalinchok that offer stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Camping: Kalinchok is also a great place to go camping. The area has several campsites that offer beautiful views of the mountains and stars at night.

Overall, Kalinchok is a great destination for adventure sports enthusiasts who want to experience the natural beauty and adventure of Nepal.🌄🌄💕💕💞💞 Messenger Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd

Pokhara Valley is a picturesque region located in the western part of Nepal, approximately 200 kilometers west of Kathma...

Pokhara Valley is a picturesque region located in the western part of Nepal, approximately 200 kilometers west of Kathmandu. It is situated at an altitude of 827 meters above sea level and is surrounded by the Annapurna mountain range. The valley is known for its stunning natural beauty, including Phewa Lake, which is the second largest lake in Nepal, as well as the nearby World Peace Pagoda and Sarangkot Hill. Pokhara is also a popular destination for adventure sports such as paragliding, trekking, and rafting. It is considered one of the most popular tourist destinations in Nepal due to its stunning scenery and wide range of outdoor activities. Messenger Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd 🥰🥰🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️

Pashupati Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most sacred Hindu temples located in Kathmandu, Nepal. I...

Pashupati Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most sacred Hindu temples located in Kathmandu, Nepal. It is a popular tourist spot where visitors can witness the unique architecture, rich cultural heritage, and religious significance of the temple. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and attracts thousands of devotees every year who come to offer prayers and seek blessings. Tourists can also enjoy the lively atmosphere of the temple during festivals like Maha Shivaratri, where they can witness traditional rituals and cultural performances. Overall, Pashupati Temple is a must-visit destination for those interested in exploring the rich spiritual and cultural heritage of Nepal. Messenger Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd

Delighted to see this happening in Nepal to remove the unlicensed and non qualified guides from the system which will ke...

Delighted to see this happening in Nepal to remove the unlicensed and non qualified guides from the system which will keep climbers and trekkers safe and protect the enviorment of the high Himalaya.

Rara Lake is a stunningly beautiful high-altitude lake located in the remote Karnali region of Nepal. From a tourism poi...

Rara Lake is a stunningly beautiful high-altitude lake located in the remote Karnali region of Nepal. From a tourism point of view, Rara Lake is a popular destination due to its pristine natural beauty, unique flora and fauna, and the cultural richness of the surrounding area.

Tourists can enjoy various activities in and around Rara Lake, including trekking, camping, boating, wildlife spotting, and cultural exploration. The Rara National Park is home to a variety of wildlife, including several rare and endangered species, making it a perfect destination for nature lovers.

The Rara Lake trek is a popular trekking route that takes visitors through beautiful landscapes of the region, giving them a chance to experience the local culture and traditions of the ethnic communities living in the area. Visitors can also rent a boat and take a ride on the tranquil waters of the lake, surrounded by snow-capped mountains and lush green forests.

In summary, Rara Lake is a must-visit destination for those looking for a unique and unforgettable travel experience, as it offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, adventure, and cultural richness. Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd

Machhapuchhre, also known as Fishtail Mountain, is a majestic peak located in the Annapurna range of Nepal. Its striking...

Machhapuchhre, also known as Fishtail Mountain, is a majestic peak located in the Annapurna range of Nepal. Its striking triangular shape and snow-capped peak make it one of the most beautiful mountains in the world.

From a tourism point of view, Machhapuchhre is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts who come to engage in activities such as trekking, mountaineering, and paragliding. The mountain offers a variety of trekking routes, ranging from short day hikes to long multi-day expeditions, which provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Tourists can also immerse themselves in the local culture by visiting nearby villages and learning about the customs and traditions of the local Gurung community. Homestays and cultural tours are available for visitors who want to experience traditional Nepalese hospitality and cuisine.

Machhapuchhre is also an important spiritual site for the local community, and visitors are encouraged to respect its significance and sacredness. While climbing the mountain itself is not allowed, nearby peaks such as Hiunchuli and Annapurna South offer challenging climbs for experienced mountaineers.

Overall, Machhapuchhre is a must-visit destination for anyone visiting Nepal, offering a unique combination of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and adventure sports. Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd


Gorkha Durbar is a popular tourist destination in Nepal, known for its historical significance and beautiful architecture. The palace, located in the Gorkha district of Nepal, was once the seat of power for the Shah dynasty and played a crucial role in the unification of Nepal. Today, visitors can explore the palace and its surrounding gardens, enjoy stunning views of the Himalayas, and learn about the rich history of Nepal. Gorkha Durbar is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the cultural heritage and natural beauty of Nepal. &Messenger Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd

Swayambhunath, also known as the Monkey Temple, is a famous Buddhist temple located in Kathmandu, Nepal. While it is a p...

Swayambhunath, also known as the Monkey Temple, is a famous Buddhist temple located in Kathmandu, Nepal. While it is a popular tourist destination for its cultural and religious significance, it is not necessarily a destination for sports tourism.

However, Nepal is known for its outdoor adventure activities, including trekking, mountaineering, and white-water rafting, among others. Visitors to Nepal often come to engage in these activities and explore the country's natural beauty. In the Kathmandu Valley, there are also opportunities for hiking and mountain biking.

That being said, it's important to note that some of these activities can be physically demanding and require proper training and equipment. Visitors should always prioritize safety and work with reputable tour operators or guides.
Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd

Upper Mustang is a remote and isolated region located in the northern part of Nepal, bordering Tibet. It is a high-altit...

Upper Mustang is a remote and isolated region located in the northern part of Nepal, bordering Tibet. It is a high-altitude desert region characterized by arid landscapes, barren cliffs, and eroded canyons. The region is also known as the "Forbidden Kingdom" due to its historical and cultural significance, as it was once an independent kingdom and a crucial center for trade between Tibet and Nepal. Upper Mustang is home to several ancient monasteries, unique Tibetan-style architecture, and diverse Buddhist traditions. The region is also famous for its traditional festivals like Tiji, where locals perform traditional dances and rituals to ward off evil spirits. Due to its remote location, Upper Mustang has retained its unique cultural heritage and natural beauty, making it a popular destination for trekking and adventure tourism. &Messenger Tours & Travel Pvt. Ltd

The Annapurna Region is a popular trekking destination in the Himalayas of Nepal. It is named after the Annapurna mounta...

The Annapurna Region is a popular trekking destination in the Himalayas of Nepal. It is named after the Annapurna mountain range, which is home to some of the highest peaks in the world, including Annapurna I, the tenth highest peak in the world. The region offers a diverse range of landscapes, from subtropical forests to high-altitude desert, and is home to a variety of ethnic groups, including the Gurung, Thakali, and Manangba. The area is also known for its rich biodiversity and is home to several conservation areas, including the Annapurna Conservation Area, which covers over 7,600 square kilometers and is home to over 1,200 species of plants and animals. Trekking in the Annapurna Region is a popular activity, with several well-established trekking routes, including the Annapurna Circuit and the Annapurna Base Camp trek, attracting thousands of visitors each year.

The beauty of Lomanthang, Upper Mustang ❤️Photo :

The beauty of Lomanthang, Upper Mustang ❤️
Photo :

Swayambhu stupa, Kathmandu 🇳🇵

Swayambhu stupa, Kathmandu 🇳🇵

Magnificent Ama Dablam 💗Photo :Jason Black

Magnificent Ama Dablam 💗
Photo :Jason Black

Mardi Himal Trek(Together with Machhapuchre and Annapurna range)!!   ❤️🤗.

Mardi Himal Trek
(Together with Machhapuchre and Annapurna range)!!


On the way to Thorong-la pass( Annapurna trek)

On the way to Thorong-la pass
( Annapurna trek)

Today we were thrilled to welcome record-breaking Nepalese adventurer Nirmal Purja to Guinness World Records HQ in Londo...

Today we were thrilled to welcome record-breaking Nepalese adventurer Nirmal Purja to Guinness World Records HQ in London for an interview and certificate presentation. Nims is the star of hit Netflix documentary '14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible'.

"This project was never about name or fame," says Nims. "I think that when your heart and when your soul is pure with a bigger purpose, things happen."

Nims' current record titles are:

Fastest ascent of all mountains over 8,000 m (male) - 189 days

Fastest time to climb the top five 8,000ers - 70 days

Fastest time to climb the higher 8,000ers with bottled oxygen - 70 days

Fastest triple-header of the Higher 8,000ers - 5 days 3 hours 35 minutes

Nims was also one of the 354 mountaineers who were present at the 'Most ascents of Everest in one day', on 23 May 2019, when he took a photograph which went viral.

Good News!!! For Nepal TravellerNepal: No RT-PCR Test Required (Covid-19) For Fully Vaccinated TravellersNepal Governmen...

Good News!!! For Nepal Traveller
Nepal: No RT-PCR Test Required (Covid-19) For Fully Vaccinated Travellers
Nepal Government Travel Advisory


ओमिक्रोन भेरियन्टको जोखिम बढेको भन्दै अध्यागमन विभागले विभिन्न ६७ देशबाट आउने यात्रुका लागि सात दिन होटल क्वारेन्टिनमा ब...

ओमिक्रोन भेरियन्टको जोखिम बढेको भन्दै अध्यागमन विभागले विभिन्न ६७ देशबाट आउने यात्रुका लागि सात दिन होटल क्वारेन्टिनमा बस्नुपर्ने नियम लागू गरेको छ।

Good work .......

Good work .......

सगरमाथा राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जमा झारलको संख्या बढेको छ । हिउँ चितुवामा विद्यावारिधि गरिरहेका कमल थापाले गरेको अध्यय...

Snowfall adding the beauty of Simikot Airport, Humla. 😍

Snowfall adding the beauty of Simikot Airport, Humla. 😍

View from Mohare Danda! 🗻😱

View from Mohare Danda! 🗻😱

Yoga is about plugging into an uninterrupted source of power.

Yoga is about plugging into an uninterrupted source of power.

Mardi Himal ❤️❤️💓

Mardi Himal ❤️❤️💓



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 12:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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