Thank you for visiting Eagle Migration Services. We are a boutique immigration consultancy based in
We pride ourselves on our transparent services and fee structure meaning there are no hidden or expensive costs for you. Whether highly complex or routine, we are able to provide solutions to any of your New Zealand immigration issues while demonstrating our commitment to excellent and cost-effective service. We know from first-hand experience that moving countries can be filled with various chall
enges and insecurities. Our mission is to ensure your immigration process goes ahead in a well-advised, well-informed, and supportive environment to minimize these stresses. By choosing one of our licensed Immigration Advisers to assist you in your journey, we guarantee the promotion and protection of your interests while helping you find a smooth and successful pathway to your arrival in New Zealand. Our diverse team of multi-nationals comes with great skills and experience to support and assist your journey with great empathy and understanding.
We are assisting in urgent support for the folks who have lost so much in the recent floods and cyclone.
The need is for donations of children’s pajamas, toiletries and non perishable food.
If you feel that this is something you wish to do, please deliver to Eagle Migration Services between 8am and 4.30pm tomorrow 91 Point View Drive, East Tamaki Heights.
All items will be taken to those badly affected on the weekend.
Thank you so much
Latest 2021 residence visa update from INZ:
20 applications approved, and 9418 applications lodged Week 1-7 Dec. An unnecessary rush by migrants to create yet another backlog? Time will tell. Please be patient.
Still experiencing technical issues with the INZ online system. I have been trying since 6am this morning. O dear, will keep trying and hopefully they will get this sorted soon.
Third Zoom Presentation invite Sunday evening 28 December at 7.30pm, to discuss latest 2021 Residence requirements, and also see below notification from INZ, which we will also discuss.
Topic: Latest update on 2021 Residence requirements
Immigration NZ notification Thursday 25 November 2021 pasted below:
Kia ora,
The 2021 Resident Visa opens to Phase One applicants on Wednesday 1 December at 6:00AM. We have produced a video that explains the visa process.
This video explains the 2021 Resident visa process and criteria. It will help you understand how to apply for the 2021 Resident visa from 1 December 2021 (7:02 minutes).
Application Checklist
We also have an Application Checklist available, so you can ensure you have all the required documents before applying.
Application document checklist | Immigration New Zealand
Interim visas
We will grant you an interim visa of up to 12 months while you are awaiting a decision on your 2021 Resident Visa to ensure you remain lawful while your application is processed.
We will issue this visa to you up to 7 days before your current visa expires unless you have lodged a temporary visa application.
You will not need to do anything. The interim visa will have the same rights as your current visa.
There is further, important information on interim visa conditions and requirements on our website. We strongly encourage you to consult this information:
Interim Visas | Immigration New Zealand
Visa processing
There is likely to be high demand in the first several days after applications open. Please be patient. There is plenty of time to apply with applications open until 31 July 2022.
The 2021 Resident Visa is a key priority for INZ, and we are focused on processing Phase One applications as soon as possible.
From early December we will be providing fortnightly updates on our website about the progress we make processing applications.
Ngā mihi,
Immigration New Zealand
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...
Accredited Employer 2022 Update
Finally after quite a long delay, the Government has confirmed the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) will now be introduced on 4 July 2022.
Employers must be accredited with Immigration New Zealand to employ migrant workers on new employer-assisted work visas from this date with applications for accreditation opening on 9 May 2022.
I will post more information on 26 November following a webinar with INZ, and we will be able to assist employers and migrant workers when ready.
Meeting ID: 813 1557 9055
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Meeting ID: 813 1557 9055
Passcode: 270677
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Zoom's secure, reliable video platform powers all of your communication needs, including meetings, chat, phone, webinars, and online events.
Zoom meeting to discuss 2021 residence
Hi everyone, I will host a second zoom meeting to discuss today's announcement on Tuesday, 2 November at 6pm, NZ time
The zoom link is posted below, please only log in at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time. The meeting will not be recorded.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: Nov 2, 2021 06:00 PM Auckland, Wellington
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...
Latest residence update including INZ fee:
2021 Resident Visa application process
The 2021 Resident visa will be open for applications in two phases, with the first group of people able to apply from 1 December 2021.
From 1 December 2021 you can apply if:
you have already applied for residence under the Skilled Migrant or Residence from Work categories on or before 29 September 2021, or
you have submitted a Skilled Migrant Category Expression of Interest, and have included your dependent child in the Expression of Interest aged 17 years or older on 29 September 2021.
From 1 March 2022 all other eligible applicants can apply, including all others who have submitted a Skilled Migrant Category Expression of Interest.
All applications must be made by 31 July 2022.
Applications can only be submitted online.
As part of the online application process, Phase one applicants must enter their Skilled Migrant Category, Residence from Work application or Expression of Interest number before they can proceed with their application. The application number can only be used for one application.
If you are eligible to apply from 1 December 2021 you will receive an email from Immigration New Zealand by the end of October with more information.
Visa conditions
The visa conditions for the 2021 Resident Visa will be the same as other resident visa holders, including standard travel conditions.
As is standard for resident visa holders, people need to apply for permanent residence to be able to travel in and out of New Zealand with no restrictions or conditions.
Fees and refunds
The total of cost of the 2021 Resident Visa will be $2,160 including GST. This includes a $1,330 application fee and $830 immigration levy.
Immigration New Zealand operates on a cost-recovery basis and the visa application fee paid by the applicant covers the cost of Immigration New Zealand processing the application.
If you have already submitted a Skilled Migrant Category Expression of Interest or Residence from Work application you will only have to pay the difference between what you have already paid and cost of the 2021 Resident Visa, provided you withdraw your previous application or EOI. If you have submitted a Skilled Migrant Category application, you will be refunded the difference if you withdraw your previous application.
If you have already paid for a Skilled Migrant Category application or Expression of Interest, a Resident from Work application the process will be:
You will not need to pay the fee upfront when you submit your application.
You must pay the application fee once an in-principle decision has been made on your application.
You must pay the application fee before the application is completed and the final decision is communicated.
A fee is payable whether the application is approved or declined.
You will have the option to withdraw your Skilled Migrant Category or Residence from Work application and receive a refund, which can be credited towards the 2021 Resident Visa application fee.
Residence from Work applicants and people who have submitted an Expression of Interest must pay the difference between the application fees before the 2021 Resident Visa application is completed.
Skilled Migrant Category applicants will be refunded the difference between the two application fees, if they agree to withdraw their onhand Skilled Migrant Category application.
Only the fee part of the application cost will be required. If you have already paid a levy with a previous Skilled Migrant Category or Residence from Work application, you will not need to pay the levy again.
If you do not choose to withdraw your other skilled residence application, you must pay the full application fee because we need to recover the costs of processing both the 2021 Resident Visa, and the Skilled Migrant Category/Residence from Work application. You will not need to pay another levy.
Dependent children aged 25 and over applying under this category will not need to pay a separate fee or levy.
The process for refunds for those who may be entitled to one is to be decided.
Processing timeframes
It is expected the majority of applications will be processed within 12 months, with most being processed much faster.
This page will be updated regularly with the latest processing times and information.
If your application for residence is declined you will have the same appeal rights as any residence visa applicant. You will be able to appeal to the independent Immigration and Protection Tribunal. If you are not eligible for the new residence pathway you can explore other visa options if you want to stay in New Zealand permanently.
If you are not eligible for the 2021 Resident Visa you may still be eligible for further temporary work visas.
Transitioning to the new Accredited Employer Work Visa
Kia ora,
The Government has confirmed the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) will be introduced on 4 July 2022.
Businesses and regions are encouraged to train, upskill and hire New Zealand workers. Where genuine skill or labour shortages exist, accredited employers can hire skilled migrant workers using the AEWV.
Employers must be accredited to employ migrants on the new visa. Applications for accreditation will open on 9 May 2022.
Learn more about the AEWV and 3-check process on our website.
Accredited Employer Work Visa | Immigration New Zealand
Some WTR visas close to new applications on 31 October 2021
On 7 May 2021, the Government confirmed that the Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa and the Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa will close to new (first time) applications on 31 October 2021. These visas are being phased out in preparation for the AEWV.
Transition information is available about:
• applications submitted by 31 October 2021
• changing employers
• if an employer’s accreditation has expired since the visa application was submitted
• applying for a subsequent WTR visa while awaiting the outcome of a Residence from Work application
• applying for a subsequent WTR visa if currently unable to return to New Zealand.
Employers can continue to employ onshore temporary migrant workers on an Essential Skills Work Visa, without employer accreditation, until the AEWV is introduced.
WTR visas closing to new applications | Immigration New Zealand
2021 Resident Visa
WTR visa holders may be eligible to apply for the 2021 Resident Visa.
People granted a Critical Purpose Visitor Visa as a critical health worker or an ‘other critical worker’ for a role longer than six months may also be eligible for the new one-off 2021 Resident Visa.
New one-off 2021 Resident Visa | Immigration New Zealand
Key dates
Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa closes to new applications 31 October 2021
Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa closes to new applications 31 October 2021
Applications close for the Silver Fern Practical Experience Visa 31 October 2021
Applications open for AEWV employer accreditation 9 May 2022
Applications open for AEWV job checks 9 May 2022
Applications close for the Essential Skills Work Visa 3 July 2022
Applications open for Accredited Employer Work Visa 4 July 2022
Other temporary work visas such as Recognised Seasonal Employer Limited Visa and Working Holiday scheme visas are not affected by the introduction of the AEWV.
What migrant workers need to know about the transition
Migrants who have a current temporary work visa will not be affected by these changes as long as they are meeting their visa conditions and their visa remains valid. Work to Residence (WTR) visa holders who have applied for a Residence from Work (RFW) visa may apply for a subsequent WTR visa after 31 October 2021, if they meet the requirements under the relevant visa category.
Ngā mihi,
Immigration New Zealand
Hi everyone, I will do a free Zoom presentation on the new residence announcement next Thursday at 3pm. This is an initial presentation as we still await full details on this new pathway. I will do a second zoom presentation as soon as full details related to already lodged applications, and other lodgement requirements are released by INZ. Please email [email protected] to register for the Zoom meeting next week.
Walter Stone is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: Oct 7, 2021 03:00 PM Auckland, Wellington
Meeting ID: 893 0533 2496
Passcode: 695493
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 893 0533 2496
Passcode: 695493
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Zoom's secure, reliable video platform powers all of your communication needs, including meetings, chat, phone, webinars, and online events.
New residence policy announcement (read carefully as this is detailed):
New 2021 Resident Visa
Some work visa holders currently in New Zealand as well as some critical purpose visitor visa holders may be eligible to apply for residence under the new residence category – the 2021 Resident Visa.
On 30 September 2021, the Government announced a new one-off residence visa pathway for some temporary work visa holders currently in New Zealand. Those arriving in New Zealand between 30 September 2021 and 31 July 2022 on long-term critical purpose visas (for six months or more) may also be eligible for this new visa. Partners and dependents can be included as part of these residence applications.
Applications will be open in two phases from 1 December 2021 for some eligible applicants and from 1 March 2022 for remaining eligible applicants.
All applications must be submitted by 31 July 2022.
Applicants must have met the criteria on 29 September 2021.
To be eligible you must:
have been in New Zealand on 29 September 2021, and
be on an eligible visa or have applied for an eligible visa before 29 September 2021 that is later granted.
You must also meet one of the three criteria:
have lived in New Zealand for three or more years, or
earn at or above the median wage ($27 per hour), or
work in a role on a scarce list.
If you meet the criteria for eligibility but are in Australia and have been unable to return to New Zealand by 29 September 2021, you may be considered eligible.
Check if you are eligible to apply for the 2021 Resident Visa
Eligible visas
All applicants must be on an eligible visa. These are:
Post Study Work Visa
Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa
Essential Skills Work Visa
Religious Worker Work Visa
Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Work Visa
Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa
Silver Fern Practical Experience Work Visa
Trafficking Victim Work Visa
Migrant Exploitation Protection Work Visa
Skilled Migrant Category Job Search Work Visa
Victims of Family Violence Work
Visa South Island Contribution Work Visa
Work Visa granted under Section 61 (provided the applicant held another eligible visa type within 6 months of being granted a Section 61 visa)
Some Critical Purpose Visitor Visas (CPVV):
Critical health workers for longer term roles (6 months or longer), and
Other critical workers for long term roles (more than 6 months).
Short-term visa holders are not eligible, such as visitors, students, working holiday makers, and seasonal workers like those on the Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme or those who enter as short-term critical workers.
Partners and dependent children, including those currently outside New Zealand, can be included in residence applications.
All applicants must meet the heath and character requirements for the 2021 Resident Visa. Overseas police certificates will not be required unless specifically requested by an Immigration Officer. Limited medical certificates and chest x-ray certificates may be required for some people. Immigration New Zealand may request further information as part of the application process.
Individuals who do not meet the criteria will need to look at what other residence pathways or temporary visa options may be available to them.
Critical Purpose visitor holders
Two groups of Critical Purpose visitor visa holders will be eligible, as long as you arrive in New Zealand and apply before 31 July 2022.
Critical health workers for longer term roles (6 months or longer), and
Other critical workers for long term roles (more than 6 months).
If you are in a short term or seasonal role on a Critical Purpose Visitor Visa, including fishing crew, agricultural and horticulture mobile plant operators and shearers, you will not be eligible.
Applicants who have lived in New Zealand for three or more years
To be eligible under this criteria, you must have lived in New Zealand for the past three or more years and
have arrived in New Zealand on or before 29 September 2018, and
have spent a minimum of 821 days in New Zealand between 29 September 2018 and 29 September 2021 (inclusive).
The time spent in New Zealand does not need to be consecutive. There is no minimum amount within a calendar year.
If you need to check how much time you have spent in New Zealand, you are able to request your travel movements from Immigration New Zealand.
Applicants earning at or above the median wage
To be eligible under this criteria, you must be paid the median wage of NZD $27 per hour or above on 29 September 2021.
Applicants working in a job on a scarce list
To be eligible under this criteria, on 29 September 2021 you must work in a job that is on a scarce list. These are:
Jobs on the Long Term Skill Shortage List
Jobs requiring occupational registration in the health or education sector
Personal carer and other critical health workers
Specified primary sector jobs
Application process
The 2021 Resident visa will be open for applications in two phases, with the first group of people able to apply from 1 December 2021.
From 1 December 2021 you can apply if:
you have already applied for residence under the Skilled Migrant and Residence from Work categories before 29 September 2021, or
you have submitted a Skilled Migrant Category Expression of Interest, and have included your dependent child in the Expression of Interest aged 17 years or older on 29 September 2021.
From 1 March 2022 all other eligible applicants can apply, including all others who have submitted a Skilled Migrant Category Expression of Interest.
All applications must be made by 31 July 2022.
Applications can be submitted online.
More information about fees and the application process will be available on this page by the end of October.
Those who are eligible to apply from 1 December 2021 will receive an email from Immigration New Zealand by the end of October with further information.
Processing timeframes
It is expected the majority of applications will be processed within 12 months, with most being processed much faster.
This page will be updated regularly with latest processing times and information.
Latest INZ Update:
Kia ora
We hope this email finds you safe and well. As we advised earlier this week, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is operating under the same lockdown requirements as all businesses in New Zealand, which means our offices are currently closed to keep our staff safe.
We continue to prioritise online applications under current COVID-19 Alert Levels and put more visa products online. Unfortunately, paper applications cannot be processed for information, security and privacy reasons. We acknowledge the impact this will have on your clients.
Protocols for Alert Level 3, including whether staff can re-enter the office to resume processing priority paper applications, are still being decided. More information on the impact of Alert Level 3 changes will be made available shortly.
We are working on having an online form available for work visa holders to apply for VOCs for work conditions – this will allow us to continue to process these requests even when staff are unable to work in our offices. This will be communicated widely when a change has been formally made.
Find detailed answers to frequently asked questions about visa processing at the end of this email.
Visa processing under COVID-19 restrictions | Immigration New Zealand
Travel conditions extension for resident visa holders overseas
The Minister of Immigration has extended to September 11 2022 the travel conditions of resident visas set to expire between 25 August 2021 and 10 September 2022.
Resident visa holders overseas must be eligible for an exemption from border restrictions before they can travel to New Zealand:
Entry to New Zealand | Immigration New Zealand
Visa conditions flexibility benefits supermarket workers
To help provide essential services in supermarkets while New Zealand remains at Alert Level 3 or 4, already employed temporary migrants in supermarkets can:
• vary hours
• be redeployed to other roles within their current workplaces
• be redeployed to workplaces within same region.
These changes apply to employees of Woolworths New Zealand Limited, Foodstuffs North Island Limited and Foodstuffs South Island Limited supermarkets that are operating as essential services during alert levels 3 and 4.
An application for a variation of visa conditions is not needed – eligible workers will automatically benefit from these changes.
Frequently Asked Questions
• My temporary visa (work, student or visitor) is expiring and I would like to apply for a further temporary visa to remain lawfully in New Zealand. What are my options?
Where possible, applicants are encouraged to apply for a further visa through Immigration Online. During alert level restrictions, INZ is unable to accept or process paper applications.
• I've submitted a paper visa application and havent received confirmation that it has been accepted for processing. Will the application be lodged and will I be granted an interim visa?
During alert level restrictions, INZ is unable to accept or process paper applications. Upon returning to offices, INZ staff will lodge applications based on the date the application was received (including back-dating where applicable), if the mandatory lodgement requirements are met. For back-dated applications, interim visas will be granted retrospectively.
• What happens if my current visa expires and my further application is still in transit / yet to be received by INZ?
During alert level restrictions, INZ is unable to accept or process paper applications. Upon returning to the office, INZ staff will lodge applications based on the date the application was received at the NZ Courier depot (including back-dating where applicable), if the mandatory lodgement requirements are met. For back-dated applications, interim visas will be granted retrospectively.
INZ encourages individuals to apply for a visa online, and we will reconcile applications upon INZ staff returning to offices.
• Can I still make an application to vary the conditions of my visa?
Currently, Variation of Condition (VOC) requests can only be submitted through an approved submission channel. They cannot be submitted via email.
However, we are working on having an online form available for work visa holders to apply for VOCs for work conditions – this will allow us to continue to process these requests even when staff are unable to work in our offices. This will be communicated widely when a change has been formally made.
Individuals can also contact our Immigration Contact Centre (ICC) to discuss options available.
• What if I cannot provide a mandatory lodgement requirement (such as a medical certificate) due to alert level restrictions?
Applicants should hold off submitting an application which doesn't include all mandatory lodgement requirements. However, if it is urgent, applicants are advised to submit an application through Immigration Online where possible, and provide an explanation as to why the document cannot be provided and a timeframe for when they expect to provide it to INZ.
• I previously held an open work visa and have applied for an employer specific work visa, will my interim visa have work rights?
No, applicants who previously held an open work visa and have subsequently applied for an employer-specific visa (e.g Essential Skills) will be granted an interim with visitor conditions.
If urgent, applicants can submit a request via the Employment Visa Escalations process.
• Due to alert level restrictions, I am not working or being paid for at least 30 hours a week. Is this a breach of my work visa conditions and will it prevent me from obtaining a further visa with this employer?
If an individual is unable to work or be paid for 30 hours of work because of alert level restrictions, they will not be considered to be breaching their work visa conditions.
• If part of New Zealand moves to alert level 3 or lower, can INZ resume processing paper applications in that partciular location?
Protocols for Alert Level 3, including whether staff can re-enter the office to resume processing priority paper applications, are still being decided. More information on the impact of Alert Level 3 changes will be made available shortly.
• For visa categories where paper-based applications cannot be processed, can/will a special direction be given to people whose visas are expiring to extend the expiry date instead of requiring them to lodge a Section 61 request?
We are still assessing options for those who hold visas expiring shortly. More information will be available in the coming weeks.
INZ encourages individuals to apply for an online application if possible.
Ngā mihi,
Immigration New Zealand
Our Immigration Online system allows you to apply online for a work, visitor or student visa. You can also apply online for a resident visa as the partner or dependent child of a New Zealander.
Please note paper applications are not currently processed by INZ due to covid lockdown as per their notice received today pasted below. These would include accredited employer residence applications, skilled migrant residence applications and Variation of Condition applications:
Paper applications not being processed
For information security and privacy reasons, paper applications cannot be removed from the office and cannot be processed at current alert levels. We acknowledge the impact this will have on your clients.
Ngā mihi,
Immigration New Zealand
INZ Processing update 30 August 2021 pasted below:
Kia ora,
Further information regarding visa processing under COVID-19 Alert Levels.
Current processing of online visa categories
Staff who are home due to the current COVID-19 restrictions and are able to work are processing the following online visa products:
• Border Exceptions
• Essential Skills work visas
• Work to Residence visas
• Partnership visas (temporary and residence)
• Post-study work visas
• Student visas
• Visitor visas
• Section 61 requests
If an online channel isn’t available and your client’s visa is due to expire, please contact the ICC to find a solution.
Immigration NZ Applications processing update:
Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is operating under the same Alert Level 4 lockdown requirements as all businesses, which means our offices are currently closed and most INZ staff are now working remotely.
While working remotely presents challenges to some of our people, our visa processing workforce have the ability to work from home, which means we are focussing on online applications, including border exceptions.
We are doing our best to continue processing as many visa products as possible under the current restrictions, including providing further training to staff. Note that the current COVID-19 restrictions do impact our ability to process paper applications. INZ’s drop boxes are closed and no mail or courier parcels are able to be opened. These will be held at the courier depot in the meantime.
We understand the uncertainty this recent change of alert levels may have on visa applicants, but we remain committed to processing applications as quickly as possible.
INZ will take a pragmatic approach to requests for further information, taking into consideration the difficulties that some applicants may have in responding or providing additional information. We encourage applicants to scan pending documents and email them to their Immigration Officer.
If you were intending to submit a request under Section 61, these can be received via email at [email protected].
Further updates will be available on the INZ website.
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Founded by Walter Stone in 2007, he and his team of Licensed Immigration Advisers have been providing support for over a decade to clients embarking on the immigration journey.
Being a migrant himself, Walter has a deep understanding of the hardships that migrants and their loved ones face. Having 20+ years of a credible business background gained in the corporate and private sectors of South Africa & New Zealand, Walter is also very aware of the value that migrants add to industries across all NZ business sectors. It is his greatest passion to create a positive experience for those who take part in the immigration process, whether migrant or employer or migrants.
Over the years, Eagle Migration has expanded, but Walter’s mission and vision remain the cornerstone of what we do. Our team of multi-nationals embody these same values– ensuring your immigration process goes ahead in a well-advised, well-informed, and supportive environment with a commitment to individualized service that is cost-effective, excellent, and full of integrity.