Sunset tour Saturday 22 March 2025
$70 per person
Depart Rawene at 5:30pm
3hr sunset tour
BYO refreshments
There are five people booked already!
🥰Catch the last of the long daylight hours before daylight savings starts on the 6 April.
Contact us at:
[email protected]
022 644 3599
In the 1830 a trading ship built in Hokianga was seized in Sydney because it didn’t have a flag.
Flags were essential for ships during this time; under British laws, every ship was required to bear a flag from its nation in order to sail and trade.
New Zealand’s first flag was chosen on the 20th March in 1834 when British resident James Busby offered three flag designs for the Māori leaders to choose from.
The most popular flag, Te Kara o Te Whakaminenga o Ngā Hapū o Niu Tireni (the flag of the United Tribes of New Zealand) became our country’s first flag.
#hokianga #kohukohu #rawene #farnorth #aotearoa #nz #westcoastnz #sunset #ranuionhokianga #maritimehistory #flags #daylightsavings
A huge thank you to all those who supported Ranui on her 80th birthday!
She celebrated by taking two trips up the Mangumuka River and into the Mangataipa Gorge.
The uncommon 3.62m high tide and amazing weather made these trips truely memorable.
Thank you to Brian, Craig and crew for their efforts in this celebration.
#ranuionhokianga #hokianga #kohukohu #omapare #opononi #kerikeri #paihia #bayofislands #nz #aotearoa #westcoastnz #80thbirthday
⭐️🌟🌟Ranuis 80th Birthday🌟🌟⭐️
-- Sunday 2 March 2025 - SOLD OUT --
-- Saturday 1 March 2025 - SOLD OUT--
Ranui is turning 80 years old
We are taking Rauni up the Mangamuka River and into the Mangataipa Gorge.
Dont miss out!
The tides rarely get high enough for us to access this waterway!
Please note the slight change in departure time to accomodate the change in tide.
-- Saturday 1 March 2025 - SOLD OUT--
- Saturday 1 March 2025!
- Depart Kohukohu at 10am
- 3hr
- $30 per person
- Disembark in Kohukohu at 1pm
-- Sunday 1 March 2025 -- SOLD OUT --
- Saturday 1 March 2025!
- Depart Kohukohu at 11am - Note the change in time!
- 3hr
- $30 per person
- Disembark in Kohukohu at 2pm
#hokianga #kohukohu #Mangamuka #ranuionhokianga #rawene #kaikohekohe #kaikohe #kerikeri #bayofislands #aotearoa #omapare #ww2nz #nzhistory #farnorthnz #nz #northlandnz #kaitaia
🌟Ranui has done a lot in 80 years🌟
Ranui was built by Mac McGeady of Supreme Craft and funded by the Patriotic Fund of the Joint Council of the Red Cross and St John. She was launched on 29 January 1945 and originally named El Alamein. She ferried returned World War II servicemen over Lake Rotorua to Lake Rotoiti and then onto the Rotorua Convalescent Hospital.
On the 15 June, 2018 Rānui was welcomed by pōwhiri and launched into the waters of the Hokianga harbour. She has since given hundreds of people the opportunity to travel the waterways of Hokianga-nui-a-Kupe.
Some of the highlights from Māngungu Day February 2025
#hokianga #mangungu #aotearoa #treatyofwaitangi #ranuionhokianga #HeritageNZ Mayor Moko Tepania Northland NZ Northland Experiences - New Zealand
This Friday the 14 of February we are holding an evening sunset cruise.
This trip is going ahead!
Departing Rawene
Departs at 6pm
Returns to Rawene at 9pm
Please BYO refreshments
Please book ahead and contact us at [email protected]
Ps - Do you want to come but you are by yourself?
No need to be whakamā! The best memories you can make are when you break out of your comfort zone and try something new!
#hokianga #kohukohu #rawene #bayofislands #trysomethingnew #offthebeatentrack #westcoastnz #sunsetnz #valentinesday Northland NZ
Valentines Day is fast approaching!
Book a scenic or sunset cruise on the 14 of Feb 🥰
Ranui on Hokianga also transfers cyclists from the Māngungu Mission wharf to Kohukohu.
Then its a short 3.9 km cycle to the car ferry over to Rawene.
Bookings are essential!
[email protected]
022 644 3599
#hokianga #cycle #valentinesday #kohukohu #rawene #opononi Northland NZ Great Rides App Northland Experiences - New Zealand
Video of Ranui entering the mouth of the Oriria River.
The sunsets on the west coast of New Zealand have been spectacular this year.
We are taking group bookings at $70 per person
Contact us to find out more
[email protected]
022 644 3599
#hokianga #kohukohu #rawene #westcoastnz #sunsetcruise #aotearoa #nz #nzmustdo #kerikeri #okaihau Northland NZ
"I really appreciated the history talk during the journey offered by the skipper.
Very interesting tidbits."
(21 Nov 2024, cycling crossing)
We appreciate your feedback (good and not so good) so that we can continually improve our services. Let us know how we are doing so we can keep providing you a top notch service.
#hokianga #ranuionhokianga #feedback #continuousimprovement #kohukohu #northlandnz #cyclenz #twincoastcycletrail Pou Herenga Tai Twin Coast Cycle Trail Northland #aotearoa #nz #bayofislands #tamakimakaurau #kirikiriroa #tewhanganuiatara #kerikeri #paihia #okaihau #offthebeatenpath
Ranui is back home for summer
Te Puna i te Ao Marama
(The Spring of the World of Light)
Who will you take home this summer?
#ranuionhokianga #kohukohu #rawene #opononi #northlandnz #tamakimakaurau #kirikiriroa #tewhanganuiatara #tauranga #ōtautahi #hokianga #aotearoa
#newzealand #aucklandnz #wellingtonnz #nzsummer
Take the Ranui on Hokianga across the harbour and visit our locals.
Tours run for 2.5 to 3hrs
$70 per person.
Book now, don't miss out!
Contact Contact Jackie
022 644 3599
[email protected]
Credit to Sean at VillaMedia Photography and Media and Belinda Brown Photography.
#spoonbills #NZ #nzmustdo #birdtournz #photooftheday2024 #villamedia #NorthlandNZ #birdwatching #nzbirds #nzbirds #nztourism #cyclenz #discovernz #farnorthnz #hokianga #rawene #opononi #kohukohu #paihia #kerikerinz #westcoastnz #bayofislands #whattodothisweekend #nzlife #nowyouknow #twincoastcycletrail #pouherengatai #horeke #birdsofnz
Thank you to everyone who has taken part in our sunset cruises. We have loved having you on board.
If you would like to take a sunset, birdwatching or historic tour please contact us.
Contact Jackie
022 644 3599
[email protected]
Photo credit: Croatia Rudolph
#hokianga #rawene #kohukohu #kerikeri #bayofislandsnz #nzhistory #ranuionhokianga #travel #travelnz #twincoastcycle #NZMCA #nzmtg #motorhomenz #nzrv #discovernz #bayofislands #opononi #farnorthnz #westcoastnz #birdwatchnz #northlandnz #offthebeatentracknz #hiddengemnz #boattournz
Plan something special for Valentine's Day.
Take a sunset cruise with us on Ranui on Hokianga.
Wednesday 14th February
- Departing Rawene wharf at 6.30pm
$70 per person.
Tours run for 2.5 to 3hrs.
Book now, don't miss out!
Contact Contact Jackie
022 644 3599
[email protected]
BYO picnic spread, drinks and food
#valentine #valentinesdaynz #cyclenz #farnorthnz #birdwatching #hokianga #offthebeatentrack #northlandnz #twincoastcycle #rawene #opononi #kerikeri #cruiseNZ #newzealand #newzealandadventures #boatcruisenz #ranuionhokianga #nztourboat #NZ #nzmustdo #westcoastnz #nztravel #whattodo #bayofislandsnz #BayOfIslands #discovernz #nzbirds #visitlocalnz #explorenz #no1parnell