Te Ahurei Māori Tourism

Te Ahurei Māori Tourism Māori Art Walking Tours of Hamilton CBD. Celebrating Māori art and storytelling in Kirikiriroa.

Ka ngaue Mōkau.Ka ngaue Tāmaki.Ka rū te whenua.Ka mate te marama.Ka taka ngā whetū o te rangi.Ka ara Waikato i te rua. A...

Ka ngaue Mōkau.
Ka ngaue Tāmaki.
Ka rū te whenua.
Ka mate te marama.
Ka taka ngā whetū o te rangi.
Ka ara Waikato i te rua.
Au, au, aue ha!!!

Ko te Kīngitanga te mana motuhake.
Tū te Kīngi ki Waikato.
E ko Kīngi Tuheitia!!!

Our deepest love and condolences to our Whare Ariki for the passing of King Tuheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII.

Moe mai ra taku Ariki, taku Kīngi.




Kia ora tātou. We were recently selected by 100% Pure New Zealand as 1 of 6 Māori tourism experiences from across Aotearoa New Zealand, highlighting and celebrating the unique beauty of our Māori culture. It was an amazing opportunity for Te Ahurei Māori Tourism to share a little bit of who we are, where we’re from and what we’re about. Truly blessed.

This Matariki season will see us celebrate the 5th anniversary of our kaupapa, so this experience gave us the opportunity to reflect on just how far we’ve come, the lessons we’ve learned and the hurdles we’ve had to overcome. But most of all, the privilege of making new friends from around the world and sharing our Māori Art Walking Tour of Kirikiriroa-Hamilton CBD experience.

With that being said, yes, it’s true we may be the ones sharing the experience, but all credit goes to the artists and their work. It’s due to their creativity, vision and generosity that we can share our passion with others and deliver our tourism experience, enriching our city, capturing our stories and imbuing their artwork with generations of wisdom. Ultimately, building kōtahitanga (unity and understanding) within the community.

There are so many people to thank, we don’t really know where to begin. However, our most heartfelt gratitude to 100% Pure New Zealand and the team at Waikato NZ for your continued support and belief in us. Along with the whānau from RUN design and advertizing agency. Last but not least, to Mum, Shirley Tuteao, for your unwavering belief, support, love and guidance. We love you. This is your victory.

“Mehemea, ka moemoea ahau, ko ahau anake. Mehemea ka moemoea tātou, ka taea e tātou” - “If I dream, I dream alone. If we dream together, we will succeed”. - Te Puea Herangi.

Taakuri tuu te kootahitanga. Paimaarire.

Tēnā tātou e te hāpori. It’s been a really awesome summer filled with quality family time, lots of searching for fresh w...

Tēnā tātou e te hāpori. It’s been a really awesome summer filled with quality family time, lots of searching for fresh water swimming holes and eating way too much good food. Haha. A couple days ago, we had an awesome time with this fun whānau from Wisconsin, USA. Who wanted to gain some more understanding around Te Ao Māori (The Māori World), so we were privileged to share our Māori Art Walking Tour of Kirikiriroa-Hamilton CBD with them. It was a great interaction with lots of positive energy and insightful questions. An awesome exchange for all involved. So awesome in fact, I forgot to capture anything but this photo. Lol. A heartfelt thank you to Lindzey, Jerry, Joy and the crew. Mauri ora ki a koutou, ki a tātou.


Part 2: The tuahine Tasmyn sharing kōrero with Mum and the rest of us about the amazing taonga (Kiingitanga 165th Celebrations throw) she designed and created through her kaupapa/business AWHI. Ko mātou te waimarie. Ngā mihi nui. We were truly fortunate. Mauri ora.

Kia ora tātou. We were blessed to spend Xmas Day at the Sands of Kawhia hotel and enjoyed a lovely Xmas lunch, alongside...

Kia ora tātou. We were blessed to spend Xmas Day at the Sands of Kawhia hotel and enjoyed a lovely Xmas lunch, alongside friends/whānau from all over the motu (North Island), some we knew, others we didn’t. Anywho, a few weeks ago, we had purchased a special Kiingitanga 165th Anniversary celebration throw from the amazing Māori business AWHI, for Mum’s Xmas present. Only to realize that Tasmyn Roach (the founder of Awhi Company and creator of the throw) and her whānau (Roach/Miller/Wanakore) had joined everyone for Xmas lunch. We knew it was too much of a coincidence, so we quietly introduced ourselves and asked if she would mind helping present the beautiful taonga (gift) to Mum (Shirley Tuteao). Tasmyn and her whānau were so accommodating and she even shared kōrero about the meanings and artistic expression within the throw’s design. It was such an uplifting and awesome experience, alongside all the whakapapa (genealogy) connections we made together. Mum was truly overwhelmed and wore the biggest smile for the rest of the day. We can’t thank you enough for everything. Tēnei te mihi aroha ki a koe e te tuahine Tasmyn mō tō ngākau mahaki me tō mahi paraikete, he mahi rangatira tēnā, he koha ki a mātou te whānau, ano hoki ki te iwi Māori. Best of luck in all your future endeavours for all the Awhi Company whānau. Paimaarire.

Merry Christmas whānau. From our family to yours, we hope you all have an enjoyable, safe, kai-filled day, with your nea...

Merry Christmas whānau. From our family to yours, we hope you all have an enjoyable, safe, kai-filled day, with your nearest and dearest. Thank you for all your support, what a year it’s been, amazing. Arohanui.


Kia ora tātou, tēnei te mihi ki a koutou e tautoko ana mātou kaupapa, ko Te Ahurei Māori Tourism.

Hope everyone’s well and staying warm. Bit of a special pānui (post) for everyone today. During all the Matariki festivities and events, we managed to surprise Shirley Tuteao, our Kaipupuru Mauri (Cultural Advisor) and present her with a beautiful kākahu/korowai. A late gift for her 65th birthday, earlier this year.

As a family, we had been waiting for an opportunity to present Shirley with her korowai, whilst all her grandchildren and great grandchildren were in the country. We told her it was just a “whānau potluck dinner” for Matariki, but all the while, we had been planning to present her taonga (treasure) to her and surprise her.

Anyone who knows Shirley, knows she has a gift for bringing out the best in people, in line with the proverb below.

“Poipoia te kākano, kia puāwai” - “Nurture the seed and it will blossom”.

So it was only fitting that those she has nurtured, return her generosity with this small act of love.

Having lead a life of service, it’s no surprise that Shirley has friends from every corner of the globe, a life spent in service of Te Iwi Māori and kaupapa Māori. Whether it be at whānau, hapū or hāpori level. Truly kaupapa driven and devoted to kotahitanga (unity). So the taonga (treasure) we presented to her, was from all the people who’s lives she has touched and helped others to bloom, therefore the name of the korowai (cloak) is, Puāwai.

Thank you to the whānau who were able to attend and be part of Shirley’s special occasion, it was really appreciated. With a special mention to our super talented videographer cousin John Kieran Hettig for being on hand to capture this moment, along with our very own Charity Edwards for your enormous contribution to help bring this idea to fruition.

Finally, an enormous thank you to our cousin Talia Adam of Wairua Weaving for such a beautiful korowai, it will be treasured for generations to come. Your Nan, our Aunty Pearl Ormsby (nee P**i) would be proud of your devotion in carrying on her legacy as an extraordinary kairāranga. Much aroha.

Mānawatia a Matariki.


P.S. Shirley has spent close to two decades working at The University of Waikato, so it worked out perfectly that we were able to have our “whānau potluck dinner” nearby on and afterwards present Shirley with her beautiful korowai in front of the University’s new wharenui (ancestral house) named Ko Te Tangata. No reira, tēnei te mihi ki a koutou, e te hāpori whānui o Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato.

Tēnā tātou e te whānau. If you’re free tomorrow, come check out this awesome kaupapa Matariki In The City at Garden Plac...

Tēnā tātou e te whānau. If you’re free tomorrow, come check out this awesome kaupapa Matariki In The City at Garden Place in the heart of Hamilton CBD from 10am to 2pm. There’ll be lots of Matariki related entertainment and activities for all ages, but most excitingly, there’ll be some yummy hangi for sale. But you have to be quick, because last year, everything sold out in minutes. Hahaha. A big mihi to to the teams from Hamilton City Libraries and Hamilton Central for all your awesome mahi. As well as all the sponsors. Mauri Matariki. 💫💫💫

Tēnā tātou e te whānau. Hope everyone’s had a great start to the week, We’re still coming down off the Matatini high, ge...

Tēnā tātou e te whānau. Hope everyone’s had a great start to the week, We’re still coming down off the Matatini high, getting those kapa haka withdrawal twitches lol. Right from the first pūkāea (traditional Māori trumpet) being blown at the pōwhiri, it was dynamite.

Ohhhhh that pōwhiri. If you weren’t there, all we can say is OMG!! 😳😳😆😆😬😬

On a different (yet same) note, running things like a kapa haka team, a sports team, or in this case, our own whānau business/kaupapa, usually comes with great sacrifice. We often find ourselves forgoing things like comfort, financial security, convention, travel, concert tickets, sometimes even food. Big things too, like relationships, friendships, in extreme cases, one’s own mental health and peace of mind. Living a kaupapa Māori centric lifestyle is definitely purposeful, but very ‘unconventional’ to say the least. Hahaha.

But when your passion aligns with your purpose, from a business perspective, you often end up operating purely on faith. As that’s usually what’s left to keep the waka moving forward on the unpredictable waters of self-employment. Pushing past the FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) and finding ways to shift past your previously established horizons (limits) to reach new lands (growth), just like our courageous tūpuna (ancestors) did.

With that whole sermon being said lol, we’re both proud and humbled to say, that our whānau kaupapa, Te Ahurei Māori Tourism, has reached new lands. As we’ve officially been awarded our Qualmark - Bronze Level accreditation (cue applause 👏👏 lol).

For the business/kaupapa, this has been one step of a thousand steps, throughout the long journey, with thousands more steps to come. However, though we say it’s only one step, for us, it’s a hugely significant one. A step that will hopefully open more doors for our kaupapa and allow greater public awareness (domestically and internationally) for Te Ahurei Māori Tourism. Providing us with more opportunities to share our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD experience with new manuwhiri (guests) from all corners of the globe.

Allowing us to share the stories of our magnificent tūpuna and our beautiful home, Kirikiriroa-Hamilton, the greater Waikato region and the people of Tainui Waka. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and thanks to all the manuwhiri (guests) who have experienced our tour and supported us in the four years we’ve been operating. Also, the many artists who have brought their talents to Kirikiriroa-Hamilton and gifted us their artwork, along with the stories within their work. Additionally, a huge mihi (greeting) to the Māori Tourism bodies and many creative organizations within Kirikiriroa-Hamilton, for their vision and work, to establish and facilitate the many public art initiatives over the years. Without you all, our kaupapa wouldn’t even exist lol.

Boon Arts
MESH Sculpture Hamilton
Creative Waikato
Tainui Waka Tourism Incorporated
NZ Māori Tourism

Last but not least, with all humility, our deepest and most enduring love to the generations of tūpuna (ancestors) from Waikato and the Tainui Waka, for the proud legacy of love, service, integrity and dedication you leave behind. So that we, your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, may continue and hold fast to the principles and values of kotahitanga (unity) for the generations to come.


Ko te Kiingitanga te Mana Motuhake.
Tu te Kiingi ki Waikato.
E ko Kiingi Tuheitia.


Blessed to share time and kōrero with some of our nearest and dearest yesterday afternoon. We were fortunate to have clo...

Blessed to share time and kōrero with some of our nearest and dearest yesterday afternoon. We were fortunate to have close whānau visit from Kahungunu (Hawkes Bay) and Australia. The weather was lovely, so we took advantage of the conditions and shared our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD experience with our manuwhiri (guests) who were only in Kirikiriroa-Hamilton for a short time.

A massive congratulations to Junior and Lauren for their recent engagement, we’re really happy for you both and wish you all the best for the next stage of your journey together.


Tēnā tātou. Hope everyone’s had a good week so far. Yesterday afternoon, we were blessed to share our Māori Walking Tour...

Tēnā tātou. Hope everyone’s had a good week so far. Yesterday afternoon, we were blessed to share our Māori Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD experience with these amazing folks, who between them represent BOON Hamilton Street Art and MESH Sculpture Hamilton.

Both the BOON and MESH teams are full of dedicated people, who are committed to seeing the arts flourish here in Kirikiriroa-HTown.

Along with the artists behind the work, these awesome folks are responsible for so much of our city’s public art, both sculptures and murals. It’s because of their passion to bring art to the people, that we can do, what we do.

A massive thanks to Nancy Caiger for all her efforts and leadership within Hamilton’s art community and all the different pōtae (hats) that she wears. Providing platforms and space for our artists to express themselves and capture our stories. A great example of mahi rangatira (work of a leader).

We hope that you all enjoyed the experience and the narratives we share about the art, with the intention that it helps provide deeper and stronger connection to Kirikiriroa and by extension Waikato.

A huge thank you to everyone, it’s because of people like yourselves, that we can do what we do and share our stories. Ngā mihi nui rawa ki a koutou.


P.S. Thank you so much for the dinner afterwards too, that was the real highlight hahaha.

Whakanuia Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori.Celebrating Māori Language Week.Ko Te Reo Māori he taonga tuku iho.Kōrerotia, kia rere....

Whakanuia Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori.
Celebrating Māori Language Week.

Ko Te Reo Māori he taonga tuku iho.
Kōrerotia, kia rere.
The language is our ancestral treasure.
Let it soar.

Ko ētehi nei ngā whakaahua o tō tātou whikoi inanahi, ara ko te Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD. E mihi nei ki a Vanessa korua ko Vicky o Hamilton Central mō te mahi whakarite. A massive thanks to Vanessa and Vicky of Hamilton Central for helping to bring everything together.

Katahi ano he mihi nui rawa ki a Mark Donovan - Hamilton City Councillor ano hoki ki aku tuahine o Craigs Investment Partners mō te tautoko i tukuna mai. Big thanks to Mark Donovan and our friends from Craigs Investment Partners. It was an honour to share the experience with you all and hopefully gave you a greater sense of connection to Kirikiriroa-Hamilton and by extension our beautiful Māori language.


Tēnā tātou. E mihi ana ki ēnei wāhine o te whare whakapakari tinana, ko Hale Health Centre 24/7. He tino waimarie mātou,...

Tēnā tātou. E mihi ana ki ēnei wāhine o te whare whakapakari tinana, ko Hale Health Centre 24/7. He tino waimarie mātou, ki te whakapuaki tō tātou whīkoi ara ko te Māori Art Walking Tours of Hamilton CBD, ki a rātou ngā wāhine. Ko mātou e whakanuia ana te kaupapa nui, ko Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. E mihi nui rawa atu ki a koutou, aku tuahine.

Ko tōku reo, tōku ohoho.
Kō tōku reo, tōku māpihi maurea.
My language is my awakening.
My language is the window to my soul.


Kia ora tātou. Awesome day for the kaupapa yesterday. Sharing our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD experience with...

Kia ora tātou. Awesome day for the kaupapa yesterday. Sharing our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD experience with this awesome team of Kiwibank Regional Managers from Hamilton, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. It was really encouraging to know that all these leaders from our banking sector are on a journey to learn more about Te Ao Māori (The Māori World/Perspective). We hope that the stories we shared during the tour, encourage you all to keep moving forward on the journey, it can only be a positive. A huge mihi to the bro Eddie Stocks, Kiwibank’s Regional Business Manager for Waikato, for bringing us all together. A real awesome and open group of tāne (men) to share time, space and kōrero with. Always here if you have any patai.

Mauri nui ki a koutou Kiwibank.


Mahi Toi (Artwork) - Pare
Ngā Ringatoi (Artists) - Daniel Ormsby and Jeremy Shirley.

Hey Whānau. Hope everyone’s well out there. It’s been a super busy time. A few days ago, we were super privileged to hav...

Hey Whānau. Hope everyone’s well out there. It’s been a super busy time. A few days ago, we were super privileged to have the third roopu (group) of kaimahi from K'aute Pasifika Trust come through and experience our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD. Blessed with beautiful weather for our tour, we had lots of laughter and great energy from the team.

Through the mediums of visual art and storytelling, we were able to celebrate and strengthen the familial connections between our family from Te Moananui a Kiwa (Pacific Ocean) and Māori, with the common ancestry we share. That has always been our principal objective, to bring people together. Such a primo experience.

A big fa’afetai tele lava to the uso Roy Chou-Lee and sis Roz Ho**er for your work in bringing us all together. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Mauri ora.

Big shout out to this awesome group of ladies. That had me feeling like a thorn amidst the roses haha. We had a great en...

Big shout out to this awesome group of ladies. That had me feeling like a thorn amidst the roses haha. We had a great end to the week, sharing our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD with the combined Executive Assistant team from both Tainui Group Holdings and Te Whakakitenga o Waikato. Blessed with beautiful weather for the walk and the stories were flowing effortlessly. A real privilege to share our kaupapa with these amazing ladies, who are doing some ultra significant mahi for our Iwi.

Mauri ora ki a koutou.

A very, very special shout out to this group of awesome people from K'aute Pasifika Trust. I’d like to acknowledge them ...

A very, very special shout out to this group of awesome people from K'aute Pasifika Trust. I’d like to acknowledge them for their heartfelt dedication to our people, as well as their high level of professionalism in challenging situations. Honoured to have shared a part of our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD experience with you all. Thank you all for being who you are, a real credit to your whānau and organization.

E mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa.

Mōrena Whānau.Had a great finish to the working week yesterday arvo. Sharing our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD ...

Mōrena Whānau.

Had a great finish to the working week yesterday arvo. Sharing our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD experience with our whānau from Kaute Pasifika. It was a real pleasure to connect and share stories with our whānau from all corners of Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - The Pacific. We had manuwhiri (guests) from Samoa, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Kiribati, such a diverse group of awesome people. Was a privilege to share the local narratives within the art and realizing just how strong the parallels and commonalities with our wider Pasifika stories. Awesome team.

Mauri ora.

Te Ahurei ki Te Tairāwhiti ☀️☀️ When the kaupapa was down on the East Coast for Summer 2021/22. Such an awesome time. Ho...

Te Ahurei ki Te Tairāwhiti ☀️☀️ When the kaupapa was down on the East Coast for Summer 2021/22. Such an awesome time. Hot as!! Shout out to the bro Techs for the awesome mural of the great Satawalese open ocean navigator, Mau Piailug, in the heart of Gizzy.

Te Ahurutanga Throwback!!! This was such a cool day with the tauira (students) of Waikato University’s Māori Leadership ...

Te Ahurutanga Throwback!!!

This was such a cool day with the tauira (students) of Waikato University’s Māori Leadership programme, Te Ahurutanga 2021. Heaps of awesome energy, insights and questions. Big shout out to y’all!!

Summer throwback to when I shared our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD with my brother, Dylan Elkington and his wh...

Summer throwback to when I shared our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD with my brother, Dylan Elkington and his whānau. Massive shout out to Daniel Ormsby and Jeremy Shirley for their beautiful Pare mural, in the heart of Hamilton CBD. 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Throwback to when I hosted some of my whānau from Kāwhia/Tahāroa. A real buzz. Sharing our Māori Art Walking Tour of Ham...

Throwback to when I hosted some of my whānau from Kāwhia/Tahāroa. A real buzz. Sharing our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD with them. Big ups to Prof. Michael Parekowhai for his work, Tongue of the Dog sculpture.

Sharing kōrero with guests about Te Tiaho o Matariki sculpture in Garden Place. So many layers of rich narrative in this...

Sharing kōrero with guests about Te Tiaho o Matariki sculpture in Garden Place. So many layers of rich narrative in this amazing sculpture. We’re blessed to have it as part of our Maori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD experience. Big mihi to Neil Millar for his beautiful work.

Waiti (R) and Tupu-a-rangi (L). Two of the motifs inside the Toia Mai sculpture, down at Ferrybank Reserve, Shout out to...

Waiti (R) and Tupu-a-rangi (L). Two of the motifs inside the Toia Mai sculpture, down at Ferrybank Reserve, Shout out to Joe Citizen and the team from Wintec-Hamilton, for this beautiful work. One of the stops in our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD. ‬

At the ‘Battle of Ōrākau’ mural by brother and sister team of Te Haunui Tuna and Maramena Tuna. Such a cool piece, rich ...

At the ‘Battle of Ōrākau’ mural by brother and sister team of Te Haunui Tuna and Maramena Tuna. Such a cool piece, rich with history about Raupatu (Land Confiscation) Privileged to have this wicked mural here in HTown.

Had an amazing morning with our rūruhi and koroheke yesterday from Rauawaawa Kaumatua Charitable Trust. We had our cultu...

Had an amazing morning with our rūruhi and koroheke yesterday from Rauawaawa Kaumatua Charitable Trust. We had our cultural advisory expert, Shirley Tuteao, share some of her kōrero about the importance of karanga. Some really powerful kōrero, with lots of gems of knowledge. There were some great questions from our kaumatua, that really allowed us to dive deep into the spiritual significance of karanga and the key role our wāhine (women) play in this practice. Was a privilege to be amongst our elders and listen to the beautiful kōrero Mum (Shirley) shared.

Thank you to Rachel Warbrick and the Kaimahi for giving us the opportunity to share space with our kaumatua.

Mauri ora.

Revisiting pics from a recent tour, with friends from the Leadership Group of WEL Energy Trust. Sharing our Māori Art Wa...

Revisiting pics from a recent tour, with friends from the Leadership Group of WEL Energy Trust. Sharing our Māori Art Walking of Hamilton CBD experience with them. It was a great tour!! Real cool experience. Big shout out to the brother, Norm Hill for organizing the day and the photo, you caught my good side haha.

Toia mai!! I te waka!!A few of the fascinating symbols found on the Toia Mai sculpture, that we visit and share the mean...

Toia mai!! I te waka!!

A few of the fascinating symbols found on the Toia Mai sculpture, that we visit and share the meaning of, during our Māori Art Walking Tour of Hamilton CBD. Shout to the artist, Joe Citizen.

Kia ora whānau.Hope you’re all staying dry. Had some fun doing the audio recordings for the Star Walk in Hamilton CBD. D...

Kia ora whānau.

Hope you’re all staying dry. Had some fun doing the audio recordings for the Star Walk in Hamilton CBD. Definitely something new to experience, but always enjoy pushing myself and trying new things. Especially if it’s for the kaupapa.

Massive thanks to Briar Downes of Hamilton City Library for your encouragement and for setting up the entire space. Ngā mihi nui.

If you’re in the city centre whānau, check it out. Star Map with all the details, included in the photos. Massive shout out to all the businesses for housing the stars and the kōrero.

Hamilton Central SkyCity Hamilton The Meteor Waikato Museum | Te Whare Taonga o Waikato The Bearded Weasel Centre Place and Hamilton City Library.

Mauri ora.



Opening Hours

Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm



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