Wonder & Wander

Wonder & Wander Let's come together & create a better world,one innovative idea at a time.Travel, Design, Innovation.

Wonder and Wander is a family owned business. Our values are family first, wander often, wonder always. We partner with ...

Wonder and Wander is a family owned business. Our values are family first, wander often, wonder always. We partner with brands to innovate their products and services l, produce experiences and develop their people. We are so excited to have evolved our She Evolves event series to be more inclusive .community

The ultimate blend of work and pleasure = Evolve X Wonder & WanderSteve Pirie-Nally and I have been working together for...

The ultimate blend of work and pleasure = Evolve X Wonder & Wander

Steve Pirie-Nally and I have been working together for a long time, but this was the first event we stepped into our co-facitator play zone which we have been dreaming about for a very long time.

We opened applications to our intimate mastermind at the retreat, only open to 12 places (which can be shared as business partners or for couples).

We can't wait to help this group of people design and live their ultimate vision holistically personally, professionally and as a family.


We were delighted to make it to Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) 7.30 report last night with our Byron Bay Evol...

We were delighted to make it to Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) 7.30 report last night with our Byron Bay Evolve X retreat: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-26/australian-workers-the-right-to-disconnect-from-work/104272628?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web

The feedback from this radically inclusive Family + Personal and Professional Development retreat has been our best so far!

"I just loved having my family there, usually I go to these alone and then I'm playing it back to my husband, but to experience it together and with out kids was so amazing".

"I felt so inspired being there with my Mum, I got to hear her speak and learn from so amazing people".

"There was something so un-corporate about having the kids there learning with us, it just added so much joy to the whole experience and to hear them all playing back what they learned at the end made me realise how important these intergenerational gatherings are".

"I wouldn't have been able to make this if it hadn't been so inclusive so big props to you for making this so inclusive".

We moved to this new more inclusive model and it created so much connectivity and joy in our community!

Join the waitlist for the next retreat:

I’m curious about your date night rituals, but a few months ago, when Steve and I were enjoying dinner at our favorite s...

I’m curious about your date night rituals, but a few months ago, when Steve and I were enjoying dinner at our favorite spot in Manly, Auckland, we came up with a fun idea: we called it M.V.P.

M.inimum V.iable P.arenting is more than just a concept for us—it’s our approach to building and nurturing a sense of belonging, inclusion, and connection within our complex blended family that spans two countries.

We hope this approach inspires you and sparks some fantastic ideas for creating a Family Wonder Zone that your loved ones will truly cherish.

Enrol Below:

Whether you are bringing baby home from the hospital today, adopting, collecting your donor details or in the middle of the incubation process we have

Purposeful connection and learning and development, but in the most epic locations you can imagine. That’s how we roll. ...

Purposeful connection and learning and development, but in the most epic locations you can imagine. That’s how we roll. Last spots for our link 🔗 in bio 🙌


Synthesising our intake forms for our retreats is one of my favourite things to do.

In Human Centred Design Processes, we are often pouring over interviews, observations, recordings to 'sense make' and seek insights.

I've spent many nights on the couch over the last decade reading, connecting dots, looking for common threads.

There are common themes for the people who come to our retreats and events, if any of these resonate then this is a great sign that this is for you.
Here is what our people are seeking:

Self-discovery and growth: Our attendees want to understand themselves better, their strengths, values, and passions.

Purpose and meaning: They're looking for a sense of direction, wanting to make a positive impact, and find fulfillment in their lives.

Authentic connections: They crave genuine relationships, community, and a sense of belonging.

Personal freedom and empowerment: They desire autonomy, financial security, and the ability to make choices that align with their values.

Healing and self-care: They're seeking physical, emotional, and mental well-being, and want to prioritize their health and happiness.

Creative expression and inspiration: They want to explore their creativity, try new experiences, and find joy in life.

Support and guidance: They're looking for mentors, coaches, or role models to help them navigate life's challenges and achieve their goals.

Work-life balance and flexibility: They want to find harmony between their personal and professional lives, and have the freedom to pursue their passions.

Personal development and learning: They're committed to continuous learning, self-improvement, and expanding their knowledge and skills.

A sense of community and belonging: They want to feel connected to others, share experiences, and be part of a supportive network.

People in our community are seeking a more authentic, purpose-driven, and fulfilling life, with a focus on personal growth, relationships, and contributions to the world around them.

Sound good? We have the last rooms left for the 22-25th August Gathering in Byron Bay!


What do fart stories, frameworks, biodegradeable glitter, hunting for four leaf clovers and random ideas have in common?...

What do fart stories, frameworks, biodegradeable glitter, hunting for four leaf clovers and random ideas have in common?

They are all featured in THE WONDER MINDSET, my carefully curated pattern disruptor designed to pull you, push you and possibly trigger you to discover the wonder within.

The greatest block in your business isn't the tech stack, it isn't the finances or the strategy, it is the people (ha ha, sorry people but it is true) and yes by people I mean you.

Stuck mindsets stop innovation, they stop progress and they stop connection.

You will very rarely know you're the problem, which is why examining your mindset, understanding your behaviour and taking time to connect with wonder is such a powerful way of being.

Break through all the bu****it and learn how to OWN IT, LIVE IT, SHARE IT, COMMUNICATE IT by figuring out who you really are, where you wish you were and what might be unconsciously holding you back.

New distributors coming soon, for now you can find it on Amazon globally.

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This is what happens when you crack open and let the light in.We Evolve.She could have stayed the same, there wasn't any...

This is what happens when you crack open and let the light in.

We Evolve.

She could have stayed the same, there wasn't anything wrong with her.

But we can't develop without light.

I used to love developing images in the darkroom, the romance of seeing the image emerge slowly as you mixed the chemicals and exposed the paper, oh the thrill of developing images in a dark room! It's a process that requires patience, attention to detail, and trust in the unknown.

You start with a blank sheet of photo paper, carefully placing it into the developer tray. The room is pitch black, except for the faint glow of the safelight. You agitate the solution, waiting for the image to reveal itself.

At first, nothing seems to happen. But then, slowly, the outline of the photograph begins to emerge. It's faint, but it's there. You continue to agitate, and the image grows stronger, more defined.

Suddenly, the timer goes off, and you plunge the paper into the stop bath. The image is now visible, but it's not yet fully formed. You rinse, tone, and finally, fix the photo.

As you hold the developed image in your hands, you realize that this process mirrors personal and professional development.

The blank sheet: We all start with untapped potential, waiting to be developed.

The dark room: Life's challenges and uncertainties can feel like a dark room, but it's where growth happens.

The developer: Our experiences, mentors, and learning shape us, revealing our strengths and talents.

The agitation: We must be willing to take action, embrace challenges, and persist through difficulties.

The stop bath: Sometimes, we need to pause, reflect, and adjust our approach.

The final fix: With patience and dedication, we emerge stronger, more defined, and ready for the next stage of our journey.

Just as a photograph develops in the dark room, we too can develop our passions, skills, and character. Trust the process, and you'll uncover a masterpiece.

22-25th August, Byron Bay

Our Welcome to Country experiences at Wired for Wonder were always SO important to me as a Creative Director, as a Produ...

Our Welcome to Country experiences at Wired for Wonder were always SO important to me as a Creative Director, as a Producer but truly more so as a HUMAN living on Aboroginal country. It was emerging as a nice thing to do but we really thought it was more than that, so we worked with incredible Indigenous leaders and artists to create some truly immersive, beautiful Welcome to Country.

We wanted to acknowledge the Traditional Owners throughout Australia and recognise their connection to country and their role in caring for and maintaining country over thousands of years. We wanted to pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

When I moved to Aotearoa, New Zealand, I was delighted to experience so many rich cultural practices from Karakia, pōwhiri (a Māori welcoming ceremony) and my daughters were gifted Pounamu and the children in one of the classes handmade a korowai as a farewell gift.

I found myself very emotional at one gathering. Wow, the respect, the honouring, the beauty of connecting with traditional practices. Why couldn't Australia be doing it this well?

This upcoming gathering in Byron Bay is my first retreat I have produced in Australia and my first large event on Australian soil since 2016, the last Wired for Wonder.

The past 8 years we have designed learning journeys taking people to extraordinary destinations on this beautiful Blue Dot of ours, from Fiji to Bali, to New Zealand and Antarctica.

But it is time to come home. This is such a meaningful and extraordinary moment to invite leaders, entrepreneurs, women and men together for the first She Evolves + He Evolves = Evolve X

I am so delighted that Delta Kay from www.explorebyronbay.com will be opening our experience 22nd August 3.30pm at Elements in Byron Bay.

It is time to evolve. Companies, families, big and small businesses can't get ahead with unhappy people and at our core, people sense the disconnect right now in our teams, in our businesses, in our lives. To evolve, we must open our hearts and minds to the past and to the future. We must harness and harvest the best to co-create a more meaningful story for future generations.

Jingi Walla Jugun

Welcome to Country

A Welcome to Country is an age-old tradition that our people practice when coming into each others traditional homelands. Today it is recognised as a meaningful way to commence an event and to show appreciation to local Bundjalung people and their culture.

A Welcome to Country includes information about significant places and our Elders vision to protect and keep country healthy for future generations.

Always was, always will be.

I was absolutely awe struck today when friends around the world called, reached out, sent me messages and bought my book...

I was absolutely awe struck today when friends around the world called, reached out, sent me messages and bought my book. I actually wasn't expecting that, talk about a wonder moment.

Very grateful to Agapi Stassinopoulos who is a best-selling author for sharing this epic testimonial about my first book!

Australia buy here: https://lnkd.in/gpzzinvv
USA buy here: https://lnkd.in/gpzzinvv

It is free on kindle for the next 4 days, also available in paperback, hardback in some cities. Audiobook and e-books coming soon.

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Evolving is about developing gradually. We have been evolving over at Wonder and Wander to create more radically inclusi...

Evolving is about developing gradually. We have been evolving over at Wonder and Wander to create more radically inclusive experiences that inspire environments, thinking, learning and unlearning. Our next experience 22-25th August in Byron Bay, DM us for more info. ℹ️

We are evolving and we can’t wait to share what our new direction and offering will be.

We are evolving and we can’t wait to share what our new direction and offering will be.

🌟 Discover the unexpected with us! At She and He Evolves, it’s not just an event – it's a masterpiece blending impeccabl...

🌟 Discover the unexpected with us! At She and He Evolves, it’s not just an event – it's a masterpiece blending impeccable service, ultimate comfort, culinary delights, and transformative experiences. Every detail is a stroke of genius, and our surprising venues are the canvas. This year, we've chosen the breathtaking Elements in Byron Bay. Find out why it’s hailed as Australia’s top eco wellness haven. Get ready to evolve where the environment elevates your journey! 🌿✨

Did you know that some of the happiest cultures on the planet thrive with less? They’ve mastered the art of appreciation...

Did you know that some of the happiest cultures on the planet thrive with less? They’ve mastered the art of appreciation and celebration, living with a sense of abundance that has nothing to do with material wealth. Meanwhile, many of us are driven by a scarcity mindset, fueled by a deep-seated fear of lack. It’s time to shift our perspective and embrace the joy of enough. Let’s learn from these happy cultures and cultivate gratitude for what we already have, rather than constantly desiring more. 🌍❤️

School holidays city style

School holidays city style

You are Invited - https://mailchi.mp/cd1415f88a7c/you-are-invited to EVOLVE with us. Evolving is not just a verb, but a ...

You are Invited - https://mailchi.mp/cd1415f88a7c/you-are-invited to EVOLVE with us. Evolving is not just a verb, but a way of life. It requires conscious intention, dedication, and a willingness to let go of what no longer serves.
Our sons' innocent question - "When does HE EVOLVE?" - sparked a realization: evolution is not just for her, but for him too.
So, we're pivoting. Join us in Byron Bay, August 22-25th, for a prototype experience where HE and SHE can evolve together, yet separately.

We are so excited about the .community retreat coming up, this is the third we are producing 💜🫶🏻💥

We are so excited about the .community retreat coming up, this is the third we are producing 💜🫶🏻💥

You can’t expect innovative ideas in same old, same old environments. With the rise of work from home the best way to st...

You can’t expect innovative ideas in same old, same old environments. With the rise of work from home the best way to stimulate creativity and productivity is with wonder & wander. Speak to us about a wonder audit to pulse check your current state vibes.

Art by Lola P

Art by Lola P

Rewire your mind with the power of ‘I AM’ statements!Did you know that repeating positive affirmations can reprogram you...

Rewire your mind with the power of ‘I AM’ statements!

Did you know that repeating positive affirmations can reprogram your brain and transform your life?

‘I AM’ statements have the power to:

Boost confidence
Reduce stress
Improve self-talk
Increase positivity

Try it for yourself! Replace negative thoughts with empowering ‘I AM’ statements and watch your mind (and life) transform!

You know, we’ve been asking ‘Where’s Wally?’ for decades, but the real question is ‘How’s Wally?’ Because let’s be hones...

You know, we’ve been asking ‘Where’s Wally?’ for decades, but the real question is ‘How’s Wally?’ Because let’s be honest, it’s not about finding him in a crowd, or whether he is working from home or in the office, it’s about checking in and seeing if he’s doing okay.

It’s like, ‘Wally, are you still wearing those striped shirts? Are you happy? Do you need a hug?’

That’s what matters.

Because in the end, it’s not about spotting someone in a sea of people, or making sure everyone is in the office or at their desk…it’s about making a real connection and showing we care.

So, let’s all take a moment to ask, ‘How’s Wally?’ and maybe, just maybe, we’ll find something even better in the process… human connection for the win.

How can we help companies navigating so much uncertainty? How can we inspire team culture to uncommon levels? How can we...

How can we help companies navigating so much uncertainty? How can we inspire team culture to uncommon levels? How can we create epic customer experiences? How can we shift from culture to community?

These were the questions Steve Pirie-Nally and I asked when we invested in creating our genius models for Wonder & Wander with Simon Bowen 🫶🏻

If you’ve not heard of Simon, he’s the founder of the models method and a true genius!

If you have a chance to study with Simon, don’t walk, run.

This experience for us helped us understand our process, our techniques and frameworks in even more detail so that we can move from just building thriving communities to coaching, consult and solve toxic culture moving from individual to collective innovation, from accidental to compounding and exponential impact and results and from toxic or nasty inauthenticity to wonder mindset leaders who are authentic and in their wonder zone.

To have deep belonging, engagement and results you need radical inclusion, sustainable innovation and aligned experiences by creating flow, recognition, collaboration, experimentation, value, communication, authentic and meaningful alignment.

Unleashing a shift from uncertain culture to thriving community.

Co designed by your people, for your people and customers.

This is community by design 💜

We believe the next level of success comes from doing the inner work, innovating from within. This requires self leaders...

We believe the next level of success comes from doing the inner work, innovating from within. This requires self leadership and radical responsibility. What part of your story are you not owning?

From Wonder & Wander to She Evolves, our journey has been about community, innovation, and growth. We’ve faced challenge...

From Wonder & Wander to She Evolves, our journey has been about community, innovation, and growth. We’ve faced challenges, but our vision remains strong. Join us as we relaunch HE, SHE, WE EVOLVEX, uniting leaders and communities for strategic growth, innovation, and self-discovery. Let’s evolve together! !

Wonder and Wander has been evolving and we can’t wait to share our stories 💗🫶🏻♥️✈️

Wonder and Wander has been evolving and we can’t wait to share our stories 💗🫶🏻♥️✈️

Mindset is everything! Join our mastermind to learn how to craft community, innovate on demand and host unforgettable re...

Mindset is everything! Join our mastermind to learn how to craft community, innovate on demand and host unforgettable retreats and community experiences that transform lives (and your business)

Our .community retreat is coming up  this August. The design of this experience is deeply rooted in human centred design...

Our .community retreat is coming up this August. The design of this experience is deeply rooted in human centred design principles to create an immersive experience and environment that catalyses this community into its next evolution. 💜🫶🏻🌟 we have designed many communities, events and experiences. Our tried and tested methods mean we don’t just shape culture, we craft lasting communities. Talk to us about how we can help shift your business from culture to community.


661B Whangaparaoa Road


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