Day three for the big night film night winners. Riding the @motutrailscycleway Rere falls trail, staying @eastwoodhillarboretum and enjoying their homely accommodation and kai.
To book you adventure on the Rere falls trail contact us on 06 9277021 or email [email protected]
#motutrails #tairawhitigisborne #cyclegisborne #ngahaerenga #nzcycletrail #eastwoodhillarboretum #bigbikefilmnight
Day two on the big night film night Raukumara traverse tour. A great sleep at @MagnoliaCourt before riding the @motutrails dunes trail and Motu road to the tiny Motu village. Magically a delicious dinner, cooked by the wonderful Karen Winterton turned up at the Motu community house. The highlight of the day was anevening at the Motu Falls listening to kiwi calling in the Whinray reserve.
#tairawhitigisborne #cyclegisborne #nzcycletrail ##nzcycle #motutrails #opotiki #bigbikefilmnight #ngahaerenga
Day two for our big bike film night winners. Thanks to Magnolia court motel for the comfy accom. The girls rode the @motutrailscycleway dunes trail and old Motu road to the quaint little town of Motu. Delicious dinner served by Karen from motuvation followed by an awesome wander at whinray listening to the kiwis call and the waterfall roar. Thanks to Motu community house for the accom too.
To book your adventure on the Motu contact us on 069277021
#motutrails #tairawhitigisborne #cyclegisborne #nzcycletrail #ngahaerenga #opotiki
Here's our Big Bike film night winners having a fabulous first day on the Pakihi trail! A four day tour through the Raukumara range! Stay tuned for the next 3 days of adventures... we'll post more soon.
If you want to experience the awesome Rakumara Traverse tour out east, call us on 069277021
#cyclegisborne #nzcycletrails #motutrails #greatridesofnz #nzcycle
Welcoming the Silver Muse, gorgeous new map of our wee city.
The moment Maz reveals she gets lost driving around Eastwoodhill! Classic! Turn the volume up.
#eastwoodhill #tairawhitigisborne